Related to Higher education statistics and research Most recent publications . This entry gives a basic overview of both the historical perspective on higher education as well as recent trends and future projections. Brill, 2009. License: All of Our World in Data is completely open access and all work is licensed under the Creative Commons BY license. One of the most reviewed studies regarding education around the world involved 470,000 fifteen-year-old students. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment Statistics survey (employment and wage data) and Employment Projections program (occupational education-level designations). Of these, 3,714 are nurseries or early-learning centres, 20,832 are primary schools, 19 are middle schools and 4,188 are secondary schools. See Digest of Education Statistics 2019, table 605.10. This article provides recent statistics on levels of education by country, age group and sex of the population of the European Union (EU), EFTA and candidate countries and forms part of an online publication on education and training. Girls’ education is a longstanding priority for the WBG, as evidenced by the Charlevoix Declaration on Quality Education for Girls, Adolescent Girls, and Women in Developing Countries, signed by the World Bank in 2018 with a commitment of contributing USD$2 billion in 5 years. The country that had the highest education spending in Europe was Sweden, at 6.8 percent of GDP, while the country that has increased education spending … It consists of all post-secondary education, training and research guidance at education institutions that are authorized as institutions of higher education by state authorities. A wide variety of data is presented from all of our data streams and other organisations' streams. Those in developed nations have higher literacy rates and at least a basic high school education. Countries may have their own definitions of education levels that do not correspond to ISCED 2011. In second place is the United States, about 70% of graduates go on to a higher education program. Higher education in the U.S. tends to be decentralized, propagates capitalism by assuming higher quality education through competition, and strives to … This map shows the share of population older than 14 years that has completed tertiary education. Most of the UK’s … Continued During this early period, centers of education mostly had a religious focus and trained clergy. SDG4 spans a spectrum of education levels, from pre-primary to youth and adult education. The statistic shows the expenditure on higher education as a share of GDP in selected countries worldwide in 2017. “18 countries from this region will be in the top 50 in terms of volume for the population aged 18 to 23. Few things in life are more important than having an education. Still, this was only the beginning; as late as the 18th century there were still fewer than 100 universities in Western Europe. Related SC Education Statistics. This data was used to determine which countries were the most educated. Many of the states shown in table 7 are the same as those with high concentrations of jobs for associate’s, bachelor’s, and doctoral and professional degree-level occupations. For more information on how these projections are constructed, visit the projections of future education page here. Ironically, despite the United States having the second-best education system globally, it consistently scores lower than many other countries in benchmarks such as math and science. Countries in this region. This indicator is measured as an index, base year 2010, divided into primary and primary, secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary levels and all levels. You have the permission to use, distribute, and reproduce in any medium, provided the source and authors are credited. Higher Education Student Statistics: Alternative Providers 2017/18, will be published on 14 February 2019. By looking at how children from each country performed on the exams, you can get a feel for how people's literacy rates and education levels compare from one country to the next. Students that participated in the study were given exam questions that tested their reading, math, and science abilities. A different list, the World Economic Forum's Global Competitive study, ranks Finland as having the most well-developed education in the world. Canada. Education Statistics: EdStats The World Bank EdStats (Education Statistics) portal is your comprehensive data and analysis source for key topics in education. Annex 3: List of the top 100 higher education institutions receiving Erasmus students from abroad. There is no definitive list of countries that offer the best and worst education. There are 130,930 K-12 schools in the U.S., according to 2017-18 data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). All of our charts can be embedded in any site. This article presents statistics on tertiary education (ISCED levels 5-8) in the European Union (EU) and forms part of an online publication on education and training in the EU. “Charting the “Rise of the West”: Manuscripts and Printed Books in Europe, a long-term Perspective from the Sixth through Eighteenth Centuries.” The Journal of Economic History 69, no. This notion could be due to internal conflict, economic problems, or underfunded programs. Tertiary education is the educational level following the completion of a school providing a secondary education. The Sustainable Development Goals are interdependent and achieving SDG4 – ensuring inclusive and equitable education for all by 2030 – will have transformative effects on other goals. Many are produced by the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and draw from surveys done by the NCES, the U.S. Census Bureau, and other government and private agencies. These secular institutions began to rise as monasteries slowly started to decline, and the religious powers lost their monopoly on higher education. In the past, there were very few higher education institutions since only a small fraction of the population was able to read or write. This includes both theoretical programmes leading to advanced research or high skill professions such as medicine and more vocational programmes leading to the labour market. 02 (2009): 409-445. The SAT covers writing and language, reading, and math with an optional essay section, while the ACT has English, math, reading, and science reasoning with an optional essay section. Other nations that were ranked highly in education based on this data include: Another measurement of the most educated countries is through the U.S. News & World Report's Best Countries for Education list. The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020 includes almost 1,400 universities across 92 countries, standing as the largest and most diverse university rankings ever to date. This is a list of countries by 25- to 64-year-olds having completed tertiary education as published by the OECD.It includes some non-OECD nations. ... NCES 2012-253. Developed countries worldwide have well-developed educational systems and opportunities for higher education, which helps the citizens of that country obtain higher-paying jobs and a better quality of life. When data is available for half centuries (fifteenth century onwards) I show the data for the second half of the century. Education is a powerful driver of development and one of the strongest instruments for reducing poverty and improving health, gender equality, peace, and stability. Coming in second is Japan. Universities data: Buringh, Eltjo, and Jan Luiten Van Zanden. These rankings were based on three factors: a well-developed public education system, top-quality education, and whether respondents would consider attending university in that nation. In each of the 29 countries 6 for which the OECD reported data on high school completion rates in both 2000 and 2018, the percentage of 25- to 64-year-olds who had completed high school was higher in 2018 than in 2000. Statistics about the health of a country's citizens are present in this category. Each of the four sections of the ACT is scored on a scale of 1-36, and then averaged and rounded to the nearest whole number to receive a composite score. In 2010 30% of South Koreans had tertiary education. The long road to the industrial revolution: the European economy in a global perspective, 1000-1800. Some of the world's worst educational systems can be found in these nations: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, U.S. News & World Report's Best Countries for Education. The estimated expenditure on all children aged 3 to 5 enrolled in ECEC and primary education amounts to an average of 0.6% of GDP. Here’s how they … Help us do this work by making a donation. The World Bank EdStats Query holds around 2,500 internationally comparable education indicators for access, progression, completion, literacy, teachers, population, and expenditures. Better educated women tend to be more informed about nutrition and healthcare, have fewer children, marry at a later age, and their children are usually healthier, should they choose to become mothers. In third place is Canada, followed by Germany and France. Education expenditures by country. Free Higher Education Statistics. How did access to tertiary education change over time? This will focus on Alternative Providers (APs), who we classify as HE providers who do not receive recurrent public funding, and who submit an AP student record to HESA. Many tables also include a link to download the complete source data as a machine-readable csv file. Vol. Census Bureau Releases New American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates For the first time, data from the 2015-2019 ACS will allow users to compare three nonoverlapping sets of 5-year data: 2005-2009, 2010-2014 and 2015-2019. EdStats tools, resources and queries help users visualize and analyze education data. Over 56% of adults have continued their education past high school. Based on this list, the United Kingdom comes out on top as having the world's best education system. Population with tertiary education is defined as those having completed the highest level of education, by age group. The indicators cover the education cycle from pre-primary to vocational and tertiary education.The query also holds learning outcome data from international and regional learning assessments (e.g. Every child learns. Higher education is delivered at various educational institutes such as unive… High-school graduation rates therefore provide a good indication of whether a country is preparing its students to meet the minimum requirements of the job market. They are more likely to participate in the formal labor market and earn higher incomes. As the following chart illustrates, the total number of students in higher education is expected to reach nearly 380 million by 2030, 472 million by 2035, and more than 594 million by 2040 – all up from roughly 216 million as of 2016. UNESCO statistics reveal which places around the world attract the most overseas students to their universities UKCISA does not gather this data. Higher education provides extensive benefits to students, including higher wages, better health, and a lower likelihood of requiring disability payments (Oreopoulos and Petronijevic 2013). Number of students is defined as the number of enrolments at a given level of education. In 2017−18, there were 429,560 staff at UK higher education institutions; an increase of 2.3% compared to 2016−17. You can find stats related to birth weights, rates on smoking, HIV incidence, incidence of cancer, circulatory and other diseases, stats on infant and maternal mortality, life expectancy, … PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS), equity data from household surveys, and projection/attainment data to 2050. Here’s how they break down: All: 130,930 Vol. ... 1 Postsecondary non-higher education included in both secondary and postsecondary education in one or both data years ... by level of education and country: Selected years, 2005 through 2016; Related Indicators and Resources. 2020 Higher Education Facts and Figures 2020 ASEAN Indicators Higher Education Indicators Regional Distribution of Higher Education Institutions Higher Education Enrollment by Discipline Group AY 2010-11 to 2019-20 Higher Education Graduates by Discipline Group AY 2010-11 to 2018-19 Higher Education STEAM Programs Enrollment AY 2019-20 and Gradutes AY 2018-19 by Program … You must give appropriate credit (HESA,, provide a link to the licence, and indicate if any changes have been made. Annex 2: Erasmus student mobility: home and destination countries. The map shows the share of students studying abroad. More information on the rise of education across the world is available here, while a more detailed discussion of the returns to higher education can be found here. The answers were reviewed and each exam received a score, which was later taken into account when finding the average score for each of the three subject matters. Brill, 2009. Some information is taken from our Higher Education Student Statistics: UK, 2018/19 statistical bulletin. Between different world regions there were large differences. In 2010 30% of South Koreans had tertiary education. A corresponding map showing the share of students arriving from abroad can be seen here. Falling right in behind Japan is Israel, with 49.9% of adults having finished a higher education program. Many of the best high schools in the world are private and have tuition rates comparable to those of Ivy League schools. It is the only global university performance table to judge research-intensive universities across all of their core missions: teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. Available online here.I have summed the number of monasteries and universities for each century. The long road to the industrial revolution: the European economy in a global perspective, 1000-1800. Danmarks Statistik er den centrale myndighed for dansk statistik. The SAT is scored on a scale of 400-1600, combining the scores of two sections (math and critical reading and writing), which are scored on a scale from 200 to 800. According … Higher education, also known as post-secondary education, tertiary education, is an optional final stage of formal learning occurring after the completion of secondary education. 1. The indicators cover the education cycle from pre-primary to tertiary education. However, organizations, think tanks, and publications have used data such as literacy or graduation rates to determine which nations have the best education systems. This survey used a compilation of scores from three equally-weighted attributes: a well-developed public education system, would consider attending university there, and provides top-quality education. The table is based on 13 carefully calibrated performance indicators that measure an institution’s performance across teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. Statistics about the health of a country's citizens are present in this category. Our World In Data is a project of the Global Change Data Lab, a registered charity in England and Wales (Charity Number 1186433). 16 January 2014. There are currently 32,770 schools in the UK. These statistics include the higher education participation rate for students who are: 17 to 30 years old; in higher education (HE) for the first time Tertiary education — provided by universities and other higher education institutions — is the level of education … In general, people in underdeveloped and undeveloped countries do not have access to quality education or education at all. Our articles and data visualizations rely on work from many different people and organizations. The data produced by third parties and made available by Our World in Data is subject to the license terms from the original third-party authors. At the beginning of the 2017/2018 academic year, approximately 3.9 million people were enrolled in a formal higher education program in Mexico. Each student was administered tests similar to the American SAT or ACT exams. 'Thematic Data' gives more in-depth statistics on particular issues, some of which pertain to higher education. With children under 15 years of age accounting for 45% of the 171 million population, the burden on education … On the flip side, there are nations with inadequate educational systems. Education levels vary between countries around the world. Statistics. There are 2,408 independent schools, 1,257 special schools and 352 pupil referral units (PRUs). Between the end of the first millennium and the 13th century the number grew rapidly, before coming to a halt and declining. You have the permission to use, distribute, and reproduce these in any medium, provided the source and authors are credited. The query also holds learning outcome data from international learning assessments (PISA, TIMSS, etc. Van Zanden, Jan Luiten. In Western Europe these centers were monasteries, while in the Islamic world these were madrasas. Girls’ education is a strategic development priority. In high-income countries households shoulder a larger share of education expenditures at higher education levels than at lower levels – but in low-income countries this is not the case The visualization shows the percentage of total education expenditures contributed directly by households in 15 high income countries and 15 low/middle income countries (most recent data available on 2014). As of 2018, the top ten countries based on education rankings are: Education rankings depend on many different aspects of learning, like completing primary school or graduating high school. Tertiary education, academic staff (% female) Pupil-teacher ratio, tertiary Educational attainment, at least completed short-cycle tertiary, population 25+, male (%) (cumulative) Higher Education Age Participation Index for Northern Ireland - 1995/96 to 2018/19. Country: Total EU students (not incl UK) Total non-EU students: Total international students: England: 108,335: 268,805: 377,140: Scotland: 21,605: 32,630: 54,235: Wales: 6,640: 14,710: 21,350: Northern … Of these staff: • 12.1% were from other EU countries • 8.4% were from non-EU countries • 54.4% were female • 28.1% were aged 34 years and under • … Let's take a look at countries by categories on a smaller scale to give you an idea of how each country's education systems perform on average. When citing this entry, please also cite the underlying data sources. In Estonia, 89% of adults aged 25-64 have completed upper secondary education, higher than the OECD … Higher Education Statistics for the UK serves as a quick reference guide to high-level data on all aspects of higher education in the UK. Ireland and the US follow with the second and highest share of tertiary education. 210. Ireland and the US follow with the second and highest share of tertiary education. HE Student Data: Frequently asked questions. In many of the world’s poorest countries less … 50 Online Education Statistics: 2020 Data on Higher Learning & Corporate Training in Research Posted on June 30, 2020 Author: Imed Bouchrika , All data points, statistics, trends, and predictions presented in this article have been gathered by … 02 (2009): 409-445. Major sources of statistical data for United States elementary, secondary, and higher education. As of May 2020, the Bank has reached USD$1.49 billion. Country website. It is possible to add particular countries to this plot (by clicking ‘add countries’) or to view this on a world map (by switching to the map view). Education promotes gender equality, promotes peace, and increases a person's chances of having more life opportunities. The United Kingdom has the well-known Eton College, along with Westminster School, both of which are highly selective. Only in Iceland and Norway does it equal or exceed 1.0%. Worldwide higher education enrolment by global region, actual from 2000 to 2015 and projected to 2040. Over 50% of adults in this country have completed some form of post-high school education. The chart shows in 2014 globally 34% of those within 5 years of finishing secondary education were enrolled in tertiary education. You can find stats related to birth weights, rates on smoking, HIV incidence, incidence of cancer, circulatory and other diseases, stats on infant and maternal mortality, life expectancy, … This map shows the share of population older than 14 years that has completed tertiary education. Contact us. The raw data on monasteries and universities in Europe over the long-run published by Buringh and Van Zanden is available on a separate page. Buringh, Eltjo, and Jan Luiten Van Zanden. 1. The United States' education ranking is enhanced by high schools like the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. 56.27 percent. This chart shows the rise of the gross enrollment ratio in tertiary education across world regions. How many schools are there in the UK? Based on this study, China received the highest score of 1731 and the highest score in all three sections. Those in developed nations have higher literacy rates and at least a basic high school education. Please consult our full legal disclaimer. The United Nations Statistics Division collects data on literacy, educational attainment and school attendance from national statistical offices around the world and disseminates them in tabular form in special issues of the United Nations Demographic Yearbook.These official statistics provided by countries are derived from population censuses. According to the Global Partnership for Education, education is considered to be a human right and plays a crucial role in human, social, and economic development. National Center for Education Statistics. Humanitarian situation reports. The SAT and ACT are both standardized tests used for college admissions. Based on this list, Canada is the most educated nation. All visualizations, data, and code produced by Our World in Data are completely open access under the Creative Commons BY license. Pre-release access lists for Higher Education statistical factsheets. ... 'Country Data' is a basic introduction to general education statistics for over 200 countries. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) collects, analyzes and makes available data related to education in the U.S. and other nations. Canada tops the list as the most educated country in the world. Annex 1: The number of out-bound students by country for studies and placements. Years of Coverage: 'Country … Wondering which countries consistently deliver the best higher education experiences and boast the strongest higher education systems? You can find all data (and much more) on the HESA website. EdStats tools, resources and queries help users visualize and analyze education data. Education levels vary between countries around the world. The best countries for education are ranked based on a perception-based global survey. All tables and charts include a link underneath allowing you to download the data. Countries with well-developed education systems also have some of the best high schools in the world, which prepare students for college or university. The United States' education rankings have been falling by international standards over the past three decades, as the government has decreased education funding by 3%. (2013). Share of the population with tertiary education, Enrollment in tertiary education over time, Tertiary education of the world population. The chart shows the increasing number of monasteries in Western Europe between the 6th and the 15th century. The product is published in conjunction with the Government Statistical Service and is a National Statistics product. The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2019 includes more than 1,250 universities, making it our biggest international league table to date. We will always indicate the original source of the data in our documentation, so you should always check the license of any such third-party data before use and redistribution. In many of the world’s poorest countries less than 1% have completed tertiary education. This organization looked at the number of people between the ages of 25 and 64 who have completed a vocational program or had to receive a two- or four-year degree. Data published on the HESA website is free to copy, use, share, and adapt for any purpose. According to UNICEF statistics on Education in Nigeria: “Nigeria’s population growth has put pressure on the country’s resources, public services, and infrastructure". The visualisations show estimations and projections from 1970 to 2050 of higher education by country. For information about the levels of education, see Data sources at the end of the article. This entry can be cited as: Our World in Data is free and accessible for everyone. You can view the full interactive charts on the HESA website. HESA open data is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence. In general, people in underdeveloped and undeveloped countries do not have access to quality education or education at all. National Center for Education Statistics. This statistic shows the distribution of foreign students in higher education institutions in France during the academic year 2018-2019, by geographical origins. “By 2035, countries from Sub-Saharan Africa are likely to become the sunrise markets for higher education,” he adds. ... (thousands) 2012, high. The map shows the total government expenditure on tertiary education as a percentage of GDP. About HESA open data. The ECEC workforce is at the heart of high-quality education. Brussels, 31 July 2002 . Education Tertiary enrollment DEFINITION: Gross enrolment ratio, tertiary level is the sum of all tertiary level students enrolled at the start of the school year, expressed as a percentage of the mid-year population in the 5 year age group after the official secondary school leaving age. As the rise of monasteries came to a halt a new form of a higher education institution evolved: the university. One such list was created by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development or OECD. “Charting the “Rise of the West”: Manuscripts and Printed Books in Europe, a long-term Perspective from the Sixth through Eighteenth Centuries.” The Journal of Economic History 69, no. All statistics listed below are from the publicly available statistics on the Higher Education Statistical Agency (HESA) website. Developing countries have made tremendous progress in getting children into the classroom and the majority of children worldwide are now in … Higher education statistics: user engagement event findings added. Annex 4: List of the top 100 higher education institutions sending Erasmus students abroad The European economy in a global perspective, 1000-1800 resources and queries help users higher education statistics by country and analyze data. A higher education in the U.S., according to 2017-18 data from household,! And much more ) on the HESA website det danske samfund by 2035, countries from region! And the 13th century the number of out-bound students by country for studies and placements Technology. Over 200 countries to high-level data on all aspects of higher education experiences and boast the strongest higher.. 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