Watch out for Chase and BofA banks refusing withdraws, it has already started. They can not confiscate my jewelry and my property titles/pink slip/bonds. Most notably, the 1999 legislation is opening the door for banking, securities, and insurance activities to be merged together. Then there’s the bogus credit rating systems. earnings in savings and as little as needed in checking as needed to pay regularly used expenditures. Haha! May be things may change with the new administration. PROJECT TOPICS FOR BANKING LAW [2009] Sl. Given a good reason (i.e. The Caisse Populaire that I deal with is insured through a provincial system. Have a nice day.”. I wonder if CDs are *slightly* more secure since you have a written contract saying you get x-amount of $ after an agreed upon time??? “Unsecured debt” includes deposits, the largest class of unsecured debt of any bank. The good old NINJA mortgages and loans (No INcome, Job, or Assets). Answer: because the banking system is a private entity which will do whatever it can to transfer the wealth from YOU to THEM during a crisis. My understanding (but I’m not sure) is that whatever is in a bank’s safety deposit box may become the bank’s assets during a banking collapse. Under section 94 of the BA 2009, the bank insolvency process can only be commenced by a court order and only the BoE, the PRA or the Chancellor of the Exchequer can apply for such an order. Good morning, rather they will confiscate what is in safety deposit boxes is anyone’s guess, but a Federal Marshall or any banking official authorized by the Federal Government can open any box in any bank in America. Although paper money will probably be worthless after a few days of collapse. feed back would be helpful. I can’t remember all the plans he authorized to be robbed, it is several! I don’t know, maybe we should keep half at home and half in the bank. Poland took half of the private pension funds. No mainstream media coverage. 20 August, 2020 at 10:27 AM. Thanks for job well done and enjoy your freedom. I am still laughing!!! I still have to pay property taxes and federal taxes. And while he says he is for the people, his positions are for “government” to pay people, forgive debt, run healthcare, and so on. (yes, I know, they haven’t really paid us, it’s our money they are returning to us, and I’ll not live long enough to collect all that I’ve paid in.). I like tangibles. Bottom line- the Polish government stole the hard assets out it’s own citizens accounts and replaced them with long term government junk bonds. Our economy is too big and dependent on the banking system for it to be shut down for long. Can you cite a legitimate source that these “rules” are coming to US banks? & if they ever find it you’ll be dead. I have 1 mo. These laws impose reporting requirements for banks and other financial institutions, govern securities and other transactions, and regulate taxes. See the top 10 LL.M.s in this area. In a worst case scenario, banking workflow becomes receptive to mistakes, as relevant and confidential data are being keyed into the forms manually. And there might not be any money left to be paid out. So if I withdraw all of my money, and then they deem the dollar as obsolete? The guide describes the main types of security interest available, the basic features of the insolvency procedures and how security is clawed back in the framework of each such procedure. The section was written by Citibank and placed in the bill as a recission of the Dodd-Frank bill verbage by the Republicans. This was a wake up to me because I thought credit unions were different somehow. Note: The derivatives exposure is said to be (at a minimum) $300 Trillion. What you are saying is that if the government/bank/con man lies to you and you put your money in a bank believing those lies and that con man/bank steals or loses your money its your fault? We also had gov regulations allowing banks and investment companies to operate together, and gov requirements to make loans to low income borrowers who were not equipped to repay loans. If that is your dog eat dog utopia then why don’t you move to Somalia? (an AB Avenues Company) - The Mega Online Education Hub for CBSE, ICSE, Engineering, Medical, Law and Management students in India. Any one knows a good place in Europe to put my savings? We are trying a little of everything. My SS check is DD also. Hi Down and out: Just a few months ago Obama did an Executive Order allowing 401Ks to be used to pay Banks along with several other things. They used to be seizing safe deposit boxes that were deemed abandoned under the then current law. Hi Cossack55: Just recently, I was listening to someone that had added up ALL the Debt the US owed….including absolutely everything….712 Trillion. We will discuss how your project can become a cooperative research project. Sure, some Gold and Silver for general wealth protection. We can’t be there the next morning to make withdrawals and want to. They were caught. You cannot access your safe deposit boxes. You should also consider going on a vacation scheme with a firm that specialises in banking and finance law. The World Bank has worked on justice and development around the globe for more than 25 years through more than 800 projects.. Over the years, the Bank's approach to justice has evolved from a program focu sed on the judiciary – and courts – to a program that encompasses a broader, more inclusive concept of justice. The insolvent bank is to be made solvent by turning our money into their equity — bank stock that could become worthless on the market or be tied up for years in resolution proceedings. My Social Security and Pention will still go in. Banking law is based on a contractual analysis of the relationship between the bank (defined above) and the customer – defined as any entity for which the bank agrees to conduct an account. Or should I invest in gold and silver bullion or put my dollars in a credit union? The top two are rent and mortgages. However think about your own self-reliance, self-sufficiency (if that’s appealing to you). Think of all the equities in today’s 401k’s. They are anonymous. Funds are deposited into Shirk Law's clients' trust account. Terms Of Use Banking institutions were created out of a need to satisfy the market to provide loans to the public. Whenever a politician speaks of, and actually tries working for the everyday citizen, such as Bernie Sanders (like they all should be), they’re called an evil Socialist! As someone commenting on a preparedness site, I would expect to read about how you want to be more prepared, and have more control of your circumstances, not relinquishing them. Think USSR. So whatever it is that you might do to accomplish a portion of this (different for everyone), the better off you will be. A statement of work describing the scope will be provided. Also, safe deposit boxes are no longer guaranteed private. BANKING FINANCE Undergraduate Project Topics, Research Works and Materials, Largest Undergraduate Projects Repository, Research Works and Materials. Saw this coming… there have been WAY too many PSAs encouraging people to put money in a savings account lately. Its too much money to have just laying around the house. Could get cattle but then we’d need a bailer etc. Using disposable income to further your self-reliance is a step in the direction of independence. M.L. And your comments about Bernie being for the people really floors me. Most likely you need to ask your actual bank. If the Bank “locks down” I’m betting your cant get to them. However, there was a bit of a scandal in our town several years ago. Apparently, the depositors are now responsible for bailing-in the banks for any losses during a banking crisis (can you say, ‘derivatives’?). I’m looking with interest at where this whole mess will take us. During the next banking crisis, any ‘money’ that you and I have in the bank may be ‘bailed-in’ after a financial collapse. It is hard to do the whole meal deal as we get older. I would love the author of this article, to post another article about specific details on becoming “your own banker”. The $303 trillion in derivitives risk was also laid on the backs of the US taxpayer in the just passed Cromninus Bill. With an ACH lock in place money can not be deposited nor withdrawn, but you can electronically pay bills as a “push” or manually write checks, make deposits etc. Now for my question, have I missed anything or made some kind of mistake somewhere? It’s just a matter of time before we’re treated the same way as the Cypriots were. I like and for search engines. Retirement accounts such as 401Ks are required by law to invest only in such safe rated funds. First is the United States Congress, which generally passes broad and far-reaching pieces of legislation. The US fdic insurance fund has between 50-80 billion. A job or any other reason you can come up with is not worth the risk. As much as I would like to see banking as it currently exists disappear, it won’t. We use a savings account to save for tax’s. We will discuss how your project can become a cooperative research project. Shares of Regional Banks? Hopefully that will eventually happen, then some heads are going to roll. It explains the basic principles governing US banking regulation and discusses important banking law issues affecting US banking institutions and activities. Work experience with banks, accounting firms or any other company demonstrating an interest in finance would look good for this career path and also give you the chance to develop commercial awareness. Anon…Yes this applies to Canada too. That’s with a ‘T’. I give thanks to the Lord and to my wife who has done such a great job of managing our finances. The easiest thing is to put it in a credit union, but since they’re FDICed I’m sure that’s a matter of time… Converting to gold or silver is a joke because the gov’t will confiscate it in a collapse (maybe go for copper since you need it for electronics?? Rather than having their assets sold off and closing their doors, as happens to lesser bankrupt businesses in a capitalist economy, “zombie” banks are to be kept alive and open for business at all costs — and the costs are again to be to borne by us. I personally want smaller gov, less involvement and intrusion into my life, and to not pay more in taxes so that my hard-earned money can be redistributed through socialist policies. I will be withdrawing my money out as fast as possible. They took gold from safety deposit boxes, unless it was a “collectable”. The insolvent bank is to be made solvent by turning our money into their equity — bank stock that could become worthless on the market or be tied up for years in resolution proceedings. The brokerage firms where so many 401k’s are held are probably at more risk than the banks. Still no guarantee. Why? I have two Safety boxes at my large bank, one with jewelry the other with Collector Silver Coins and gold coins, if the bank shuts down, can I still go into my safety boxes to take out what I bought & paid for, I have the receipts of the coins. Cash, food, several years wood supply, & other survival supplies, helping neighbours so hopefully they will help us, slowly getting family on board, big garden, (already ordered seeds & a few more fruit trees for 2015), buying non-electric tools, being debt free etc. In the U.S., banking is regulated at both the federal and state level. I’m sure any houses that have mortgages are “assets” to be converted into “equity” as well. I will pay utilities in cash. The worst examples of human degradation occurred under socialism which inevitably led to communism of dictatorship. They can take everything. What was formerly called a “bankruptcy” is now a “resolution proceeding.” The bank’s insolvency is “resolved” by the neat trick of turning its liabilities into capital. And if the $300 trillion derivatives market unwinds, the money is not even a speck of the overall enormity. Clients interested in cooperatively funding projects like drafting model procedures, multi-state charts, and disclosure revisions may choose to collaborate in defining the project scope as sponsors or simply subscribe to receive the deliverables. So we just get rid of all rules and laws and let it become a wild west of the soulless/immoral who kill those foolish trusting souls who believe in foundation of this country which is fairness and the rule of law? Within the ‘Executive Summary’ of the (IMF) International Monetary Fund paper, “From Bail-out to Bail-in: Mandatory Debt Restructuring of Systemic Financial Institutions“, we find one definition of ‘bail-in’ as follows: bail-in, which is a statutory power of a resolution authority (as opposed to contractual arrangements, such as contingent capital requirements) to restructure the liabilities of a distressed financial institution by writing down its unsecured debt and/or converting it to equity. Also, if the board makes an un popular decision, we can override them as long as it doesn’t trigger some statutory thing or another. Personally, we must admit that any power they have then they will most certainly exercise to our hurt and their gain. That is the law. My 401 is safe. also, can I just withdraw all my thousands of savings, where would I put it? We have been debt free for 12 years and it is a wonderful feeling! Wake up and see the real history of nature, especially, human nature. Tangibles. gong to say Max #10T God bless and thanks. will produce and provide deliverables to participating clients.

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