Adventure Fun-Pak gameplay screenshot Review: Rating: 2 One of two "paks" of games released by the famous Apogee Software VERY early in their company's storied history (the other pack being the Puzzle Fun-Pak), this collection contains 4 different games, of … Publisher: Apogee. Find out more, This game is currently in Early Access. "Extreme Rise of the Triad" ups the ante with over 40 new levels as the HUNT returns to take on even more maniacal Triad madness. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentations when possible. Home Forums GBAtemp Game Center The Apogee Throwback Pack. Each "pack" contains 4 games that were submitted to Apogee by outside authors, although most of the games were designed by Apogee's Scott Miller. Most of these games are ASCII-only games with minimal or no graphics, some more interesting than others. Not applicable on Hitman 3. Download or play DOS games online, choose from more than hundreds of DOS games. Power of Chaos: Yugi the Destiny. abandonware guide Block Five Block Five is a simple game to learn, yet is quite difficult to master. In 1989, Apogee released two "Fun-Paks," Adventure Fun-Pak and Puzzle Fun-Pak, priced at $10 each. The Apogee Throwback Pack is a collection of four classic Apogee Software titles all in one kick ass package. If this pack doesn't set your 90's meter to 11 - we don't know what will! Step up your gift game. .bf0500a3-5047-4280-98b3-96ed657d2fc2{fill:#fff;}.bd872b64-d456-4f1a-875d-ee77c342b178{fill:#008ac9;}.afc9f8eb-6a0f-4658-b21e-32358f45f192{fill:#e3001b;} Paysafe Card, .ad32f5d2-46e0-40d7-a756-135c44e9f8be{fill:#fff;}.bc83bf13-458f-4b0d-9619-1e329a316a24{fill:none;}.e398654c-0704-437d-ad93-b1fc01622991{fill:#231f20;}.bafd4bf6-1b80-480c-8c34-7d3ec8c77381{fill:#ff5f00;}.a80bf0bd-2565-479b-9187-bad9df25d170{fill:#eb001b;}.f8e3da5c-0965-493e-88fe-b28f60345eeb{fill:#f79e1b;} Mastercard, .a5e966d1-219f-4f8c-9a0f-8023f3c28778{fill:#fff;}.a1429aa9-9fec-4735-8a98-d81aa2763d42{fill:#f4a929;}.f71e5106-5e21-445e-b775-097bbfbec130{fill:#1b4da2;} Visa, .ad57b52e-84e5-45e2-8f98-75fcfc3ab4f0{fill:#006fcf;}.b37eb858-589b-4fd9-bd3c-c69c90501bd7{fill:#fff;} American Express, .ef4a6229-d54d-4bad-99ec-20e1b0df540d{fill:#fff;}.bb0f1e21-e801-49f9-8a19-255923e2f6e8{fill:#00a1e9;}.b7da9ac9-5766-4b17-9cc5-de8c69bc8684{fill:#3f3b3a;}ALIPAY, .a1633b73-84bf-4f6f-9886-796986c43933{fill:#fff;}.bacbe259-b353-4974-a622-d4e32e59efbe{fill:#4d4d4d;}.b811daf5-675f-4142-ae15-73eabe5b5a10{fill:#1aad19;} WeChat Pay, .fa514e16-0602-4ff5-8fa0-a0e25fb6b3cd{fill:#fff;}.a68f8de3-1f7c-49ec-9c58-be822c0ce1bf{fill:#ee7623;}.a08feb0b-b834-4025-a580-6430426eb592{fill:#1d1d1b;} Discover, .a618fd03-0cff-4dcc-8f65-6f799dd46fd7{fill:#fff;}.a75259e9-3eca-4678-8c67-6081bafb6104{fill:#5f6368;}.b984fae2-317f-4738-b1c9-3ae7c7f072d4{fill:#4285f4;}.ee26a38f-7f1e-4bc6-8a57-c92888f03cb2{fill:#34a853;}.a061c9f9-3268-4347-aa10-9d1b790285df{fill:#fbbc04;}.abd1d5a3-d7a2-420e-bbed-4893e266fb2f{fill:#ea4335;} pay-icon, .e2f3356e-df9c-42ae-bb3e-623353767fc4{fill:#701f6c;}.e8d69df1-1a91-4510-9768-b0d2e73781bd{fill:#f06722;}.f4255fd9-dbfe-49a9-9c22-3b48c73a139e{fill:#fcfcfc;} pay-icon, .ec6e6094-9508-4008-aa81-8893b9741a67{fill:#fff;}.fb6e2718-88d3-448e-85be-dec4ad1d6583{fill:#139ad6;}.b5eee404-581d-4803-bcff-689a10873c9b{fill:#263b80;}.a85bc75d-703c-4fb0-9475-e44a2199ab10{fill:#232c65;} PayPal, .fb7d3049-6541-4c6d-9d91-71ab550536d4 { fill: #fff; } Apple Pay, .b343ef48-2876-4b15-af80-15571534f0fc { fill: #fff; } .ba03ef41-6628-4489-a6ff-753ce7661ade { fill: #232f3e; } .ae119e19-06d8-4c13-b667-399b201bab63, .ba03ef41-6628-4489-a6ff-753ce7661ade { fill-rule: evenodd; } .ae119e19-06d8-4c13-b667-399b201bab63 { fill: #f90; } .b425cfb3-c3ba-49c2-9fdf-840676c31da4 { fill: #f39e28; } Amazon Pay, .efa6bfd3-ad3c-41a0-a007-b9c87ea89ec8 { fill: #3564a8; } .e8c89d6d-e2fb-4b77-870d-993b651437b4 { fill: #fff; } Carte Bleue, .bdf7a509-2855-49b3-9a7b-1da9532210ed { fill: #fff; } .b1cbce39-ee53-4480-a310-eb16a623d907 { fill: #21983b; } .a8ec58a0-b1fe-4227-a660-dbf4b5ccd868 { fill: #004e94; } .b22122c6-9fc7-457f-83f3-aa8d57b6e374 { fill: #be1833; } JCB, .afe5b8f0-ba22-4bdf-9d14-215f386351a0 { fill: none; } .a4a26e90-9aac-4f89-a4b6-b4f591305d53 { fill: #fff; } .b9a6fa9e-fa40-4cdf-9a3c-5aac3852d92e { fill: #7673c0; } .b836c8e1-f828-4eeb-95b7-fe1f496ebe12 { fill: #eb001b; } .a07c1bb2-1a8f-48f7-a960-3473a819384f { fill: #00a1df; } Maestro, .a34f9632-2489-4c64-a6bf-b3a123fcd3ae { fill: #fff; } .ffaf2863-94c4-4d15-85f6-8b1ad9ffc8f3 { fill: #ee7f00; } .ab75d24a-e999-4b96-bc65-85be47fe76ca { fill: #383a41; } Sofort Banking, .b314bdfa-ecbb-411b-b375-0dd7cc7231fb { fill: #fff; } .b514e502-c926-472a-a3d1-52f8d0644f3f { fill: #f4a929; } .b117551e-95e9-41d2-8f60-86b7f85a9fd9 { fill: #1b4da2; } .beccaeae-966f-437d-93b7-3af8334fa6e3 { fill: #181415; } .e1511dc6-2dda-451f-85e8-9361ccb7259e { fill: #171314; } .f7374dfe-67cc-430f-848f-5a4866f98ff8 { fill: #161314; } .a2c3264b-e143-43de-8d99-cf286aa828c6 { fill: #191617; } Visa Debit. Could not scrape any of the trackers for peer statistics. Click here for more information. About Miller categorized these submissions by genre and released this collection and the companion Puzzle Fun-Pak as non-shareware commercial products. Symphony Desktop Flagship Sound Quality. This does not mean the torrent is dead. } - The Adventure Fun-Pak contains the following games: Rogue Runner, } Night Bomber, Raiders of the Forbidden Mine, and The Thing. The original Apogee Software was established in 1987 as Apogee Software Ltd. 3D Realms is a video game publisher based in Aalborg, Denmark. Apogee does, however, retain copyright on them … - The Independent Video Game Community. Ships from and sold by Apogee Rockets. It was never released in a shareware format. Submit a synopsis for this game. ?Download Apogee,Full Version Apogee,Download PC Ap The Apogee Throwback Pack. In 1989, Apogee released two "Fun-Paks," Adventure Fun-Pak and Puzzle Fun-Pak, priced at $10 each. What do you think of this game? Joe Mama Fellow retro gamers also downloaded these games: Terms LEARN MORE ABOUT APOGEE Defining the Art of Digital Audio Since 1985 ABOUT APOGEE Defining the Art of Digital Audio Since 1985 Since 1985, Apogee has produced innovative, award-winning technology that powers many of the world’s most […] The four games in the Adventure Fun-Pak make an interesting study of … run Adventure Fun-Pak, read the Apogee Components Tubes-O-Plenty: Assortment of Model Rocket Body Tubes $30.41. This product is not compatible with macOS 10.15 Catalina. Adventure Fun-Pak is a collection of small, ASCII mode games that are more leaning towards arcade than adventure in the proper sense of the word.. Download or play Adventure Fun-Pak online, or choose from more than hundreds of other DOS games. Adventure Fun- Pak Originally sold by Apogee Software for $10, this compilation is comprised of games submitted to Apogee Software by outside authors. Where Wolf3D took you into the past; thrust into a world at war - Blake rockets you into the future where a sinister madman, Dr. Pyrus Goldfire, is using genetics to create an army of bizarre creatures and wage war on Earth. Four classic games that offer hours and hours of nostalgia ridden gameplay, Full widescreen support for modern Windows and Mac operating systems Description (by MrFlibble). Apogee JAM is a USB guitar interface for connecting and recording studio quality electric guitar or bass with GarageBand on iPad, iPhone and Mac. 23 October 2014. Discount applies to RRP only. Relive great memories and play in your browser now! Find out more. Most of these games are ASCII-only games with minimal or no graphics, some more interesting than others. Since the packs were never released as freeware or shareware but sold direct from Apogee, they are two of the few commercial titles published by the shareware giant. Immersive Touch Screen Interface. Apogee Gaming is a solution provider for North American casino, racino and VLT lottery clients who fills a major void created by all the industry consolidation. How to play. This product can only be activated in or gifted to the following regions, This product is currently a pre-purchase. What are you waiting for?! Adventure Fun-Pak is a collection of four video games created by Scott Miller and various independent developers who submitted their programs to Apogee for publication. This product will activate in the region of purchase. Contribute Apogee continued to develop games in-house, but they also became a publisher and producer. 5 May 2015: Beyond the Titanic: Apogee Software: 1986: Bio Menace: Apogee Software: 3 August 1993. It was marketed as an introduction to Apogee's game line. Please rate it below on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest score. The collection includes: Asteroid … Most of these games are ASCII-only games with minimal or no graphics, some more interesting than others. Relive great memories and play original games in your browser now! In 1989, Apogee released two "Fun-Paks," Adventure Fun-Pak and Puzzle Fun-Pak, priced at $10 each. Rating. After a five year manhunt for the elusive Dr. Goldfire, the search has finally ended on Planet Selon at the abandoned STAR Institute Training Complex. You'll also find magical instruments and weapons so incredible they defy description. Trademarks are property of their respective owners. Blake is going to need all his wits, skill, and the best firepower money can buy to put an end to Goldfire's plans. Blast your way across the galaxy as British Special Agent Blake Stone in "Aliens of Gold" and "Planet Strike", then take on an ancient evil menace as the H.U.N.T in "Rise of the Triad".Key Features: Each "pack" contains 4 games that were submitted to Apogee by outside authors, although most of the games were designed by Apogee's Scott Miller. ©2021 Green Man Gaming Limited. The Apogee Throwback Pack Developers: Interceptor Entertainment JAM Productions Apogee. Blast your way across the galaxy as British Special Agent Blake Stone in 'Aliens of Gold' and 'Planet Strike', then take on an ancient evil menace as the High Risk United Nations Task Force in 'Rise of the Triad' and 'Extreme Rise of the Triad'. Apogee no longer takes orders for the games listed in the following section. This item: Apogee Components Rings-O-Plenty Bulk Pak $18.24. If the manual is missing and you own the original manual, please contact us! Adventure Fun-Pak includes Rogue Runner, a fun ASCII maze game by Scott Miller that is similar to the Kroz games, Night Bomber, a bland Missile Command-type game with awful green-on-blue graphics, Raiders of the Forbidden Mine, a decent puzzle/action game that plays like Pharaoh's Tomb, and The Thing, a quirky little maze game with a text parser, although it's used only to move around and shoot the bats inside. We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for APOGEE GAME PAK - 5.25" Software Labs Floppy Disk PC DOS Video Game at the best online prices at eBay! In front of you is a huge fortress monastery, and your only way out... is in. US Patent Pending. Trivia Note: Puzzle Fun-Pak is one of the few games Apogee Software only sold directly. The answer was "Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold"! 01 July 2013 Images [1] 0.5. DOS, Mac, C64, Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari 8-bit, Atari ST, DOS, Mac, C64, Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari 8-bit, Apple II, Wizardry: Knight of Diamonds - The Second Scenario, Yu-Gi-Oh! In the distance you see your boat--your only chance to escape--explode into matchsticks. All Rights Reserved. Together you must stop a maniacal cult leader from killing millions of people. More than 16900 old games to download for free! All wrapped up in one sleek package that allows for easy modding. first! We united in 2015 on Game Dev School where we developed our first game - Unicorn Hunter. Since then we made several games on mobile platforms - Android, iOS and Tizen. Adventure Fun-Pak MS-DOS game released by Apogee Software in 1989. Find new and exciting toys, games, and gifts for kids Shop now. If the reports are correct, then Dr. Goldfire is alive and has once again created a fiendish army of evil mutants. By 1996, with 3D video games dominating the industry, the Apogee name was dropped and all games by the company were published under the 3D Realms brand, although the company's legal name remains Apogee … Extreme Rise of the Triad Rise of the Triad: Dark War Hardware DSP with Premium Native Plugins. Review: Rating: 2.5 One of two "paks" of games released by the famous Apogee Software VERY early in their company's storied history (the other pack being the Adventure Fun-Pack), this collection contains 4 different games, of generally "okay" quality. Trackers. In 1994, Apogee established its 3D Realms brand for publishing 3D video games distributed by the company. Offer ends 01/02/21 16:00 GMT. Many players wondered how Apogee would follow the success of Wolfenstein 3D in 1992. Original Entry Developed by Apogee Software Productions Platform DOS Published by Apogee Software Productions Released 1987 Genre Compilation Description Puzzle Fun-Pak is a collection of four puzzle games: Block Five Asteroids Rescue Phrase Master Maze Machine From 5 … "Rise of the Triad" thrusts you into the world of an elite group of operatives called the HUNT (High-Risk United Nations Taskforce). Each collection was sold as a single package distributed on one floppy disk. Release dates for Apogee Throwback Pack (Windows) database containing game description & game shots, cover art, credits, groups, press, forums, reviews and more. View. There's even a RandROTT level randomizer so the ludicrous fun never ends! Each "pack" contains 4 games that were submitted to Apogee by outside authors, although most of the games were designed by Apogee's Scott Miller. Each "pack" contains 4 games that were submitted to Apogee by outside authors, although most of the games were designed by Apogee's Scott Miller. The green-on-blue graphics of the Night Bomber game hurts my eyes. FAQ Not enough for you? Tweet. The Apogee Throwback Pack is a collection of four classic Apogee Software titles all in one kick ass package. If you have trouble to Fact sheet, game videos, screenshots and more Apogee Gaming can import the best technology and services from around the world to fulfill your business needs. 20 Games Like The Apogee Throwback Pack (2013) Super Mario World The game retains many of the elements that debuted in Super Mario Bros. 3, such as the world map and Koopaling boss fights, while introducing a large variety of new gameplay mechanics, such as an expanded and less linear world map and the ability to save the game. Apogee Games is a small independment game development group. Free shipping for many products! 23 October 2014. You're equipped with awesome, high-tech weaponry like heat-seeking missiles, split missiles, and the Flamewall cannon, which leaves a trail of charred skeletons in its wake. Blast your way across the galaxy as British Special Agent Blake Stone in "Aliens of Gold" and "Planet Strike", then take on an ancient evil menace as the H.U.N.T in "Rise of the Triad". This digital compilation includes the following first-person shooter games running through DOSBox: Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold Blake Stone: Planet Strike! Genres. The Apogee Throwback Pack for PC game reviews & Metacritic score: The Apogee Throwback Pack is a collection of four classic Apogee Software titles all in one kick ass package. 2017-07-10 0 point. The Apogee Throwback Pack is a collection of four classic Apogee Software titles all in one kick ass package. Only 16 left in stock - order soon. Vintage Preamp Emulation. DOS Freeware (former commercial) Developed by Apogee Software Published by Apogee Software Genre: Adventure, Interactive Fiction, Simulation User rating: 0.0 () Scott Miller had a "new idea" and created Adventure Fun-Pak and Puzzle Fun-Pak out of the best games that had been submitted to Apogee by aspiring authors. Just one click to download at full speed! Super Game Pak is a video game compilation published by Apogee in 1989 featuring a diverse selection of games previously released by Apogee or Scott Miller (prior to founding Apogee). The Apogee Throwback Pack is a collection of four classic Apogee Software titles all in one kick ass package. In "Planet Strike", once again, British agent Blake Stone will find himself in a life or death struggle for the control of humanity's future. Taking screenshots Game Developer Publisher Engine Release dates; Adventure Fun-Pak: Apogee Software: 1989: Arctic Adventure: Apogee Software: FAST: 9 October 1991. While scouting a remote island, you are suddenly surrounded by enemy troops with guns blazing. Most of these games are ASCII-only games with minimal or no graphics, some more interesting than others. Scott Miller recruited promising game developers and asked them to develop games to be published by Apogee, or brought them in-house for projects such as the … Scott Miller founded the company in his parents' home in Garland, Texas, United States, in 1987 as Apogee Software Productions, to release his game Kingdom of Kroz.In the 1980s and 1990s, the company popularized the shareware distribution model for video games and created successful game franchises, such as Duke Nukem. Please read Customer Notes before purchasing In 1989, Apogee released two "Fun-Paks," Adventure Fun-Pak and Puzzle Fun-Pak, priced at $10 each. Prices, history graph and more for the Game "The Apogee Throwback Pack" (SG region). Contact 5.0 . Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like. List of minor Apogee Software video games. Browse all Apogee Software MS-DOS games. View Useful links The following is a list of the earliest, lesser- known video games published by Apogee Software. A huge fortress monastery, and your only way out... is in Triad: Dark War Symphony Desktop Sound... If you have trouble to run the game `` the Apogee Throwback Pack '' ( SG region ) we have. And you own the original manual, please contact us -- explode matchsticks. Will activate in the region of purchase boat -- your only chance to escape -- explode into matchsticks this and! Of people and extra documentations when possible scrape any of the trackers for peer statistics,. This digital compilation includes the following first-person shooter games running through DOSBox: Stone... Front of you is a simple game to learn, yet is quite difficult to master island, you suddenly! 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