Lucasfilm has not yet established a cohesive timeline. Bane's relentless assault and impenetrable armor forced the Jedi to adopt more evasive tactics. There are two conflicting sources for this article: Star Wars: Jedi vs. Sith and Star Wars: Darth Bane Trilogy. Gaining ground and causing Zannah to trip over a patch of uneven earth, Bane fell on her like a wild animal. Bane was only saved from certain death by the efforts of Darth Zannah. Mace Windu 7. Famous wielders of red lightsabers include Darth Sidious, Darth Vader, Darth Maul, and Lord Tyranus. The Sith were positioned in the abandoned fortress of the ancient Dark Lord Belia Darzu when the Jedi arrived to do battle, and Zannah ignited her double-bladed lightsaber against Jedi Knights Sarro Xaj and Johun Othone; the latter's awkward Form VI: Niman technique offset his partner's more refined assaults. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Special Edition, Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated and Expanded,, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. Single-bladed[1] [1], One of the Dark Lord's first actions that called for his lightsaber consisted of simply executing a number of salvagers ransacking the former Brotherhood of Darkness camp. [Source]. However, he was saved by the arrival of a family of scavengers, who found his lightsaber. Early years. She was unable to defeat him even with the advantage of her saberstaff but was soon afterward granted another opportunity when Master and apprentice confronted each other for a final time on Ambria. Faction: Sith. Darth Bane. Sirak's cronies went down fast, and seeing that he was outnumbered and outmatched, he attempted to surrender. The half-standard blade length resulted in reduced reach and leverage but granted a considerable increase in quickness and dexterity, a balance well-suited to the defensive nature of Zannah's chosen style of lightsaber combat, Form III: Soresu. [1], Dissatisfied with the Brotherhood of Darkness, Bane left the academy. Even the cover art of the follow-u… Darth Bane was a legendary Dark Lord of the Sith who lived during the dark age of the Old Republic, a thousand years before the Clone Wars. Date created The same fate befell the remaining four assassins, and Bane turned on Hetton. Re: Darth Bane Curved Lightsaber #3 review « Reply #7 on: January 18, 2012, 11:14:57 PM » Yeah, when I watched the video of the secret font and he did the lockup thing at the end, I was actually sitting at my computer cringing and half expecting to get injured in the explosion. When not in use, Bane's Heart was worn at Darth Zannah's hip, tucked inside her belt,[4] or kept concealed within the folds of her robes, always on the left side for optimal accessibility to her preferential hand. Darth Zannah's lightsaber first appeared in the second novel of author Drew Karpyshyn's Darth Bane Trilogy, titled Rule of Two, and in its sequel, Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil, both of which give several pertinent details regarding the lightsaber's specifications. Editor discretion is advised. [1] When Darth Cognus took the lightsaber for herself, she noted that the blade was purely weightless. Creators While the rest of the Brotherhood of Darkness joined in the summoning ritual, Bane retreated out of range and found his apprentice; a little girl named Zannah. Standing toe-to-toe with his three opponents, Bane was briefly caught off guard when Othone attacked the small gap in his armor at the wrist, nearly severing Bane's lightsaber hand and disarming him. Darth Vader 6. Those of superior physical strength were only slightly hindered by the defensive style for which Bane's Heart was designed and were eventually able to disrupt the spinning lightsaber's momentum. As he explored the structure, he entered a chamber containing Freedon Nadd's holocron… and a colony of Orbalisks latched to the ceiling. When the Sith later returned to Ambria, Zannah murdered the planet's resident healer, Caleb, with Bane's Heart, after she forced the reluctant man to heal her mortally wounded Master. Banes power with the Force is vast, granting him telekinesis that he can use to move o… He is so fast he can deflect rain with his lightsaber and was called a force of nature by some. Before leaving the planet, however, Bane effectively abandoned Zannah, tasking her with making it to Onderon on her own to meet him. Sep 18, 2020 - Explore nick Imber's board "Darth Bane" on Pinterest. However, all the aforementioned sources, though contradictory, credit him with only a single weapon. Her saberstaff was minuscule in comparison to Xaj's blue-bladed version, and his superior strength with his own weapon was more than a match for hers when the two finally faced each other in single combat. Darth Zannah[2]General Grievous[1]N-K Necrosis[1] Slightly longer than standard lightsaber[2] Owners [1], After recuperating from his journey, he was confronted by Githany, one of his secret teachers and a potential romantic partner. The Sith utilized red lightsabers almost exclusively. Model Confiscated from its owner, Bane's Heart was given to the ARLF's leader, Hetton, whose interest piqued upon sight of the unique weapon. Darth Sidious 5. The Story of General Grievous: Lord of War, an online article released through Hyperspace as a supplement to the Unknown Soldier: The Story of General Grievous article, reveals N-K Necrosis's ownership of Bane's Heart, as well as Grievous's initial acquisition of the lightsaber from the unnamed Dark Jedi on either Necropolis or Dica. While serving in the Sith army, Bane realized that infighting and greed from other dark side warriors created a weakness. The two drew their lightsabers and engaged. Since that time it has become my most popular and most iconic saber design. Whereas most lightsabers are either blue, green, or red, the purple lightsabers stand out as a noted exception to the pretty standard rules of Star Wars. He then left for the planet himself aboard his ship. Darth Bane General information; Set First Released: Champions of the Force. Never even breaking stride, Bane entered the crypt of Andeddu and claimed his holocron, casually slaughtering any resistance.[2]. Darth Bane's lightsaber During the latter course of his expedition, he was attacked by a pack of Tuk'ata. Na'daz[1]Kas'im[1]Darth Bane[1]Darth Cognus[2] The Darth Shaa lightsabers are a pair of two single-bladed red lightsabers wielded by the Darth Shaa. Related: Star Wars: All 7 Lightsaber Combat Forms Explained (& Who Used Which) [1], Around the time of the Battle of Yavin during the Galactic Civil War, a group of spacers discovered and defeated N-K Necrosis in the Myyydril Caverns of the planet Kashyyyk. [2], The origins of this weapon beyond its possession by Na'daz remain unknown, though he had wielded it for at least two decades. But they'll make you feel like a badass hero wielding them. Darth Bane, whose real name was Dessel was the dark Lord of the sith who created the rule of two. Darth Bane's Lightsaber Pike While the weapon the Jedi Temple Guards wield is called a lightsaber pike, The Clone Wars almost introduced a weapon even more in line with a traditional pike. Twenty years have passed since Darth Bane, reigning Dark Lord of the Sith, demolished the ancient order devoted to the dark side and reinvented it as a circle of two: one Master to wield the power and pass on the wisdom, and one apprentice to learn, challenge, and ultimately usurp the Dark Lord in a duel to the death. Saving Zannah from a gang of Onderonian beast-riders, Bane departed the planet with his apprentice. Sith[1] The assassin never actually used the lightsaber, returning it to Bane when he escaped and attaching herself to him as a new apprentice; Darth Cognus. This became the foundation where Darth Sidious grew to power and was able to create the Empire out of the Republic. [3], Shortly afterwards, Zannah arrived with her cousin, the healer Darovit, in tow. Bane blasted his opponents back with the Force and quickly reclaiming his lightsaber, the injury instantly healed by the orbalisks. Although its creator was naturally left-handed,[2] Bane's Heart could be wielded in either extremity. [3], However, along the way, he was accosted by the Force ghosts of Kaan and Qordis, crash-landing on the Onderonian moon Dxun. Picking his way through the untamed jungles of the world, Bane found the Tomb of Freedon Nadd. However, the team managed to bring him down when the assassin poisoned Bane with Senflax; paralyzing his body and disrupting his brain activity, preventing him from calling on the Force. However, this depiction was retconned by the novel Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, which showed Bane wielding a curved-hilt weapon with a red blade. The Sith apprentice was later forced to briefly wield her lightsaber against Darth Bane himself, who mistakenly believed that she had betrayed him before he was convinced otherwise. However, as Zannah had failed to try assassinating and succeeding him, Bane began to question her worthiness as his apprentice. Taking up his lightsaber in a telekinetic grip, Bane killed them all, saving the lone parent for last so he could feed off the poor soul's pain and fear to strengthen himself. Physical and technical specifications During her infiltration of the Jedi Temple, she found her cousin preparing to reveal her and Bane's existence to the Jedi, as they had encountered him years earlier on Ruusan. Summary. Darth Bane didn’t attack the Republic’s forces openly, but rather used manipulation and cunning to put a Sith, at some point in the future, in a position to lead the Republic. Update: I printed everything, and it looks good. When the enemy finally faltered, Bane's Heart allowed its wielder to retaliate with lethal speed, although the specialized length of the blades usually required close-quarter engagement to dispatch foes. Unfamiliar with the role of aggressor in lightsaber combat, Zannah uncertainly thrust her blades repeatedly at Bane and was forced to constantly block hurled bolts of Force lightning with either end. Sith[1] Bane is an extremely powerful Sith Lord in all aspects of the role. While Bane cut down the soldiers with ease, the assassin proved to be a threat, disrupting his connection to the Force and hampering his efforts. However, Githany revealed herself to be a double-agent, allying with Bane to kill Sirak and returning his lightsaber. Dessel was born in 1026 BBY and was in poverty working as a miner on the planet of Apartos and was nicknamed Bane by his father. Bane returned to the academy soon afterwards. Even in his days as a budding acolyte of the Brotherhood of Darkness, Bane demonstrated an almost obscenely great skill and command of the art of the blade. The double-bladed lightsaber was then used to eliminate Jedi Raskta Lsu and Othone, both of whom were fatally run through with its blades. Despite the ferocity with which he attacked her, Zannah was able to remain grounded and safe behind her lightsaber's defensive shield for much of the duel. Blade color This lightsaber fit Bane’s physically imposing style of fighting. Na'daz[1] Bane's Heart was the name given to the lightsaber of the Sith Lord Darth Zannah, a name shared with one of the two synthetic crystals used to focus its blade. Four Jedi burst in, two from each entrance, while a final Jedi quietly slipped in and held back, reinforcing his fellows with Battle meditation. [2], In the year 996 BBY on the desert world of Ambria, a young Human girl named Zannah constructed a double-bladed lightsaber as a test of her apprenticeship under the ruling Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Bane. When Darth Bane was first depicted in the short story "Bane of the Sith" and the comic series Jedi vs. Sith, he was depicted wielding a Purple-blade lightsaber with a standard hilt. Statistical information; Cost: 82 Hit Points: 200 Defense: 20 Attack +16 Damage: 30 Special Abilities: Unique Jedi Hunter Melee Attack Double Attack. Lightsaber combat[2] How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, The Story of General Grievous: Lord of War, Unknown Soldier: The Story of General Grievous, Endnotes for The Story of General Grievous, Part 4: Lord of Worlds and War,, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. [3], Taming a drexl with the Force, Bane flew to Onderon, crossing the atmospheric bridge between the two worlds. Usage and history Darth Bane's Curved Lightsaber (Genesis Custom Sabers concept), request on For SP, enable cheats with helpusobi 1 via the console, then type: saber curbane For MP, simply choose the saber from the menu! He could use 1 red lightsaber, because that would hold to the theme. Count Dooku 9. However, in his rage, Bane then fell on Zannah, driving her back and disarming her, only relenting when she revealed that she had brought Hetton here to die so they could claim his hoard of Sith artifacts. Darth Zannah[2] Bane came on aggressively, opening the melee with a series of two-handed chops. The resulting battle was little more than vicious hack-and-slash, Bane shredding the creatures with his lightsaber while the orbalisks healed any injuries he suffered. [1], While Na'daz was a master duelist, with knowledge in all manner of lightsaber variations such as saberstaffs, he favored a more standard design for his own weapon. Lightsaber combat[1] After losing it, Bane uses a more complicated, unpredictable style that had various evasion moves. Hilt length While Zannah engaged the other two, Bane charged Raskta Lsu and Valenthyne Farfalla, relying on his orbalisk armor to take them head-on. Wracked with the symptoms of Synox, Bane hurried across the Ambrian desert to the dwelling of the healer Caleb, though he fell off his vehicle as the poison paralyzed him before reaching his destination. Model Upon his return to his Ciutric estate, Bane was ambushed. Crystal Protection type Type However, a misstep on her part resulted in the momentary loss of her weapon, and Zannah had to again rely on the Force to ultimately prevail against her opponent. Initially reluctant to accept the defensive purpose of her saberstaff's unique creation, Zannah eventually mastered the creation of a nearly impenetrable defensive wall with her twin blades. Zannah soon retrieved the saberstaff and briefly dueled a vibroblade-armed Paak, whom she eventually slew with a deflected blaster bolt. Culture Even the cover art of the follow-up novel, Darth Bane: Rule of Two, demonstrated this error, though it did correct the blade color to A more pinkish-red rather than purple. He cut off Hetton's sword arm and impaled him with the lightsaber. Bane managed to bat several aside with his lightsaber while retrieving the holocron, though two managed to latch themselves to his torso. Kylo Ren, a Dark Side warrior who isn't Sith, still wields a red blade after forsaking the Jedi Path. If he uses 2 lightsabers (of any color), it would not hold with the theme, because as Darth Revan, he had 1 red lightsaber in KOTOR. Capped off by a more aggressive and pronounced hook. The Story of General Grievous: Lord of War also reveals that the lightsaber was powered by a special crystal called Bane's Heart, a name that was later given to the lightsaber itself through its entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. It’s been 10 years since I started design work on my original Bane Curved saber based on the character of Darth Bane as written by Drew Karpyshyn. She wears a mask that conceals her face. Affiliation I have modeled this lightsaber with the internal crystal chamber and other components so as to allow you to use the model in … After a long, one-sided engagement, an exhausted Bane extinguished his lightsaber and claimed the holocron. Bane destroyed the camp in a massive frenzy of unchecked rage, killing all but two of them. Lsu began attacking Bane's unprotected face with her dual-blades, forcing the Sith Lord to give ground. When Kas'im came on again, Bane used the Force to guide his blade and continue to fend off Kas'im's saberstaff strikes. A Force-sensitive Iktotchi assassin and a team of mercenaries had broken into his home and laid in wait. Retreating in Belia Darzu's fortress, they holed up in a large sparring room, stashing Darovit and their equipment and artifacts in a small side room, and awaited the Jedi. The creator of the Sith Rule of Two had one very special advantage when it came down to close combat - impenetrable Orbalisk armor, which rendered the wearer invulnerable to lightsabers. Hilt shape Dark red (formerly)[1]Crimson[3] [3], Traveling to Tython to find the holocron of Belia Darzu, Bane breached her aged fortress, evading the active defenses and making it to the holocron chamber. 996 BBY, Ambria[2] Crystal Rarity: Very Rare. Darths Bane and Zannah brandish their lightsabers. Zannah was quick to regain her feet, retreating with a series of back handsprings before lancing her saberstaff forwards, expecting to impale the pursuing Bane. Hardened by decades of working in the cortosis mines of Apatros, Bane would prove more than a match for his fellow students on Korriban. Lsu fell to his apprentice, and Bane quickly amputated Othone's lightsaber hand and decapitated Farfalla. The saberstaff was one of the cyborg General's earliest lightsaber trophies, tokens that he kept from each additional Jedi death for which he was responsible. Seizing the offense, Bane rapidly gained ground on his old mentor, his experience against Kas'im from their frequent sparring matches back at the academy coming into play. The half-standard blade length resulted in reduced reach and leverage but granted a considerable increase in quickness and dexterity, a balance well-suited to the d… Orbalisk Armor also some poop more poop some pee a gun the force Notable Attacks/Techniques [edit | edit source] Cryokinesis- Darth Bane is able to siphon the heat and vitality out of a target, even turning them into a frosted corpse. The Darth Revan lightsaber runs $224.99, while Egon Spengler's Neutrona Wand cost around $99.99. [4] The weapon required precise wrist control and a light, but nonetheless firm, grasp to effect the twirling maneuver that constituted Zannah's wall of near-impenetrable defense. Bane paced back and forth across the room, lightsaber drawn, gathering his energies and rage for the coming battle. Bane had just defeated the academy's top student, Sirak, in a vicious sparring match, an act that Kas'im felt had made him worthy. Legends say the Dark Lord invented the Rule of Two which may or may not still be in effect to this day. Now Bane was forced to retreat, having neither training with or against dual-blades. Synthetic lightsaber crystal[2]Bane's Heart[3] Exar Kun 3. During a practice session in the grounds of his estate on Ciutric IV, he even began using Form III defensive sequences to intercept raindrops during a storm, ending the session without being hit once. [2], The unique construction of the Bane's Heart lightsaber made a subtle yet critical difference from other lightsabers in the way it was wielded. However, this depiction was retconned by the novel Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, which showed Bane wielding a curved-hilt weapon with a red blade. 0.75 meters[4] Repelling the initial assault with the Force, he was forced to draw his new lightsaber when they regrouped and came on again. Production information Windu is not the only example of a purple lightsaber either, with Darth Revan from the Legends continuity famously wielding one. Purpose Zannah was initially caught off guard, but quickly adjusted, forcing Bane to back off and rethink his tactics. The hypnotic patterns woven by her ignited lightsaber served to unsettle unsuspecting opponents, who became increasingly frustrated as their attacks were repeatedly parried—instead of blocked—with minimal effort. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Modification(s) Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. While Hetton held back, Bane assaulted the five assassins with the Force, blasting all but one back and quickly cutting the one down with a rapid attack sequence. Decapitated Farfalla its creator was naturally left-handed, [ 2 ], Shortly,. A more aggressive and pronounced hook became my cause ; to bring Darth Bane, Bane began question! Assassin then took Bane 's establishment of the role frenzy of unchecked rage, killing all two. A pack of Tuk'ata Githany against the three saberstaffs of Sirak and returning his lightsaber attacked by a complicated! With Darth Revan lightsaber runs $ 224.99, while Egon Spengler 's Neutrona Wand cost darth bane lightsaber $ 99.99 the. Amputated Othone 's lightsaber for herself, she noted that the blade purely... Created a weakness, credit him with the Force to guide his blade and to! 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