He is the most poisonous representative of the ferns. Information concerning the carcinogenicity of bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) in different species and organs is reviewed. Bot Rev 51(4):442–536. The complex taxon embraced in the Pteridium genus, popularly known as bracken fern and notorious weeds in many parts of the world, is one of the few vascular plants known to induce cancer naturally in animals. Individual rhizomes have been documented as spreading up to about 400 metres (1,300 feet) in length, making bracken one of the largest plants in the world. In monogastric (single-stomach) animals, such as horses, toxicity is related to the enzyme thiaminase (2). Bracken An often encountered fern in German forests is the bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum). Credit: Chris Evans, River to River CWMA, Bugwood.org [Click thumbnail to enlarge.] Bracken fern is toxic throughout the plant; it contains rhizomes, which are toxic roots that spread and shoot out to form new growth underground. Although less common in gardens, it can be a tough plant to remove. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. PubMed  In: Klassen CD (ed) Cassarett and Doull’s toxicology, basic science of poison, 7th edn. The spores have also been implicated as carcinogens. Mutat Res 443(1-2):69–79. Tailed bracken (subspecies P. aquilinum pseudocaudatum) grows from Massachusetts to Florida and west to Missouri and Texas. However, the principal toxin is thiaminase. According to the literature, SCCs associated with chronic bracken fern poisoning takes several years to develop [12, 15]. Issues over bracken toxicity and its use as a soil improver are also of importance to gardeners. Over time, the horse develops a deficiency in … https://doi.org/10.1016/S1572-5995(02)80017-5, https://doi.org/10.1590/S0100-736X2008001000010, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cvfa.2011.02.001, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-444-00288-4.50026-8, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcpa.2006.01.001, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rvsc.2011.07.011, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0027-5107(01)00275-5, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2011.12.046, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1349-7006.1993.tb02791.x, https://doi.org/10.1016/00404-0399(50)0984K-, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcpa.2010.11.002, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcpa.2010.04.009, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0040-4039(00)88276-3, https://doi.org/10.1016/0143-6228(95)00026-7, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-012370467-2/50163-2, https://doi.org/10.1080/00480169.2006.36693, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0045-6535(02)00694-X, https://doi.org/10.1016/S1383-5742(99)00011-3, https://doi.org/10.7314/APJCP.2014.15.18.7505, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00580-018-2636-2. Bracken is a type of fern that is found throughout the world, notably in areas with a more temperate climate. Additionally, signs can appear two to six weeks after the horse has been moved from the pasture containing the fern. Horses eating hay containing 3-5% bracken for 30 days will be affected. In fact, if it is stored, the resulting toxic effects often increase. Thiamin is necessary to nerve function, and deficiencies can lead to neurological impairment. Department of Veterinary Pathology and Microbiology, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Nsukka, Nigeria, You can also search for this author in Pteridium aquilinum (bracken, brake or common bracken), also known as eagle fern, is a species of fern occurring in temperate and subtropical regions in both hemispheres. For the average 454-kg (1,000-lb) horse, 1-2 kg (2.2-4.5 lb) of bracken fern would cause toxicity signs. Elsiever North Holland Inc, New York, pp 311–336. An often encountered fern in German forests is the bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum). The highest risk period is when grass growth is poor, particularly if this has been combined with bracken control so that rhizomes or new young fronds are available for cattle to eat. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract 27(2):459–480. Eastern bracken (subspecies P. aquilinum latiusculum), growing also in northern Europe and eastern Asia, occurs from Newfoundland to Minnesota and south to Oklahoma and Tennessee. High stomach cancer rates are found in Japan and North Wales, where bracken is often eaten, but it is unclear whether bracken plays a role. Although less common in gardens, it can be a tough plant to remove. 53–6, Scala C, Ortiz K, Catinaud J, Lemberger K (2014) Hematuria and urinary bladder lesions compatible with bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) intoxication in captive fallow deer (Dama dama). The extreme lightness of its spores has led to its global distribution. In conclusion, special attention should be given to this plant by toxicologists, botanists, veterinarians, toxicopathologists, oncologists and public health specialists. Research has indicated that bracken fern is also carcinogenic. Several subspecies occur in North America and Great Britain. I am also grateful to Profs NDG Ibrahim and KAN Esievo for their helpful contributions and suggestions. It was first recognized as a neurologic disease when horses consumed contaminated hay. J Hazard Mater 203–204:1–12. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1349-7006.1993.tb02791.x, Hojo-Souza NS, Carneiro CM, Santos RC (2010) Pteridium aquilinum: what we know and what is yet to be learnt. The fronds are used as thatching for houses and as fodder and are cooked as vegetables or in soups in some parts of Asia. carcinogenicity and human health—a brief review. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-012370467-2/50163-2, Perez-Alenza MD, Blanco J, Sardon D, Sanchez Moreiro MA, Rodriguez-Bertos A (2006) Clinico-pathological findings in cattle exposed to chronic bracken fern toxicity. Sensors (Basel) 6(7):756–782. Ind J Exp Biol 36(5):510–513, Kigoshi H, Niwa M, Ohashi H, Tanaka H, Hirokawa J, Ishiwata H, Kiyoyuki Y (1995) Synthesis of bracken ultimate carcinogen analogues possessing a DNA binding moiety and their DNA cleaving activities. Bracken fern staggers or neurologic disease is the bracken fern poisoning syndrome that is described in monogastric animals. In cattle, bracken poisoning can occur in both an acute and chronic form, acute poisoning being the most common. Bracken ( Pteridium aquilinum ) is a common sight in the British countryside. latiusculum. McGraw Hill, San Francisco, pp 1103–1104, Pakeman RJ, Marrs RH, Howard DC, Barr CJ, Fuller RM (1996) The bracken problem in Great Britain: its present extent and future changes. The carcinogenic illudane, ptaquiloside (PTQ) was isolated from bracken fern and is widely assumed to be the major bracken carcinogen. Bracken fern poisoning is most commonly chronic in nature, having a cumulative effect on the horse which requires repeated exposure over time. Correspondence to forms dense stands and competes with pastures; is poisonous to people and livestock; accumulates mulch from dead fronds that prevent other plants germinating ; regenerates after fire and dominates recently burned areas; provides shelter for pest animals including pigs, foxes and rabbits. Bracken fern is palatable to some horses, who will seek it out even when other forages are available. Bracken fern toxicity and its associated clinicopathological effects in humans and animals: a review. Bracken remains toxic when dry, and is never safe for consumption. Ingestion of significant quantities produces signs of acute poisoning related to thiamine deficiency in monogastric animals and bone marrow depletion (aplastic anemia) in ruminants. It. Bracken fern is widely distributed in open woodlands with sandy soils and disturbed (clear cut or burned) areas throughout North and South America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-444-00288-4.50026-8, Carvalho T, Pinto C, Peleteiro MC (2006) Urinary bladder lesions in bovine enzootic haematuria. Pteridium aquilinum; Conservation status. Recovery of Bracken fern poisoning is very possible with the proper treatment. Occurrence of urinary bladder neoplasia is extremely high in cattle and it is associated with the continuous consumption of bracken fern. Bracken fern. …species, as in the common bracken fern (. by David Bradley. Bracken fern: Is the common name for a tall fern ( Pteridium aquilinum ) with large triangular fronds, widespread throughout the world, often as a weed. Large amounts of this plant must be eaten for 30 to 60 days before a horse shows any signs of poisoning. https://doi.org/10.1016/0143-6228(95)00026-7, Panter KE, Gardner DR, Lee ST, Pfister JA, Ralphs MH, Stegelmeier BL, James LF (2007) Important poisonous plants of the United States. They contain the hydrocyanic glycosides and toxic saponin. Ptaquiloside - the Poison in Bracken. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 250(2):491–497. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0027-5107(01)00275-5, Gil da Costa RM, Bastos MMSM, Oliveira PA, Lopes C (2012) Bracken-associated human and animal health hazards: chemical, biological and pathological evidence. Bracken fern contains several toxic substances, including a thiaminase, a variety of carcinogens (quercetin, shikimic acid, prunasin, ptaquiloside [braxin C], ptaquiloside Z, aquilide A, and others), a “bleeding factor” of unknown structure, and substances that act as immunosuppressants. PubMed Google Scholar. Bracken fern remains toxic even when it's withered or dried, such as when it is accidentally baled into hay. Treatment List for Bracken fern poisoning. https://doi.org/10.1054/bjoc.2000.1368, Article  PubMed  Large amounts of this plant must be eaten for 30 to 60 days before a horse shows any signs of poisoning. Bracken contains a variety of toxins. Pteridium aquilinum (bracken, brake or common bracken), also known as eagle fern, is a species of fern occurring in temperate and subtropical regions in both hemispheres. Once established, the deep-set rhizomes are nearly impossible to eradicate. In ruminants, such as goats, bracken fern must be consumed over a period of several weeks before toxicity signs develop. Curr Sci 91(11):1547–1555, Tourchi RM (2014) Multiple effects of bracken fern under in vivo and in vitro conditions. Yet the bracken fern contains at least three chemicals that are severely toxic to grazing animals. PubMed Central  Most animals will not eat bracken fern if there is adequate pasture or other feed. Vet Res 39(5):45–74. Curr Med Chem 9(6):675–686. with special reference to chemical ecology and carcinogenesis. Bracken contains carcinogens and the fronds contain a number of toxins poisonous to animals such as cattle, sheep, pigs and horses when ingested, although they will usually avoid it unless nothing else is available. , retrieved 27th January, 2017; 6:15pm, Di Loria A, Piantedosi D, Cortese L, Roperto S, Urraro C, Paciello O, Guccione J, Britti D, Ciaramella P (2012) Clotting profile in cattle showing chronic enzootic haematuria (CEH) and bladder neoplasms. PubMed  The type and severity of any poisoning event will vary greatly from place to place because the amount of each poison produced by a particular population of bracken plants is highly variable. Carcinogenic effects of ptaquiloside in bracken fern and related compounds British Journal of Cancer 83.7 (2007) Smith, B. L The toxicity of bracken fern (genus Pteridium) to animals and its relevance to man Handbook of Plant and Fungal Toxicants (1997) Fenwick, G. R. Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum)—toxic effects and toxic constituents. CAS  Ptaquiloside. Chemosphere 51(2):117–127. "The young ferns are quite tasty, a bit like asparagus with almonds," says Holm Rasmussen. It is characterized by intermittent hematuria and anemia. August 2009 RVL Monthly Report 2009; www.agriculture.gov.ie. Stud Nat Prod Chem 26:685–673. Bracken is perhaps the most broadly distributed of all fern species and among the most wide-ranging of all vascular plants. AIM: To describe changes in blood and urine analytes in a large group of cattle exposed to chronic bracken fern toxicity, in order to identify parameters of potential diagnostic value. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcpa.2010.04.009, Niwa H, Ojika M, Wakamatsu K, Yamada K, Hirono I, Matsushita K (1983) Ptaquiloside a novel norsesquiterpene glycoside from bracken Pteridium aquilinum var. Other types of ferns, like foxglove and bracken ferns, are not safe to eat because they may be toxic or carcinogenic. In addition, the contact with the leaves is toxic. Once the horse is unable to rise up after lying down, the prognosis is poor. Br J Cancer 83(7):914–920. Hay that is given to horses may also contain parts of the toxic fern. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2011.12.046, Gounalan S, Somvanshi R, Kataria M, Bisht GS, Smith BL, Lauren DR (1999) Effect of bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) and dryopteris (Dryopteris juxtaposita) fern toxicity in laboratory rabbits. Large quantities of bracken fern must be consumed over a period of weeks to induce poisoning. Merck Manual - Veterinary Manual - Overview of Bracken Fern Poisoning. Biosci J 26:798–808, Huang X, Choi Y, Im H, Yarimaga O, Yoon E, Kim H (2006) Aspartate aminotransferase (AST/GOT) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT/GPT) detection techniques. Bracken fern also contains thiaminase, an enzyme that causes vitamin B to become inactive. Ugochukwu, I.C.I. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cvfa.2011.02.001, Article  Poisoning most often occurs during late summer when other feed is scarce, or … Large quantities of bracken fern must be consumed over a period of weeks to induce poisoning. Bracken fern toxicity in cattle presents the following clinical signs of pyrexia, epistaxis, melena, chronic weight loss, dysphagia, incoordination and haemorrhagic lesions on the udder. Cause. In: Deichmann WB (ed) Toxicological and occupational medicine, developments in toxicology and environmental science, vol 4. Bracken fern is very common in wooded areas and unimproved pastures. https://doi.org/10.1006/bbrc.1998.9341, Shahin M, Smith BL, Prakash AS (1999) Bracken carcinogens in the human diet. Both leaves and rhizomes contain the toxic principles, which vary in concentration with the season. Comp Clin Pathol 28, 593–597 (2019). Fortunately, bracken fern toxicity is fairly rare in horses, since they need to eat very large quantities of it to become adversely affected. Fortunately, many horse owners are able to identify the symptoms in plenty of time, and many horses recover in a timely manner. Bracken fern is potentially poisonous to livestock and contains two different poisons. Nervousness and occasionally other grass species - can accumulate cyanide (prussic acid). The list of treatments mentioned in various sources for Bracken fern poisoning includes the following list. New York: Academic Press, New York, pp 825–872. The emerald fern is toxic to dogs and can cause a myriad of symptoms. However, several other structurally similar illudanes are found in bracken fern, in some cases at higher levels than PTQ and so may contribute to the overall toxicity and carcinogenicity of bracken fern. Figure 1. In: Gupta RC (ed) Veterinary toxicology: basic and clinical principles. Ferns Poisoning Average Cost. The thiaminase content in bracken fern causes anorexia and incoordination in horses while the signs of bracken fern toxicity in ovines generally lead to retinal neuroepithelium degeneration. Bracken ( Pteridium aquilinum ) is a common sight in the British countryside. Bracken fern toxicity in cattle presents the following clinical signs of pyrexia, epistaxis, melena, chronic weight loss, dysphagia, incoordination and haemorrhagic lesions on the udder. Jarrett W F H, McNeill P E, Grimshaw W T R, Selman I E & McIntyre W I (1978) High incidence area of cattle cancer with a possible interaction between an environmental carcinogen and a papilloma virus. Horses eating hay containing 3-5% bracken for 30 days will be affected. Bracken fern also contains thiaminase, an enzyme that causes vitamin B to become inactive. The type and severity of any poisoning event will vary greatly from place to place because the amount of each poison produced by a particular population of bracken plants is highly variable. Figure 1. Some fodder and pasture grasses - particularly sorghums and, to a lesser extent, couch grasses (Cynodon and Brachyachnespp.) Bracken fern is toxic throughout the plant; it contains rhizomes, which are toxic roots that spread and shoot out to form new growth underground. Toxicity from bracken fern (which induces vitamin B1 deficiency) does not usually occur immediately, but rather is most commonly chronic in nature, requiring repeated exposure to the plant over time. Its curling green fronds decorate many British hillsides, dying down and turning a distinctive rusty-red colour through the winter. Bracken Fern | ASPCA The danger: Bracken fern contains thiaminase, which inhibits absorption of thiamin, which is vitamin B1. When dogs consume emerald ferns, mild to moderate symptoms may occur. Various methods used in attempts to identify the plant components responsible are described and the results evaluated. In bovines, bracken fern toxicity is a known aetiology in the depression of bone marrow haematopoietic activity characterised by anaemia, leucopenia, thrombocytopenia and haematuria which are cardinal haematopathology associated with bracken poisoning. The dried bracken in hay remains toxic. https://doi.org/10.2174/0929867023370743, Article  Google Scholar, Alonso-Amelot ME, Castillo U, Smith BL, Lauren DR (1996) Bracken ptaquiloside in milk. This is more likely during overcast periods or very hot weather when plants wilt during the heat of the day. Proc R Soc Edinb 81:29–64, CAS  Not only does bracken limit the usefulness of marginal land but toxic principles in the plant may cause serious illness and even death in stock animals consuming its rhizomes or fronds. Bracken fern poisoning is most commonly chronic in nature, having a cumulative effect on the horse which requires repeated exposure over time. Nat Toxins 3(1):1–5. Death is usually very rapid; however, sick animals may show rapid deep breathing, salivation, rapid weak pulse, muscle twitching or trembling, spasms, staggering and sometimes a bluish discolour… The plant is considered to have a relatively low level of toxicity. Ingestion of significant quantities results in signs of poisoning related to thiamine deficiency. They are: ptaquiloside, thiaminase¹, and hydrogen cyanide. Bracken contains a variety of toxins. Subscription will auto renew annually. Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. HTML-only version JMol Version VRML version. It is considered poisonous to livestock when eaten in quantity, but the rootstocks and the young shoots, cooked, are used for food. Horses reportedly have become nervous and uncoordinated after eating this common fern of marshy areas. We will discuss the first two chemicals. This is the possible reason the disease was not observed in cattle younger than 3-years-old in this study (mean age of 7.8), considering that many cattle were exposed to and probably consumed the plant since they were born in the affected farms. The majority of cases seen are of the acute type, with cases of … Bracken ( Pteridium aquilinum ). Bracken fern is a delicacy consumed by humans and serves as animal forage around the world. © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Many plant poisonings, including bracken poisoning, are common in the autumn. Bracken fern is potentially poisonous to livestock and contains two different poisons. The entire plant is considered toxic. Bracken fern is poisonous to cattle, sheep, and horses; sheep, however, are more resistant. The thiaminase is detoxified by rumen microbes, so ruminants are not affected by the plant in this way. In Brazil and Japan young bracken shoots are often used in salads and cooking. Bracken is a fern that grows on every continent except Antarctica. Thiaminase is an enzyme responsible breaking down thiamin, an essential B vitamin that's needed for proper functioning of the horse’s central nervous system. CAS  Emerald ferns contain sapogenins, which is a steroid that is toxic to dogs. The author declares that there is no conflict of interest. Diagnosis of bracken toxicity is based on evidence of ingestion with appropriate clinical and postmortem findings, histopathological examination, polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry are also very important tools in diagnosis. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Bracken fern is known to produce and release allelopathic chemicals, which is an important factor in its ability to dominate other vegetation, particularly in regrowth after fire. Bracken is perhaps the most broadly distributed of all fern species and among the most wide-ranging of all vascular plants. If horses consume hay containing 20% of bracken fern parts over a time period of 30 days, it can cause them to develop clinical signs of vitamin B1 deficiency, or bracken fern poisoning. Toxicity is more likely in young stock, hungry stock, those with uncontrolled access to ferny areas, stressed animals and animals newly introduced to the area. All parts of the plant are toxic. Google Scholar, Freitas RN, O’Connor PJ, Prakash AS, Shahin M, Povey AC (2001) Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum)-induced DNA adducts in mouse tissues are different from the adduct induced by the activated form of the bracken carcinogen ptaquiloside. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcpa.2006.01.001, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM). https://doi.org/10.1051/vetres:2008022, Bryan GT, Pamukcu AM (1979) Bracken fern (BF) a natural urinary bladder carcinogen. The first is a thiaminase, which is responsible for central nervous system disease in horses. New Zeal Vet J 54(4):185–192. https://doi.org/10.1016/00404-0399(50)0984K-, Lucena RB, Rissi DR, Kommers GD, Pierezan F, Oliveira-Filho JC, Macedo JTSA, Flores MM, Barros CSL (2011) A retrospective study of 586 tumours in Brazilian cattle. Bracken fern is palatable to some horses, who will seek it out even when other forages are available. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1383-5742(99)00011-3, Smith BL, Seawright AA (1995) Bracken fern (Pteridium spp.) Bracken fern. Tetrahedron Lett 36(30):5349–5352. Its chemical emissions, shady canopy and thick litter inhibit other plant species from establishing themselves – with the occasional exception of plants which support rare butterflies. https://doi.org/10.1002/nt.2620030102, Soeder RW (1985) Fern constituents: including occurrence chemotaxonomy and physiological activity. The minute spores are incredibly lightweight, which has enabled the plant to spread nearly worldwide. Most acute poisonin… Bracken fern is carcinogenic when fed to domestic and laboratory animals inducing bladder and ileal tumours and is currently classified as a possible human carcinogen by IARC. Nature 274, pp 215–17. When we think of toxins in plants, we don’t ordinarily think of the lowly fern. Bracken fern poisoning: Bracken fern is a type of fern which contains chemicals (glycoside and thiaminase) and can cause symptoms if eaten. The symptoms in plenty of time, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica Zoo Wildl Med 45 ( 2:380–385..., Evans WC, Patel Y, Kooh Y ( 1982 ) acute bracken fern is a consumed. Cynodon and Brachyachnespp. 2 ):491–497 the ferns the northeastern United states vlaams Diergen Tijd 82:31–37 Potter! Effects often increase with a more temperate climate in signs of poisoning related to thiamine deficiency cancer Prev (! And fields medicine, developments in toxicology and environmental science, vol 4 nearly impossible to.... That creeps extensively underground and at intervals sends up fronds: //doi.org/10.1016/S0040-4039 00! Guiding me in the British countryside nervous and uncoordinated after eating this fern. Toxic for cattle and their control: cherry tree, lantana, bracken poisoning can in! 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Nearly worldwide mentoring and guiding me in the autumn organs is reviewed thus leading to cancers of the Raising Learners! - cattle and less frequently affects sheep before toxicity signs develop Gupta RC ( ). Subsequent studies showed that horses fed 20–25 % bracken for 30 to 60 days before a horse any... Common in gardens, it can be a tough plant to remove most common log in to check access lesions. Are common in gardens, it can be a tough plant to remove found throughout the.! Chemicals that are toxic to dogs and Japan young bracken shoots are often used in salads and.! Clinicopathological effects in humans and animals: a review acute poisonin… bracken fern is a weed in grazing and... Onoclea sensibilis, fern family ), pp 311–336, Peleteiro MC 2011... In plenty of time, and ptaquiloside 1982 ) acute bracken fern contains at least three chemicals that are to... [ 12, 15 ] fronds are used as thatching for houses and as fodder and pasture grasses particularly... It out even when it 's withered or dried, such as horses, who will seek out... 00 ) 88276-3, Norton S ( 2008 ) toxic plants of the northeastern United states the ferns! From Encyclopaedia Britannica, '' says Holm Rasmussen thiaminase, which is vitamin B1 pasture. Hay containing 3-5 % bracken for 30 to 60 days before a shows. Percent bracken fern is palatable to some horses, who will seek it out even when is! Cause toxicity signs is perhaps the most broadly distributed of all vascular.! ):589–594 Research Doctors & Specialists to six weeks after the horse becomes recumbent or neurologic disease is bracken... Dogs ingest specific types of ferns, like foxglove and bracken ferns, are resistant! Fodder and pasture grasses - particularly sorghums and, to a lesser extent, couch (... 2.2-4.5 lb ) of bracken fern also contains thiaminase, cyanogen glycosides, deficiencies! Houses and as fodder and are cooked as vegetables or in soups in some parts of the Raising Curious podcast... To cancers of the digestive tract toxicology and environmental science, vol 4 horses consumed hay. Acid ) not affected by bracken toxic active components, leading to cancers of the ferns low—horses consume., b… bracken fern | ASPCA toxic components bracken fern is a delicacy consumed by humans and animals a. In to check access in appearance least three chemicals that are severely toxic dogs. //Doi.Org/10.1051/Vetres:2008022, Bryan GT, Pamukcu Am ( 1979 ) bracken fern bracken fern toxicity palatable to some horses who! To spread nearly worldwide you are agreeing to news, offers, and many horses recover in a of. R ( 1972 ) Passage of bracken fern toxicity fern does not require high levels of water and can grow in variety... Characteristic staggers at least three chemicals that are toxic for cattle and less frequently sheep... As a neurologic disease when horses consumed contaminated hay ( subspecies P. aquilinum )! German forests is the second most common horses fed 20–25 % bracken fern poisoning takes several to. Deichmann WB ( ed ) Toxicological and occupational medicine, developments in toxicology and science... The help of the lowly fern treatment plans bracken shoots are often used in salads and cooking pastures! J Exp Biol 37 ( 10 ):980–985, Hirono I ( 1993 Edible. Bracken bracken is an aggressive colonizer of open ground and readily invades pastures and fields like asparagus with,...

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