PRC is a nationally recognized healthcare consulting firm with extensive experience conducting Community Health Needs Assessments such as this in hundreds of communities across the United States The runner-up was Donald J. Trump (41.9%), followed by Other (2.99%). Additionally, Cumberland County has the highest prevalence of adult obesity (34.7%). This chart shows the gender-based wage disparity in the 5 most common occupations in New Jersey by number of full-time employees. The Census Bureau uses a set of money income thresholds that vary by family size and composition to determine who classifies as impoverished. The student population of Bergen County, NJ is skewed towards women, with 15,289 male students and 21,379 female students. In 2018, the median property value in Bergen County, NJ grew to to $476,200 from the previous year's value of $470,300. The most common industries in Bergen County, NJ, by number of employees, are Health Care & Social Assistance (73,030 people), Educational Services (52,470 people), and Retail Trade (51,841 people). Bob Menendez and Cory Booker are the senators currently representing the state of New Jersey. Per capita personal health care spending in New Jersey was $8,859 in 2014. The chart below shows how the median household income in Bergen County, NJ compares to that of it's neighboring and parent geographies. Data is only available at the state level. difference IS NOT statistically significant. Updated election results are currently being processed, and will be released in the coming months. NORTHWEST BERGEN REGIONAL HEALTH COMMISSION. The following map shows all of the tracts in Bergen County, NJ colored by their Median Household Income (Total). The following chart shows the 7 races represented in Bergen County, NJ as a share of the total population. The Bergen County Jail serves as a central reception and processing center for pre-trial male and female adult inmates whose incarceration is necessary to ensure a court appearance. In 2018, the income inequality in New Jersey was 0.493 according to the GINI calculation of the wage distribution. Free, fast and easy way find a job of 698.000+ postings in Bergen County, NJ and other big cities in USA. Compared to other counties, Bergen County, NJ has an unusually high number of Wholesale Trade (1.74 times higher than expected), Finance & Insurance (1.5 times), and Information (1.39 times) industries. How is Bergen County's population distributed by race? This chart shows the race- and ethnicity-based wage disparities in the 5 most common occupations in New Jersey by number of full-time employees. Mental illnesses are conditions that affect Bergen County residents' thoughts, feelings, moods, or behaviors. ... (FQHCs) to adopt evidence-based strategies for the enhancement of electronic health records and/or team-based care appropriate for treating patients with diabetes in healthcare systems. Bergen: 6.3. New Jersey is currently represented by 12 members in the U.S. house. Between 2017 and 2018 the median property value increased from $470,300 to $476,200, a 1.25% increase. The following map shows the amount of trade that New Jersey shares with each state (excluding itself). Watch = The county's value is BETTER than state value, Public Health Assessment: July 1990 [pdf 1.10m] Study: July 1987 Report on Investigation Report on Investigation of Cancer Incidence in Municipalities Adjacent to Stepan Chemical Company/Maywood Interim Storage Site in Maywood, Bergen County [pdf 1.56m] The largest demographic living in poverty are Females 75+, followed by Females 35 - 44 and then Females 45 - 54. The most popular majors in Bergen County, NJ are Liberal Arts & Sciences (1,891 and 20%), Registered Nursing (861 and 9.13%), and General Business Administration & Management (442 and 4.69%). 932,202), including age, race, sex, income, poverty, marital status, education and more. Median household income in Bergen County, NJ is $100,361. As of 2018, 30.4% of Bergen County, NJ residents were born outside of the country (285k people). The following chart shows the number of households using each mode of transportation over time, using a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to help better show variations in the smaller means of commuting. This chart presents movement trends over time in the state of New Jersey across different categories of places such as retail and recreation, groceries and pharmacies, parks, transit stations, workplaces, and residential. 7.03% of the population for whom poverty status is determined in Bergen County, NJ (64.7k out of 920k people) live below the poverty line, a number that is lower than the national average of 13.1%. People in Bergen County, NJ have an average commute time of 32.2 minutes, and they commute by Drove Alone. Domestic production and consumption consists of products and services shipped from New Jersey to other states, or from other states to New Jersey. They are also responsible for maintaining the records for birth, marriage, and death records that occurred within the Township of North Bergen and issuing copies. Car ownership in Bergen County, NJ is approximately the same as the national average, with an average of 2 cars per household. RN staff also provides community referrals on a wide range of health needs. from Department of Health, New Jersey State Health Assessment Data Web site: In 2015, the top outbound New Jersey domestic partner for goods and services (by dollars) was New York with $70.5B, followed by Pennsylvania with $48.9B and California and $16.6B. In 2018, there were 3.35 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (518k people) in Bergen County, NJ than any other race or ethnicity. The homeownership rate in Bergen County, NJ is 64.8%, which is higher than the national average of 63.9%. In 2016, West Virginia had the highest prevalence of adults with major depressive episode, with 8.26% of the population affected. Showing data for New Jersey. The following map shows the prevalence of adults who haven't seen a doctor in the past 12 months due to cost by state over multiple years. Please go to Health Care Referrals for more details. As of 2018, 88.9% of Bergen County, NJ residents were US citizens, which is lower than the national average of 93.2%. Primary care physicians in Bergen County, NJ see 828 patients per year on average, which represents a 2.48% increase from the previous year (808 patients). This chart shows weekly unemployment insurance claims in New Jersey (not-seasonally adjusted) compared with the four states with the most similar impact. Using averages, employees in Bergen County, NJ have a longer commute time (32.2 minutes) than the normal US worker (25.7 minutes). The following chart displays the households in Bergen County, NJ distributed between a series of car ownership buckets compared to the national averages for each bucket. The following chart shows how the percent of uninsured individuals in Bergen County, NJ changed over time compared with the percent of individuals enrolled in various types of health insurance. In 2018, the most common birthplace for the foreign-born residents of New Jersey was India, the natal country of 260,034 New Jersey residents, followed by Dominican Republic with 194,328 and Mexico with 107,599. The following map shows the prevalence of diabetes in New Jersey by county over multiple years. Definition: Diabetes prevalence is the estimated percentage of New Jersey adults 18 years and older with diagnosed diabetes. Bergen County Public Records are any documents that are available for public inspection and retrieval in Bergen County, NJ. If a family's total income is less than the family's threshold than that family and every individual in it is considered to be living in poverty. Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2018 ACS 5-Year Estimates . The following chart displays the households in Bergen County, NJ distributed between a series of income buckets compared to the national averages for each bucket. Since 2001, the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office has also held a standing contract with the U.S. Presidential voting results are only available at the county level. NJSHAD contains: Reports on over 200 public health status indicators containing graphs, data tables, maps, and explanatory information; Community Profiles display indicator report data by county or major racial/ethnic group; Dataset Queries that allow users to create customized graphs, maps, and tables of state, county, and municipality-level data from public health datasets Why this matters: People without health insurance often wait to seek treatment because of cost. Receive updates on news, datasets, and features? Native-born citizens, with a median age of 35, were generally younger than than foreign-born citizens, with a median age of 49. This percentage of owner-occupation is higher than the national average of 63.9%. How many people in your county use alcohol and tobacco? Bergen County Department of Health Services One Bergen County Plaza • 4th Floor • Hackensack, NJ 07601-7076. 5.51% speak Korean and 1.81% speak Spanish, the next two most common languages. This is expected to increase 57.1% to $734B by 2045. These workers were paid 1.19 times more than White workers, who made the second highest salary of any race/ethnicity in New Jersey. Please note that the buckets used in this visualization were not evenly distributed by ACS when publishing the data. Conditions in the places where Bergen County residents live, learn, work, and play affect a wide range of health risks and outcomes. Please call … The following chart shows how the median household income in Bergen County, NJ compares to that of its neighboring and parent geographies. Bergen County Department of Health Services One Bergen County Plaza • 4th Floor • Hackensack, NJ 07601-7076. The Vital Statistics and Registration, a part of the Health Department, issues birth, marriage, and death records. 2019 Substance Abuse Overview. In 2017, universities in Bergen County, NJ awarded 9,432 degrees. These public records all document a person's life, and they may be required for a range of legal purposes. The most common jobs held by residents of Bergen County, NJ, by number of employees, are Management Occupations (73,437 people), Office & Administrative Support Occupations (56,260 people), and Sales & Related Occupations (55,948 people). ... Home » Bergen County Department of Health Services . Between 2017 and 2018 the population of Bergen County, NJ declined from 948,406 to 936,692, a -1.24% decrease and its median household income grew from $94,107 to $100,361, a 6.65% increase. difference IS statistically significant. different from the state value if the state value is outside Surveillance and Statistics; Introducing NPIN’s Social Community. In 2017, the percentage of foreign-born citizens in Bergen County, NJ was 30.1%, meaning that the rate has been increasing. The most common forms of Bergen County Vital Records include birth and death records, records of marriage and domestic partnerships, and divorce records. As of 2018, 30.4% of Bergen County, NJ residents (285k people) were born outside of the United States, which is higher than the national average of 13.7%. Phone: 201-634-2600 • Fax: 201-336-6086. Good Public Health Grows a Stronger Community. Competitive salary. Bergen County Department of Planning & Engineering One Bergen County Plaza • 4th Floor • Hackensack, NJ 07601-7076. not available, a blank gauge image will be displayed with This is a 4.91% increase from the previous year ($8,444). The mission of the Cliffside Park Health Department is to strive to provide our diverse community with protection, and a healthy atmosphere in which to live and prosper, through continuous community assessment and intervention, health promotion, disease prevention, and the monitoring of vital statistics. The following map shows the percent of individuals with major depressive episode by state over multiple years. In 2018, the most common non-English language spoken in Bergen County, NJ was Spanish. The largest universities in Bergen County, NJ by number of degrees awarded are Bergen Community College (2,316 and 24.6%), Fairleigh Dickinson University-Metropolitan Campus (2,187 and 23.2%), and Ramapo College of New Jersey (1,591 and 16.9%). The most common job groups, by number of people living in Bergen County, NJ, are Management Occupations (73,437 people), Office & Administrative Support Occupations (56,260 people), and Sales & Related Occupations (55,948 people). Income inequality had a 0.0656% decline from 2017 to 2018, which means that wage distribution grew somewhat more even. Marriage Certificate Records available from January, 1928 - Present But people in Bergen County, NJ are getting getting older. New York University - Bachelor of Science, Global Public Health & Chemistry. The following chart shows the popular vote results in New Jersey for each registered party from 1976 to 2016. Compare this to dentists who see 781 patients per year, and mental health providers who see 473 patients per year. Most people in Bergen County, NJ commute by Drove Alone, and the average commute time is 32.2 minutes. In 2018, the median household income of the 340k households in Bergen County, NJ grew to $100,361 from the previous year's value of $94,107. Bergen County Public Health Profile Report Diabetes (Diagnosed) Prevalence: Estimated Percent (Age-adjusted), New Jersey, 2015-2017. Males in New Jersey have an average income that is 1.36 times higher than the average income of females, which is $65,578. This chart displays the gender disparity between the top 5 institutions in Bergen County, NJ by degrees awarded. The average car ownership in Bergen County, NJ is 2 cars per household. Statewide. The median property value in Bergen County, NJ is $476,200, and the homeownership rate is 64.8%. New Jersey is currently represented by 12 members in the U.S. house, and members of the House of Representives are elected to 2-year terms. The following chart shows elected senators in New Jersey over time, excluding special elections, colored by their political party. In other words, wages are distributed less evenly in New Jersey in comparison to the national average. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTION SERVICES PO BOX 325 TRENTON, NJ 08625 June 2017 This statewide Substance Abuse Overview provides statistics on substance abuse treatment in New Jersey for calendar year 2017. In 2018, the tract with the highest Median Household Income (Total) in Bergen County, NJ was Census Tract 473 with a value of $250,001, followed by Census Tract 551 and Census Tract 472, with respective values of $210,938 and $210,172. In 2017, the Bergen County, NJ institution with the largest number of graduating students was Bergen Community College with 2,316 degrees awarded. QuickFacts Bergen County, New Jersey. The following chart shows how this spending changed over time in comparison to Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance spending, per enrollee. The runner-up was Donald J. Trump (41.9%), followed by Other (2.99%). In 2016, Mississippi had the highest prevalence of adults who haven't seen a doctor in the past 12 months due to cost, at 19.2%. These 3,618 degrees mean that there were 1.67 times more White students then the next closest race/ethnicity group, Hispanic or Latino, with 2,166 degrees awarded. Between 2016 and 2017, the percent of uninsured citizens in Bergen County, NJ grew by 6.28% from 7.37% to 7.83%. Bergen County has confirmed cases of novel coronavirus (COVID-19), as seen in other parts of the world and U.S. In 2015, the top outbound New Jersey product (by dollars) was Pharmaceuticals with $48.1B, followed by Electronics ($36.5B) and Motorized vehicles ($35.3B). Excellent = The county's value on this indicator There is 1 Health Department per 44,662 people, and 1 Health Department per 11 square miles. The ACS adheres to definitions of race and ethnicity set forth by the 1997 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) standards. Diabetes Prevention and Control Program, Division of Family Health Services, New Jersey Department of Health, PO Box 364, Trenton NJ 08625-0364, Phone: 609-984-6137, Fax: 609-292-9288, Web:, Copyright © State of New Jersey, 1996-2020. Search and apply for the latest Health officer jobs in Bergen County, NJ. Members of the House of Representives are elected to 2-year terms, and the following chart shows the how the members for New Jersey have changed over time starting in 2008. In 2018, the tract with the highest Median Household Income in Bergen County, NJ was Census Tract 473 with a value of $250,001, followed by Census Tract 551 and Census Tract 472, with respective values of $210,938 and $210,172. Households in Bergen County, NJ have a median annual income of $100,361, which is more than the median annual income of $61,937 across the entire United States. What this measures : The percentage of the population that does not have health insurance. Call us today to connect with a top Bergen County Statistics tutor (917) 215-4373 Call Now Get Started Since 2016, the county's health broker has been Acrisure, a firm based in Michigan but with a number of New Jersey subsidiaries, including Doyle Alliance Group, which handles the Bergen … During this period, customers will be unable to request and pick up copies of vital records on site. indicator is WORSE than the state value, and the In the United States, senators are elected to 6-year terms with the terms for individual senators staggered. Bergen County There are 21 Health Departmentsin Bergen County, New Jersey, serving a population of 937,920 peoplein an area of 233 square miles. In 2018, full-time male employees in New Jersey made 1.36 times more than female employees. This chart shows the ownership percentage in Bergen County, NJ compared it's parent and neighboring geographies. Showing data at the state level for New Jersey. The most common racial or ethnic group living below the poverty line in Bergen County, NJ is White, followed by Hispanic and Asian. Denominator: Number of New Jersey adults (18 and older) who responded to the BRFSS within the survey year. In Bergen County, NJ the largest share of households pay taxes in the $3k+ range. Showing data for the counties inside of New Jersey. Recommend on Facebook Follow on Twitter. The largest industries in Bergen County, NJ are Health Care & Social Assistance (73,030 people), Educational Services (52,470 people), and Retail Trade (51,841 people), and the highest paying industries are Finance & Insurance ($100,628), Management of Companies & Enterprises ($100,505), and Utilities ($95,217). In the 2016 presidential election, the popular vote in Bergen County, NJ went to Hillary Rodham Clinton with 55.1% of the vote. 39.9% of the people in Bergen County, NJ speak a non-English language, and 88.9% are U.S. citizens. It is followed by Texas (17.9%) and Louisiana (17.6%). The most common foreign languages spoken in Bergen County, NJ are Spanish (143,330 speakers), Korean (48,839 speakers), and Tagalog (Incl. We deliver programs and services that result in business retention, attraction, creation, and economic growth for the economy of Bergen County. Bergen County, NJ is home to a population of 937k people, from which 88.9% are citizens. indicator is WORSE than the state value, but the The information published The GINI for New Jersey was higher than than the national average of 0.479. Diagnosed Diabetes Prevalence in Adults Ages 18 and Over. Health & Safety Hotline: 201-225-7000. The following chart shows the percentage of foreign-born residents in Bergen County, NJ compared to that of it's neighboring and parent geographies. Salem County has the highest prevalence of diabetes in New Jersey, at 12.1%. In 2018, Bergen County, NJ had a population of 937k people with a median age of 42 and a median household income of $100,361. The most common employment sectors for those who live in Bergen County, NJ, are Health Care & Social Assistance (73,030 people), Educational Services (52,470 people), and Retail Trade (51,841 people). In 2018, Bergen County, NJ had a population of 937k people with a median age of 42 and a median household income of $100,361. The highest paying industries in Bergen County, NJ, by median earnings, are Finance & Insurance ($100,628), Management of Companies & Enterprises ($100,505), and Utilities ($95,217). In 2017, the percentage of US citizens in Bergen County, NJ was 88.5%, meaning that the rate of citizenship has been increasing. Census data for Bergen County, NJ (pop. The highest paid jobs held by residents of Bergen County, NJ, by median earnings, are Law Enforcement Workers Including Supervisors ($123,168), Life, Physical, & Social Science Occupations ($100,982), and Management Occupations ($99,121). Hospitalization data for some states may be delayed or not reported. Comparing across all counties in the state, Salem County has the highest prevalence of diabetes (12.1%). Find Bergen County Population of People With Disabilities, Population by Disability Type, Public Health Insurance Coverage, and Private Health Insurance Coverage. How many neglect physical exercise, or have mental health issues in need of treatment? This chart shows the number of COVID-19 daily new cases by date in New Jersey, as a 7-day rolling average, compared with the four states with the most similar number of confirmed cases. There are many different types of records, including Bergen County birth records, criminal records, and business records. This assessment was conducted on behalf of the Community Health Improvement Partnership of Bergen County by Professional Research Consultants, Inc. (PRC). These reports focus on prevalence of known health risks and social determinants of health. The median tuition costs in Bergen County, NJ are $34,854 for private four year colleges, and $11,640 and $20,774 respectively, for public four year colleges for in-state students and out-of-state students. Note: Top number indicates number of persons reported currently living with HIV/AIDS (HIV Positive Infection or AIDS) as of 12/31/2017, based on most recent data on patient residence available in HARS. In the 2016 presidential election, the most partisan county in New Jersey was Essex County, NJ with 77.5% of the vote going to Hillary Rodham Clinton running for the Democratic Party. These conditions are known as Social Determinants of Health (SDOH).. 20.6% of the people in Bergen County, NJ are hispanic (193k people). is BETTER than the state value, and the difference A much smaller percentage of cases are severe, particularly in elderly people and people with underlying medical conditions. The PUMS dataset is not available at the County level, so we are showing data for New Jersey. All visits are on a walk-in basis and conducted in a private, confidential setting. Bergen County Health Statistics Find Bergen County Population of People With Disabilities, Population by Disability Type, Public Health Insurance Coverage, and Private Health Insurance Coverage. Shipped from New Jersey over time, excluding special elections, colored by their political party a. For Bergen County Department of Health services the most common ethnic groups in Bergen County, New Jersey higher! 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