He also tries to minimize his night terrors by avoiding sleep as much as possible (which, naturally, does nothing to help the situation). The couple were divorced at this point, and Wanda turned to Agatha Harkness for comfort. Here are 10 of your favorite heroes who battle “evil” as well as their even darker inner demons. Notably, this includes Alfred Pennyworth, who acts as Batman’s confidant and occasional amateur therapist.[9]. It may be a … All the awesomeness in the world can’t prevent some superheroes from struggling with more “human” issues such as depression, PTSD, and bipolar disorder. It caused Wanda to break ranks and “go rogue” several times.[5]. Wide-Ranging Trends Point to a Banner Year Ahead for Men’s Grooming, Let the Words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Inspire You to Make a Difference, These Are the Cosmetic Treatments Popular With Men Now, This West Indo-Guyanese Gay Man Is Canadian Drag Royalty at Its Finest, It’s Possible to Drink Pumpkin Spice While Buying Kettlebells, Says Tom Segura, A Black Man's Experience of the American Justice System, Connecting the New Netflix Film With My Dad’s War Experiences, Teen Heartthrob to Proud Parent: Nick Carter Talks Being a Dad in Quarantine, Best Sex Positions to Improve Your Sex Life. This all shows the deep depression that Captain America continuously struggles with throughout several of his films. It doesn't give a damn if Peter Parker is Spider-Man. Probably the most famous and popular comic book character of all time, the most notable thing about Batman is the fact… She’s always been a representation of mental health and illness in the comic book series, and her major role is handling that stigma within Marvel." His girlfriend Elektra was murdered, and Karen Page, another love, also died. Set after Avengers 1, the team discover Loki is mentally ill, and that Asgard have no way of treating it/have been treating it with pretty terrible cures. © 2021 Ziff Davis Canada, Inc. All Rights Reserved. But his mental health takes the brunt of the abuse. Movies Avengers. Warning: Spoilers ahead for "Avengers: Endgame." If you're talking to a tree and inanimate objects on a regular basis, there's probably a deeper, underlying problem. One deleted scene from The Avengers shows Rogers leafing through documents that confirm all his old friends have died. From Spider-Man to Daredevil, here are the Marvel heroes who inspire everyone to keep going. Thor’s mental health decline had been coming for a while, even before Thanos appeared. He develops post-traumatic stress disorder — and other characters don't seem to notice. Wanda Maximoff (aka The Scarlet Witch) and her brother, Pietro (aka Quicksilver), have a hazy background. Another preceding fact: While some people are born with them, not everyone is; in fact, these sicknesses in the brain can result from events known as traumas, with continued associations linking said victim with the event labelled trauma triggers. For someone with a panic disorder, said Saltz, “the idea of encasing yourself in something super-powerful and protective would be reassuring.”, As for thinking he can save the world all on his own, that’s borne not out of Stark’s famously outsized ego, but classic narcissism. The workers are discouraged from talking about psychological issues in the workplace. Dark Lady Devinity. A mental disorder, also called a mental illness or psychiatric disorder, is a mental or behavioral pattern or anomaly that causes either suffering or an impaired ability to function in ordinary life (disability), and which is not developmentally or socially normative. He is also sporting a beard that could rival that of ZZ Top’s Billy Gibbons.[2]. “The problem with anger,” said Dr. Saltz, “is that usually when someone becomes enraged, the other person becomes afraid, and that only serves to make the angry person feel more powerful.” To counteract that, she would advise the not-so-Jolly Green Giant try to identify his triggers, so they can be caught before he starts Hulk-smashing. Historically, comics have blamed villainous tendencies on mental illness. The scene depicts his emotional state by leaving him in darkness and dimming the color surrounding him. Fortunately, Batman has a group of people around him who help him to see the light. She also lashed out at several close friends. Tags: character: loki , genre: gen , genre: post-avengers , movie: avengers When pressed for details about Vision's place in the story, Olsen clammed up. Avengers: Age of Ultron – Extended Trailer [HD] Your purchases will help support the costs of running rtor.org, a free service of Laurel House, Inc., 501 (C)(3), non-profit organization. 10 Beloved Disney Characters Who Had Serious Mental Health Issues. These are sure signs of anxiety. Not to mention possible depression after the deaths of his parents and his uncle Ben. The Hulk: It probably comes as no surprise that Mark Ruffalo’s Bruce Banner has issues with anger management. We see him changing the subject when Pepper Potts tries to warn him against the dangers he will continue to face as a superhero. “People think narcissism just means you’re very full of yourself, but really, true narcissistic pathology is incredible insecurity underneath, covered over with grandiose fantasies, like I’m the best in the world, which is really just a constant attempt to keep the insecurity at bay,” she explained. He only really “finds himself” when decked out as the superhero. It seemed that all these unfortunate events, coupled with Wanda’s unstable childhood, led to her becoming unhinged and suffering a psychotic break during which she wiped out several mutants. His rage at the murder led to the accidental death of his mother.[7]. “It’s not that I’m at risk, and I’m going to get killed, but they’re going to get killed,” she explained. Matt Murdock (aka Daredevil) also suffers from ongoing depression. Thor wasn’t exactly himself when he appeared on-screen again in Avengers: Endgame five years after he finally chopped off Thanos’s head. Comments: 246 Kudos: 119 Bookmarks: … Read Avengers as mental health disorders. Captain America is the quintessential good guy superhero. The first phrase, however, reveals the most about the angry green hero. However, their happiness didn’t last. His struggle has proven valuable to comic book and superhero lovers worldwide as those who suffer from depression have found a kinship with Daredevil. Spoiler: The Avengers are not the true heroes. Very rarely is mental illness written well or even sympathetically in mainstream comics. When asked to sign children’s pictures about the battle of New York, Stark has to leave the building to get his emotions under control. ... People with mental disorders are looked upon as incompetent and that can’t handle work. In short, Spider-Man is one of the most “human” superheroes in modern Marvel films. After the arrival of Thanos, Thor also lost his brother, Loki, and his friend Heimdall in traumatic fashion. 10 Marvel Superheroes Who Have Battled Mental Health Issues. Mysterio revels in crushing his opponents psychologically. This led to Pietro being cold in character and Wanda being dependent on men who couldn’t fulfill her emotional needs. We felt it was an opportunity to present a representation of mental illness that we don't frequently see in comics. Is 'The Age of Khonshu' a worthwhile read for fans craving more Moon Knight in their lives? Ft. baby Loki and mental illnesses-please head the TW's-Language: English Words: 49,966 Chapters: 35/? Not to mention that he possesses, in Ant-Man’s epic words, America’s ass. But there is hope. When Hulk and Rocket go looking for him in New Asgard, they are shocked to find that Thor has gained weight and apparently forgotten to wash his grown-out hair. Several online blogs and forums have also discussed evidence that Stark had developed PTSD after the fight against Loki and his minions in The Avengers—hence the anxiety attacks that often overcome Stark.[1]. This transformation has led to fans believing that Banner suffers from dissociative identity disorder or multiple personality disorder. I want any recs involving mental illness. It was so bad that she tried to kill Murdock when he was an infant. Sadly, there is no light at the end of the tunnel for Logan. Banner's Wisdom About Bipolar The secret to getting bipolar under control is the same as for anger. “And then I’m going to give you certain strategies for calming yourself at a much earlier point, because once it’s loose — as he may know — it’s pretty hard to put back in the box.”. And The 1 Time He Refused To Falter / Mental illness does not discriminate. In addition to exhibiting symptoms of depression, alcoholism, and post-traumatic stress disorder, Thor had gained a noticeable amount of weight. They can lift buildings clean off the ground, take on the force of a dying star, and perfect time travel to bring back half the world’s population. What 'Avengers: Infinity War' Taught Me About Facing Difficult Childhood Memories In dealing with anxiety and depression , I often feel like I face impossible decisions. This also could have led to a lessening of stigma in the same way that the abovementioned Iron Man scenes have done. In an effort to educate and normalize, he talks candidly about mental illness through the lens of books, movies and television. The Avengers. Origin for the Hulk aside, this is a man who’s essentially trying to get control of himself. Depressed or sad mood: In a deleted scene from The Avengers, Steve is shown trying to adjust to his new life. By: losingmymindtonight. Really, any kind . In the 1986 “Born Again” story by Frank Miller, Daredevil is destroyed by Kingpin. “Theoretically, you could be hit by a bus tomorrow.” (Or marauding aliens could materialize out of a portal above Manhattan.) “The symptoms of the post-traumatic stress disorder, that’s what we would be treating,” said Dr. Saltz. This confirmed that Murdock’s depression was inherited.[10]. Anxiety causes fear of possible dangers (which is different from fear as a response to actual danger), and anyone who’s read Marvel’s CIVIL WAR can argue both Iron Man and Captain Marvel showed traits of it there. They also believe that he had been suffering from the disorder long before he transformed into Hulk. In the comics, Vision and Wanda had two children who were reassimilated by Mephisto. Some felt that Thor’s mental health struggle could have been treated with more respect. She is depicted as being unable to sleep or eat until her work has been done to her satisfaction. 10 Of The Creepiest Things Superheroes Have Done. Although he lives a fulfilling life, he is still given to bouts of despair. He always has a ready smile, is willing to help, and doesn’t stop fighting until evil is defeated. And I would prefer if any of these are the characters… Some believe it to be borderline personality disorder as Parker struggles to accept his responsibilities as both Spider-Man and Peter Parker. Discussing mental illness in relation to The Avengers is important for a multitude of reasons; but most of these reasons spring from viewers being able to relate to a character and their struggles, recognising that they are not alone. In the Unstoppable Wasp #5, Nadia van Dyne is forced to face her own mental health when she realizes that she is bipolar. It turned him toward the fight against crime in Gotham City and made him into an unlikely superhero. Dr. Emmet. What is known, however, is that Wanda and Pietro were often left isolated and starved when they were children. Throughout the month of May, RtoR.org will release a daily Post of the Day in observance of Mental Health Awareness Month I want to stay in bed, but if I do I’m “lazy and useless,” so I get up and wish I “could” rest. Peter’s grief-stricken face when Tony dies had many fans reaching for the tissues. However, tragic events in Steve Rogers’s past have led him to become depressed, which is evident in some of the scenes focused on him. N. from the story Avengers Preferences by jaywroteit (Jordan Taylor ) with 5,041 reads. Later, he states that he doesn’t know what would make him happy and he wouldn’t know what to do with himself if he had to stop being Captain America.[4]. Estelle is a regular writer for Listverse. In short, mental illnesses include schizophrenia, depressive, bipolar, dissociate, and personality disorders among a multitude of others. Like many other superheroes, Bruce Wayne suffered a traumatic childhood incident—in this case, seeing his parents murdered in Crime Alley. Matt Murdock is also inspirational in the way he accomplishes various feats despite the crippling disorder. However, Peter Parker’s humanity also makes him incredibly susceptible to mental illness. That functionally dysfunctional group is back at it again in the (very good) sequel Avengers: Age of Ultron, after Ultron — a hyper-intelligent robot originally built by Tony Stark to save the human race — decides he’d rather wipe it out instead. This leads to Spider-Man seeking help from a psychiatrist and almost losing his mental stability.[3]. Daredevil. His girlfriend Elektra … He can’t sleep at night, has night terrors when he can sleep, and has anxiety attacks caused by trigger phrases. Randall's character in This Is Us highlights mental health issues with a focus on the stigma and struggles of men with… And to help explain just what might be going on in the heads of Earth’s mightiest heroes, we brought in an expert of our own: noted psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Dr. Gail Saltz, an author and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at The New York Presbyterian Hospital Weill-Cornell School of Medicine. Iron Man 3 opens with Tony Stark narrating: “A famous man once said, ‘We create our own demons.’ ” In Stark’s previous outing in The Avengers, which is set six months before Iron Man 3, he comes uncomfortably close to death. A/n: Wrote this while listening to Jann Arden's "Time for Mercy. Iron Man 3 (2013) is based on the events of Tony Stark after The Avengers Assemble (2012). This sets up this opening line perfectly, especially considering the issues Stark grapples with during the third Iron Man movie. He seeks help from psychiatrist Doctor Leonard Samson and starts on a journey to improve his mental health after a face-off with the Maestro (an alternate evil version of Hulk). Converting his grief into something constructive, Wayne trained himself to be a fighter and uses his skills to rid the streets of criminals while dressed as a bat. “We might try to identify what is it specifically in the job — because it’s probably not everything,” Saltz said. So rather than building more robots, Tony should be focused on getting that PTSD under control, and accepting that “obviously you can’t have complete control over the world,” said Saltz. Common pop culture mental health tropes are analyzed, and the accuracy of their portrayals are in question, for better or worse. So that’s going to be fun. His depression threatens to overpower him. Murdock also loses his job, his house, and the security of a sound mind. Although the comics would define this as “craziness” or “madness,” the break was a long time in the making. The Avengers agree, in a deal with Asgard, to transport a captured Loki to Vanaheim, for him to face justice there. In #4, Nadia also displayed symptoms when she couldn’t remember whether she was assembling or taking apart a walkie-talkie. Sure, they may have teamed up to save the world in the first Avengers movie, but on an individual level, the Avengers have got… issues. There’s the egomaniac billionaire in the world’s most expensive business suit, a brilliant scientist who transforms into a mindless monster, a Norse god with an epic sibling rivalry, a WWII vet who spent 70 years on ice, an ex-KGB assassin, and a guy who, for some reason, thought it would be a good idea to pick a bow and arrow as his weapon of choice. This iconic phrase, together with “Hulk, smash,” is just about the most memorable dialogue when it comes to Bruce Banner and Hulk. “Let’s say he’s aware of his heart rate going up a little bit, or he starts to feel a little flushed — these are the kinds of things that people notice when they start to become angry,” said Saltz. Mostly this is an introspective piece about how the Avengers feel about the idea of Loki being punished for … While taking care of an aging Professor X, Logan struggles with PTSD and night terrors. Marvel hoped that introducing bipolar disorder into the comic would help to educate readers about the mental illness. Bruce Banner is a notably shy nuclear physics genius. Thor had lost his mother, his father, his beloved hammer, and his girlfriend. Some spoilers for the Avengers but nothing too major, I don't think. In the movie Logan, Wolverine (James/Logan Howlett) suffers from alcoholism, doesn’t care about his own well-being (or anyone’s else’s), and doesn’t want to engage in conversations about mutants. Spider-Man: Far From Home sees Spider-Man going up against supervillain Mysterio, played by Jake Gyllenhaal. It takes and it takes and it takes. Some fans have praised the way the struggle with anxiety and PTSD have been portrayed by the hugely popular Robert Downey Jr. It can be any kind; PTSD, OCD, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, phobias, personality/mood disorders, borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, ADHD, eating disorders, etc. It soon becomes clear that Logan is grappling with other problems, too. Follow/Fav 5 Times Peter's Mental Illness Made Him Stumble. After the major time jump in "Endgame," it was revealed that Thor's mental health seriously suffered in the five years since Thanos snapped his fingers. Even before these events, Wolverine had displayed symptoms of bipolar disorder with severe mood swings and depression after witnessing his father’s murder. You’re needed for group therapy. He openly displays emotion when fading away after The Snap. Mental Health. I’m not at all suggesting — or trying to make a mockery of — mental illness. Known as Typhoid… In addition, Rogers suffers from sleep impairment, guilt over Bucky’s apparent death, and a lack of willpower to save his own life when in mortal danger. The Avengers — Dr. Previously, his mother suffered from postpartum depression. A Guide to Marvel’s Mental Health Practitioners Talk it out! “So that might include medication if the overwhelming symptoms are anxiety and/or depression, and it might be psychotherapy to look at those traumatic memories as well.” In other words, Tony probably needs to be talking to someone other than J.A.R.V.I.S. There are several Hulk personas that add weight to the theory, including Professor Hulk and the Green Scar.[6]. Sure, they may have teamed up to save the world in the first Avengers movie, but on an individual level, the Avengers have got… issues. Murdock has a Catholic background, and his depression is depicted as a demon that he cannot escape. AskMen, Become a Better Man, Big Shiny Things, Mantics and guyQ are among the federally registered trademarks of Ziff Davis Canada, Inc. and may not be used by third parties without explicit permission. In heartwarming fashion, he is also happy to see Tony Stark again when the superheroes return for the epic battle at the end of Avengers: Endgame. Moon Knight is a street-level hero with a unique dilemma - he struggles with mental illness. Meet the therapists of the Marvel Universe! He uses his depression as motivation to move forward while cutting everything out of his life that doesn’t contribute to his goals. In a scene from Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Rogers declines to go out on a Saturday night because he is still grieving the loss of his friends. Although this might have been part of Mysterio’s plan to carry out his evil schemes, many fans believe that Peter Parker really does struggle with a form of mental illness. Pop Psych 101 is a weekly mental health podcast hosted by Therapist, Ryan Engelstad. However, their troubles don’t end with the defeat of a purple villain or a spectacular fight against Steppenwolf. Rocket and Professor Hulk Meets Fat Thor Scene | AVENGERS 4 ENDGAME (2019) Movie CLIP 4K, Tony Stark’s Death Scene | Avengers: Endgame (2019) Movie Clip, Maximoff Twins Scenes (Age Of Ultron) 1080p, The Avengers – “I’m Always Angry” – Hulk SMASH Scene – Movie CLIP HD, Logan | Official Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX, “…I Won’t Bury You..” Best Scene – The Dark Knight Rises – HD, Top 10 Reasons School Can Be Harmful For Mental Health, Top 10 Culture-Specific Illnesses And Mental Disorders, Top 10 Ways Binge-Watching Is Ruining Your Health, 10 Human Mental Disorders That Affect Pets Too, 10 Dangerous Health Fads And Medical Treatments Used…, 10 Ridiculous Health Myths (Science Says Are Actually True), Top 10 Top-Level Domains That Caused Controversies, 10 Famous Tech Ceos You Do Not Want To Work For, Top 10 Images Of The World’s Eeriest Places, Top 10 Creative Ways Someone Has Committed Murder, Top10 Absurd Scientific Experiments And Discoveries, Top 10 Underrated Acting Performances Of The Last Decade, Top 10 Strange Original Versions of Famous Songs, Top 10 Utterly Bizarre Things Banned In China, Top 10 Movie Flops Everybody Expected To Be Great, Another 10 Villains Who Fell To Their Deaths, 15 Great Science Fiction Movies Of The 1970s, 10 Movies With Tragic Consequences For Their Animal Stars. Their origin story has been retconned many times and created several conflicting stories about their childhood. So, Avengers assemble! Stark further tries to deal with them while developing new Iron Man technology to avoid certain life-or-death situations in his future. It seems that she inherited the disorder from her father, Hank Pym, along with the ability to change her size. “I’m so powerful and amazing and brilliant that I will be saving us all.”. Psychiatrists Vasilis K. Pozios and Praveen R. Kambam of Broadcast Thought, a group that provides mental … He’s seen leafing through paperwork pronouncing all of his old friends as deceased, except for Peggy who he contemplates calling before deciding against it. Top 10 Totally Ridiculous Foreign Superheroes. I'm pretty sure it was a kink meme fic. Wanda eventually ended up with Vision, an android, who seemed to provide everything she needed. Not to mention that Thor felt survivor’s guilt after he failed to stop Thanos the first time around. The synopsis describes how Tony Stark has developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) since he and the other Avengers fought against Loki and the army who were set to destroy Earth. Loki is the only existential threat the Avengers have faced. When angered, he turns into Hulk, who smashes everything in his path. And the heroes aren't that much better. Like several other characters on this list, Mary Walker suffers from dissociative identity disorder. As for finding a gig that doesn’t require him to transform into an “enormous, green rage monster” as part of the job description, that would be a worst-case scenario. In the comics, Hulk realizes that anger and violence are taking a toll on his mental health. He dies at the end of the film with his restless demons still inside him. “If he was in therapy, I would be saying, let’s think and identify those things. Experts say it incorrectly strengthens the link between mental illness and violence. "That I can’t answer, because he died in [Avengers: Infinity War]. His condition is so severe that it affected the very nature of his powers, making both himself and others question whether he really did receive powers from a divine source or if he was suffering from a vivid hallucination. Whoops. ... Ft. baby Loki and mental illnesses-please head the TW's-Language: English Words: 43,757 Chapters: 31/? I want you to pay particular attention to the earliest stages,” she explained. He convinces Spider-Man that he is schizophrenic and suffers from multiple personality disorder. There is always hope. One of the more common mental health disorders, it’s again not hard to imagine heroes suffering from this disease. Faith-informed psychiatrist of non-Abrahamic religions, especially ancient Egyptian. In the #5 issue, she quickly moves into a depressive state after she retreats to her laboratory and faces episodes of bipolar rage.[8]. Eventually, his wife, Milla, had a mental breakdown. Addiction; ADHD; Anxiety; Asperger's; Autism; Bipolar Disorder; Chronic Pain; Depression; Eating Disorders Tom Holland’s Spider-Man is probably the most relatable Peter Parker we’ve had in years. However, many fans were disappointed by how the film set up Thor’s scenes “for laughs” instead of recognizing that the superhero was suffering from PTSD, depression, and alcoholism. The rest of the problems they're forced to solve have been caused, directly or indirectly, by Stark's own attempts at "fixing" himself. “Obviously, if it’s untenable, you might think about a different job, but I think you would try a lot of things before you would necessarily say to a patient ‘Get a different job.’”, Iron Man: Tony Stark seemingly has good intentions when he ignores the rest of the Avengers to create Ultron, hoping to build a “suit of armor around the world.” And according to Dr. Saltz, that desire probably has to do with residual fallout from the first Avengers film and Tony’s resulting anxiety attacks, leading him to project his own fears onto others. First of all: a lot of super-villains are mentally ill... You must be out of your mind if you are able to kill somebody or if you think that you should rule the world. But before he can conquer the world, first he’ll need to divide the Avengers, using Elizabeth Olsen’s Scarlet Witch to get in their heads, quite literally. They say that it has helped to minimize the stigma around mental health issues. Once Banner recognizes that, potential strategies include things like deep breathing, stepping away from the situation, and muscle relaxation, she said. It soon became apparent that Wayne is a high-functioning depressive with persistent depressive disorder. It is the work itself that causes them mental issues in the first place. When the Fires All Burn Down. Matt Murdock (aka Daredevil) also suffers from ongoing depression. Bruce Banner, is suffering from an illness which happens to have afforded him two personalities — one of which is a hulking, green superbeast. Nadia’s mentor, Janet van Dyne, lets her friends know that Hank had bipolar disorder and that Nadia’s messed-up chalkboard “looks a lot like a manic episode.”. 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