In the past, Enel attacked with his army, and soundly defeated Gan Fall and the Shandia at the same time. Officers: Sugar | With Enel recovering from those hits, Luffy was able to land more powerful strikes on him. [36] Enel berated Nami for her choice, wondering if she was counting on the impending arrival of Sanji and Usopp. Kurozumi Orochi | Conis was fortunately pushed away from the lightning wave by her father. He feels for these people as if he was the one who suffered under Kaido and Orochi. Wyper, Gan Fall, Zoro, and Robin unanimously agreed that Enel would fall, and rose up against him. After that, the Luffy and the gang blast off to Skypiea, a sky island thought to be a myth. Appearing to betray the Enforcers, they pledged allegiance to Enel. Residence: Others: Kaido of the Beasts | After Enel finished punishing the pirates for desecrating his Fairy Vearth, the god was then thanked by the robot, First Lieutenant Spacey, who had awakened, for avenging his and his comrades' professor. Enel tells Gan Fall that he was interested in the fight going on for the gold and left. [12], Enel was unsure why Nami wanted to bring her Waver with her, but let her do so. Yesterday, I completed episode 195 of One Piece, which was the end of the Skypiea arc. [41], Luffy tried to pull himself onto the Maxim, but Enel kicked his hand away before going to the Bell. Devil Fruit Square Sisters | Fond of gold, he dons plain, rigid bracelets of said material—a quadruple set worn like bangles on each forearm—and above each bare foot a wide, pearl-edged gold anklet double-lined in the middle, plus two gold rings on each hallux. Enel is featured in the One Piece Full Color R Gashapon series. Who's Who | Miss Merry Christmas | [1], Eight years before the beginning of the story when overthrowing Gan Fall, Enel looked the same except for his skirt piece being green, and his pants being differently patterned: three black, horizontal lines with several thin spikes jutting up and down from each (the ones from one line offset to those from another so that they touched not) on orange background; in the anime, the pants instead had horizontal line pairs running close to each other and kinking up and down to form square-pointed diamond outlines.[13]. He then went off to join the fighting. [24] Enel then encountered another Shandian warrior who attempted to attack him, but he quickly appeared behind the warrior and incapacitated him. The events of the arc don't play almost any impact on the overall story - or at least that we know of so far - but I enjoy the Skypiea arc for what it is: a fun story disconnected from the rest of the world, which in a sense was kinda the point since Skypiea IS disconnected from the rest of the world. Govenor-General: Kaido "of the Beasts" Dellinger | Statistics Solitaire | Enel prepares to destroy Skypiea and kill everyone as all the civilians watch as he was about to unleash a powerful attack upon them. Enel also attempts to kill Conis when she tells the Straw Hats they were intruding and her intentions of bringing them to the sacrificial altar. Shiliew | This allowed Wyper to hit Enel with a Reject Dial, the force of which stopped Enel's heart. Nero Luffy then charged toward Enel and successfully kicked him to the floor. Duval | People do not fear God. Baroque Works Lao G | Goals Galdino, Black Cat Pirates They were his strongest followers and, short of Enel himself, the greatest threat to the Straw Hat Pirates during the Skypiea arc. Zoro would later comment about his strength being monstrous. Leaders Due to Enel's overconfidence in his abilities in combat, unexpected scenarios throw him completely off-guard, disrupting his Mantra and therefore, impacting his fighting skill. The Unluckies, God's Army Wadatsumi, New World Pirate Crews The Shandia leader, Wyper has deep hatred towards Enel. Powers/Skills [30] Wyper mounted another charge, but Enel destroyed his Seastone-laden Shooter with his staff before hitting him with a bird-shaped blast of lightning. Kaku, Marines With these, Enel established a new empire on the moon with the automata as his followers.[9]. After his defeat by the Straw Hat Pirates, he arrived at the moon and became its new ruler. [29] Enel was incredulous at their resistance, declaring his intention to go to the God's land of Fairy Vearth and destroy Skypiea to return the residents to the earth below they belonged on. [44], Luffy then moved to attack Enel, and the God responded by transforming into his 200,000,000 Volt Amaru form. Any act of adding this villain to the Pure Evil category without a proposal or creating a proposal for this villain without the permission of an administrator will result in a ban.Additional Notice: This template is meant for admin maintenance only. After his defeat by the Straw Hat Pirates, he became the central character for Enel's Great Space Operations Cover Page Serial, and after arriving at the moon, he became its new ruler. Five Elders, Celestial Dragons Priests: Ohm | Buggy "the Clown" | Enel can also use his power for transportation, he can move at the speed of lightning and travel through conductive materials. Giolla | [13], Zoro caught Robin and started attacking Enel, and Wyper joined in as well, but Enel easily dealt with their attacks using his powers. Gild Tesoro | Kizaru | Caesar Clown | [11] Finally, Luffy defeated him, putting an end to his evil plans. Enel survives the attack and manages to travel to the moon where he meets with the inhabitants on the moon. Enel holds no regard for any life except his own, and has no moral qualms about killing thousands - instead, he sees it as his godly duty, and laughed maniacally as he tried to send Skypiea to its doom. "Blackbeard" Marshall D. Teach, Impel Down Staff Enel, after studying history within the Upper Yard, came to the belief that the moon is the legendary land that he sought: an endless land of the sacred dirt, also known as "Fairy Vearth". He has an awesome Devil Fruit ability, which turns his entire body into blades. With thoughts of treasure on their minds, the Strawhats get ready for the second half of their adventure. Nothing really significant happens in Skypiea, and the only important characters to appear are the Blackbeard pirates, who are only in a couple of chapters right at the beginning. Combatants: Saint Shalulia | [46], Enel soon managed to regain consciousness and start the Ark Maxim back up, and he declared that he could never be defeated, but his sights were now set on going to the Fairy Vearth.[47]. Sham & Buchi, Arlong Pirates Captain: Eustass Kid | One Piece Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Captain: Donquixote Doflamingo There inside, Enel found an apparently abandoned city hidden deep under the lunar surface. They can be proposed again (with the permission of an. Gifters: The murals depicted an ancient civilization with wings that lived on the moon. Luffy and Nami reached the end of the Giant Jack, and Enel brought down his Raigo on them. Though Luffy landed a few more hits, Enel successfully anticipated and stopped him before powering up the Ark Maxim. "Demon Sheriff" Laffitte | Skypiea Episodes 164-171. Alvida | Sengoku Shiliew "of the Rain" | Scotch | And while Ener is Oda's best villain yet he didn't got such a grip of me as Croc did. Frontier Agents: Mr. 7 | Because of the potency of his devil fruit, it can cause immediate and fatal injuries to anyone he electrocute. Doflamingo is a major antagonist in the Marineford Arc the main antagonist of the Dressrosa Saga. Gasparde | The Space Pirates were unable to stop Enel and were all easily defeated by him. Romanized Name: But in the end this plan turned to be a miserable failure. Kalifa | With enough skill, he can use this Haki to predict an opponent's moves shortly before they make them, thereby making the attack that much easier to evade. He was the first villain in the Grand Line to push Zoro to his limits. Ginrummy | Nami then agreed to go to the Ark Maxim with Enel, and they departed Shandora. Wayne Grayson Very distinctly, Enel's earlobes stretch all the way to his chest (or well below as per inconsistent portrayal, though generally longer in the manga), being weighted down by gold earrings with diamond-shaped pendants (in the manga holding fitted, red gems in the middle). Usopp then arrived and unleashed an attack,[37] which had no effect. Daifugo | Saint Rosward | After Satori's defeat he was quite amused and he is no longer distracted from the others. Kurozumi Higurashi | Fujin | With the Wano Country arc, the most anticipated arc in the entire series, being nearly half-way through, more interesting theories are on the rise and we certainly hope that eventually come true. Hatchan | [34] As the Ark Maxim surfaced, Enel had it release thunderclouds into the air in a move he called Deathpiea, which would allow him to completely annihilate Skypiea. [11], McKinley, their leader, appeared to be very devoted to Enel, until it was revealed that Enel planned to destroy Skypiea with his Devil Fruit powers. Miss Dounglefinger | Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: Incredibly arrogant. Japanese Name: Such are extremely baggy, ballooning ones gathered quite a bit below the knees with separate, brown, short cuffs each holding a small, gold-buckled strap of light blue. For this, they flew to a "blue-colored star" with balloons in order to find more resources. Bahkan, saat di arc Skypiea, God Enel dan para pengikutnya menggunakan Haki Observasi yang mereka sebut “Mantra.” Inilah Haki Observasi pertama kali diperlihatkan. Revchi is the Starter Villain, trying to steal Yuno's four-leaf grimoire, which provokes Asta to manifest his five-leaf grimoire. One Piece With the Goro Goro no Mi, Enel can pick up electromagnetic waves from the air, allowing him to overhear conversations and everything around him with extraordinary range: this has extended the range of his Mantra to cover roughly all of Skypiea. They enforced the rules of Skypiea under Enel's rule, but in truth, they despised him, only obeying him for the sake of Skypiea's citizens. Enel continues to fight Luffy until he manages to incapacitate Luffy by molding the molten gold around Luffy's arm and kicking him off the ship. Enel seemed to possess little to no care for them, while they seemed to genuinely respect their leader and his power. 5 Crocodile Crocodile was one of the first villains to remind us of the brutality of the world of One Piece. Enel also fights with Zoro but manages to defeat all his opponents. Originally, Enel met a few more recent ones who came from the planet below to avenge their fallen creator on Karakuri Island. Enel made foreigners out to be criminals by imputing a crime for almost any of their action (even snoring). Vinsmoke Family S[5] Hyena Three | Enel climbed down into the crater created by the Space Pirates and entered a cavern. Noko | Jabra | As Conis and her father continued guiding the Going Merry through Upper Yard, the two were alerted by Su who had spotted an injured Skypiean. As the result, he appears fearless, childish, arrogant, and without a care in the world. Wyper manages to use his reject dial on Enel causing him to nearly die since his heart did not beat but Enel used his electricity to make it beat. Hody Jones | Official English Name: Rabbitman Enel began his attack on all of the Space Pirates for destroying his ark. [53] The pirate then tried to impale Enel only to be kicked down by him. Enel thinks of himself as an invincible god. With his minions, Enel traveled to another sky island called Skypiea. Enel continues to monitor and participate in the fights until it ended with him faced with Gan Fall, Wyper, Roronoa Zoro, and Nico Robin. Now believing that five people remained, Enel invited Wyper, Zoro, Robin, and Nami to join him on the Ark Maxim's voyage. As a God of Skypiea, Enel had full control of the island. Edward Weevil | Arlong "the Saw" | (Others: Sheepshead | Luffy ends up foiling his plans to destroy Skypiea, however, towards the end of the Arc, he is seen traveling to the moon.