Position paper on the management of patients with obstructive sleep apnea and hypertension: joint recommendations by the European Society of Hypertension, by the European Respiratory Society and by the members of European COST (COoperation in Scientific and Technological research) ACTION B26 on obstructive sleep apnea The first time he came to our clinic was a month before he became eligible for insurance. So far, however, he seems very fortunate. During testing, nurses recorded BP for each patient twice in the examination table position and twice in the standard position. The patient was a former smoker from 17 years of age to 2012; he had quit smoking using nicotine patches 2 years before his initial visit to the UAB Hypertension Clinic. August 2011. For consideration in the differential, I would look for other things that could drive this other than just catecholamine-secreting tumors. Customer Service They should not be on narcotics. This kind of double blockade would be predicted to reduce perioperative complications. 1990;143:19-24. The patient attributed this episodic hypertension to attacks of chronic pain with other symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, and heart pounding despite a normal heart rate (HR). Teach patients to take their first dose at bedtime and to move slowly from a sitting to a standing position. Hypertension in patients with specific co-morbidities. In addition, β-blockers precipitated the episodes—a typical finding in pheochromocytoma. We conducted our literature search across several scientific and medical literature databases, including PubMed, ScienceDirect, and CINAHL. The aim was to capture interdisciplinary expertise from a large group of clinicians, reflecting practice from across the UK and further, to inform subsequent development of a national consensus guidance for optimal management of idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH). It is necessary to perform genetic tests because certain mutations feature much more malignant changes, and histology is completely unhelpful for this differentiation. The purpose of our study was to compare BP measurement in 2 positions: the standard position described above, and the examination table position in which the patient is seated on the edge of the table with back, arms, and feet unsupported. Correspondence to Mohammed Siddiqui, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 933 19th St S, Room 115, Community Health Services Bldg, Birmingham, AL 35294. Very inconsistent. In type 2 diabetes, hypertension is often present as part of the metabolic syndrome of insulin resistance also including central obesity and dyslipidemia. If supine hypertension cannot be managed by elevation of the head of the bed, reduce or discontinue NORTHERA. Adult patients, ages 18 and older, were informed about the study and invited to participate. Bailey RH, Bauer JH. Serial sectioning of the mass revealed a heterogeneous cut surface characterized by glistening soft solid tan-pink tissue and multiple large, smooth lined cystic spaces filled with necrotic yellow debris. Pregnancy Induced Hypertension is a form of high blood pressure in pregnancy. 2011;5:484-488. At that time, he occasionally found himself lying on his right side with a BP ≥250/160 mm Hg. He had a Holter monitor and I believe an echo or so, and everything came back negative. When this is likely, blood pressure should be measured with the patient both lying and standing [20–23]. The chest computed tomography scan was unremarkable and did not show evidence of intrathoracic metastases. 9. In the supine position, the abdomen pushes up on the chest and decreases chest expansion. The patient was self-referred for a 14-year history of episodic hypertension related to positional changes. Can J Cardiol. The patient’s daughter had asthma. At that time, he occasionally found himself lying on his right side with a BP ≥250/160 mm Hg. Elevating the head of the bed lessens the risk of supine hypertension, and blood pressure should be measured in this position. 14. 2003;289:2560-2572. I am referring to the fact that he had paroxysms in certain positions only. Dr Carey: One other cause of variability in BP is abnormal baroreceptor reflex activity. Dr Roush: That is certainly very interesting that it occurred a few times in a year. The other thing that I hope was done, although there was no family history of pheochromocytoma, paraganglioma, or any secondary hypertension, was a genetic analysis, not necessarily for the patient but for his immediate relatives. Kearney PM, Whelton M, Reynolds K, et al. A, Computed tomography findings of pheochromocytoma: a large 8.4-cm heterogenous mass with areas of central necrosis and calcification is seen arising from the right adrenal gland with possible extension into the inferior aspect of the right hepatic lobe. Arm support The patient worked as a carpenter, making furniture and musical instruments, and reported also having these episodes while working. Hypertension (defined as a blood pressure ≥140/90 mmHg) is an extremely common comorbid condition in diabetes, affecting ∼20–60% of patients with diabetes, depending on obesity, ethnicity, and age. However, his general health must be addressed, and we must ensure that the palpitations are not from atrial fibrillation with OSA, for example. These findings denote a close association between obesity and hypertension (1-2). Case of Episodic and Positional Hypertension. organization. You have not told us his labs yet. Hypertension is a highly prevalent cardiovascular disease, which affects over 1 billion people worldwide [].Although more than 70% of hypertensive patients are aware of the disease, only 23–49% are treated, and fewer (20%) achieving control [2, 4, 5].Hypertension prevalence varies by … See more with MDedge! The authors reported no potential conflict of interest relevant to this article. Respiratory: snoring, apnea, and hypopnea episodes while asleep. Actions to Improve Delivery System Design. I just wanted to throw a couple of other potential considerations into the differential. Errors of oscillometric blood pressure measurement as predicted by simulation. Sphygmomanometry. After 1 year, the patient returned to the UAB Hypertension Clinic complaining of episodic BP fluctuations related to pain episodes but not position. Dr Siddiqui: He did not have proteinuria; this was part of the 24-hour urine test, which was not on the presentation slides. Copyright © 2021 Frontline Medical Communications Inc., Parsippany, NJ, USA. Dallas, TX 75231 This did not resolve, and there was clear biochemical resolution. He had perspiration, pain, and headache. Two measurements were obtained in each position for 204 patients, and we determined the difference between the average readings in the 2 positions. Page’s syndrome revisited. Dr Dudenbostel: We will come back to the chronic back pain later with a couple of slides. Plasma-free normetanephrine (16 nmol/L) and metanephrine (49 nmol/L) levels were elevated. Dr Dudenbostel: He had a kind of chronic pain syndrome possibly related to osteoarthritis. Prognostic value of the morning blood pressure surge in 5645 subjects from 8 populations. Measuring blood pressure accurately: new and persistent challenges. We are grateful to the following session audience members for contributing to the discussion: Vincent Pat Lombardi, Vivek Bhalla, Brent Egan, George Roush, Michael Bursztyn, James Luther, Matt D’Costa, Joseph Young, and Fernando Elijovich. We’ll refer to this as the “standard position.” Although the proper technique for measuring BP has been widely advocated, a recent literature review for the US Preventive Services Task Force concluded that surprisingly few studies are available on the diagnostic accuracy of office BP practices.9, One paper evaluated the effect of leg crossing on accuracy of BP measurement. Lancet. Prognostic significance of visit-to-visit variability, maximum systolic blood pressure, and episodic hypertension. While there is a strong position for a BP of less than 140/90 mm Hg, there is a clear recommendation for a BP of less than 130/80 mm Hg once the patient … 5. The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure: the JNC 7 report. He was on his back more overnight and for longer hours instead of turning left and right. Dr Siddiqui: He could not describe the exact nature of his chronic pain. Hypertension in pregnancy. 1, 2 Both for the identification and clinical management of hypertensive subjects, the measurement of blood pressure (BP) is a crucial practice. Results This investigation included an initial observational study of 25 regional primary care offices, the results of which showed frequent lack of adherence with accepted guidelines in patient positioning during BP measurement. The diagnosis of hypertension is based on indirect measurement of BP using in-office, ambulatory, or home monitoring. 2007;23:529-538. The following case was presented on September 7, 2019, as part of the Clinical-Pathological Conference chaired by Anna F. Dominiczak and Rhian Touyz at the Hypertension 2019 Scientific Sessions in New Orleans, LA. Purpose This study evaluated the effect of patient positioning on the diagnosis of hypertension in a clinic setting and the importance of following guidelines for measuring blood pressure (BP). Good. Hypertension. 12. They need understanding and reassurance, but they often have panic attacks and hyperanxiousness. In addition, there is a significant issue with supine to standing measurements in which there are wild variations. You are not seeing an increase in HR; you can actually see a reduction in HR with pure norepinephrine tumors. Dr Bursztyn: What is the nature of his chronic pain? Then, when he is around 45, when he stopped drinking, he received medical care. Each nest consists of cells with versicolor nuclei and abundant amphophilic cytoplasm. Noncompliance with the position guideline resulted in misclassification of 15 patients (7.4%) as prehypertensive, when, in fact, they were normotensive. All the work up back then focused more on cardiac etiology. The relationship between visit-to-visit variability in systolic blood pressure and all-cause mortality in the general population: findings from NHANES III, 1988 to 1994. Dr Roush: George Roush from New York University. Had there been any recent changes? The preoperative BP was 147/82 mm Hg with an HR of 97 bpm. Dr Elijovich: This is very interesting because in secondary hypertension there may be compression of a tumor or of the renal artery by the mesenteric ligament. Diagnosis: pheochromocytoma. What is the renal function, proteinuria, left ventricular hypertrophy by electrocardiography or echo, and has he sustained any of the trophic effects of intermittent sympathetic output overdrive? The aim of this position document is to highlight which of these products have the most clinically significant antihypertensive action and wheter they could be suggested to patients with high-normal BP. Resuscitation and stabilization. The second question is more of a pragmatic and simple one, which is that you mentioned a history of OSA and treatment with CPAP, but you also mentioned positional symptoms that were consistent with not being very well treated for OSA. Introduction. I have a PhD. The patient did not regularly attend follow-up at the UAB Hypertension Clinic, and his episodic hypertensive episodes remained unresolved. These findings were consistent with pheochromocytoma with possible malignant transformation given the presence of a thrombus within the right adrenal vein (Figure 1A). The thyroid was normal in size and consistency. The questions are related to the efficacy of treatment for that particular risk factor. a. Deflate the BP cuff at a rate of 5 to 10 mm Hg per second. Facts About Hypertension: Stay up to date on the latest facts about hypertension from the CDC.. High Blood Pressure: Medicines to Help You external icon: This guide from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration can help you better understand blood pressure medicines and talk to a health care provider about what is right for you. The echocardiogram obtained before surgery showed no left ventricular hypertrophy or signs of target organ damage. We followed the BP measurement guidelines of the AHA. A nurse is performing blood pressure screenings at a local health fair. The OSA was treated with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), and the hyperlipidemia was controlled on diet and exercise. This patient did not have heart failure symptoms that sometimes accompany it, but I would not entirely remove it from the differential. I wonder if baclofen or other drugs could have contributed to it. Prepare the patient Use proper technique Take the appropriate measurements Document ... O’Brien et al. Could he actually have a pseudopheochromocytoma after the pheochromocytoma removal? I am certain something else is going on such as pheochromocytoma, but I just thought I would make that point. Because he knew he would then have insurance. The overall systolic and diastolic BPs were more than 2 mm Hg lower in the standard seated position compared with the examination table position (P<.001). 2016;32:569-588. For bedridden patients; assist the patient in assuming a high-Fowler’s position with knees flexed. Abdomen: soft bowel sounds heard in 4 quadrants; no masses, tenderness, or bruits; no hepatosplenomegaly. The patient’s BP did not fluctuate widely but remained uncontrolled. However, we do not have an in-progress CPAP sleep study to see how many hours he actually used the CPAP and if it still fit after several years, and the pressures were still okay and everything. Hypertension is the single largest global contributor to disability-adjusted life years lost. Figure 1. In 2018, nearly 800 organizations have been recognized for their efforts focusing on blood pressure control within the populations they serve. Warn patients about the risk of orthostatic hypotension, which can cause falls. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in Australia: 2011 consensus position statement. J Clin Hypertens. Precapillary pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a severe complication of NF1, initially described in patients with advanced parenchymal lung disease, which may complicate the course of NF1. I would have loved to have seen a 24-hour ambulatory BP monitor before he passed because these patients tend to have intermittent spikes of hypertension when they get anxious and you can reassure them of this. Lim SS, Vos T, Flaxman AD, et al. B, Positron emission tomography findings of pheochromocytoma: the hypermetabolic right adrenal mass containing areas of necrosis corresponds with pheochromocytoma. Dr Lombardi: I am a doctor, but as my mom would say, not one that would do anybody any good. The fact that he used opioids and maybe avoided baclofen at times when his BP was controlled may support that. We excluded patients who declined participation for any reason, who were in severe pain or distress that may have prevented them from completing the protocol, or who had limited mobility that could interfere with climbing onto the examination table. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging revealed no cardiac abnormalities. Conclusion This study underscores the importance of patient positioning on BP determinations in order to accurately diagnose hypertension. The comprehensive metabolic panel including electrolytes and kidney function was normal. Misclassification of hypertension occurred in 12 patients (5.9%), when, in fact, they were normotensive. Anyway, we have worked with patients at Serenity Lane Treatment Center for the chemically dependent and had people who would drink up to 1 L of sherry a day for several years; this person also had several years of primary dependent alcoholism. 1. The back? J Hum Hypertens. All examination rooms were equipped with newly purchased aneroid sphygmomanometers, and the appropriate cuff size was selected for each patient. Fact Sheets About Hypertension and Related Conditions and Behaviors. Dr Carey: They have not changed in character at all during that period? Accurate, reproducible measurement of blood pressure. B, Histology of pheochromocytoma: the cells were arranged in nests surrounded by delicate fibrous bands. I will save the first question I have, a comment about etiology, for later. See our Other Publications. Neurological: the patient was oriented to place and time; strengthened sensations were grossly intact; no focal deficits. Burgess SE, MacLaughlin EJ, Smith PA, et al. Figure 3 shows the BP and HR trajectories before and after surgery, demonstrating fluctuations in BP before surgery with a period of stabilization after surgery and a postoperative onset of BP fluctuations after 1 year. Dr Dudenbostel: Regarding the 24-hour BP, we do not have 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring; rather, the BP was self-reported. Hypertension affects hundreds of millions of subjects worldwide and currently represents a major public health issue in the agenda of all developed countries. I agree with Dr Carey that I would be very concerned about a pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma. I was wondering before pheochromocytoma if baclofen could have contributed to the BP liability. 7272 Greenville Ave. 2. Prof. Giovanni de Simone, 7.1 Beneficial effects of blood-pressure-lowering therapy in hypertension. Standard deviation for systolic BP was 3.6 mm Hg; for diastolic it was 3.8 mm Hg. An 8.5×8.2×8.0-cm encapsulated mass was examined. The OSA definitely has to be addressed, and testing should be repeated after a CPAP fitting to see if it is adequately controlled? A subpopulation of small hyperchromatic cells (denoted by arrows) known as sustentacular cells was present at the periphery of the individual nests. He attributed his pain to the positional changes, and hydrocodone was the only medication that helped lower his BP. In this patient group, SBP should be reduced more slowly and cautiously, with the target SBP value of <150 mmHg, or <140 mmHg in patients with isolated systolic hypertension. 7.2. I just wonder if it is possible to know whether that contributed to his complications. The diabetes mellitus was managed with metformin, with a glycated hemoglobin of 7.1%. The two types of calcium channel blockers are dihydropyridines and nondihydropyridines. Prominent areas of hemorrhage were observed throughout the tumor. NICE clinical guideline 127: Hypertension: clinical management of primary hypertension in adults. The thyroid-stimulating hormone level was normal. Piper MA, Evans CV, Burda BU, et al. The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of the editors or of the American Heart Association. The endoscope transmits images of the No subjects were reclassified as hypertensive, but the study lacked statistical rigor.10 Another study found variable BP readings regardless of body position.11. Only 10 of 25 offices we visited in our area measured BP with patients properly seated in a chair. A right open adrenalectomy was performed on November 5, 2014. Dr Carey: What was the total duration of the pain and these episodes? Dr Bursztyn: Yes, but chronic pain syndrome is not really clear. Psychiatry: difficulty focusing on specific issues, normal mood, no depression. Clinical assessment of blood pressure. Proper technique is particularly important with the aneroid sphygmomanometer to obtain consistent and accurate results.5 Good training and an ability to hear the Korotkoff sounds are crucial. d. General: Vitals: BP taken in the supine position after a 5-minute rest was 180/110 mm Hg on the right arm and 176/110 mm Hg on the left arm. MDedge Daily News: Can androgen therapy improve male frailty? The audience just said that alcoholism may have played a role too. The differential diagnoses for positional hypertension include dysautonomia, vascular adrenergic hypersensitivity, renal artery stenosis, aortitis, and pheochromocytoma. Padwal RS, Hemmelgarn BR, McAlister FA, et al. Expert consensus groups such as the American Heart Association (AHA) publish recommendations for proper technique in reliably measuring BP,6-8 and they emphasize the importance of patient positioning during BP measurement. This is analogous to the paroxysms that can be provoked by the hand of an examiner or by manipulation by the surgeon during the procedure. A secondary analysis was conducted using a sample of 136,432 adult patient visits (2005–2009) with chronic conditions (asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD], depression, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, ischemic heart disease and obesity) drawn from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS). Dr Dudenbostel: To answer question 1, he reported that he first had symptoms in 2000. 11. I was just wondering, in this diabetic patient, I know he had a normal creatinine in 2014, but I did not see any urine tests, to see if he had any glomerular disease, urine protein analysis just to make sure he did not have any hematuria or proteinuria that could have contributed to the degree or quality of the hypertension. Actually, a friend of his supervises a sleep clinic and observed that he stopped breathing at night and said, “I think you may have OSA.” He underwent a sleep study and subsequently received a CPAP machine. Based on his clinical presentation and biochemical and imaging results, the patient was diagnosed with an 8.5-cm pheochromocytoma of the right adrenal gland. 19. I might think about an extra-adrenal paraganglioma, but with the catecholamine level normal, I feel comfortable that this was not the case. Certainly, the vertebral basilar arteries, as they lie near the medulla in some very sensitive areas, can be positional and elicit a significant neurogenic hypertensive response. Dr Bhalla: I am Vivek Bhalla from Stanford University. Local Info Preoperative risk score EuroSCORE II was calculated using an online calculator.20 Although the cutoff point to describe portal and splenic flow as pulsatile is not defined in the critical care population, we considered a PF of more than 50% as pulsatile, based on reports in patients with chronic heart failure. Dr Carey: He stated that he had stopped using it, but he might have actually continued it. Three positions (P1, P2, and P3) were identified: P1 (in contact with the pars plana/ciliary body region), P2 (anterior to vortex veins), and P3 (posterior to vortex veins). Dr Egan: Brent Egan, Greenville, South Carolina, and I agree with what my colleagues Dr Carey and Dr Basile have said. Although a 24-hour BP is not necessary for the diagnosis of hypertension in this patient, I would like to know what his pressures are when he is having positional hypertension and when he is in a different position. 2011;16:238-245. The findings are most consistent with pheochromocytoma with possible malignant transformation given the presence of the thrombus within the right adrenal vein. Tell the interviewer how you would handle a patient when they continue to complain of the same symptoms without taking the initiative to help themselves. The patient is placed in the left lateral position (Figure 7). There is certainly hypertension if baclofen pump malfunction at high doses occurs. Twenty-four-hour urinary dopamine (502 µg), epinephrine (1750 µg), norepinephrine (248 µg), total catecholamines (1998 µg), vanillylmandelic acid (53.8 µg), metanephrines (45 419 µg), normetanephrines (5899 µg), and total metanephrines (51 318 µg) levels were elevated, diagnostic of pheochromocytoma (Table). This site uses cookies. His father had no medical problems. Hypertension Canada’s 2016 Canadian Hypertension Education Program Guidelines for Blood Pressure Measurement, Diagnosis, Assessment of Risk, Prevention, and Treatment of Hypertension. Although pathological examination did not identify a malignant pheochromocytoma, one cannot judge malignancy by simply observing the histology. The patient was a former heavy drinker from 17 years of age, but his intake had tapered down, and he reported a current alcohol intake of around 1 to 2 drinks a week. I am thinking about whether he might have a thoracic outlet syndrome or something else that may be triggering this. Short-term BP variability is associated with an increased risk of left ventricular hypertrophy, target organ damage, and cardiovascular events.5–7 Long-term BP variability is also associated with stroke, coronary heart disease, a poor cardiovascular prognosis, and an increased mortality risk.8–10. The gastroesophageal reflux disease was managed with proton pump inhibitors. 6 Genetics and Hypertension. Before testing began, we estimated the standard deviation of each aneroid sphygmomanometer and the assigned observer by repeatedly measuring the BP of a healthy normotensive individual sitting in the standard position. Fabulous case, we thank you for sharing it. The recent ESC Council on Hypertension position document on the management of hypertensive emergencies 4 suggested not using the term hypertensive urgency because there is no evidence that patients without acute HMOD are different from those with asymptomatic uncontrolled hypertension. Blood Press Monit. Which action will the nurse in the hypertension clinic take to obtain an accurate baseline blood pressure (BP) for a new patient? High blood pressure (BP), or hypertension, is defined by two levels by 2017 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) guidelines [1, 2] : (1) elevated BP, with a systolic pressure (SBP) between 120 and 129 mm Hg and diastolic pressure (DBP) less than 80 mm Hg, and (2) stage 1 hypertension, with an SBP of 130 to 139 mm Hg or a DBP of 80 to 89 mm Hg. The patient reported that doxazosin (an α-blocker) helped decrease his symptoms and that a decrease in its dosage increased the severity of the episodes. Euthanasia is the administration of a lethal agent by another person to a patient for the purpose of relieving the patient’s intolerable and incurable suffering. Some patients may exhibit postural hypotension, especially with certain antihypertensive drugs. Did you perform an autopsy on the patient? Available at: http://www.real-statistics.com/. He required vasopressors (epinephrine and norepinephrine), which were closely monitored and successfully discontinued. In 2014, he came to our clinic in September 2014 when he turned 60 in October. 1995;26:1204-1206. Townsend RR, Epstein M. Resistant hypertension: insights on evaluation and management in the post-SPRINT (Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial) era. The patient wanted to make sure that his labs were very high on the biochemical diagnostic testing. ), University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Medicine, University of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville (R.M.C.). Some dietary components and natural products seems to be able to significantly lower BP without significant side effects. Important comorbidities included type 2 diabetes mellitus, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), dyslipidemia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, hiatus hernia, peripheral neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic pain syndrome, palpitations, and anxiety. The effect of crossing legs on blood pressure: a randomized single-blind cross-over study. Lungs: clear with no crackles or wheezes. Monitor supine blood pressure prior to and during treatment and more frequently when increasing doses. Therefore, in 2000, he was 45 years old when this started. 4. Dr Roush: I was previously a cancer epidemiologist, and alcohol and cigarette smoking interact dramatically to contribute to esophageal and other tumors. : 2011 consensus position statement α-blocker—combined with metryosine to block catecholamine secretion into comparison!, waveforms, anatomy and quizzes are available of orthostatic hypotension, can. Slow-Growing, ugly tumor that was the BP was 70 to 110 mm with! Fabulous case, we Thank you for sharing it carpal tunnel syndrome was managed with metformin, with glycated... Medication list patient both lying and sitting ) in hypertensive subjects of any similar episodes magnitude position of patient with hypertension these BP?. In certain positions only two measurements were obtained in each position for 204 patients ages... 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position of patient with hypertension
position of patient with hypertension 2021