From what I understand, AAS is intended to get you started in the field immediately whereas AS is for those who want to pursue a bachelor's or 4 year degree. The Loading...Associate in General Studies (AGS) degree is designed for those individuals who wish to choose a vocational/technical course of study suited to their unique needs. One program, with a requisite 90 credit hours, costs more than $35,000. Do your research to determine which associate degree in business management is right for you. I know it'll be reimbursed, however I already have debts to pay off and I really don't want to take out a loan and risk putting myself in more debt. I must pay up front before classes even start. It sucks to hear but you. Some of these degrees (and degrees from specific schools) are valuable and will get you a job, while others are worthless. Engineering degrees are usually 4+ yrs in length (depending on where you are located) and lead to a Bachelors degree. Not the knowledge you gain because of it, but the issue of "one less thing that can be used against you". Having the AA is beneficial, though, for a few reasons. I trusted my mentor and didn't want to risk it. For some programs, associate degrees are offered because it is required by programmatic accreditors, Thompson said. Refer to individual AAS programs to learn degree requirements in addition to these general requirements. as a professional software developer with 20+ years experience; My POV on this issue is the fact the number of times I have heard; "You don't have a degree? It's not worthless if you learn something in class. Those vocational associate degrees won't transfer easily to bachelor degrees, but they're the most valuable if it's the end of the line. Because of the hands-on focus, normally there will be practical activities in either program. It's gotten to the point that some close to me have let me not having a degree of some kind define my worth. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. As someone getting their associates in NYC in CSc, would you suggest anything? Before enrolling, know the difference between an A.A. vs. A.S. to get the most from college. Computer science is one of those degrees where people with experience can destroy the people with the degrees. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. How did you get a job in security in the first place..I got no degree but am currently working towards my A+.Meanwhile im working a low age retail type job.What would you reccomend?I only did one class of … However, If it's a technical degree you can land many well paying jobs with just an Associates. I'd really like some input on the best path to take. Because of the more focused curriculum, diploma programs generally take less time to complete than associate degrees. There is really no such thing as AAS in EE or Mech Eng for example. It's typically easier to transfer to a four year institution with an AA in hand, especially if the school is in the same state. Pursuing an associate degree can increase your income potential and set you on a path to bigger and better things. But I wish I'd had a different mindset back then. Students must complete a specific program in order to receive the AAS degree. The AA is a universal measure of 2 years of college throughout the US. Online programs may cost more because they require more credits, and their tuition is based on credit hours taken. ore than a degree in this field. The difference between Herzing’s associate degree options (AS, AAS) is in name only based on state requirements. Helped me get into a good state school and eventually graduate. This maybe be useful if you plan to go to a university that is expensive, you can complete two years at a less expensive community college and then transfer. Undergraduate degrees today are getting more expensive by the second, so it pays to know just what the letters of your degree mean. So if you were questioning the value of an associate’s degree, maybe those 1.6 million more potential jobs will change your mind! pre-major requirements: 66 credits I enrolled in May of this year, needing to earn 34 credit hours in order to earn the BSN degree. However, associates that are targeted with specific job titles like Nursing and Medical Radiography are fantastic and absolutely required no matter what because those fields are so regulated. Would it be worthwhile to pursue any of these degrees, and would it hold any kind of weight or credibility in the IT world? AAS = Associate of Applied Science. One is Microsoft focused another is Cisco focused, and there is another that just focuses on network administration in general. AA stands for Associate of Arts, AS stands for Associate of Science, and AAS stands for Associate of Applied Science.. Because a lot of people go to college but for various reasons are never going to finish a 4 year degree, so rather than having nothing to show for it they finish up an Associate degree because it's better than nothing. All acronyms represent different names for associate degrees. 1. Exactly why I'm going out of my way this semester to get my AA, about half my credits currently won't even transfer to begin with, but an AA will. Made up for my complacent HS years. I know a lot of people think it'll be stupid but if for some reason I have to leave school I'll have something that's better than nothing. 2. degree is more vocationally related and usually is not transferable. Why do people get it I don't … Just check before you sign on up! Some higher positions require a degree (or equivalent experience sometimes) that are more than the four years spent in undergrad. The main difference between the A.S. and the A.A.S. I am also more of an in class learner, especially if there is lab work included. But really, the biggest benefit to AA degrees is that you get your first two years of your bachelor's knocked out for a fraction of the price. Credits earned at an accredited institution do not expire, as a general rule. Long story. But that’s not the case for many associate’s degree holders. It also may be useful if you can only complete two years of university due to work/family commitments, then if you decide to go back to complete your degree, you may be able to continue where you left off instead of completely starting over. Having your AA preserves the units/course credits you have earned. Students searching for Associate in Applied Science (AAS): Accounting Degree Overview found the following information and resources relevant and helpful. The AAS degree is designed for students who want to go straight into the workforce whereas the AA and AS are designed as transfer degrees. Credits earned in an A.A.S. If you will be applying to some colleges that will accept your AA or AS as completing their general education requirements, it usually makes sense to finish the degree requirements. It really depends on the degree. Also, being able to say that you have a degree -- even if it's not a Bachelors -- still puts you a step above those with just high school education. Recently when job hunting last year, seems the market has changed where 4 year degrees seem to be the minimum. Short answer: IMO, hell yeah an AAS degree is worth it. Interesting. Sometimes with an Associates degree, you can transfer X amount of credits to complete a bachelors degree at another university at a later date. But I realized I have no way of coming up with the other 58% tuition that isn't covered by the company, even with financial aid, and even if I wait for January. A student in a bachelor's degree program who drops out after 90 credits (three years) still has no degree. Well my mentor gave our group a major lecture about how important getting that AA degree is even if you decide not to walk. Useless? But having an AA protects you from the units expiring. is the emphasis placed on occupational training. Primarily, these programs could lead to either an Associate of Applied Arts (AAA) or an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree. This is a really good point that no one brings up at all. A group of us were transferring and out of us only one wanted to get her Associate's degree. The Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree prepares graduates to enter a career immediately after graduation and have been considered terminal degrees. If it's in a bullshit field, then perhaps. (Religion.......). They offer both an AAS and AS degree in the field. An "engineer" with an AAS is most likely to be classified as an engineering technician or a mere technician. I would not want anything to happen to this program, considering that I have ran it for 19 of the 30 years and have taken complete ownership of it! If you want cheaper credits, you need to consult the destination college for which credits are applicable to which programs. An AAS in Paralegal Studies can get you a job making anywhere from 20k to 40k a year as an entry-level paralegal. That way you won't have to spend time (and money) in college on those gen ed courses - you will be able to skip ahead to classes that are more meaningful for your degree, or just more interesting to you. This means that usually to earn these degrees, even online learning will not be done completely over the computer. 3. Also there are a lot of trade/vocational schools that offer degrees from wielding to dental assistant, HVAC tech, etc. I currently run an AAS program that has been in this community for over 30 years. I have very mixed feelings about the AAS vs BS. I'm not terribly familiar with the differences (and I will be talking to an advisor at the school). You could have higher earning potential. An AAS degree in electrical engineering technology provides job seekers with career opportunities as electronic or electrical technicians. A Bachelor of Applied Science degree program usually leans towards professional development and advanced technical training in the sciences. An associate degree program at a community college can cost less than $10,000. Wall of text ahead, please excuse my personal story bits, and possible bad formatting. An A.A.S. We all have that friend or relative who got a less-than-useful degree and is stuck working a low-paying job. r/Jobs is not for job listings. Associate degrees include some general studies courses, such as English and Psychology. It was cheap. Then the next step is for you to know whether or not you are eligible to attend a school offering the Associate of Applied Science program. Get Free Aas Degree Vs As Degree now and use Aas Degree Vs As Degree immediately to get % off or $ off or free shipping Do you guys recommend one over the other? You must mean an AAS in programming or whatever your CC calls it. It's not just the company's whim, it may also be their insurance policy which rewards them for only employing degreed workers. ADN = Associate Degree in Nursing. Some online associates degrees could provide a stand-alone credential upon successful completion of the program requirements. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not lazy and it's it's a great opportunity, but it poses a financial risk in the current situation I'm in (Long Story). An A.S. degree focuses on liberal arts courses, along with business management. I have an associates degree from a technical college as well. 72 votes, 48 comments. I'm 22 years old now and I've decided I've wanted to pursue the networking area of IT. It also gives you a sense of accomplishment and maybe confidence, in terms of competing with people who only have high school diplomas. Most schools will accept transfer credits so long as: The credits earned match an existing course, and. The A.A. is a two-year degree that’s designed to transfer to a four-year school. The Associate of Science and the Associate of Applied Science degrees are excellent choices for career-minded individuals. There are differences between an Associate of Arts and an Associate of Science degree. You get your core courses done (English, math, science, etc.). I would try and get the AAS degree first. most rn to bsn programs award credit for previous college work transferred, however if certain classes have not been taken as part of the adn or aas rn's previous degree, she will have to take them as part of the bsn.. here is the list of "pre-major" requirements for a local rn to bsn program (college of staten island). I was like ok, I support her but for me I have no interest in walking and this is just a mile marker in my long journey of higher education. In places like the US, a Bachelor of Science degree is centered on the sciences and technical studies. For example, if I transferred my community college credits to a 4 year without an AA, if anything ever caused me to take 2 years off of school prior to completing my BA, my units would essentially expire and I would have to re-take many if not all of the courses. Source: I only have an AAS, yet I have a salaried position at a large ISP making over $60k a year at 25yo. Both degrees include studies that will allow a student to go on and earn a bachelor's degree in art or science. I agree with this. Why didn't I purse college right out of HS? They may or may not transfer based on the destination college. People who searched for Computer Science Associate vs. Bachelors Degree: What's the Difference found the following information and resources relevant and helpful. I stopped going to community college when I got married (both the marriage and stopping my education were mistakes). What's the Difference between the AS and AAS Degree? TL;DR Company college program still poses financial risk, should I pursue the cheaper and shorter Technical A.A.S networking degrees at a community college. AAS, or Associates in Applied Science, and AS, or Associates in Science, are degrees awarded in various capacities. An Associate's degree is both a backup, and cheaper overall. You can enter the IT/IS career field without a degree. There are many job opportunities due to constant changes and upgrades in electronics, from audio and video equipment to computers and programmable logic controls used by many businesses. There are likely more specific job opportunities for someone with an AS. I went back, completed my original program and got a second associates within about 18 months. The core mission of /r/jobs is empowering job seekers and employees through the promotion of: their best interests, helpful and sound advice, and encouragement. As long as the degree leads to licensure, one isn't any better than the other. At some schools, an AS might be associated with a program that is accredited so that you can sit for the NCLEX after completion. On the other hand, only a handful of colleges teach useful skills that help in the real world and, unfortunately, some employers think a college degree means the graduate is smart, when, in reality, they are some of the dumbest people you can meet. I attended a community college prior to transferring to a 4-year university. An AA lays the groundwork for further education. AOS and AAS degrees can be earned online or in a classroom, and from many vocation schools, technical schools and community colleges. The credits and classes you take are guaranteed to transfer to any four-year college in Colorado. I actually have a Master's Degree, but I'm going back this Fall to a community college for an AA in another field. I went to my local CC and got an AAS in Network Administration. Convinced that earning an AAS degree is the right choice for you? So a decent number of people go off to a vocational school for classes and come out with a degree (perhaps in bar-tending for example) that then turn out to be worthless. My local community college offers a few technical associates degrees focused on networking. First FT job was as a general network admin for 9 sites, and covered their servers, but also did help desk type work when needed. Why do people get it I don't understand if it is so useless? Everywhere I read people saying that Associates Degree is useless and won't get you a job. Its coursework is heavy in Math and Science, which students are required to fulfill. Once you get past that, transfer your credits towards a BS. AAS vs AS. I now have an AA and my BA as of May :). An "Information Systems" degree program should expose you to multiple high-level concepts of a technology environment, and help you understand how they all fit together. An Associate of Applied Science, or AAS Degree, is a two-year undergraduate degree similar to the Associate of Arts (AA) and the Associate of Science (AS). Press J to jump to the feed. With two AA degrees in 2003, I was able to finally get positions that started at $40K a year. I can link the classes if anyone would like to see what each track offers. Much has been published recently about the value of a college degree over the long term. I tried to find a technical breakdown of this as evidence, no luck. When I reentered the workforce after 5 year hiatus being a housewife, I couldn't land a position that paid more than $10.00 an hour in 1998. This is great to know because I am thinking of someday pursuing a Master's as well in this new field to go into the research side of things, but not for at least several years after. I also feel like I need some kind of education besides High School. Right now, I need to prove it to myself and others close to me that I can finish something like this . program may not transfer to a four-year school. Those credits exist regardless of the degree. Her reasons were because she was a teen mom, had worked really hard to go back to school and felt like it was a huge accomplishment for herself. My AAS, however, was the degree that lead to my being eligible for the NCLEX and licensure. Requirements to Earn an AAS Degree. Sorry, that's a requirement for this position", That's the value of a degree. I hardly ever see jobs requiring an associates. I was going to go for the online bachelors degree program that Starbucks offers, I can start in October, or January. You may wonder, what are the advantages and disadvantages of earning an associate of arts degree (AA) versus an associate of science degree (AS)? It'll be cheaper in the long run with financial aid, and it also focuses specifically on what I want. Hey everyone I've been lurking here for a while and I finally found my Reddit voice. One thing my associate degree does is give me some confidence since it is a recognized marker of success and commitment. I learned a lot because it was super hands on and had more technical classes than general education classes. ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE (AS) VS ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE (AAS) An Associate of Science (AS) degree is a 2-year degree offered by most community colleges and some 4-year colleges. Its what im currently doing. I think not. Agree with James as far as a degree being a "filter," although not having a bachelors is probably more relevant and common. Got an assoc after not giving a shit in HS. Associate of Science (AS) This Program is designed to prepare for bachelor level Social Work or Human Services related programs, the AS in Human Services: Builds a foundation of knowledge and skills in many course areas No certifications, but have had plenty of formal training, and read the latest industry books religiously. The A.A. is best for those planning to pursue four-year majors that fall under Liberal Arts (such as art, art history, psychology, history, English, philosophy, and theater). Not to mention I'd rather save for a car, because I have a serious need for one as of now. I had a friend that did a CS degree but decided to take just java for his programming section he barley passed, goofed around and spent 5 years doing it. 2. Everywhere I read people saying that Associates Degree is useless and won't get you a job. Occupational Degrees: The AAA and AAS Degrees. How can it be a so useless. But your salary starts higher and will tend to max-out at a higher level with a degree than without one. The field hasn't changed too much since your credits were earned. This is somewhat misleading and not entirely accurate. Only the most general associate degree would fullfill the bachelor requirements of a 4 year university. ASN = Associate of Science in Nursing. First I'm getting my CompTIA A+ cert before the end of this year and then I plan to pursue a degree. When talking about the curriculum, the AS degree mainly focuses on liberal arts, and the topics include English, science, math, social science and history. Even though I possess an ASN degree that was conferred by a trade school, I was still able to enroll in an RN-to-BSN degree completion program. Anywhere from 20k to 40k a year as an entry-level Paralegal get a! And will tend to max-out at a community college when I got married ( both the marriage and my... 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