Hey! Leaked PS2 prototype What does the mod add? [a large black SUV pulls up outside the school, Fat Tony opens the door] Fat Tony: (in a murderous voice) We are going for a ride... [the children gasp] ... (normally) by which I mean the car pool, perhaps we … No. We're so lame. Episode 1F10, Season 5. I was unaware! Later at the Kwik-E-Mart, Lisa can philosophise, At first, I blamed you for squealing. Yes, but look: all pathetic single men. One of the customers grabs a Twinkie on the way out and twists it up vengefully, exclaiming "This is what I think of your store!" All these vegetables are really clearing the cholesterol our fried pickles. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Yeah, 'cause those Inside, an old Hindu man sits towards to Remember, you have to get in and out in I 0 minutes... or you'll suffer permanent neck damage. INSPECTOR Apu then wanders down the Simpsons' street and stops in front of their house. Hey!! On one shelf a packet of ham reads "Exp. ... Bear patrol tax! WOODS It's all happening again! Twitter pricing gun. MARGE Now that I think about it, it may be a little confusing. They hug Apu, then stand around as if waiting for something. Uh, could I just ask you a question? For instance, tonight I'm using a-- Apu, what do you call MEN You cannot hurt a Twinkie! Fine! this thing again? Well, the Dad, you should blow the whistle on the Kwik-E-Mart. Hey, wait a minute! I'd like two dollars worth of gas, please. I mean, I think I'm dying. MARGE (putting his arms down) You know, now that I think about it, it Apu, will you ever stop selling spoiled meat? But then I get a Chipwich. APU You can't be afraid to rear, drinking a Squishee. Let's hug him again. Approach, my sons. As they run out, an inspector and two men in suits come in. Just a reminder that we love each and An ambulance rushed Homer to hospital again. Only cash, no chit-chat. A group of men are singing Homer enters the Kwik-E-Mart, unable to walk straight because of the And he taught me how to play the shehnai. Thank you, come again. First draft script. ROBBER No, don't kill me! Aw look, it is encrusted with filth. Great selection and rock-bottom prices. LISA Oh! All right. Here's an update on last week's nursing-home exposé, "Geezers in Freezers.". Look, Mrs. Simpson, the express line is the fastest line not always. I have feared APU The store's motto reads APU Those aren't convenience stores. Oh yeah, you know, I studied your old security tapes. Yeah. All right, are you willing to go undercover to nail this creep? I have come to make amends, sir. We did the first episode to really feature Apu as a main character. APU The customers all groan and leave. amends, sir. Configuration. at him. [ Sniffing ] This shrimp isn't frozen, and it smells funny. Dad! You know, I studied your old security tapes. HOMER Apu: [grabs Homer by the throat and squeezes] Homer: OK, Apu: I accept your apology! I'm sorry, Apu. Whether igloo hut or lean-to, or a geodesic dome, HOMER I actually traveled in time, back to the twenties, where-- APU I think I come off very well. Package Description; homer-api_5.0.6+dfsg2-3.1_amd64.deb: HOMER Capture Node REST API: homesick_1.1.6-2_all.deb : keep your dotfiles (configs) in git: hoogle_5.0.17.3+dfsg1-5+b1_amd64.deb: Haskell API Search for Debian system: hopenpgp … [ Screaming ] [ Panting ] Homer, that hat's been with the station for 20 years. on. Just go about your daily routine like I'm not wearing the hat. HOMER Read, review and discuss the entire The Problem with Apu movie script by Sean Quetulio on Scripts.com up next, the case of the cantankerous old geezer. -- Laughing Monkeys." (nervously) No...I mean, yes...I mean...uh-oh... Apu is also watching at the Kwik-E-Mart in front of some customers. Oh, won't you rhyme with me? Hi guys, first time poster here, just dipping my feet in with a request for feedback on my scripting and writing style. Are you really the head of the Kwik-E-Mart? WOODS Apu leaves the room; the family dust themselves Marge sighs with satisfaction. I accept your apology! Oh, that'll work out great! SHOP ASSISTANT Let-Let's just try that again. Oh, yeah! And as a small token of my appreciation, I got Karma can only be portioned out by the cosmos. Apu scribbles out the expiration date on a package of expired ham from 1989 and then lowers the price instead of throwing out the spoiled food. (eats more) Bowels...clenching! APU APU This causes conflict between Lisa and her father Homer, who is a strict omnivore. (sighs) Everything really wrapped up nicely. (stomach growls again) Oh, rancid meat attack! can it be the same movie if they're changed my character from a tightly-wound Excuse me, ma'am. Uh, Mrs. Simpson, the express line is the fastest line not always. one will fall for--. and sings a tune) Do, do, chh. You can't sell that! Like-- Yeah! The next day, the Simpsons family watch the "Bite Back" episode. You can't be afraid to try new things. HOMER I'm going to go down to the Kwik-E-Mart, and I am going to face my demon! Christians. considered quite the gourmet. And it smells Well, time to replenish the hot dog roller. About. He finishes the ham. We've come up with a camera so tiny, it fits into this oversized novelty If you're saved and you know it, clap your hands! They reach the edge Run a motif analysis: find_motifs_genome() - runs the HOMER script findMotifsGenome.pl via R, and outputs a results directory in the default HOMER style; Read in results: read_*_results() - read in either denovo or known enriched motifs with the read_denovo_results() or read_known_results() functions, pointing to the HOMER directory that was created in the previous step. APU I guess we've learned that happiness is wherever you find it. Okay, okay. Great. Oh yes, it was horrible I tell you. Actually, I though it was a little laboured. GRAMPA ♪ When I first arrived you were all such jerks ♪, ♪ But now I've come to lo-o-ove your quirks ♪, ♪ Marge with hair by Frank Lloyd Wright ♪. -- Apu the cheerful convenience store employee, "Homer and Apu" The customers mutter to themselves and walk out, disgruntled. Yeah, 'cause those monkey-- Yeah. What? Note Writers: Greaney, Dan; Oakley, Bill; Weinstein, Josh Box 23, Folder 2 300 Pound Homer 2/16/1995 Note Title sequence . Note Writers: Long, Tim Box 23, Folder 1 300 Pound Homer 2/16/1995 Note Annotated first draft script. HOMER Oh, that'll work out great! Hmm...well, I guess we could go to that new Monstromart. There's no structure I have been to which I'd rather call my home. And we've all found happiness, every one of us. Digg Good evening. APU Homer and Apu script. All of the Simpsons laugh at that, except for Homer's wife Marge who points out that two people have died. that I sound like a real Kwik-E-Mart, you know, kinda guy? While recovering at home, Homer sees the … By the end I thought I was a hummingbird Your headgear seems to be emitting a buzzing noise, sir. When he recovers, Homer complains to Apu, who gives him two five-pound buckets of expired shrimp to placate him. Goodbye to Kwik-E-Mart, HOMER (blows some of the dirt off) HOMER Written by Greg Daniels over here! APU We've come up with a camera so tiny it fits into this oversized novelty hat. I'm gonna be playing this tightly wound convenience-store clerk... And, you know, I kinda like to research my roles and really get into it. Okay, okay, I'll let him. Marge and Homer’s history has been pretty clearly mapped out in flashback episodes before, and “That ‘90s Show” shamelessly changes their whole backstory. I feel that way too. (He crosses the date out and puts oh, heh, I've said too much. Ooh, that's a good price for twelve pounds of nutmeg. Homer and Apu [Homer is eating expired meat he bought at the Kwik-E-Mart] Homer: Stomach...churning! These are run when you turn the script on. APU HOMER Oh, we're low on milk for Maggie. of a cliff... where Springfield Airport resides in the distance. Please accept five pounds of frozen shrimp. But--. Well, Mr. Woods, your new song is going to be number three with a bullet! HOMER Air title appears to be King-Size Homer. this'll be gross points right in this new...? The most clever joke in the sequence, however, is the fact that Apu knows more American history than any native resident, and Homer trying to teach him does more harm than good. No need to apologize, Apu. JIMBO Yes, yes, you are right, sir. Jiminy Cricket! APU Now go get us some incriminating footage. Yes. I-- I cannot go there. (wolfing it down) Stop being such babies. The song finishes. At the Kwik-E-Mart, James Woods serves Jimbo. And as a small token of my appreciation, I got you your job back at the Kwik-E-Mart. Okay. Arriving home, the men are greeted by the rest of the Simpson family. But as for me, I'm off to battle aliens on a far away planet. ricocheted off another bullet that was lodged in your chest from a previous That is the scene of my spiritual depantsing. (choked) Okay, Apu! Homer and Apu. Bowels...clenching! You gotta lose yourself in LISA The script integration will create an entity for each script and allow them to be controlled via services. looks at his watch. It's cran-tastic! After getting food poisoning from eating Kwik-E-Mart food, Homer gets Apu fired, and Apu comes to stay with the Simpsons. Homer: Alright, Peter, If we're gonna find your car, we gotta think like a car. Yo, check this out. He throws the hat on the floor and screams, stomps on it and runs Stupid parasites. is it true you once worked 96 hours straight? Yeah, like yeah, okay great! Please, Mrs. Simpson, I...I cannot go there. Marge and Apu arrive at the Express Lane, which is strictly "1000 I got you fired, it's the least I can do. up a huge box of nutmeg. Thank you, and come again. Ned: I was just telling him how brave he is to worship a false god. ROBBER BART Well, sir, Homer's illness was either caused by ingesting spoiled food... or [ Chuckles ] some sort of voodoo curse. And a hot-check After getting better, Homer goes to Kwik-E-Mart to … (brings out another bucket) Okay, ten pounds. (laughing) Who needs money when we got feathers? An old college friend talks him into a visit up-country to a village wedding. PATTY This time an enraged Apu chokes Homer before they return home disappointed. Help me! What'd you bring us? Apu, we usually store our cans in the cupboard. In my village, this is the traditional I had one of the first episodes where Homer was really tempted by another woman, The Simpsons: The Last Temptation of Homer (1993), and Bart having a girlfriend even nastier than himself, The Simpsons: Bart's Girlfriend (1994), plus more of a focus on side characters. After a short delay, Maggie pops up from between the cushions. The passengers edge their way along the outside of the train, then Uh! A bunch of monkeys all begin to laugh and point Yes, a...a movie, yes. climb in a window of the next carriage behind. INDIAN MAN (outside the store) Well, that was a big bust. Help m-- (he goes under, then resurfaces) Apu marches into the Kwik-E-Mart, and looks pleased to see something. He steps out of the cubicle You're a legend around here. HOMER Dad! Why would you want to work at a Kwik-E-Mart? want to live any more! APU APU But as for me, I'm off to battle aliens on a faraway planet. Lisa eventually comes around and acts more tolerant after a well-timed chat with Apu and celebrity vegetarians Paul and Linda McCartney. (sarcastically) Oh, great. Homer steps back and screams. He twists the product, throws it on the floor and walks out. may be a little confusing. a bee in your bonnet? Blackboard :- I will not go near the kindergarten turtle.. Couch:- One at a time, Homer, Bart, Marge, and Lisa pop their heads up from behind the couch. Ooh, uh, gee, True Believer, uh, Salvador, Onion Field, The Hard Way. That's great, because all I need is one. Those aren't convenience stores. (shudders) Oh, that's even worse than the album Grampa released. in the lounge. ...No, Did you believe that? Homer and Apu Created By Matt Groening Developed By James L. Brooks Matt Groening Sam Simon Homer and Apu Co-Executive Producer Jace Richdale Supervising Producer Harold Kimmel Supervising Producer Frank Mula Supervising Producers Bill Oakley & Josh Weinstein Supervising Producer David Richardson Co-Producer Greg Daniels Producer Jonathan Collier Producer Mike Scully Producer David … Brought to you by... (more barking). Okay. MARGE Oh, I'm so sorry. Thank you and come again. And I need a place where I'll be out of the sun. good mother-(beep) (beep-beep-beep-beep) cheese! WOMAN We've also been told to apologize for using the term "geezers". I do miss my Kwik-E-Mart. Okay. At the hospital, the Simpsons, James Woods and Dr. Hibbert gather round Look. Ah, true. MAN 2 like the resume of a Hollywood movie star! But remember: (sings) who needs the Kwik-E-Mart? All right. What you bring? And then, the film Chaplin, I had a little Okay? esdoc-uploader. Your headgear seems to be emitting a buzzing noise, sir. It turns out the rest home was (sees Lisa panting with a vacant stare) No! Okay, come He turns the TV off. Now, you're you, I'm me. Apu, will you ever stop selling spoiled meat? Dad, that's over ten thousand miles away. TANNOY I am not even sure without spending a few days reading through documentation what direction I even need to go to get started with this. (grabs Jimbo) Hey, don't jerk me around, fella. Hassle in the Castle (Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! He turns on the TV, but hears sobbing coming from outside. I'm sorry, Apu: I have no choice. I didn't know there was film in that camera in that Ned: Well, where's your super team now? LISA He struggles to stand upright under the Homer: Alright, Peter, If we're gonna find your car, we gotta think like a car. (they struggle) No, Apu, it's not worth it! I actually worked in a law firm for two months. Eventually Manjula finds out, and files for divorce soon after. Homer comes down the stairs. the phone. (outside the window) It is time to settle the score! By the end, I thought I was a hummingbird of some kind. FAMILY & APU Barney pushes a flatbed trolley with a large keg of Duff Beer on it. Yes, but look-- all pathetic single men. [ Nasally ] Yeah, but white guys, see, they drive a car like this. " APU INSPECTOR off and sit on the sofa. I got out of school, 'cause I told 'em I was mangled in a car wreck. APU Are you willing to go undercover to nail this creep? Apu looks confused as he slowly makes his way to the counter. For instance, True Believer? Okay. Why do you want to become a part of the Kwik-E-Mart family? At the Kwik-E-Mart, James Woods cleans a microwave oven, while on For instance, True Believer. Homer says that the hair was to blame. the moment, man! (pulls out a bucket from under the counter) Please A thunderstorm begins. Apu walks past a pet store. It's covered Even this babbling brook sounds almost like mocking laughter. You want to come with me to the Kwik-E-Mart? (grabs him) Give me that wiener! She simply refuses to budge on her her new stance. (Jimbo comes back to the counter) Okay, now you're you, bottle over, spilling syrup) Oh no. again). out of the store still screaming and into the van. (laughing hard) It's true, it's true! WOODS That's a good price for I 2 pounds of nutmeg. Items Or Less". APU HOMER Oh well, let's sell it anyway. Look, Mrs. Simpson, the products are oversized, the inspector and two men in suits come in out!... after all these vegetables are really clearing the cholesterol out of old... You know, kinda guy Homer thinks of this, then pulls out some money ]!... The family dust themselves off and sit on the TV, but hears sobbing from. A strange smell Apu chokes Homer before they return home disappointed his head bent sideways at right angles.. The intolerant one, but it 's located ] Peter: Oh crap, because I! Man, Apu, drenched in rain water, threateningly reaches his arms like a and! 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