Tender Notice 29th May 2020. Download the full document here PRF-7353-Volume 2 - Specifications_ Rehabilitation of Butiye Water Syupply-View Tender. Download pdf: Document Release Date: 7 th May, 2020: Last Date for Receipt of Proposals : 15 th May, 2020 at 1500hrs (Kenyan Time) EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: Provision of Pre-Employment … ; tender document proposed construction of vehicle washing bay at the county yard. Share Nairobi Video Speed Dating - Filter Off with your friends. May 4, 2020 May 6, 2020 admin Leave a reply. kenyatta university-supplier registration form for various categories; registered suppliers-youth, women and persons with disability 2018-2019 LBDA/SIP/02/2020-2021 TENDER … Request Proposal for Consultancy Services for the Information Security Management System (ISMS) Download Link to the Documents Below: Download Tender. 1.5 Completed tender documents are to be scanned and submitted through the Kenya suppliers portal www.supplier.treasury.go.ke) so as to be received on or before (Wednesday 25th may 2020 at 12.00pm). REQUEST FOR … Electrical Tenders Kenya, Electrical Tenders from Kenya global electrical tenders Kenya Projects RFPs RFQs international competitive bids contracts procurement news are published on ElectricalTenders.com. Tenders Gazette is a rapidly growing Tender information Newspaper that help suppliers and contractors find government and private tendering opportunities in Kenya. Tenders in Kenya from Government & NGO's - Tenders Kenya 2020 will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing. JANUARY 2021 (13) DECEMBER 2020 (5) NOVEMBER 2020 (3) OCTOBER 2020 (1) SEPTEMBER 2020 (8) AUGUST 2020 (3) JULY 2020 (2) JUNE 2020 (13) MAY 2020 (7) APRIL 2020 (3) MARCH 2020 (6) FEBRUARY 2020 (2) Display Num . Garissa Water & Sewerage Company Tenders. Works Tenders Contact Information Email: admin@tenders.go.ke P.O Box 58535-00200, Nairobi, Kenya Telephone: +254-020-3244000/2213106 Tender for supply and delivery of air time and calling cards, TNT/013/2015-2016 (NEGOTIATION NO. and placed in the tender box at the Tharaka University College Principal’s Office ON OR BEFORE Tuesday, 22 nd December 2020 at 10.00 A.M. Kenya Off Grid Solar Access Project (K-OSAP) K-OSAP Safeguard Instruments ... Tender Document. TenderSoko.com was started with 3 main aims; As a platform for anyone around the world to view daily tenders from Kenya & Eastern Africa. recent. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPPING OF THREE CLASSROOMS. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPPING OF A 64 STUDENTS' CAPACITY DORMITORY. Fri, Feb 12, 8:00 PM + 11 more events. Population Services Kenya (PS Kenya) 3rd Floor,Wing B; Jumuia Place, Lenana Road; P.O. Tender for supply, installation and commissioning of category 6a structured cabling network at Bima house building and WIFI for both Bima and Treasury building. SDP42-2020 “Consultoría para el Desarrollo de Escenarios Climáticos de Precipitación, Temperatura y Ascenso del Nivel del Mar para los Períodos 2020-2040, 2041-2060, 2061-2080 y 2081-2100” (DOM10 - SDP42-2020) Tenderspot Kenya. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADMINISTRATION BLOCK, PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF A 96 STUDENTS' CAPACITY DORMITORY. The National Treasury. While the … tender for provision of cleaning services at kenyatta university city campus- reserved for youthreserved for youth. 60KVA Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) At Treasury Data Centre, Nairobi Nakuru Mau Summit Request For Qualification Final, Request For Proposals (RFP) For Consultancy To Design And Develop Corporate Identity/Brand For The Nairobi International Financial Centre Authority, Provision of consultancy services for technical assistance to strengthen the capacity of internal audit functions in public entities - advert.pdf, Addendum I request for proposals for provision of consultancy services for technical assistance to strengthen the capacity of internal audit functions in public entities.pdf, Addendum II: Request For Proposals For Provision Of Consultancy Services For Technical Assistance To Strengthen The Capacity Of Internal Audit Functions In Public Entities: Tender No. 1 Nairobi - Nakuru - Mau Summit, Nairobi – Nakuru - Mau Summit Highway Projects Information Memorandum, Consultancy for a medium-term advisor for the Kenya Deposit Insurance Corporation, Tender extension advert Procurement of a Unified Storage Solution.pdf, Addendum 1: Tender for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of CCTV surveillance system; tender No. Tenders & Procurement Opportunities. ... Supply and delivery of goods and services through framework agreement for the financial years 2020-2021/2021/2022. Tenderers or their representatives are free to attend the tender opening. Important Notice on Fake Tenders! Request for Quotation: NO. Kenya Institute for the Blind Opp Kogo Plaza building, Off Mai Mahiu Road P.O Box 31082 - 00600, Nairobi - Kenya. Source for all open tenders in Kenya. Tender Number Tender Name Closing Date Status; 10/11/2016: CBK/028/2016/2017 : RESTRICTED TENDER FOR ONE YEAR FRAME WORK CONTRACT FOR SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF TONERS AND OTHER COMPUTER CONSUMABLES TO CENTRAL BANK OF KENYA : 2016-11-18: closed: 20/11/2012: Tender No: CBK/ELD/01/2012-2013: Provision of private security guard services for the Central Bank of Kenya … PRF-7353-Volume 1_ Tender … recent. The winner is one who has proved that they can do the work efficiently. UNHCR Kenya Medical Items & Text Books Supply Tender. Corporate Location Stima Plaza Annex, 3rd Floor, Kolobot Road Parklands +254 20 5029600 / +254 743 221 786/+254 110 023 973 info@kppf.co.ke Monday – Thursday: 7:45 AM – 5:00 PM Thursday, 15th October, 2015 AT 10.00 AM. BOX 54974-00200 NAIROBI. The email should be referenced “KCB IT/ MAY 2020/ SUPPLY, ... NAIROBI, KENYA Please note that tenders received by facsimile or electronic mail will be rejected. W.P ITEM NO.D07 NB/NB 1301 – JOB NO.6027H.pdf, Advert CCTV security National Treasury.pdf, Addendum II fleet management solution.pdf, Addendum III Fleet management solution.pdf, Tender extension advert fleet management solution.pdf, Addendum I: Provision of consultancy services on an assessment of implementation of the government vehicle leasing programme.pdf, Addendum II expression of interest for provision of consultancy services on an assessment of implementation of the government vehicle leasing programme.pdf. THURSDAY 10TH NOVEMBER, 2016 AT 10.00 AM. Works Tenders Contact Information Email: admin@tenders.go.ke P.O Box 58535-00200, Nairobi, Kenya Telephone: +254-020-3244000/2213106 Kenya. View Tender . 750kva generator set for the National Treasury- Nairobi. Tender awarding companies are looking for companies with attractive prices per stated good or item, quality, delivery services and flexibility. 8 of 1999 (EMCA) as the principlal instrument of Goverment for the implementation of all policies relating to environment . The company reserves the right to vary the quantities. TEL: 020 6948000/605490/605550 E-MAIL: info@kebs.org, procurement@kebs.org Website: www.kebs.org FAX: 020 609660/ 604031 . ku/tndr/s/016/cs -cc/2019-2020. Our Tender Portal provide information on E-procurement, Public Tenders, Government bids, International Bidding opportunities etc. Find the Latest Tenders. NAC/PREQ/5/2019-2020 Tender Name: PROVISION OF LEGAL SERVICES 1. Phone: +254 (0)717 504908 or (0) 20 600 5712 or (0) 20 600 4399 or (0) 20 600 5668. restricted tender for supply, delivery and installation of red hat enterprise linux licenses for sap applications renewal, additional licences, red hat enterprise linux licenses with smart management, redhat satellite server and redhat capsule server installation configuration, support and maintenance for kenya airports authority. TNT/016/2016-2017 (NEGOTIATION NO. Energy, Power & Electrical Tenders, Projects, Bids, Contracts, Procurement News, RFPs, RFQs.... Home: View All: Search: Publish: Free Tenders: Subscribe: Contact Part of … Proposed Arrest Of Roof Leakages And Installation Of Storm Drainage System At Treasury Building For The National Treasury-Nairobi. Tenders & Procurement Opportunities. LBDA/DISP/02/2020-2021 TENDER DOCUMENT FOR DISPOSAL OF UNSERVICEABLE EQUIPMENT AND IDLE ASSETS Closing Date 24th November 10.00 a.m REGISTRATION OF SUPPLIERS SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF GOODS, SERVICES & WORKS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEARS 2020-2021/2021-2022 Closing Date 25th November 10.00 a.m Closed Tenders TENDER NO. tender document proposed construction of typical public toilets for mombasa county. Date Posted 19th October 2020. KEBS/T019/2019/2020 KENYA BUREAU OF STANDARDS P.O. Box 22591-00400, Nairobi. Addendum III Proposed Arrest Of Roof Leakage And Installation Of Storm Drainage System For Treasury Building, Addendum II - Proposed Arrest Of Roof Leakages And Installation Of Storm Drainage System At Treasury Building For The National Treasury, Addendum No. Tender No. latest updates Connect With Us. Nairobi Video Speed Dating - Filter Off. Tenders Gazette is a rapidly growing Tender information Newspaper that help suppliers and contractors find government and private tendering opportunities in Kenya. ksh.500/= friday 30th august 2019 at 10:00am. EMS-000679 - CLARIFICATIONS ON THE TENDER FOR CALL FOR CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEY. Past Tenders EXPRESSION OF ... Thursday, 14 th May, 2020: Last Date for Receipt of Proposals : Wednesday, 27 th May, 2020 at 1700hrs (GMT+3) EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: Supply of Rectifiers and Inverters. TenderSoko.com is an online tenders publishing website keen on ensuring suppliers get to view all tenders before their due date is reached. tender document proposed construction of typical public toilets for mombasa county. Tenders Gazette Notices 22 May 2020. Here are some latest tenders in Kenya. Proposed supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 1 no. Tenders Gazette is a rapidly growing Tender information Newspaper that help suppliers and contractors find government and private tendering opportunities in Kenya. Or be deposited in the Tender Box at KEBS Centre Main Reception marked “TENDER BOX” so as to be received on or before 10.00 am on Tuesday 19th May, 2020. :KEMSA/ OIT15/ 2018-2020 Tender Document For the Supply of Non Pharmaceuticals Tender Document For the Supply of Non Pharmaceuticals : 7th May 2019 Closing Date: 6th June, 2019 Time: 10.00 a.m. Open to all Closed Below are the tender notices, EOI, RFPs, RFQs, project information, procurement news, procurement plans, contract awards from - Kenya kemri/hq/024/2020-2021 Tender for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of DNA Synthesizer at Kenya Medical Research Institute, Nairobi December, 22 2020 MOMBASA MOMBASA Tender Sector: Public Source for all open tenders in Kenya. 225950), Proposed storm drainage system for the treasury building, Proposed rehabilitation of plumbing, drainage and sanitary appliances and two years maintenance contract for plumbing, drainage, electrical items, sanitary appliances in wash rooms and specified areas, roof leakages, kitchen areas, storm water drainage and booster pumps at Treasury building, Bima and Herufi houses for the National Treasury-Nairobi, Proposed Arrest Of Roof Leakages And Installation Of Storm Drainage System At Treasury Building For The National Treasury-Nairobi, Rehabilitation of plumbing drainage and sanitary appliances at the treasury building, Bima and Herufi house for the National Treasury Nairobi, Sale of boarded motor vehicles in various counties, Procurement of the disaster recovery solution, Tender for leasing of motor vehicles for the National Police Service (NPS). invitation to tender 2019 – 2020 mombasa county 2019-2020 invitation to tender. Tender title: Tenders for goods and services for the year 2021 Tender at: Uthiru Girls High Tender Deadline: 30/12/2020 by 4 pm TENDER DETAILS: Tenders for goods and services for the year 2021 are out. We publish tender information, including invitation to contract, business opportunities and government contracts. Useful Links. Tender for design, supply, installation and commissioning of information technology infrastructure and services for the financial reporting center. Tenders Gazette is a rapidly growing Tender information Newspaper that help suppliers and contractors find government and private tendering opportunities in Kenya. promoting good governance,transparency and integrity in the procurement process. Closing Date: 2021-02-05 16 days 17hrs . thursday, 19th march, 2020 at 11:00 am: tnt/030/2019-2020 Find the Latest Tenders. No later than 2:00 pm, Kenya Standard Time. invitation to tender 2019 – 2020 mombasa county 2019-2020 invitation to tender. Closing Date 2020-December-4th at 2200 HRS EAT ... A cloud based tender management solution. Copyright © 2021. tender documents. Bids will close on May 11 2020– 1600hrs. Save ENTERING CANNABIS: The Global Landscape - Future Opportunities In Kenya to your collection. Procuring Entity: Garissa Water & Sewerage Company Tenders Available Summary: Bulla Tawakal/Rahma/Upper Mzuri Water … Tender Notices - Request for Proposal/Request for Quotation or Tenders is an invitation for suppliers, often through a bidding process, to submit a proposal on a specific product/work/service. Company: EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT TRUST. To help businesses receive information concerning tenders in due time. We publish tender information, including invitation to contract, business opportunities and government contracts. TUESDAY, 21st FBRUARY, 2017 at 10.00 a.m. WEDNESDAY 11 TH JANUARY, 2017 AT 10.00 A.M, TENDER NO. Tender No. 8 of 1999 (EMCA) as the principlal instrument of Goverment for the implementation of all policies relating to environment . Wednesday 24th August 2016 at 1600 hours Kenyan Time. The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), is established under the Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act No. tender documents. ... 30 December 2020 - 11:00: ... restricted tender for hire of tents 2019-2020: nil: friday 31st may 2019 at 10:00 am. PRF-7353-Volume 2 - Specifications_ Rehabilitation of Butiye Water Syupply. TENDER NO. The company reserves the right to vary the quantities. To help businesses receive information concerning tenders in due time. JANUARY 2021 (13) DECEMBER 2020 (5) NOVEMBER 2020 (3) OCTOBER 2020 (1) SEPTEMBER 2020 (8) AUGUST 2020 (3) JULY 2020 (2) JUNE 2020 (13) MAY 2020 (7) APRIL 2020 (3) MARCH 2020 (6) FEBRUARY 2020 (2) Display Num . 1.5 Completed tender documents are to be scanned and submitted through the Kenya suppliers portal www.supplier.treasury.go.ke) so as to be received on or before (Wednesday 25th may 2020 at 12.00pm). HOME; ABOUT US; COUNTY GOVERNMENT TENDERS; GET TENDER ALERTS; CONTACT US; Month: May 2020. Sponsored Tender. Tenders Kenya is the leading online platform for all the available public,private and NGO sector tenders in Kenya. TENDERS. Tenders Gazette Notices 15 May 2020. Page 2 of 32 Table of Contents Section A TENDER NOTICE 2 Section B GENERAL INFORMATION 4 Section C GENERAL CONDITIONS OF … Company: KAIMOSI FRIENDS UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. AMREF /22/10/2020/012 LOT 3: KITUI COUNTY: Procurement of Transportation Services for Clinical Specimens to and From Various Health Facilities Amref Health Africa in Kenya invites sealed bids from eligible… Read More May 20, 2020 May 20, 2020 admin Leave a reply. 2020 list of prequalified candidates to vie for tea factory company directorship. :KEMSA/ OIT15/ 2018-2020 Tender Document For the Supply of Non Pharmaceuticals Tender Document For the Supply of Non Pharmaceuticals : 7th May 2019 Closing Date: 6th June, 2019 Time: 10.00 a.m. Open to all Closed Download the full document here prf-7353-volume 2 - Specifications_ Rehabilitation of Butiye Water Syupply 22nd July 2020 Ending. 24Th August 2016 at 10.00 a.m. Addendum disaster recovery solution 2.pdf, Addendum leasing of vehicles... Information provider company, helping business across globe in finding business opportunities government. 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tenders in kenya may 2020
tenders in kenya may 2020 2021