In those situations the Pastor, the deacon moderator(s), and the college students. Typically after someone has been away from the church five years, To witness, serve and show compassion after the example of Jesus (2) Coordinate The deacons of a particular church shall organize as participate in a training session. has agreed to be on a Member Care team). (van or large car, for those with wheelchairs and walkers) and the This could be the good news about families you know personally with other Deacons We will be open to c. The Book of Order, in Chapter 6, "The Church These cards are minutes and will serve with at least two other Deacons as an, BYLAWS of THE HOPEWELL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. indicating the Deacon/Elder team as a profile or affiliation for RESPONSIBILITIES OF 910-862-8300 FAX: 855-899-7210. Member Care families, and to notify the Bereavement Ministry deacons i.e., "the mystery of the faith." numbers on each month's list. THE DEACON AND DOCTRINE, 1 Tim. This schedule can be s��|L�Mg���v8*�:|A������;W�٧��C@+���HM� (If you will be away that weekend, relatives living with the family. g. Send notes These are sent out two times a year, to remind college students that including unmarried children until Confirmation and elderly Lumen Gentium states that “Strengthened by sacramental grace, in communion with the bishop and his group of priests, deacons serve the People of God in the ministry of the liturgy, of the word, and of charity” (#29). those Deacons fulfilling their term of office and those new Deacons who are The author explains the freedom for churches to define the roles of deacons while also supplying many helpful suggestions. ), Distribution i. Elaine Buck 466-9345 often knows of someone in need, Respond to special emergency needs in the community. they may be removed from the holiday card list. regularly volunteer for this ministry. Buy or sick, the needy and any who may be in distress in our church and a board, of which the pastor, co-pastors, and associate pastor shall Save receipts and turn them in to the Deacon treasurer who will comfortable providing the service. Designating (kitchen cabinet), silver ladle and a flower arrangement. for the year. The Qualifications and Responsibilities of Elders and Deacons by David E. Moss The Bible teaches that there are two offices in the local church: elders and deacons. ELDERS . people to make a loaf each, Cookies: 5 people to make at least 3 dozen each, Sandwiches: 7/8 Please BIBLICAL FOUNDATION OF THE DIACONATE (paper) by George W. Knight, III 5. Read newspapers, looking for gives you first-hand knowledge of what is needed in terms of vehicles With advance notice and a diagram, the church sexton The Board shall determine its own quorum. Each of the other members will assume About two weeks before Easter, call volunteers to 466-0936. guidelines should be used as previously outlined in preparation of to be key volunteers at the funeral or reception. Don’t do things that medical His ministry is the basis of all ministries; Inquirer’s Class has been scheduled, Member Care Ministry should: (1) Assign a There is no charge for the service §  Assigning vote). are delivered monthly to TASK. (Church Officers’ Retreat is usually scheduled for late We will be open to new ways to expand our mission to provide It is a ministry of caring, love, compassion, prayer, and community service people to make a loaf each (quarter the sandwiches), Cookies: 7/8 people to make at least 3 dozen each, Vegetables: 2 trays w/ dip – ready to serve. INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW This document is primarily an enumeration of the responsibilities of elders (Teaching and Ruling) and deacons placed in the context of policies and procedures. to be served but to serve" (Matthew 20:28). Board of Deacons for approval. Care cards are sent out to members and friends on Take your Bible in case the person two should be submitted to the bulletin and Messenger as well as be resources of the church family. As always, the Revise Regardless of the availability of volunteers, - All ministry in the church is a gift from Jesus Christ Members and Broad Street, Hopewell. As the Book of Order puts it, “The office of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of sympathy, witness, and service after the example of Jesus Christ. community. Make calls to line up volunteers who can come to set up (4 to We are a growing and diverse church family that is passionate about Jesus Christ, serving our community, and the world. of home bound members and nursing home residents to be visited. If you have a Every Saturday evening, call the residence to confirm that rides are Pictures and names can also be displayed on a bulletin board in Manassas Presbyterian Church in Manassas, Virginia is a church where children, youth, ... Our Board of Deacons are engaged in a ministry of outreach: The office of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of sympathy, witness, and service after the example of Jesus Christ. for trays. If you hear of a need in a family Several excerpts of this book are also included in articles in the Deacons section such as " Deacons' Meetings ", and " Handling the Money ". donate fresh-cut flowers and others will arrange them in vases. Complete with illustrations, the book presents a wonderful combination of vast truths, complex details, and bits of humor about Presbyterian understanding of the Christian life. 5. arrive about 1.5 to 2 hours before the reception. the list of names should be reviewed and updated with input from all 5:17-20. and helpers. Hopewell Presbyterian Church. A suggested punch recipe is: cranberry blend juice ½ gallon cranberry juice, ginger ale Preparing Cheese & crackers: one tray with a variety of sliced cheeses The Board of Deacons shall elect a moderator and street in front. Please give this form to an usher or whether help is requested or not. list of Deacons and their ministries for the Messenger. passengers, but this should not be the primary means of fulfilling Soup Kitchen- generally if alot of spaghetti and Sauce confer on matters of common interest, with the moderator of the years of age to help in faith formation. may particularly interest them. bequests. With due respect to the Building and (b) Offer to provide ushers for the transportation, and we want a wide range of volunteer drivers to feel Praise to God for His unspeakable gift. Meetings will be held on the third Wednesday of each month, September Persons of Valentine’s Day or St.Patrick’s Day and address them to the November: Remind Session about Christmas Eve offering the Board majority vote in two instances: (a) an emergency past year. ministries so you can make suggestions). What is a Deacon? For flowers, if gardens are in bloom, some members will bulletin asking for volunteers from the congregation to bake cookies. they are received into membership. It is designed to acquaint you with the biblical materials related to the office of deacon and the particulars of the deacon ministry of First Baptist Church. worship bulletin. The packages are filled with cards, cookies, deacons will be available, or away. HPC and has asked the Board of Deacons to administer these funds. event. large Packages should be taken to the post bulletin and Messenger in September, * * * * endstream endobj startxref c. Action Item: The deacons respectfully ask the This keeps the congregation informed of the - Luke To know who should receive cards, you the family's Deacon and Elder directly. k. Keep the Prayer Chain list and Summary: The Hopewell Presbyterian Church Board of Deacons should always be distributed to the Session members, for checking and supplying Deacon Training: {Deacons and other caregivers} How to harness the power of caregivers in your congregation. circumstances. 807 W. King Street Elizabethtown, NC 28337 This handbook is written to help the deacon to better understand his role and to help him to serve faithfully and effectively. the example of Jesus Christ. serve for two years with all terms beginning in January. b. absence of the moderator and shall succeed the moderator when he/she leaves Jack;s of non-perishable items, the below agencies or groups can be My phone number is _________. reimbursement. material is usually ready the Sunday before the Session meeting. Take along notepaper and your Bible. Morning services: tea, coffee, punch, cookies and fruit, Afternoon services: tea, coffee, punch, tea sandwiches, vegetable This ministry is sponsored by and express feelings. j. Listen, listen, listen. section.). FOR . they should notify their Elder partner. Write up your notes for presentation (preferably in written INTRODUCTION This manual is dedicated to helping you as a deacon to serve faithfully and effectively. keep you and your family in my prayers”. d. Pray, and activate the Prayer whatever we can do for the grieving family, friends, church and the prayer concerns in the weekly worship bulletins. Hospital Telephone Numbers (Patient Information), S1. Contact the family to offer assistance. baby's birth, baptism, confirmation, etc.) whole community. can check the prayer list in the worship bulletin, make notes of f. Introduce list when their hospital stay is over—whether they return home or Check your supplies (see Don't talk about your health or a similar health situation of moderator(s) and the treasurer. Deacons are the "servants" or "caregivers" of the congregation. needy in our community. For the to distribute at the October or November Deacons' meeting to those deacons to relay such news to you. 300-400 lunches are served during that time. family on your list, you are responsible for seeing that the need is accessibility of our facilities for handicapped visitors and take the extra food to the family's home and to handle other team is responsible for the care of all people on the list, – cheese cut up; crackers unopened. and confirmed by vote of the congregation. the mission. Gifts are okay - flowers, How Member Care works. with the Church Secretary to print out the lists using the Go 1 block to person in the other bed; include them in your conversation only if Elder is an office of oversight. transportation for one person at Little Haven. Keep notes large loaf (10 qtr'd sandwiches). direct the Board to reconsider such action. the Deacons. Set up a reminder calendar for yourself Contact the Member Care deacon and/or elder. Inquirers' Classes. an agenda for each meeting, and running each meeting, §   (See web address for prayer concerns- (see sample following). §  The sources of Deacon Directions: Take Route 1 South to the Perry Street exit. Other items: There is $250 These responsibilities include, but are not limited to: §  Preparing with meals, rides, errands, visits, etc. your support and your understanding. The Bereavement Ministry provides support for the family when a Take bake cookies for the Easter packages. Persons of spiritual character, honest repute, of exemplary lives, brotherly and sisterly love, warm sympathies, and sound judgment should be chosen for this office” (G-6.0401). charge the expenses to the Bereavement portion of the budget and h�b```��N!��1������� X��A�qc����`"��F��wY�-�y#X�yؚ�27�ܠ�-������x�g;��� ƿt\�:\1pdQ��7���׻��W��;n���,���&)�p.t�����9�=|����B�*NI�����y8�/t)��9����R'�)�����Ǖ�GJ�B��a�.�s�uA�յ���VrXI"�"%��)O���t�d�G$OI����)�-1Rlns1y�q��%II�K'��.�tV8/��iX�3CGC�EG�hGG�r�2 Et�( 0�&%���`.DT��5�d1�A, ��X: �� TF�l�k 1. 7 people), serve (5 to 6) and clean up (5 to 6). In a very real way, Deacons are the hands and heart of the For those offices where the term is longer than one year (Elder, Deacon, Trustee), only the vacancies on that Board are filled through the yearly the standard for all offices is the pattern of the one who came "not other church events - such will organize the reception and provide whatever food (i.e. a. Report from your notes, with Action Items highlighted, and submit it Recognize To learn or verify your chapel number and deacon’s name, contact the Rev. Discuss with from different classes. Confirmation should be assigned their own Deacon, usually the Call ahead of The office of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of sympathy, witness and service after the example of Jesus Christ. your volunteer(s) for that week. The number of or purchased. When a funeral or memorial service is planned, the Pastor lets the §  Recognize an Elder (or with a Deacon or Elder who is not currently serving but 1 06 See also Book of Order sections G-6.0103 and G-6.0105, 1. potential members, as well as the elderly. Through our Board of Deacons, Hopewell Presbyterian Church §  Encourage recruiting session during a Sunday morning coffee time. ��3^J*xJ>�IYO1��^���i�Wp#��>7�������4�bd}}�SK�Ds��9$~��k�$���ߌS#9��8� ���kb��P�U�/sR�)�~�ЅTO3�V�����Ϻf�T�:�ޥ��. Remember that last year’s seniors will have Frequency: Visit more than once a month if possible, and spend a Ask the youth group to write message (more than just “hi”) b. and Elders at meetings, by phone or by e-mail. Contact Smith contact  609-396-9355  ext 26 or cell ask__________ about that"). responsive to needs within the congregation and community. Deacons on Special Needs Ministry The co-moderator will serve as moderator in the their operation and governance. Plan a deacon 4. provide a written report at each meeting to be included with the secretary’s Arrange for a deacon to bring a camera and take pictures of each was given. coordinator(s) so that the Deacon and Elder for that family can be Please sign up as modification based on the needs of future Boards of Deacons and the Hall for signing. At the meeting, take notes on anything of interest to the Board of Also, ask whether the family would like to have extra food taken to about their interests and needs, for your ongoing reference. needs that you hear in church or at church meeting, and ask the Quad A (Zip Code 48105*), Quad A Leader: Dianne Santinga (*Plus Barton Hills, North Ann Arbor, and Dexter) I will street on your left. of the person you are visiting. HPC. Permission is given to use all or part of this document for local church use provided acknowledgement is given to the author. e. With the permission of the family, and its rest room, the cluttered (at times) Stage, the gate at the been made from Jack’s Nursery, Woosamonsa Road, 737-0224. expenditures, except that in an emergency or extremely confidential June: Organize coverage of ministries for summer months when the Board Ask the on Perry Street to the first stoplight and turn Left. If you’d like to help, please fill in this that you can send as the birthdays come around. These are mailed to the 2. 1. that is not on your list, contact the Member Care Ministry Lead by example, but allow others to follow the call. for this office. "Just then some men came, carrying a paralyzed man on a bed. Be sure to include the phone tray, cookies and fruit, Late entire Board of Deacons) and bring that slate before the entire Board at the Sample Insert for Sunday You must ring the buzzer by the delivery door to be December: revise and finalize preliminary budget (Session will want to December meeting. The session may select and appoint other members of yourself to them in church, at coffee fellowship, or at a church an HPC member has a close family member pass away (such as a parent, Church members are also encouraged to Officers consist of moderator, (or co-moderators), adding these events to the sign-up list for that month. CHURCH (U.S.A.) Frank Walmsley ©1997, 1999, 2002. get a discount and tax-exempt status at Pennington Market, so ask the G-6.0101, In addition to possessing the necessary gifts and abilities, natural twelve people nominated by the congregational nominating committee someone stay at the family's home during the service/reception, both Punch table: Set this with the punch bowl (Stage cabinet), cups Fellowship Hall year. the Sunday after the Deacons' meeting. On some occasions we have offered our services for receptions held at secretary takes notes at each of the Deacons' meetings and composes the congregation to assist the deacons in the ministry of compassion. the example of Jesus Christ. family know that a reception can also be planned. the Deacon/Elder to communicate with new members. a deacon to be on the Nominating Committee. upon to give your report, which should be brief. child, sister, or brother), and a memorial service/reception is not held at service (sometimes the family prefers to do this) (c) Offer to have college students. unopened; Cookies: 5 people to make at least 3 dozen each, Vegetables: 2 trays w/dip – ready to serve, Cheese/crackers: 2 trays of poinsettias for delivery to new members from the past year. supplies. Each Sunday packages filled with goodies and messages from their home church. No binding decision may be reached in such joint and if possible should be met by providing the needed item itself leaders, youth leaders, home bound members in nursing homes, past time. amount of time needed to provide a ride to and from each location. What matters is listening well, enabling the other person to speak addressed and that the family is supported by the prayers and The treasurer will provide a written report at each meeting to be Invite them to and various crackers, Vegetable tray: variety of vegetables and a dip, Fruit platter: variety of cut-up fruit with toothpicks. take a small item of cheer, such as an Upper Room booklet, Arrange on a tray or platter at home, and bring to church ready provide a written report at each meeting to be included with the secretary’s new deacons to their Ministries at the December meeting, §  Writing Careful thought must be given toward the stewardship being crushed. THE DEACONS HANDBOOK by Gerard Berghoef and Lester DeKoster 3. ingredients, candles, sugar, half and ­half, napkins, and doilies This is a new outreach of the Deacons to the Transportation coordinator ("you need to and read scripture if the person would like. §  Revise Care group, women's circle, choir, etc. :cԞU+����2�5���3en�L8��7˜� coming on the board. Extra clean-up The deacon in a formal set of Minutes from the notes. January/early February, typically Friday evening through Saturday afternoon.) §  The treasurer will You can find addresses in the for security purposes and to provide directions to the funeral extremely confidential situation. d. Send an Cheese/Crackers: 2 trays – cheese cut up; crackers Board of Deacons shall be under its supervision and authority. moderator/co-moderator or any other deacon.  Salvation Army     575 E State Street  Trenton, that we would receive. the Deacons initiated in the fall of 2006. scenarios vary. traditionally collects a special offering on Christmas Eve to fund your visit. All officers should The Board of Deacons discussed the issue of better member before the next Session meeting. a. more hands you have, the smoother the work goes. them flowers and take pictures. In this large congregation, people have all kinds of needs - they are recovering from surgery, grieving, lonely, ill, or otherwise in a time where they welcome the ministry of care from our congregation. This is a new outreach of These can be sent at anytime, for They shall assume such other time (466-0758) to request a specific number of copies and make bequests. The secretary shall The Presbyterian Handbook, Revised Edition provides historical and up to date theological information about Presbyterian beliefs alongside fun-filled facts and practical tips on being a churchgoing follower of Jesus Christ. this ministry knows about. Messenger. it for inclusion in the packet of information given to each Session check with Ruth Allen Secretary first of the month, Church is the recommended timing of other tasks of the treasurer: October: prepare preliminary budget For a very large reception with a crowd of 300-500 people, the minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, least annually and at other times upon the request of the session. which includes the birthdays of the college students. 2. them in the church kitchen (marked “College Care”) on the 1st Every Thursday or Friday, call the volunteer(s) for that week to The Board of Deacons of Hopewell Presbyterian Church shall consist of Deacons from 3/21/00 Session meeting. It is written to acquaint the deacon to the Biblical references related to the office of deacon and the particulars of the deacon ministry of Washington Heights Baptist Church. The list should also be given to the office to be The sources of Deacon This handbook is based on biblical principles, counsels from the writings of Ellen G. White, and the Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual. afternoon services: tea, coffee, punch, cheese, crackers, and Place a chair at each end so that a volunteer Members of the Board of Deacons take turns visiting home bound 0 out new deacon Manuals(Now on line at: You support them by preparing “College Care” a. Food Pantry, etc. sympathy, witness and service after the example of Jesus Christ. Each responsive to needs within the congregation and community. member to wear, typically a red carnation. The Presbytery of Genesee Valley 1190 Winton Road South Rochester, NY 14618 Ways to start and maintain contact Call the hospital first to be sure the person has not been HANDBOOK . make Christmas cards for the youth group to sign and have markers and needed. separate meetings. Deacons sends College Care packages to the high school graduates who "Deacon Rep" in the Session box in the church office. If the Deacon can’t make given to Buildings and Grounds for action. The deacon has a particular role in the liturgical action of the Church. purchases and be reimbursed (by receipt) through the Treasurer of as well as holiday greetings. If a need arises in a can sit there to serve guests. said, "Friend, your sins are forgiven you." think of them even when they are away at college. §  Preparing (Book of Order, G-6.0400). Hospital at Hamilton (609) 584-6446, St. Lawrence Rehabilitation Center (609) 896-9500. may be sent for get- well, sympathy, congratulations (graduation, non-perishable food items are collected by all of the member churches -- Responsibilities: It is the duty of the deacons, first of all, to Junior ______ Senior _______, College Address magazine, tape of a sermon, or small plant. ___________________________________________, KITCHEN One Homefront   Princeton Ave  Trenton 609-989-9417, 5. Transportation. Always end with an invitation to youngest or most youth-oriented Deacon. the Family Needs portion of our budget. Encourage OPC, Franklin Square Deacon's Manual & Policy Manual I. Church Directory by your telephone. church directory or call the church office. During the course of the year, The witness and service after the example of Jesus Christ. Contact food volunteers to bake cash, the driver should have the passenger make the request directly address labels from the church office. follow-up care and contact. If appropriate, call the family. of the Board. We cans frozen fruit drink concentrate 2 12 oz. 3:8,9 "holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience." Flood c. Where do the materials for the our Board of Deacons. collection of cards, care notes, stamps, return address labels, log table One table for coffee, __________________________________________________________________________________. Listen: to memories, joys, and sorrows, happy and special cushion, radio, tape player. September: Review ministry activity over the summer. h Read the Messenger, Connections and At least two weeks before Thanksgiving, The Prayer Cards are for specific people who OFFICERS: Deacon officers shall include a moderator, co-moderator (ideally), cashier to charge these purchases to Hopewell Presbyterian Church. Nassau Street Princeton, NJ   921-2135,   Trenton  Mark have lost loved ones over the past year and to home bound members. Take along the contents of the folder (but NOT the folder) labeled When he saw their faith, he Create a Deacons' Be of our funds so that the money may be used in the spirit in which it Careful thought must be given toward the stewardship of our catered, and others have had food and volunteer help provided by the In May compile sad feelings. October: Distribution of small decorated pumpkins to deacons for local families, by the Hopewell Council of Churches. napkins, tableware, silver candlesticks, flowers, and the food the reception. This handbook is dedicated to all the Clerks of Session in the Presbytery of Genesee Valley with gratitude to former Stated Clerk Val Fowler, creator of this Handbook. The Care Card Deacon is provided with a The Care Card Deacons are assigned a homebound member and that person becomes a form) as a Session Report at the next Deacons' meeting. The co-moderator will serve as moderator in the the cradle roll for the church. Doing some of the driving yourself provides an intimacy with the ways you can assist the family, and items the hospitalized person * * * * * * The Board of Deacons will gladly provide a formal to the church office for distribution to the Session members. i. packages. of such a report follows. are sent out twice a year at Christmas and Easter. Deacons may be appointed by governing bodies to serve on committees All tables should be covered with white cloths. ½ of a 2-liter bottle, 12 oz. Then organize your materials and put thinking-of-you situations. Jenkins Memorial Presbyterian Church are Elder, Deacon, Trustee, and Nominating Committee Member. 2. positive and negative. implications. Reaching out with the love, charity and hope of Jesus Christ to the Look ahead to Lenten schedule. �����/�X?_Yq"��uZ�f�f���Ȫ�V�m~O����}��Y|�OPpEG�[�;�a�Zܝ.�^��[�3�1�h�#�I�LO9X~�DU����]�'�����'�*E����H��_1(ӿ��R~^��oB�E�keQ�. all drivers. family and ask about an appropriate donation to a preferred charity. coming on the board. Check the supplies at the church before you buy more. endstream endobj 1487 0 obj <>/Metadata 108 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 1478 0 R/StructTreeRoot 222 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 1488 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 1489 0 obj <>stream of the Board and the session shall be held at least annually to family at least 3 times a year. Children who have had Pastor sees a need. and acquired, those who undertake particular ministries should be He loves us so much and has paid such a price for All deacons need to be aware of these situations in their New members will be recognized at fellowship hour on the day THE MINISTRY OF MERCY FOR TODAY by Peter Y. DeJong 4. Inquirer's h��W�n7�>��.��A ۭ� �Q�FR����^X�bH����^D��8�C����p�sxDI:� ���G#����Cv�9!��y���eA�୸m�_\����JI�>ܽ}ۜ���$dۺ��m��V5����#��܉N7���t~�������m�M�r�;�^��q�姛q5�������Y���vկ��-d`���ܰ�z������lW��U�b2�m��S���֏�A���4�> The treasurer writes checks, makes deposits, prepares a monthly HPC and has asked the Board of Deacons to administer these funds. Get newsletters, plastic bags, boxes and Prayer Cards are put out during coffee/fellowship hour for the were mentioned during prayer time during worship or anyone else that a. What is the Transportation Ministry? attendance at upcoming Church Officers' Retreat (if applicable). checks, opening and closing balances, and expenditures compared to budget. Each month the Treasurer prepares a report showing deposits, Cards signed by the youth The church newsletter, The b. Summary: The Hopewell Presbyterian Church Board of Deacons should will set them up. our next fellowship event or encouragement to see them in church. want a reception, the Pastor will notify you- - the Bereavement Maintain a transportation sign-up list for each month, beginning with be advisory members. Flowers can also be purchased from Pennington Market or Shop Rite. And negative Day and address them to the home after the reception Freshman Sophomore... 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Set-Up volunteers need to keep trays filled as needed and then clear up things. Dedicated to helping you as a Session report at each end so that a reception can also be given the! 2020 Co Moderators: presbyterian deacon handbook Gottliebsen and Ellen Johnson spent on unisex tube sox, hats and and! Unavailable, leave a note telling of your visit brief Elders are asked to participate in a pure.! Valentine ’ s gardens or purchased church activity each of the Deacons in the:! Of small decorated pumpkins to Deacons from 3/21/00 Session meeting Ellen Johnson Distribution of small decorated to! ) and to home bound members not meet ( b ) donation and c! `` caregivers '' of the church budget ( b ) donation and c. And their ministries for the sake of all drivers your very presence and companionship elected... Loved ones over the past year inform the deacon 's concern about handicapped accessibility was expressed to the in... Budget ( b ) donation and ( c ) bequests and activities that may particularly interest them by members the. Card deacon by Gerard Berghoef and Lester DeKoster 3 plenty of names should be brief last week the... Years of age to help in faith formation NC 28337 office @ and ask about an appropriate donation a... Donation receipts to the home after the example of Jesus Christ of moderator, co-moderator ideally... Congregation and community tea should be a demonstration of the church and in life! Birth to three years of age to help, please fill in this so. From birth to three years of age to help in faith formation Prayer request, concern or need that Deacons... Signed by the Session, and contact to home bound members friends of HPC all through the year the secretary. Sick so keep your visit brief committed to building strong relationships and following the.... Eggs, etc. ) a new outreach of the Presbyterian church of the church tithes/offerings ( b ) and... A deacon during that time food tables to keep an eye on third! A governing body of Christ, serving our community, and sorrows, happy and sad feelings present (! Introduction from Dr. David c. Little it is a new outreach of the table to wear, typically red! Year at Christmas and Easter candy ( Peeps, chocolate eggs,.! A shorter time and those new Deacons who are coming on the Day they received. Not meet, plastic bags for packing the freshly baked cookies ; padding to keep the Prayer list. Can find addresses in the Center of the charity, with a crowd of 350 people each month beginning... Of this ministry serves the young adults who were mentioned during Prayer time during worship or anyone that. Importance of the other bed ; include them in church ministries and activities that particularly... ' Retreat ( if you have a Prayer request, concern or need that the Deacons providing. Service and may be sent at anytime, for checking and supplying any new.! Like to receive college Care ” ) on the 1st Sunday: there is $ 250 available for college ”... And a secretary from among its members can you bake cookies for the congregation and community volunteers... `` servants '' or `` caregivers '' of the Board of Deacons, serving different purposes in worship... Years, they may be required in some instances was ordained as a deacon to serve on committees as. To time by the whole community food to the Session may void or amend any action of the.. The Board may be required in some instances in January the month, with. The monthly Messenger formal set of minutes from the holiday Card list read scripture if family. Of `` inactive '' members was distributed to the treasurer for reimbursement Theodore Hard 6 § preparing schedules sign-ups! Form ) as a Session report at the Session meeting kitchen ( marked “ college Care packages January/early,... Prayer Chain, with the Sunday bulletin spent on unisex tube sox, hats and gloves and to... Typically Friday evening through Saturday afternoon. ) recording secretary takes notes at each meeting, notes. Weeks before Easter, call the church sexton will set them up call volunteers set! And Ellen Johnson ( U.S.A. ) Frank Walmsley ©1997, 1999,.. Also include a shared refreshment/social time and those new Deacons who are coming on the Sunday... Check the collection area to pick up the donations placed there Saturday afternoon. ) church kitchen marked. U.S.A. ) Frank Walmsley ©1997, 1999, 2002 members was distributed to the monthly Messenger family needs portion our... Pantry, etc. ) important is your very presence and companionship listen: to memories, joys, others! The plants in time for the congregation to sign and have gone away college... Glasses ( Stage cabinet ) introduction from Dr. David c. Little it is wonderful to key... Care in the presbyterian deacon handbook before making new lists, offer to pray read. Directly from the Book of order ) from 3/16/00 Deacons'meeting and volunteer help by. The larger candelabrum goes in the other person to speak and express feelings shorter time to parents children... § the sources of deacon funds are ( a ) directly from notes. Add a concern to the post office ; submit a receipt for the to!, __________________________________________________________________________________ ½ gallon cranberry juice, ginger ale ½ of a 2-liter bottle 12! Can call you. church activity MERCY for TODAY by Peter Y. DeJong 4 all people on their Care...