Many Imperial scholars prefer the theory that the bluish-grey skin is an adaptive response to the frequent volcanic eruptions on Vvardenfell. They were once beautiful race, as can be evidenced by their masks, but the universe of light and matter is poisonous to them and corroded their appearance to a more monstrous one. According to legend, the clan was founded by Tata, the second Elf to awake at Cuiviénen. Portrayed as red and brown-skinned counterparts to the wood and snow elves, these dark elves are peaceful and inhabit the country of Alvar, which includes Jadame's major port city Ravenshore in the south. In R. A. Salvatore's novels Drizzt renounces the Drow's Spider-Queen Lolth, goddess of treachery and deception (and later embraces Mielikki, goddess of the forests and rangers). Bosmer. The drow cleric of Shar, Viconia, features in Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn as a party member and, in the second game, a possible romantic interest. Dark elves were elves,1 known as Ssri-tel-quessir in the elven tongue,2 and were the ancestors of the drow. Find more similar words at! They have little respect for even their own kind, at times waging war against each other. In the game it states that all Dark Elves were once regular elves, but since elves are immortal they suffer not death of life, but death of spirit. The Dark Elf Harrow craft's engines each contain a small black hole used as a propulsion source; the red glowing aperture at the ship's front allows it to "fall" along the direction of travel at very high speeds. He betrayed his people to travel south across the Teeth of the World (a mountain range which separates the Moredhel from the rest of the world) in order to warn Prince Arutha ConDoin of the coming war in an effort to stop the Moredhel leader, Delekhan, and save his people from utter destruction. It's in the name "Dark Elf" isn't it? The Moriquendi (singular Moriquendë; also named the Lembi, Hisildi, and Kaliondi) were the Elves of Darkness: those who did not embark on the journey over the sea to Aman and behold the light of the Two Trees of Valinor. Given names for male Dunmer in Arena and Daggerfall seem to consist of one of twelve prefixes and one of twelve suffixes. The original campaign and first expansion of Neverwinter Nights do not deal much with the drow but the second expansion, Hordes of the Underdark, does so extensively. The city is located at the east end of the Darklight Wood northwest of Freeport on the continent of D'Lere. ("Books Are Books, Games Are Games" in Dragon Magazine, Nov. 1979, #31.) Many other games and works of mainstream fantasy fiction derive their "dark elves" or "night elves" from the drow of Dungeons & Dragons. Their names are Ketkrokur, Stekkjarstaur, Gluggagaegir, Huroaskellir, Pvorusleikir, Kertasnikir, Gattapefur, Bjugnakraekir, Giljagaur, Gluggagaer, Stekkjarstaur and … D&D Beyond Thus, Nym is single-handedly responsible for the fall of both the dwarves and the elves in the Dale. The Dark Elf race originated in the Ginnungagap ("yawning abyss"), the vast, primordial darkness that existed prior to the creation of the manifest universe, where they reigned absolute and unchallenged. [1], At least one of the Dark Elves did not die in the presumed extinction of his species due to a found specimen held in Taneleer Tivan's museum before Carina's suicide, resulting in an explosion.[2]. They are governed by Queen Cristianos Thex from her throne in the ancient subterranean city of Neriak. The Druchii live in the land of Naggaroth and are cruel raiders with much disdain for all other races, especially their lighter kindred, the High Elves. Dark Elf names, like all elven names in the Warhammer universe, are quite melodic in nature. Dark elves generally travel in pairs or groups, as their tendencies towards cheating and theft make them targets for retaliation and violence at the hands of other races. April 1, 2020 at 6:04 am. The combination of powerful intellect with a strong and agile physique produces superior warriors and sorcerers. Dark elves had dark brown skin, as opposed to the ebony skin that drow presently have. Players played as these elves in RP Online format. Dark Elf Female Names. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. They are the native and predominant race of Morrowind. A dangerous Dark Elf noble and Mercenary. In the Mystara/"Known World" setting, shadow elves are a race of subterranean elves who have been mutated via magic. Other names: Svartalfar (“Black Elves”) the svartálfar (“black elves”) or dökkálfar (“dark elves”) are supernatural beings that are said to reside in the underground world of Svartálfheim. The lands of Alvar north of Ravenshore are troubled by aggressive ogres. The Dark elves have a similar family structure as their counterparts, as explained by Teleju, and is proper to call each other an aunt, sister, cousin, or any other family name. Old English names in elf- include the cognate of Alboin Ælfwine (literally "elf-friend", m.), Ælfric ("elf-powerful", m.), Ælfweard ("elf-guardian", m.), and Ælfwaru ("elf-care", f All clad in black and dark colours, but why not try something completely new? However, in contrast to the usual portrayal of dark elves, the Ur-Ukar are not inherently evil, but simply possess a predisposition for direct, sometimes violent behaviour and display a certain moral ambiguity. In Norse mythology, Dökkálfar ("Dark Elves") and Ljósálfar ("Light Elves") are two contrasting types of elves; the dark elves dwell within the earth and have a dark complexion, while the light elves live in Álfheimr, and are "fairer than the sun to look at". While the wood elves dwell in the forest, their cousins, the dark elves preferred to make their homes in caves or underground. They were believed exterminated after an attempt to do that five thousand years ago, but in reality, Malekith and a number of warriors escaped on a stealth ship and went into stasis until another attempt would be possible. In the period of the Exile of the Noldor, "Dark Elves" referred to the Elves of Middle-earth other than the Noldor and the Sindar, thus being equivalent to the Avari and the Nandor. No valid distinction though can be drawn between the dark elves, dwarfs and trolls; they appear to have been interchangeable.” web admin. They usually do not mix blood with other races; if they do, it is often with a demon or related creature. They think all non-elves in general, and orcs in particular, are an aberration against nature and a threat to the future of the world and the elven race, and thus conspire to either enslave or destroy those other races. In Ashan, the world of Heroes of Might and Magic V, Dark Elves are a faction that lives in tunnels under the surface. The battle caused the utter destruction of the rest of the Dark Elves, leaving those that escaped aboard Malekith's ship as the only survivors. Dark Elves are masters of torture and they worship the god Khaine, Lord of Murder. These, tall, extremely muscular soldiers gained their abilities through the breaking of Kurse Stones, gaining immense strength and durability at the cost of being eventually consumed by darkness as the "curse" killed them. The two terms were oftentimes used interchangeably, even by elves (Tel-quessir) themselves. Nym can be found in the Svirfneblin village in the tunnels of Lower Dorn's Deep, where he will sell a number of magical artifacts and weapons to the player. Even though he's still young by Dark Elf standards (a mere 150 years old) he is a legend amongst the Druchii, his exploits told as fireside tales to eager Dark Elf children. After Créer, Prier and Omega's demise, Weil's curse was finally broken and the Dark Elf became the Mother Elf once again. The mere thought of Shadowblade's murderous attempts is enough to keep all but the stupidest or brave Dark Elf from plotting against the Witch King for he is loyal only to the Hag Queen and the Witch King, although it is the Hag Queen alone that knows the true identity of Shadowblade. TV Series While the concept of light and dark elves is popular in modern fantasy, however, the descriptions of Svartalfheim and its residents in the few surviving stories set there do not seem to align with our concept of elves. It will help you to generate 1000's of cool Dark Elf Names which you can use in books, novels, games, or whatever fantasy world you want to use it. They also may have had black hair instead of white and no darkvision. It will help you to generate 1000's of cool Dark Elf Names which you can use in books, novels, games, or whatever fantasy world you want to use it. In Icewind Dale, a drow named Nym steals dwarven weapons and artifacts and sells them to the goblin and orc armies attacking the elven fortress, the Severed Hand. However, clans are known to band together, to combat invasions and attacks by other races. In Sindarin they were called Evair, Morben or Mornedhel. *Yes Men (mentioned) In J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth writings, the Moriquendi or "Elves of Darkness" were a group of the Elves that did not complete the Great Journey across the continent of Middle-earth and the Sundering Seas, and thus did not behold the light of the Two Trees in Valinor. In doing so, Drizzt angers Lolth who, in turn, demands his family sacrifice him. Azura prophesied that Nerevar would one day return and cast down Dagoth Ur and the Tribunal, foreshadowing the player character's actions in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Breton. The Firstborn, the Elder Children of Ilúvatar, were conceived by Eru alone in the third theme of Ainulindalë. They're quite warlike because of the 'path' they follow is towards power, 'might makes right', and 'the end justifies the means'. Although conventionally civilized, the Dunmer are known to possess somewhat savage and barbaric traits, especially amongst the royal House Wars of the ruling classes. On the surface he is often wrongly persecuted for the reputation of his race, yet through the years he slowly gains a reputation for himself, allowing him acceptance without prejudice. A number of factions vie for favor and control within Neriak. Finding himself a renegade, Drizzt seeks sanctuary from his past on the surface world. Home Planet They play a significant role in the novel A Darkness at Sethanon (Riftwar series) and the video game Betrayal at Krondor. The Kursed themselves proved nigh-indestructible when battling the Asgardians, and proved so strong as to punch right through force fields, destroy Asgard's shield mechanisms, and knock Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, right out of the air in mid-flight into a rock face, a feat no other being in the universe has been known to have accomplished. They are descendants of the followers of Tuidhanna, originally a renegade Wood Elf Queen, whose people were blamed for burning down the Giant Tree, Brythigga, sacred to the Wood Elves. In EverQuest (EQ) the dark elves were a very key role in the game. They are considered generally conservative by nature and are distrustful of "outlanders" (non-natives). As a result of the Armistice allowing Morrowind to maintain many of its own laws, it was the only province under the Empire which continued to practice chattel slavery of the "lesser" races, including High Elves and Wood Elves; by the events of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion however this practice has been abandoned. Thor: The Dark WorldGuardians of the GalaxyThor: Ragnarok (mentioned)Avengers: Infinity War (mentioned)Avengers: Endgame (picture) [3], A Dark Elf soldier transforms into a Kursed warrior. The Elf and her "children", however, were caught by Weil and merged to Omega (or the "Original Zero"). Zidka Oshrodi Asoar Idarax Dhoknahe Akadito Porere Ozoan Evaboxe Icici Dardrier Asyna Orrelo Darshadi Uphnepe Ghorashro Bemziokh Barukhu Kumnaih Ucesho Bonvul Kernik Dibnoba Qholeshru Ecero Bhupune Buvud Hinikse Rolnon Delru Drythro Hessape Ubursho Coudry Rurvakh Harhase Inikshi Lohada Ellacu Dhicreh Cuklak Idoshru Mogy Vikrikh Phabiphri Vidnas … Reply. Argonian. In older versions of the legendarium, the name Avari was originally that of the later Eldar, then meaning "those that departed". The Dark Elves are a race of humanoid like aliens that lived in the void before the creation of our universe. Doctor Strange Prelude (mentioned)Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. Altmer. Algrim was dropped into lava and, though he survived, he was critically wounded. The Dark Elves originated in a vast primordial darkness calledthe Ginnungagap, or what we know as the void. Comic Morathi: Dark Elves: Morathi: Elf: … Dunmer (Oblivion) 5. They awoke at Cuiviénen, the Water of Awakening, in the far east of Middle-earth, in the starlight of the Sleep of Yavanna, as the Sun and Moon had yet to be created. thanks. Female Dark Elves are known for their promiscuity. The Dark Elves are a race introduced in Total War: Warhammer II.They have five playable factions, each led by a different legendary lord.. They believe in using magic to improve on nature, guiding it actively toward union with the Eternal, the elven (and dwarven) conception of the divine. Dark elves tend to have a darker skin tone and dress differently to regular elves. In this setting, "dark elf" is a label given to any elf that is outcast from elven society, typically (although not always) for evil practices. There is a dark elven prophecy concerning the end of the world. The Asgardians, led by their then-king Bor, fought a fierce war with the Dark Elves, eventually driving them back to Svartalfheim as Malekith attempted to use the Aether. Finwë, the first Ñoldor to come to Valinor with Oromë, became their King, and led most of them to Valinor. The Dark Elf is a key character to the plot of Mega Man Zero 2 and Mega Man Zero 3. However, some details of their culture have been adapted to fit the Fighting Fantasy background. Personal names provide the only evidence for elf in Gothic, which must have had the word *albs (plural *albeis). Algrim was killed during the Second Battle of Svartalfheim, bringing the end to the Kursed. Find more ways to say elf, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. In the sequel, EverQuest II, dark elves (properly known as the Teir'Dal) once again play a prominent role. In the ensuing fight, Loki and Thor killed all of the present Dark Elves, including Algrim, though seemingly at the cost of Loki's life. This is not where the name comes from. Malekith himself escaped the battle, along with dozens of his kin and his lieutenant, Algrim, who would later become one of the Kursed himself. Male Dunmer Names Arena and Daggerfall . The drow, as they appear in Dungeons & Dragons, were created by Gary Gygax, who stated that "Drow are mentioned in Keightley's The Fairy Mythology, as I recall (it might have been The Secret Commonwealth—neither book is before me, and it is not all that important anyway), and as Dark Elves of evil nature, they served as an ideal basis for the creation of a unique new mythos designed especially for the AD&D game." The first Elves to awake were three pairs: Imin (\"First\") and his wife Iminyë, Tata (\"Second\") an… When the latter disappeared the field slaves turned their back on their former masters' ways and became the eledhel, while the house slaves who had been in closer proximity to their masters sought their power and methods and became the moredhel. In the Dungeons & Dragons multiverse, especially in the worlds of Greyhawk, the Forgotten Realms and Eberron, dark elves are commonly called drow. Shiväisith[5] was the Dark Elves' native language. Throughout history, the dark-elves have been on both good and bad terms with the other races, and their fellow cousins, Wood-Elves do not regard them as kin, because of their unkindly history. They were first mentioned in the Dungeons & Dragons game in the 1st Edition 1977 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual under "Elf", where it is stated that "The 'Black Elves,' or drow, are only legend.". The eldar, keepers of lore and of the Valheru's sacred objects, left Midkemia and made their home on the world of Kelewan unbeknownst to anyone, as they kill anyone who tries to enter their forest. Popular media has dubbed them dark elves, and the group is sometimes stereotyped against as being members of a cult or an "evil" metahuman race. Some members of their race have been shown to have the fortitude to wield the power of an Infinity Stone. The 12 prefixes for male Dunmer names are: Azar, Cas, Ereb, Hel, Nis, Shal, Shur, Tur, Ul, Vanik, Zan, Zir Their weakness varies upon legend, and may include excessive heat, rain, nettles, or the blossoms of some plants and trees. The Dark Elves were in no way more "evil" than the Light Elves; the latter just had a surpassing knowledge and skill, and were more "noble" and potent. According to Kevin Crossley-Holland: "No valid distinction though can be drawn between the dwarfs and the dark elves; they appear to have been interchangeable." All of the previous Kursed soldiers died during the Dark Elves' final battle with the Asgardians five thousand years ago, until Algrim became the last Kursed soldier in order to forward Malekith's plans to gain the Aether. Khajiit. They are dark-skinned and white-haired and are generally, but not exclusively, evil. They possessed massive, black, T-shaped spaceships with red lights that could travel between the Nine Realms. The Dark Elves are a race of humanoid like aliens that lived in the void before the creation of our universe. In the fictional universes of Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40,000, the generally evil Dark Elves (running parallel to the Dark Eldar in the Warhammer 40,000 universe) do not dwell underground, living instead in cities similar to those of High Elves, are not dark-skinned. The Baldur's Gate series of video games feature drow as enemies and NPCs, as well as part of the game being set in the drow city of Ust Natha. Dark-Elvesare a race of elves that reside within the island of Wizardear. In one theory as to their origins, Orcs are thought to be corrupted versions of the Avari. Drow also appear in Atari's Demon Stone. Along the way Drizzt has also made many important friends, such as the dwarf king Bruenor, the dwarf's adopted daughter Catti-brie and the human Barbarian Wulfgar, as well as Montolio "Mooshie" Debrouchee who revealed to the dark elf which deity his heart followed and the svirfneblin Belwar Dissengulp from Blingdenstone, the first member of a lawful race to accept Drizzt. The Dark Elf race originated in the Ginnungagap (\"yawning abyss\"), the vast, primordial darkness that existed prior to the creation of the manifest universe, where they reigned absolute and unchallenged.When the universe came into being and the other civilizations of the Nine Realms arose, the Dark Elves sought to return the universe to its former state of darkness. 1. Synonyms for elves include little folk, fairies, gnomes, imaginary beings, leprechauns, little people, pixies, supernatural beings, midgets and elfenfolk. The Dark Elves were eventually driven away, bereft of their prize, losing three ships and dozens of soldiers in the process. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer, ‘Avengers: Endgame’: Dark Elves Were Almost in Thanos’s Army; Howard the Duck Was in the Script From the Beginning [Interview,, In the comics, the Dark Elves are worshiped along the. The bard, Edward, could play music which disrupted his concentration and with it the field. In the Prose, or Younger, Edda, elves were classified as light elves (who were fair) and dark elves (who were darker than pitch); these classifications are roughly equivalent to the Scottish seelie court and unseelie court. His sentences contained odd capitalization. This may be because their nature is fundamentally different than any other species. High Beastmaster/Mistress A unique new lord choice for the Dark Elves focused primarily on the buffing the Large units in their roster. As with most metahuman races in the Shadowrun world, many elves are born from the same ethnic groups that normal humans come from, meaning that there are African elves, Indian elves, and Arabic elves, for example. As an act of punishment, Azura cursed the Chimer, giving them blue-grey skin and red eyes, thus transforming them into the Dunmer, the Dark Elves. Since the armies are armed with dwarven weapons, the elf leader Larrel assumes the dwarves betrayed them, and ends the alliance between the two. Dark elves tend to have a darker skin tone and dress differently to regular elves. The most famous name of this kind is Alboin. Nerevar was the legendary Hortator (war-leader) and King of the Chimer from the fantasy world of The Elder Scrolls, whose reincarnation is the player character in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. D&D Beyond A place that existed prior to the creation of our universe and was composed of dark matter. This book is the first novel in The Riftwar Legacy, followed by Krondor: The Assassins, Krondor: The Tear of the Gods, Krondor: The Crawler (Not yet released), and Krondor: The Dark Mage (Not yet released). Ginnungagap (originally)Svartalfheim The Dark Elves originated in a vast primordial darkness calledthe Ginnungagap, or what we know as the void. These Dark Elves are an evil version of Santa Claus's Elves. Like many other races in the Nine Realms, the Dark Elves are humanoid with a more advanced body structure than that of humans. Alternative Titles: álfar, elves. According to Igvarge, he had heard that the large settlements of the Dark Elves were located in the great forests to the south, where no man had set foot. Dark Elf Master Masters are lesser nobles than Dreadlords and their role would be as a pure Melee hero for the Druchii. His plans ruined, Malekith launched a final, suicidal attack on the Asgardians, dropping the Dark Elf ships out of the sky in an effort to crush all beneath them. The Dark Elves were actually the ones responsible for sparking "the War of the Beard", the great war that caused the rift in Dwarf and High Elf relations, though only the High Elves know this and the Dwarfs would disbelieve it if they found out. They were also extremely durable, able to withstand projectiles from Asgardian weaponry to a point, and also able to smash through objects without any noticeable signs of damage. Was the name `` Dark Elf is a key character to the Kursed regarded as being the most and! Of humanoid like aliens that lived in the game the player must find Matoya have. To the common Elf, the Elder children of Malin stated why their spirit dies the... Lord choice for the Banestorm effect that brought humans, goblins, and! 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other names for dark elves
other names for dark elves 2021