In 2008, forestry was included in the program, giving landowners an opportunity to generate revenue from the carbon dioxide sucked out of the atmosphere by trees planted since 1989. This will lead to a decrease in total volume of water availability that is likely to have a profound impact on agricultural production systems and local farmers. The Sierra Gorda is an alliance of organizations working towards conservation, restoration, and sustainable development of the Sierra Gorda region. Around the world, agricultural burning is a major contributor to greenhouse gases. | MEXICO. Over the last two decades, GEF SGP, working closely with UNDP COs, has awarded over 14,500 grants, supporting community-based initiatives to achieve  global environmental benefits in: Biodiversity Conservation, Climate Change Mitigation, International Waters Protection, Sustainable Land Management and Sound Chemicals Management. The programme's decentralized governance and decision making structure is designed to foster civil society and community initiative and ownership in support of sustainable development objectives. That’s why we’ll look to you to help direct our coverage. For instance, producing goods and food locally can lower the cost of transportation, reduce waste and help local economies. Given its geographic location and mountainous terrain, Bhutan is particularly vulnerable to changes in climate. Climate change is a global problem that impacts local communities differently. The global public good aspect of the climate is therefore one of the great challenges to formulating climate change policy (see Nordhaus 2007). It expands the village co-op model producing biochar products, improves health outcomes, reduces global warming.” With support from the Climate Action Fund, a group of villages in northern Thailand will be able to reduce their impact on global warming while improving farmers’ incomes, the soil, and community health. And they're not alone. Demonstrate the use of dynamical downscaling on research projects at the site scale. When Project Drawdown ranked the 80 most impactful climate change solutions, No. Among the most important natural climate solutions is protecting “frontier forests”—pristine woodlands that serve as natural carbon sinks. There is no country that is not experiencing the drastic effects of climate change. Luckily, project leader Austin Bowden-Kerby reports, “We have developed coral gardening techniques that are both effective and low cost.” With support from the Climate Action Fund, the communities Austin works with will restore patches of healthy corals to reefs by planting second-generation, climate-adapted corals of diverse species. Raise money for your favorite project—and have fun doing it! As a result of the 2009 GEF policy on upgrading GEF SGP Country Programmes, UNDP-GEF is assisting an initial cohort of ten Country Programmes in Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Cost Rica, Ecuador, India, Kenya, Mexico, Pakistan, and Philippines, with total resources of USD 41 .6 million to transition to greater autonomy and capacity for resource mobilization, strategic programming, participation in  policy discussions and advocacy. Its coastal zones, which make up about 30 percent of the total arable land in the country, are the worst affected areas. With the goal enhancing the resilience of smallholder farms, in particular to shifting rainfall patterns and frequent extreme weather events, this project, led by Bhutan's Gross National Happiness Commission, focuses on three complementary outcomes: Supporting Climate Resilient Livelihoods in Agricultural Communities in Drought-Prone Areas of Turkmenistan, Strengthening the resilience of smallholder agriculture to climate change-induced water insecurity in the Central Highlands and South-Central Coast regions of Vietnam, Supporting Climate Resilience and Transformational Change in the Agriculture Sector in Bhutan, Climate Information and Early Warning Systems. Make equity, racial justice, and a just economy core goals of city resilience and climate action plans. Under this outcome area UNDP is working to promote local solutions for the global environment through small grants projects. Local Solutions - Adapting to Climate Change in Small Island Developing States Jun 26, 2019 In 2009, the GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP), implemented by UNDP, entered into a partnership with Australian Aid to improve the climate resilience of local communities in 42 countries, including 37 SIDS. The organization works to sustainably bring back water, forest, and wildlife to degraded lands and helps Indians, Haitians, and Kenyans achieve food self sufficiency. And with the impacts of climate change being felt differently around world, it’s imperative to invest in the local leaders most familiar with the challenges facing their communities. Group leader Pati Ruiz Corzo tells us the region “suffers from deforestation, biodiversity loss, trash mismanagement, and unsustainable agriculture.” The Climate Action Fund will support Sierra Gorda in providing young environmental leaders with leadership training, environmental education, guidance, and a community of fellow young activists through a regional network of EcoClubs. Greenhouse gas emissions are more than 50% higher than in 1990. GlobalGiving created the Climate Action Fund to change that. Local solutions to climate change. When these areas are disturbed, carbon is released. The rainforests of the sea, coral reefs play vital roles in the health of the ocean. One of the most important steps a resource manager could take to prepare for local effects of global climate change is to build a regional constituency to support climate-change solutions. “The hope is that, as youth become leaders in their communities, they will guide the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve towards sustainable development, holistic land management, and biodiversity conservation.” Learn more. Learn more. 3 was addressing waste of food. Warm Heart Worldwide launched a “Stop the Smoke!” campaign in rural northern Thailand. This page deals with climate change as it relates to land use and development. The Chaikuni Institute works to revitalize ancestral practices in rural Amazonian areas, combining permaculture design and traditional knowledge to train committed local farmers in the indigenous and mestizo communities of the Peruvian Amazon. Support local climate champions. Take Climate Action Climate Action groups are the local solution to a global crisis. Executive Director and political ecologist, Stefan Kistler, says, “The philosophy of Akinananti—working together and unity through thoughtful actions in community—is the motivating inspiration behind this program.” With support from the Climate Action Fund, Instituto Chaikuni will bring communities together to engage in an intercultural learning environment while revitalizing ancient practices. Meet the climate champions who are part of our inaugural Climate Action Fund cohort. Combating climate change requires a wide range of strategies—advocating for legislation, launching social enterprises, raising awareness—all of which are vitally important. We’ll bring you scientists studying climate change first-hand, and we’ll talk with journalists and politicians around the country to understand climate policy solutions near you, and nationwide. Introducing TIME's issue on climate change. Unwrap a world of possibilities for your loved ones. Climate Solutions at USDA USDA is taking steps to create modern solutions to the challenge of climate change. Ten Personal Solutions to Global Warming. UNDP-GEF has been a stalwart supporter of GEF SGP since the beginning, first as a proponent of a special GEF window for civil society organizations in the global south, and then as its implementing agency for over 20 years. Smart gro… Learn more. GEF SGP provides financing directly to poor and vulnerable communities to catalyze innovation in addressing local and global environmental and development challenges. The goal of mitigation is to avoid significant human interference with the climate system, an… To the extent that local regulations cause outmigration or “leakage” of regulated facilities, rather than a true reduction from local sources, the local environment will not improve. When you give monthly, your donation will be matched! Intact tropical and northern forests, as well as savannas and coastal ecosystems, store huge amounts of carbon accumulated over centuries. The fund gives the most crisis-affected communities access to a year of steady financial support. Viet Nam is particularly vulnerable to climate change and already impacted by more irregular and intense climate variability. In terms of the impact of climate change, Bangladesh ranks top the list of the world’s most vulnerable nations. Change those light bulbs. Share this article: By: Naimul Haq. while providing nonprofits with the tools, training, and support they need to thrive. GlobalGiving makes it easy and safe for you to give to local projects anywhere in the world. Terms + Conditions apply. Make a donation to the Climate Action Fund today. But should such individual and national efforts fail, there is another, potentially desperate solution: Experiment Earth —Climate change represents humanity's first planetwide experiment. Local Action—In 2008 six states in the northeastern U.S. launched a regional effort to cap CO2 … © United Nations Development Programme 2021. To promote global warming solutions, Environment Arizona, along with our affiliates in 29 states, and members and activists in all 50 states are running these projects and campaigns: Destination: Zero Carbon: We simply can't solve global warming without changing how Americans get around. Global warming is causing long-lasting changes to our climate system, and irreversible consequences are imminent if we do not act. Local efforts around the world to protect our planet are too often underfunded and overlooked. 1110 Vermont Ave NW, Ste 550, Washington, DC 20005, USA, GRUPO ECOLOGICO SIERRA GORDA I.A.P. Control Population: Yes, if the population is controlled, then climate change can also be controlled. UNDP-GEF has been a stalwart supporter of GEF SGP since the beginning, first as a proponent of a special GEF window for civil society organizations in the global south, and then as its  implementing agency for over 20 years. Tackling climate change calls for action on dozens, if not hundreds or thousands, of fronts, from developing new government policies, to planting trees and educating consumers. Find exactly what you're looking for in our Learn Library by searching for specific words or phrases related to the content you need. Meet the climate champions who are part of our inaugural Climate Action Fund cohort. Learn more. ... Electricity monitors can be found at most hardware store or you may even be able to borrow one from your local library. LOCAL SOLUTIONS: ADAPTING TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN SMALL ISLAND DEVELOPING STATES13. What to do: Plant trees in tropical rainforests in Brazil, Indonesia, India, Colombia, and … Greening cities with parks and gardens reduces CO 2 and helps cool urban areas and reduce flooding. Meet innovators in our Viewpoints series. “When youth lead initiatives such as ecosystem restoration and reforestation, they increase community environmental awareness and local resilience to climate change,” says Pati. Plant trees. In and around Fiji, where Corals For Conservation works, over 90% of the corals have bleached and died. New uniform, science-based guidance on cover crop management helps producers prevent erosion, improve soil properties, supply nutrients to crops, suppress weeds, improve soil water content, and break pest cycles. Be a better fundraiser, manager, and GlobalGiver. Climate change modeling indicates significant increases in temperature and reduction in rainfall. If you are looking for information about climate change generally, please use the search box at the top of this page to search for information across EPA's website. Cities around the world are the “main cause of climate change” but can also offer a part of the solution to reducing the harmful greenhouses gases that are causing global temperatures to rise according to UN-Habitat Executive Director Maimunah Mohd Sharif. … Critical components of this step are first to define the goals, objectives, and mission in addressing the effects of climate change on, e.g. Wave energy works in wondrous ways. GEF SGP channels up to USD 50,000 directly to communities as a fast and efficient delivery modality. Every year the country is affected by a range of hydro-meteorological and climatological hazards, from droughts and forest fires to storms, floods and extreme temperatures. Local efforts around the world to protect our planet are too often underfunded and overlooked. Recently, U.S.- based Northwest Energy Innovations developed an underwater hull… By promoting local, regenerative permaculture projects, Stefan looks forward to “transforming communities’ lives and inspiring a new approach to small-scale farming by communities, for communities.” Learn more. 1) Despite a rising population, it argues that food demand has to decrease by … While its role is not to set climate policy or prescribe particular responses or solutions to climate change, its purview does include providing the robust scientific data needed to understand climate change … Changing how industries are run or subsidised doesn’t sound like anything I can influence... can I? Villages in Fiji, Vanuatu, Moorea, Christmas Island Kiribati, and Tuvalu will benefit. … Support a high-impact project in a different part of the world every month. slow or stop climate change and to lessen the effects of climate change; people, businesses, communities, and governments can make choices that reduce their carbon footprints; and that possible solutions to climate change can involve chains of possible causes and effects. In the United States, we waste up to … Mitigation – reducing climate change – involves reducing the flow of heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, either by reducing sources of these gases (for example, the burning of fossil fuels for electricity, heat or transport) or enhancing the “sinks” that accumulate and store these gases (such as the oceans, forests and soil). BACKGROUND The island of Rodrigues (Republic of Mauritius) is situated in the South-West Indian Ocean. What excites Evelind Schecter, the project’s leader, is that “this project is globally replicable. Let us test the latest theories in aid for you. Featured Photo: Support Regenerative Food Forests in the Amazon. Climate Change. Learning Outcomes. … GlobalGiving created the Climate Action Fund to change that. The fund gives the most crisis-affected communities access to a year of steady financial support. NASA is an expert in climate and Earth science. The Climate Action Fund will support the Samburu tribe in Kenya in creating forests of indigenous, food-producing trees that will provide long-term food security while simultaneously curbing climate change. Small-scale farmers with plots of less than one hectare, who are dependent on one or two rain-fed crops per year, are the most vulnerable to changes in water availability and its effect on agricultural productivity. Smart growth policies contribute to both mitigating and adapting to climate change.Mitigation strategies reduce greenhouse gas emissions from development, and adaptation strategies make communities more resilient to the effects of a changing climate. That’s why we launched the GlobalGiving Climate Action Fund this year to provide steady, monthly support to five, highly effective local leaders seeking climate justice. Under this outcome area UNDP is working to promote local solutions for the global environment through small grants projects. Unfortunately, approximately 75% of coral reefs worldwide are currently threatened by a combination of local and global stressors. 19 February 2019: Mayors and representatives from cities gathered for a high-level meeting to share experiences of effective local practices, innovative strategies, and lessons learned in addressing climate change, food insecurity and malnutrition, and food supply and consumption sustainability. Say hello and join the 2019 Climate Action Fund cohort in: Sadhana Forest Kenya is led by husband-wife duo Yorit and Aviram Rozin. Here are the solutions we need now to save the planet from climate change. Climate change is one of the most devastating problems humanity has ever faced—and the clock is running out. Unfortunately, solutions led by the communities most affected by climate change are often the most overlooked. 5 Climate Change Solutions To forestall that possibility, the report comes up with five main areas to work on , many of which are challenging in the current political climate. Find a vetted, verified project that you want to make a donation to: Discover ways to make the world a better place. In 2007, then–Prime Minister Helen Clark introduced an emission-trading system to tackle climate change. Right now people just like you are joining forces to make their towns and cities more climate friendly and ensure a green and fair recovery from the pandemic. Decision makers can use local resources for climate change data from researchers at organizations within the area, such as universities, state meteorological agencies, and other organizations that may be involved in downscaling of climate change scenarios. Discover local solutions to global problems. Turkmenistan is a water stressed country with one of the harshest climates in the Central Asian region. Thinking and acting at a local level helps communities fight climate change and build resilience to climate impacts. The long-term solution envisaged by the Government of Turkmenistan is to mainstream climate change adaptation in order to secure climate resilient livelihoods in agricultural communities. Then climate change are often the most crisis-affected communities access to a year of steady financial.! Gives the most overlooked not experiencing the drastic effects of climate change and build resilience to climate impacts Nam particularly! 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