1. Once you got the white part of the spool out of the VHS cassette, you need to make a hole on the center of the spool for the motor's rotor to fit through, I used my soldering iron's tip to melt a hole on the spool. After this, adjust the position of the glass and the paper, until you are able to see a rainbow. In the same way that light is split into its component wavelengths when it passes through water molecules in the atmosphere, creating a rainbow, each wavelength of light passing through a prism is refracted by a different amount. 8 years ago First I made a small hole on the motor's holder and made a loop on the flexible wire and put two ends of the flexible wire in the hole on the motor's holder and make sure the flexible wire is gently touching the foil tape and glued the flexible wire in place and I soldered a piece of wire on one end of the flexible wire. How to Create a Rainbow Light Filter A while back, a photographer friend of mine made a really neat DIY rainbow light filter using diffraction glasses, and I wanted to give it a try myself so that I could show you how. Make Your Own Rainbows. How to Survive Your First Winter With Houseplants, RC Arduino Domino Layer With Bluetooth App Control. Welcome to Champak SciQ, where we teach you simple science experiments which you can do it at home. See why in the next step–> Step 4: leave opening in the paper star lantern to add LED lights. Better friction loss than what I was thinking of doing for my own project. Very good idea. Rainbow Neon Light Rainbow Neon Sign Night Lights Battery/USB Operated Wall Decor Home Decoration Light for Kids Room,Bedroom,Christmas,Birthday,Party Gift Neon Rainbow Projector Night Light Christmas. And it can be completed in 15 to 30 minutes! One of the easiest ways to make a rainbow is the water glass method. Adjust the paper and the glass until a rainbow forms on the paper. The great thing with this project is that you probably have everything you need laying around your house. Facebook; Twitter; Google + LinkedIn; Pinterest; You must cut 6 mm plywood: Two discs, 50 mm above, one side and edge white, one side red . It is believed that experimenting with the light spectrum in LEDs can work wonders for increasing the rate of anthocyanin production in your plant’s tissues. I had also soldered two wires to the motor's leads. How to Make a Rainbow Cover the flashlight with two pieces of tape leaving a slit in the middle. When white light is refracted, it splits into its components - thus giving the effect of a rainbow. But white light isn’t just one color; instead, it’s a combination of all the visible colors. Great, now you're ready to start making some rainbows!! Now let’s put all this together and talk about how the rainbow forms. 2. You can get the same kind of effect with a cheap 1-dollar LED spinning top. Clean the surface of the mirror and place it in the pan at an angle below the surface level of the water. on Step 5. this is one of the parts that i get lost in can you go over it with more detail? 99. By looking at a rainbow spectrum through a material and seeing how it affects the that spectrum, we can find out what exactly we're looking at. A diffraction grating is a set of many small prisms packed into a small space. The color of the sheet should be light, preferably white. If you wanna add a splash of colors to your photos, Eric Paré and Kim Henry will show you how to make your own rainbow tube in no time and with just a few components. I hope you can read the schematic without a problem, if you do have a problem reading the schematic, please let me know and I will try make a better one. On this instructable I will show you how to make a really cool spinning rainbow light wheel! One you got the case open, take out a spool that has the less or no tape on it, if there is some tape on the spool, take it off and do what ever you like to do with the tape. The bending of light is called refraction and the splitting up of light into a rainbow of colours is called dispersion. Despite this, I can still get good rainbows. It did not take long until I found the problem, the flexible wire that is making an electrical contact on the outer aluminum tape ring is causing way to much friction and it is preventing the motor from spinning! Fill a glass of water (almost to the top) and place it at the very edge of the counter in a dark kitchen. To make an arc shaped rainbow, you'll want to position your light through the top hole/tab we made in step one. Put two pieces of masking tape… 10 years ago Made by Bill FitzGibbons this rainbow tunnel of a light installation called ‘LightRails’ makes an otherwise boring road tunnel something to smile about. :-), Reply Do this on both sides of your box then poke two holes at these points and thread the skewer through the opening behind the flap that the DVD is resting on (pictures 7&8). If we put a piece of transparent coloured plastic over the light source or over the tissue box opening,We can limit the amount of colours in our rainbow. How does the aluminum tape conduct anything? This project is a bit difficult to build, but the part are easy to get, I brought some part from the electronic store a while ago and I reused some parts. So I had done some adjustments on the flexible wire and it is now causing less friction and the motor can now spin, but one set of LED's are not glowing! This is the difficult part, giving the LED's a power source while on the spool and spinning. Did you make this project? on Introduction. As the light passes through the crystal, the light bends and how much it bends is a function of color and that allows the colors to separate. on Introduction, 12 years ago You can also do this with a bit of food colouring and water in a clear glass. Participated in the The Instructables Book Contest, Participated in the Discover Green Science Fair for a Better Planet. I had kept making adjustments on the flexible wire that is making an electrical contact on the outer aluminum tape ring for more than 20 minutes, but I can never get it perfect. Now carefully pull the shiny side away from the clear side. After you made a hole on the spool, fit the spool on the motor's rotor and glue it together, do not cover the tip of the rotor with glue as you will be soldering a piece of wire to the tip of the rotor, and make sure you leveled the spool on the motor properly, otherwise it will vibrate a lot. Along the outer perimeter of the DVD, take two magnets and stick them together with the disc between them, making DVD-magnet sandwich (picture 1). How does the NE555 timer works? And so much the better if you can because this helps children see science is all around us. This project cost me about less than £10. I made this spinning rainbow light wheel from what ever the parts I have sitting in my shed. One hole/flap should be centred at the top, and the other centred at the bottom. Use the dark card to create a slit over a sheet of white card. You should now be able to adjust the DVD and have it stay in place. Enjoy the photos!! rate:***** We now need to make two sliding sheets to block out any stray white light that would overpower our rainbow. The core of the small spool was slightly wider than the motor so I simply wrapped about 10 turns of masking tape around the motor and it fits smugly into the core of the small spool, and I put some glue between the motor and the small spool. Cool ! Why were you trying to make two separate rings (I am wondering about the thought process)? If you just want a circle rainbow, connect the LED light sets to a 6v or 9v power source. The DVD can be used as is, but by separating the 2 layers, we'll get a more vivid rainbow. Rainbows are pretty amazing things. Hold a white paper above the pan to catch the reflected rays of the mirror. the problem with this is if you put the battery on the spinny part, the wires to the motor will twist up. The first thing you'll want to do is remove the plastic lining on the top of your tissue box. To make your rainbows you need nothing more than a basic prism. Place the other piece of paper on the floor on the other side of the glass to catch the rainbow. Place a sheet of plain white paper on the floor a few inches away from the counter. You can make rainbows! Tape or glue. The light reflects off inside the droplet separating into its component wavelengths or colors. These, similar to water droplets, can split white light into all the colours in our visual spectrum. I get that if you are making this with a young child you might not want to use magnets. Two rings, 140 mm above, with an opening of 80 mm, one side and edge color, one side yellow. That bending is a function of the color. Put the glass of water on a table or windowsill where there is sunlight. 11 years ago I've included some images I took when I was doing this... See what other shapes you can make! Rainbow Making Supplies. 3.0 out of 5 stars 20. 4.4 out of 5 stars 1,430. I did several photographs with this stuff several years ago. 8 years ago 3. Whether the light spinning wheel is flashing or not, it still looks awesome and it is even far more awesome if you operate it in the dark!!! Get it as soon as Fri, Jan 22. Participated in the Colors of the Rainbow Contest. If you don't use the 555 timer oscillator, you may get just a circle rainbow. How To 6 Views. Method 1 of 3: Refracting Light with a Prism. Now I finally got the spinning light wheel working!!! Next on the width face of our box, cut two *holes/flaps the same size as our flashlights lens. You may even be able to make do with some dangly earrings or bits of old light fittings. on Step 10, 10 years ago Then make the opening wider by cutting to the top edges of the box. The same thing happens after rain, when the water droplets that are left suspended in the atmosphere act as glass mirrors to refract the light of the sun. So to make a rainbow we need two ingredients, water, and sunlight. Light painting with tubes is a pretty popular technique and it gives you so many creative possibilities. To Plasmana: Really cool project, I just wouldn't have the patience to build one. This is my entry into 'LET IT GLOW' contest. After you solder the wires on the motor and taped the aluminum foil tape on the spool, it is now time to install the LED's on the spool... Cut out two pieces of 3X12 veroboard from a big piece of veroboard using the dremel tool or other cutting tools. they are true rainbow wheel light. -Place the rainbow maker near a sunny window with direct light coming in so that it hits the mirror (early morning or early evening light works best). To "complete the circuit" and light up the LEDs the loose "looped" wires just have to make contact with it to make it work? Is the aluminum foil all negatively charged? This will put the rainbow on the wall as opposed to the ceiling. Check out how to make a rainbow with the following science activities below. We'll make a flap that the DVD will rest on, and secure its angle with the wooden skewer. Please beware this instructable involves building a high-speed device which can harm people if they touch this device during operation so I am NOT responsible if anybody gets injured by this device. Thank you! All kids like RAINBOW. Doing so will create a small separation between the two pieces. 14. For this, fill a glass with water. We will use the mirror to make a water prism and imitate the effects of all those tiny water droplets suspended in the air that we need to make a … While the importance of light levels varies depending on the strain, weed from the ‘purple’ camp prefers strong direct light on the leaves and buds. I made this spinning rainbow light wheel from what ever the parts I have sitting in my shed. I prefer this setup because it's easy to make quick adjustments. To refract light, he used a prism, but water can also be used to refract visible light. To do this, you'll need to stack something underneath the flashlight. I found DVDs seem to give a better image, so I'll be using one in this Instructable. Here's what you'll need to follow along with the build. An example of a diffraction grating you can find around your house is a DVD or CD. Then take your second piece and go from the other direction, again stopping when colour starts to fade from it. $16.99 $ 16. First I soldered a piece of wire on the rotor of the motor and I soldered another piece of wire on the motor case, this will be the positive power input. Electronic Dice for Liars Dice and More, small motor (you can find those motors inside a VCR), holder for the small motor (I used a small spool), VHS cassette that you don't mind destroying, Temperature controlled soldering iron/gun, a tool for cutting veroboard into pieces (I use dremel). Some card-stock (I'm using a cereal box), 6. on Introduction, Thank you for the ratings and the vote. Dark coloured cardboard. Testing... 3... 2... 1... Failed... Damm, the LED's still glows, but it is not spinning! Did you make this project? Now you need to break the clear part of the spool off the white part of the spool and be careful not to damage the white part of the spool. Make Simple LED Rainbow RGB full color | How to make - YouTube The "loop" and "washer" idea is not that bad! I found it easy to follow in some areas but hard in others. Follow along if you'd like to make your own rainbow night-light! You can create even more effects, by moving your flashlight around freehand over top the tissue box. Aug 8, 2013 - Here is a tip to make your own Rainbow. I used a small spool that was once used to hold wires but it is now used to support the motor. Recycle, reduce, and reuse, words to live by! If you like the pictures and the instructable, please vote! Try a few colours and guess which colours will or won't be shown in the projected rainbow. And I did the same thing to the other flexible wire. This project is a bit difficult to build, but the part are easy to get, I brought some part from the electronic store a while ago and I reused some parts. Steps . To do this, take your tweezers and squeeze them along the two stacked halves of the DVD. Rainbow makers are crystals that refract light, scattering normal sunlight into its constituent wavelengths. This will give us a cleaner looking rainbow. You should now have a tab that your DVD can rest on.You can tape your DVD in place (shiny side up) to make sure it doesn't slide down (picture 5). To best adjust the card-stock sliders, first slide one along the top of the box lengthwise until you start to see a rainbow. IT's look amazing . Wouldn't it be great if you could make your own, anytime, even at night to help you peacefully drift off to sleep? Share. I will tell/show you how I did mine, I used some thin flexible steel wire to make an electrical contact with the foil tape. Find a VHS cassette that you don't mind destroying it. Very good job on the descriptive step by step instructions Plasmana. The circuit whit the 555 timer could be simpler. Take a magnifying glass and hold it between the wall and your rainbow, move the magnifying glass until you can see which part of the DVD your rainbow is coming from! Place your pan in sunlight, such that sunlight falls on the surface of the mirror. on Step 5. could u be plz be clearer on where the wires from the centre of the spool go?? then cut straight across the bottom of the box at 15cm(picture 4). So I simply gave up and remove the flexible wire that is causing trouble and connect the outer aluminum foil tape ring to the inner aluminum foil tape ring with a small piece of bare wire and aluminum foil tape. To make straight line rainbows you'll want to position your light through the bottom hole/flap we made in step one. Shine the flashlight through the glass of water onto the piece of paper. Ooh, just look at that beautiful rainbow... More great pictures on step 10!! :D. This is so cool! If you do use the 555 timer oscillator, you may get some very interesting flashing effects. Share it with us! Solder LED's, resistors, wires, and cut track like in this diagram below, and watch out for the polarity of the LED's! Let me tell you, making this little rainbow filter and shooting with it have been so much fun, so I encourage you to try it if you are looking for something new! you can search about anvii. As it goes in, it bends. But i think not perfact. 4.5 out of 5 stars 408. In a pitch dark room, point the flashlight at the slit. Get a prism. The other thing we need to know is calm water can act like a mirror. White Rainbow Light: 8 steps. ?this part s a bit difficult to understand....... 9 years ago Making Rainbows with a Mirror Let’s start with the easiest! The Rainbow Lightbox uses an array of mylar tubes to create beautiful pixelated shadows from colored light. I have also modified the the 555 timer oscillator circuit, so now both sets of LED's can be controlled from one negative output. Fill a large bowl or dish halfway with water and prop up a mirror inside it so that part of the mirror is under the water and part is out. If you have a sunny day you can also use a prism to make a rainbow. Share it with us! * You can see in the pictures I cut holes, but if I were to do it again, I'd make flaps, so I could keep one closed while using the other. 2. And you should end up with the white part of the spool, that will be used to support the LED's. If you want the wheel to make some cool flashing effects, use the 555 timer oscillator. Instructions: Fill the glass almost to the top with water. I like LEDs and everything that has to do whit them. While we aren't going to rely on rain for our rainbow (or more accurately our spectral projection), A diffraction grating will work well in it's place. Read the schematic carefully and build the circuit on the breadboard or on the veroboard, your choice, I used the breadboard. 11 years ago doesnt the adhesive block the electricity? Thanks for the answer. The 555 timer oscillator is optional if you want some cool flashing effects. If I had the parts to build one, it would make my room 20% cooler. Refraction can even make arrows appear to reverse directions when viewed through a glass of water! IT WORKS!!! 1. We'll be using the shiny side. 9. By adjusting the bent angle of the cardstock you can further alter the rainbow. A Rainbow is formed due to sunlight and atmospheric conditions. on Introduction, 9 years ago You should check into "brush" motors and how they made electric motors work when they were first invented. There are different types of prisms that manipulate light in different ways. To make an arc shaped rainbow, you'll want to position your light through the top hole/tab we made in step one. A bright white flash light (I'm using an LED night-light/flashlight from a company called Sunbeam, you can use a cellphone flashlight/torch or other bright white light), 4. Hey  man, very nice instructable , but I have a question. Large sheet of white paper. Take 2 more magnets and place them on the outside of the box so that they stick to the ones sandwiched around the DVD, do the same for the other side. Option A: Magnetic adjustments (pictures 1-3 of this steps images). 12 years ago The five little ones in the video below cost us just £5 (roughly $5). With a utility knife, cut along both bottom length edge of your box from 4cm to 15cm (from your light source side). Triangular prism. … Large tray or sheet of thick card. Make a rainbow with a Mirror Try placing a mirror inside a glass and angling the glass so sunlight hits the mirror. Led Rainbow Projector, ONEVER Shell Shape Led Lamp, USB Charging Lamps, Rainbow Maker for Children Chrismas Gift/Kids Room . Isopropyl alcohol or some soapy water and paper-towel. amaze your friends Радуга у вас дома You'll know when you're in a good position when you can't see any bright white light on the wall or ceiling. Light position. If there is purple adhesive left on the shiny part, you can clean it with the Isopropal Alcohol or soapy water and paper towel. This is my entry into 'LET IT GLOW' contest. £12.99 £ 12. Prism Splitting light into the colours of the rainbow What you need to split light. Put the piece of paper on the floor where the sunlight hits, in the line of the glass. Once you have done all of the soldering, glue the veroboard with LED's onto the spool, and make sure you glue the veroboard with LED's and wires very well onto the spool otherwise thing may go flying straight off the spool and hit other things or people if they are close the device. When the light bends through a specific medium such as water or a prism or crystal the light bends {or in science terms refracts} and the spectrum of colors that make up a rainbow become visible. White cardboard. Rainbow Light: This set-by-set guide will show you how to construct the Rainbow Light kit available at applemountain.etsy.com +vote, Reply on Introduction, COOL!!! Place the glass on a table, in front of a sunny window. I also supported the flexible wire with some pieces of wood that is glued onto the motor's holder next to the flexible wire to stop the flexible wire wiggling everywhere. Keep sliding until you see colour start to fade from the rainbow. Next, use a protractor to measure a 25 degree incline for your DVD flap (you can choose a different angle, but I wouldn't go beyond 40 degrees) (picture 6). Use hot water to wet the window. This is pretty much how a spectrometer works! A ray of light hits an individual raindrop. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon . I think so! 9 years ago The spinning rainbow light wheel can be used in stores, business , parties, disco or advertisement to grab people's attention, or it can just be used for fun. Great use for an old CD. MAKING RAINBOWS WITH A MIRROR -Fill a large bowl or dish halfway with water and prop up a mirror inside it so that part of the mirror is under the water and part is out. First off, if you're interested in how a rainbow is formed and why white light separates when it passes through a prism check out one or both of these videos below. Start from the glass and slowly move the flashlight farther and farther from the glass. When you shine the white light of your flashlight (or the white light coming from the sun) into the water, the light bends. Make the polyhedron first, then glue on all but one of the paper star tips. I finally got the spinning rainbow light wheel built, now it is time to test it to see if it works! I mean how can you set it to do different programs like generating impulses each second for a minute, then one impulse each 1 ms for a minute? Once they are in a good spot, you can hold them in place with your paper clips. The product of refracting white light is a rainbow, just like the ones you see in the sky. To make a rainbow at home, we need three ingredients, water, a mirror, and sunlight. A wooden skewer (longer than your box is wide) OR eight neodymium magnets (I'm using rectangular ones 2x5x10mm). Two rings, 100 mm above, with an opening of 30 mm, a side and border white, one side orange . on Introduction, Reply Rainbow is generated because of two physical phenomena refraction and reflection. Good idea! How to use a prism. 1 year ago, Thanks a lot! Light enters a water droplet, slows down and bends as it goes from air to water, which is denser. Now, place a sheet of paper on the floor. To do this, you'll need to stack something underneath the flashlight. If you're using your cellphone, turn the box 90 degrees and rest your cellphone on top of it where the light can travel through the holes you made. If your setup is correct, then you should be able to watch rainbow colors on paper. To make straight line rainbows you'll want to position your light through the bottom hole/flap we made in step one. !but can yew tell meh the formation of pulsating dc using 555 timer ic?? Do the same with two more magnets across the DVD, 180 degrees from the first two magnets (picture 2), Put the DVD into the tissue box and lay it flat on the bottom, shiny side up. This setup isn't as flexible to modify things on the fly, but it still works well. A pair of scissors and/or a utility knife, 8. on Introduction. On this instructable I will show you how to make a really cool spinning rainbow light wheel! if you put it on the bottom, th led wires will spin together... About: ––––––––––––––––––––––– "Energy cannot be created nor destroyed…, Discover Green Science Fair for a Better Planet, Digital Measuring Roller Using Microbit & Tinkercad, Pocket Dice! (picture 3), Option B: Wooden skewer adjustments (pictures 4-8 of this steps images). On a sunny day this is a great way to split light with a prism. IT WORKS!! A stack of books or CD cases about 5cm tall. Made from 250 LED lights which means it can produce 16 million different colours and frequencies! Please note that I am only 15 years old and I am not very good at grammar so if you find some parts of the instructable confusing, please let me know and I will try fix it. Results were quite interesting but lacked that DIY building experimental mood. AIZESI Rainbow Night Light Rainbow Light Neon Wall Light 5 Color Rainbow Neon Sign Light Battery Or USB Operated Rainbow Led Neon Light Table Led Lights for Girls Bedroom Hanging Wall Party Decoration. I was inspired by Taizo Matsumura’s “Hikari no Hako” kit, which is a small paper box filled with mylar tubes. When light exits the droplet… Bend one piece to about 60 degrees 5cm from the edge (for a cleaner look, you can score it using a utility knife and a ruler). itx great.....! This project not that expensive to build, it really depends if you reused parts or buy new parts. Pure white light is a mixture of these colors. First take apart cassette with a screwdriver or you might have to break it open with a hammer or something if there are security screws holding the cassette case together. Adjust the distance and angle of the flashlight until you see a rainbow on the paper on the other side. Every tunnel should have this installed. I made two aluminum rings using aluminum tape (you can use one ring if you like) and taped it on the bottom of the spool and I attached the wires to both aluminum rings, that will be the negative power output. So we'll be using one of these to help make our rainbow. That is a beautiful result for using a handful of "rubbish". To do this, cut out two pieces of cardstock (cereal box), each large enough to cover the tissue box top opening. Thank you for sharing, and for giving a second life to the scraps :-), Reply If you are using sunlight, place the glass so that it is half on and half off the edge of a table, and so that the sun shines directly through the water, onto a sheet of white paper on the floor. Some dangly earrings or bits of old light fittings it really depends if you want some cool flashing.... Led 's to make a flap that the DVD to start making some rainbows!!... Of paper on the paper, until you start to fade from the counter this the. More great pictures on step 5. could u be plz be clearer on where the sunlight hits mirror! Can make Projector, ONEVER Shell Shape LED Lamp, USB Charging Lamps, rainbow Maker for children Gift/Kids... 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