He tended to randomly fall asleep while eating and conversing, leaving strangers around him wondering if he had died. In one of Garp's conversations with Curly Dadan, this was revealed to be a trait of Roger as well. After reaching the New World, Ace hunted down Shanks in order to fulfill his intention of meeting him. The World Government granted Blackbeard the position of Seven Warlords of the Sea after he successfully defeated and captured Ace. After reaching Marineford, Ace remembered his childhood with Luffy as he was brought up a large set of stairs to the execution platform. He discovered Shanks and his crew on a winter island, and revealed his connection to Luffy. Akainu then took the opportunity to attack Luffy on the sideline, leading Ace to jump in, sacrificing his life to shield Luffy from the attack. Although Whitebeard showed weakness from his age and was punished by the Admirals, Ace watched as his captain continued to press on. Smoker | Although they were not blood related, Ace looked remarkably like his foster brother, Luffy. This went back to his younger days with Sabo and Luffy, when they would often dine and dash in the city of Goa. Fire Fist Ace (named after his signature move Hiken (fire fist)) However, Blackbeard used his darkness to pull Ace toward him and nullify his Devil Fruit powers, allowing Blackbeard to punch Ace. Luffy promised to get stronger and pleaded for Ace not to die. Occupation Jesus Burgess threw part of a hotel at him, but Ace demolished it with a pillar of fire before attacking the two of them and Blackbeard with Fire Fist. The Spade Pirates then headed to Fishman Island, and Ace went off to a cheap cafe. His bounty, being at 550,000,000 before his death, was the highest amount revealed in the series before the timeskip. Ace's back tattoo is left intact in the English dub, despite 4Kids previous edits to crosses. Marco | This was in direct contrast to Luffy, who accepted his father's identity immediately upon learning it and did not seem to care when he was told how dangerous of a man he was. Bartolomeo | Bepo | He compared Ace’s characteristics to be more aligned with the Revolutionary Army’s, considering his personal vendetta against the world denying his existence. Ace commented upon his own death that he had never sought fame or fortune - all he had wanted was the answer to his lifelong question of whether or not he should have been born, as this was the only thing preventing him from dying with no regrets as he and Luffy had vowed to do so and the fact he had a younger brother to look out for. After a fierce battle, Ace got to his feet and cut off Whitebeard fro… He was one of the few people to be able to take a "baptizing" in boiling water in Impel Down without flinching, which is considered an impressive feat. Afterwards, Ace asked Luffy why he risked death rather than revealing his location, and Luffy revealed that Ace was the only person he had. Ace was also included amongst the many characters, but while his clothes were almost identical, he boasted a very different color scheme to the one he was given in his official appearance in the anime. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Ace and Sabo stayed behind to fight Porchemy, defeating him. Ace was stronger than Luffy (and honestly I think he is at Ace's War of the Summit level right now or right below).Needless to remember Ace awoke his Haoshoku Haki since he was a 10 year old brat. Portgas D. Ace is Luffy's adopted brother in the manga series, One Piece. Dadan severely burned herself to get Ace through the flames, and Ace raided the town for medical supplies to keep her alive before they returned to the hideout. One day when he was ten, Ace returned home after hunting a buffalo when Garp brought his grandson Monkey D. Luffy to live with Dadan. Brook | 24. 20. Lucky Roo | Ace was already very strong when he left his hometown, three years before Luffy did the same. Ace was the 2nd division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates and one-time captain of the Spade Pirates. After his father's execution and his mother's died for giving him birth, Ace was taken under Monkey D. Garp's wing as his grandson. Ace watched in shock as Whitebeard was betrayed and stabbed by Squard, and was still taken aback as Whitebeard handled the injury and joined the battle himself. In addition, Ace liked to party as much as his adoptive little brother does. Draw grabbed Ace by the neck and prepared to kill him, but Ace's flames caused Draw's fuel tank to explode, injuring both of them. Bobbin… With Luffy jumping in the midst of it all, he saw to it that his brother Ace was freed. They then worked together to build a ship to escape, building the Striker, which ran on Ace's flames. WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. Ace's only regret was that he would not live to see Luffy achieve his dream, which he believed Luffy undoubtedly would accomplish as he was his little brother. He said that he learned it in Wano Country. Ace gave the kasa he made in Wano to Little Oars Jr. to protect him from the sun. While Ace emerged victorious over enemies he refused to run from, such as Porchemy and Bluejam, his stubbornness hurt him on a number of occasions, particularly when he refused to back down against Blackbeard or Admiral Akainu. Trish | Jeanne | Master Chief | Ronald McDonald | Amy Rose | King Dedede | Saitama | Kenshiro | Sakura Haruno | Rin Tohsaka | Trunks | Silver the Hedgehog | Ryu | Lucario | Sasuke Uchiha | Hiei | Liu Kang | Fei Long | Rock Lee | Marshall Law | Spider-Man | Mikasa Ackerman | Jotaro Kujo | Yu Narukami | Terry Bogard | Jon Talbain | Spawn | Alucard (Hellsing) | Classic Predator | Iron Man | Mega Man X | Himura Kenshin | Roronoa Zoro | Greninja | Espio the Chameleon | Link | Meta Knight | Genji | Raiden (Metal Gear) | Guile | Paul Phoenix | Raphael | Wolverine | Aigis | Noel Vermillion | Cloud Strife | Guts | Killua Zoldyck | Mega Man | White Bomberman | Mario | Luigi | Zero | Strider Hiryu | Iron Fist | Akuma | Ken Masters | Blaziken | Samus Aran | Wii Fit Trainer | Dhalsim | Magneto | Alucard (Castlevania) | Demitri Maximoff | Vegeta | Noctis Lucis Caelum | 2B | Kratos | Dante | Captain Falcon | Viewtiful Joe | Gambit | Lara Croft | Jill Valentine | Krillin | Tenshinhan | Yamcha | Chun-Li | Tifa Lockhart | Thor Odinson | Pikachu | Hulk | Juggernaut | Blade | Hellboy | Monkey D. Luffy | Mr. Ace's temper got the better of him, especially in cases when Whitebeard, proclaimed by Ace to be his only father, was insulted. Until one day, one of his subordinates, Marshall D. Teach (also known as Blackbeard) killed the 4th division commander, Thatch and took Yami Yami no Mi. He was adopted by Monkey D. Garp as wished by Roger to him before his birth. It seems that among the very few things the brothers shared was their recklessness as pirates (and their near-bottomless stomachs). Ace's temper got the better of him, especially in cases when Whitebeard, proclaimed by Ace to be his only father, was insulted. He is one of the many characters who accompany Luffy on his journey. However, when they returned to the woods, Ace and Luffy forced Sabo to tell them the truth. He was adopted by Monkey D. Garp as wished by Roger to him before his birth. Ace was the Second Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates and onetime captain of the Spade Pirates. (See the end of the chapter for more notes.) Ace watched as Blackbeard became darkness and pulled the entire town into a black hole before releasing it as wreckage, but he immediately unleashed several small fiery explosions that injured Blackbeard due to his fruit amplifying damage rather than bypassing it. Later, Dogura came and told Ace and Luffy that Sabo had gone out to sea only for his ship to be blown up by a World Noble. Ace went to avenge Sabo, only for Dadan to force him down. Ace D. Portgas met his untimely death at the hands of Akainu in a bid to save his younger brother. They split the Flame-Flame Fruit, but Ace consumed it first, gaining its powers. Thank you for caring about someone like me who is good for nothing, that this world never wanted, who has such bad blood in his veins. During his meeting with Shanks in the anime, Ace stated that he would become the Pirate King. combatants Ace later came to see that his stubbornness had gotten him into the ordeal of being scheduled for execution. Ace maintained that it was Whitebeard, but Sengoku then revealed Ace's real father to the world and explained how Rouge had kept Ace safe through her pregnancy. They also moved out of Dadan's house to live in a treehouse. In addition, Ace liked to party as much as his brother does. The two talked about Garp's wish for Ace and Luffy to become Marines, with Ace reflecting on his and Luffy's bloodlines, though mentioning his hatred for his father and how he considers Whitebeard his true father. Ultimate World-pedia Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. As a child, he used a long bo staff made from pipe as a weapon. His overall reputation and abilities had earned him a bounty of 550,000,000 berries prior to his capture and death. But, Sabo (who Luffy and Ace thought he died) came to Dressrosa and eaten Mera Mera no Mi. As she recovered, Dadan asked Ace why he did not run, and Ace reflected that he wanted to keep Luffy safe. Monkey D. LuffySaboRoronoa ZoroNamiUsoppSanjiTony Tony ChopperNico RobinFrankyBrookJinbeWhitebeardOars Jr.ViviShanksBuggyBoa HancockModaTamaYamato He fought Jinbei for five days and nearly killed other until Whitebeardarrive to fig… The two shared a dream of becoming pirates, and stole money and treasure in preparation for the day they would set off to sea. He could also easily break a giant tree with ease. He fought Jinbe for five days and nearly killed other until Whitebeard arrive to fight Ace and defeated by the Strongest man in the world. "Could you tell everyone else what I'm about to say when I'm done? After his death, Doflamingo took Ace's devil fruit to use it as a bait to lure Luffy into a trap. To protect Luffy and Whitebeard Ace's reason for going after Whitebeard's head was never explained in the manga. Magellan | One day, Ace decided to reveal his lineage to Whitebeard, who merely laughed it off, saying that his personality was nothing like that of Roger. That should have spent whatever strength he might be holding. However, Ace sent a tree rolling at Luffy, and when Luffy continued chasing him, Ace hit him and sent him plummeting into a chasm. That night as they prepared to sleep, Luffy wondered if Sabo was all right, but Ace reminded him that they were trying to forget about him. Mera Mera no Mi (Flare Flare Fruit in Funimation Sub, Flame Flame Fruit Funimation Dub)Fire Manipulation As he finishes his meal, he is spotted by Smoker, who attempts to arrest him. Most of people believes that he was not all that strong because he died early in the series. Dadan stated that he inherited this tendency from his father, Gol D. Roger, despite loathing him. Also, when he turned up on Drum Island, no snow fell at all on the island for an entire day. For the ferryman from One Piece: World Seeker, see Roger (Non-Canon). Ace was the 2nd division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates and one-time captain of the Spade Pirates. Blackbeard (arch-enemy)Akainu (his killer)MagellanSengokuKuzan He was adopted by Monkey D. Garp per wish of Roger before his birth. Despite initial tension, Isuka confided to Ace that she wanted to go after pirates because they burned down her home as a child, and offered him a chance to become a Marine. The Whitebeard Pirates then arrived, and Ace tried called out to Whitebeard. The second was that he did a "dine and dash" routine wherever he went. However, Whitebeard claimed that he had ordered Ace to go after Blackbeard. He was trained with his adoptive brothers Monkey D. Luffy and Sabo. At the same time, Ace also promotes his tattoo to Luffy, something which is truly considered odd by 4Kids standards. He declared his intention to grow his reputation by bringing down most figures of power, and asked Shanks about the scars Blackbeard had given him before departing from the island. When Ace asked if Whitebeard would kick him out due to him and Roger being enemies in the past, Whitebeard simply stated that his past does not matter, as everyone is a "child of the sea". Ace believed that it was natural if he were to really die as nobody in the world wanted the son of the devil (Roger) to live. [ch. Ace is the first known Devil Fruit user to die. Apis | Ace was placed in the custody of Marine Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp, who put him in the care of Curly Dadan and the Dadan Family on Mt. You watched as Ace died. This was first seen in Alabasta when they thought he died in the middle of eating. Isuka jumped in the water to save her comrades, and as she started to tire and drown, Ace threw a life preserver at her because he thought she was not evil. Whitebeard told his crew that he alone would be enough, and proceeded to attack Ace's crew. Paulie | The first was his rather extreme narcolepsy. Goals He would later integrate his crew to the Whitebeard Pirates crew and became Whitebeard's 2nd division captain. The dying Ace fell into Luffy's arms, and he recollected how he had first been given a place with Luffy, Sabo, and Dadan as he remembered a childhood otherwise filled with torment and persecution. As such, when he turned up on Drum Island, no snow fell at all on the island for an entire day. When Aokiji stepped in, Ace met the Admiral's ice powers with his fire. Ace had gestated in the womb of his mother, Portgas D. Rouge, for five months when his father, Gol D. Roger, was executed. During his stay, he learned how to weave a kasa. Hatchan | Eventually, the Spade Pirates reached Sabaody Archipelago, where they had to wait three days for their ship to be coated. Ace got out of the bed and told his name to "Portgas. When Portgas D. Ace, Luffy's older brother, was captured by the marines and subject to a public execution, the Whitebeard Pirates had essentially declared war on the military since Ace … Whitebeard insisted that Ace should not to go after him, yet Ace, despite his immense loyalty and respect for his captain, ignored his warnings and went off to find his former subordinate. With this, Ace began his journey to find Blackbeard and finish him off. Whitebeard, who had heard that Ace intended to take his head, arrived with his crew and the Moby Dick just after the battle between Jimbei and Ace. Also later on the same day he was shown to easily break a giant tree with ease. Seastone: Like other Devil Fruit Users, Ace is vulnerable to Seastone. He became infamous and even refusing to become a Shichibukai. After picking himself up, he spots Luffy eating, only to be knocked down by Smoker, who then attempts to arrest Luffy. They talked about their families, and when Deuce brought up Roger, Ace's expression gave away his true heritage. It seems that among the very few things the brothers shared was their recklessness as pirates (and their near-bottomless stomachs). Ace's body landed on the floor lifelessly as Luffy let out agonized noises. Draw attacked with flamethrowers on his arms, setting the slums ablaze, which angered Ace as he went to rescue the children there. He also sported rather childish freckles (inherited from his mother), and tended to make a skeptical facial expression by raising his left eyebrow. As things returned to normal on Dawn Island, Ace and Luffy continued adventuring as they sought to become stronger and more independent, although they at first struggled to accomplish things without Sabo. Ace went to the coast, where Luffy was still crying. After Luffy dashes out of the restaurant with Smoker in hot pursuit, Ace catches up with Luffy in time to save him from being arrested. Before that, Ace was rather cold and rude to anyone he was not familiar with. He is voiced by Toshio Furukawa in the Japanese version of the anime, and by Travis Willingham in the English version of the anime. Portgas D. Ace, born as Gol D. Ace and nicknamed "Fire Fist" Ace, was the adopted older brother of Luffy, Aika and Sabo, and son of the late Pirate King, Gol D. Roger and his lover, Portgas D. Rouge. (See the end of the chapter for more notes.) Ace's only regret was that he would not live to see Luffy achieve his dream, which he believed Luffy undoubtedly would accomplish as he was his little brother. He died protecting Luffy. At that moment, however, there is a huge commotion that has Ace then spotted a battleship containing Luffy and other prisoners of Impel Down falling out of the sky. Armed with sublime power and the knowledge of the New World, he could have easily beaten Luffy and the Straw Hats with the aide of Marco and the remaining former Whitebeard Captains. His psyche unable to handle Ace's death, Luffy enters a catatonic state to protect himself from the trauma. Shanks | Believing that this was the case when Blackbeard broke the iron rule of the Whitebeard Pirates and fled after murdering a crew mate, Ace pursued his traitorous subordinate despite his crew mates' efforts and even Whitebeard's orders to stop him. Kozuki Oden† | One day, however, Sabo's father Outlook III and the Bluejam Pirates forcibly took Sabo. Edward Newgate† | Portgas D. Ace,[12] born as Gol D. Ace[6] and nicknamed \"Fire Fist\" Ace,[4] was the adopted older brother of Luffy[7] and Sabo, and son of the late Pirate King, Gol D. Roger and his lover, Portgas D. Portgas D. Ace (ポートガス・D・エース, Pōtogasu Dī Ēsu), also called "Fire Fist" Ace (火拳のエース, Hiken no Ēsu), is the second division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates and Luffy's older brother. As they were running away, Ace and Luffy saw a man calling out to Sabo, but Sabo denied any connection to him. At age 17, Ace began his pirating actions as captain of the Spade Pirates. However, it is not known how proficient he is in using it. With the power of the Logia Devil Fruit, "Flame-Flame Fruit", he can create, control, manipulate, and change his body to fire. However, Ace refused to run away with them as he confronted Bluejam, and Dadan stayed with him while Luffy and the rest of the family ran away. On some occasions they are linked to the scene in which they were worn, like "independence" when the three brothers built their own tree house to live in. His interference allows Luffy to escape while he deals with Smoker himself. Had Ace been a girl, he would have been named "Ann". Monkey D. Luffy | The force of the punch caused the execution platform to fall, and the Marines fired cannonballs at Ace and Luffy, but after Galdino made a wax key to unlock Ace's handcuffs, Ace was freed and used his Devil Fruit powers to shield himself and Luffy from the explosion. Roronoa Zoro | A few days later, Bluejam prepared to put Ace and Luffy to work burning down Gray Terminal that night by order of the nobles. Dracule Mihawk‡, Devil Fruit Users Even in his early childhood, he was able to beat some local thugs who spoke ill of his father "half to death" and during his first meeting with Luffy, he was also shown sitting on top of a huge animal (possibly a bull) he killed with his stff. Edward Newgate† | Nefertari Vivi | In the manga, as well as the specials, the necklace remained intact. However, shortly before he and Smoker begin to fight, both men are sent flying into the wall behind them by Luffy's attack as the latter launches himself into the restaurant. Once, this led to him nearly beating some of them to death, shocking Dadan. This Article Contains Spoilers - The anime and 3D2Y also omitted the smoke coming from his wound. look into the life of a reborn Ace from newborn to seventeen. Colubo and began his life as a pirate. Boa Hancock‡ | He then returned to his crew and ship, and Deuce revealed to him his new bounty, which was now greatly above 100,000,000 berries. Because of this, some people believed that Ace had a death wish, but in truth he wanted to prevent people he cared for from getting hurt. Do-Gooder Tony Tony Chopper | He looked like he was sleeping or just comfortably chilling on the ground. He became infamous and even refusing to become a Shichibukai. 3 talking about this. On the brink of death, Ace was offered by Whitebeard to join his crew, becoming one of his "sons". In the manga, it is unknown if Ace can light things on fire from a distance without spouting flames that make direct contact. Type of Hero He fought equally with Jimbei in the past; they nearly killed each other in a fight that lasted for five days. Boa Hancock | Portgas D Ace was a strong pirate, no doubt. Ace being captain of the Spade Pirates is a pun on the "Ace of spades". Outlook III told the pirates to do whatever they wished with Luffy and Ace while he took Sabo away, but Sabo promised to go without a fight if Ace and Luffy were spared. Ace tried attacking, but was punched away by one of the pirates. Ace's death also proved to be the final debacle for Luffy's resolve to become stronger, next to his crew's defeat and separation at the hands of Bartholomew Kuma. Second was that he wanted to go after Blackbeard and finish him off but is never using! To someone but felt he could trust the old man where they fed poor! End of the Big Mom Pirates to withstand Shank ’ s flashback the... That his stubbornness had gotten him into the ordeal of being scheduled for execution but now, as as! Parentage, even after denouncing Gol D. Roger has done everything that he wanted show. Was born on time battle, Ace and Luffy forced Sabo to tell them truth. Marine like Garp by the manga did Ace show this ambition, and was also taller and more.! 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