But Krieg was no man accustomed to simple gratitude. In Krieg's own words, Gin embodies the very spirit of the Don Krieg Pirate Fleet. How he escaped was probably, again, his numbers, and Mihawk could have made a storm with his sword, making wind and sending Krieg out to Baratie. Shanks is experienced with the grand line, he can easily find a way to go through the Calm Belt, most likely using his conqueror's haki to ward off/take care of Sea Kings. Before the chef could finish, Don Krieg slams down his bottle of wine, and proceeds to punch Sanji in the face. Press J to jump to the feed. From the East Blue to the New World, anything related to the world of One Piece belongs here! Gin told Sanji, looking to the blonde as he held the gun to Zeff's head. Shanks is experienced with the grand line, he can easily find a way to go through the Calm Belt, most likely using his conqueror's haki to ward off/take care of Sea Kings. Luke: Don't bother. Krieg's flag is a standard Jolly Roger with two hourglasses to the sides, to show to their victims that their time is up. Does that mean all 3 of them grew up in the East? Shtand down or yuh'll be kewed! i know him. Just the concept of traveling between the blues. Krieg's skull is displayed with sideburns on its cheek bones, similar to the ones Don Krieg himself has. It's a fact. His attire features many fur-lined elements. As far as I know you can't get out of the Grand line from the "paradise" part of the Grand Line without using a sea-stone coated ship to cross the Calm belt. I feel like either this moment (or the Arlong arc) is where most people truly fall in love with One Piece, and it does a lot really well. After the fight, Usopp, Johnny, and Yosaku take Zoro aboard the bounty hunters' boat and set sail to follow Nami. Krieg resides in East Blue. uld leave the Grand Line and I've realized that I know of no way to get from the Grand Line to the East Blue without going through the Calm Belt. This stretch of ocean is said to be the most dangerous place in the world, and i… The One Piece manga and anime series features an extensive cast of characters created by Eiichiro Oda.The series takes place in a fictional universe where vast numbers of pirates, soldiers, revolutionaries, and other adventurers fight each other, using various superhuman and supernatural abilities. So how'd he get through without wind and without kairouseki? With Mihawk chasing him and all i feel like the seakings thought that it would be a more grusome death if he got him instead of them. In-between, … Despite having plenty of personnel, the Krieg Pirates lacked individual strength or any semblance of harmony. Don Krieg: The Grand Line is... where I need to be... if I want to... kick Poiseidon in the... keister. As far as I know you can't get out of the Grand line from the "paradise" part of the Grand Line without using a sea-stone coated ship to cross the Calm belt. Rayleigh, the vice captain of the crew Shanks was a part of, literally swam through the calm bet, too. This Baratie ship was a great replacement for his sinking last ship. If u read chapter 0 as well, Moriah, Crocoboy, and Doffy are all in Loguetown. From the East Blue to the New World, anything related to the world of One Piece belongs here! He currently resides in the New World. I don’t know if it’s really obvious but I thought the Calm Belt was the only way. Even if you make it to the end of the New World you can't sail over the Reverse mountain. He growled out, taking a step forward. Whitebeard fought evenly with Roger. It provides another fun, different villain in the form of Don Krieg. Also Buggy and Shanks who were just in the New World were there too. He went through the Calm Belt. "Shishishi~! Chapter 14: The Downfall of Don Krieg "No matter how incredible he was in the past, he's now a mere cook. Such is the premise of One Piece: Grand Line 3.5, a webcomic focused on a bunch of college-age gamers playing through the events of One Piece.Most of the humor comes from playing the story almost completely straight, and then justifying the characters and setting with various d20 mechanics. Whitebeard is the closest man to One Piece and is revered as the strongest man in the world. He is voiced by Fumihiko Tachiki (who later voiced Akainu) in the Japanese version of the anime, and by Andy Mullins in the English version. The only known history on Gin is that he was present for Don Krieg's voyage to the Grand Line. Yeah I honestly have no clue. *gets out of his chair* FISHMEN!!!!! But it's possible Mihawk went around the otherside, or just CUT through the red line or did something impossibly badass that only Mihawk could do. You can't go back up the entrance, but I'm 99% sure somewhere in the anime it says that you can leave if you reach the end of the Grand line but I'm too lazy to find a source. The majority of the characters are human, but the cast also includes … all the arlong pirates head to the shores of cocoyashi village* on the Dreadnaught Sabre* "It's true that I came back defeated from the Grand Line, but even so, I'm still the mighty Don Krieg!" "Then I'll just take it from your corpse, old man!" Currently that side of reverse mountain is unmapped https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcThYu3Q8oHy5l2PXkFUqGnEDK-Tkx7O2F0_og9HHBdyQ8luxCDPWw. Didn't he have a huge crew with multiple ships? His methods ranged from sailing into a port with a Marine flag raised and then attacking on landfall, to feigning surrender during … If you want discussion, please sort the subreddit by New. Similarly, in One Piece luck plays a large role, and I can just see Krieg dodging the odd Sea King and having Mihawk's slashes take it out. During his appearance in the storyline, his head was wrapped in gauze (due to injuries from his encounter with Dracule Mihawk). To the horror of Gin, Mihawk quickly destroys Krieg's fleet with ease, leaving only their flagship to e… They rowed through the calm belt and got very lucky. Note to self, don’t write the end of the chapter before you have written the start. The master swordsman followed Krieg from the Grand Line, where he had wiped out his entire fleet. Hachi: i heard a pirate named Don Krieg has amassed a giant fleet, but i heard he was in the grand line. It begins to really build up the reputation of the Grand Line, Luffy’s goal, and the threats therein. And Dragon in the Goa Kingdom and Loguetown. Krieg got defeated by East Blue Luffy. 6 Love: Bonney Pirates Like how did german travel to east lube where sanji bailed or how Shanks/Dragon got to Foosha Village/Goa kingdom? His tactics earned him success and infamy, as well as a moniker "Sneak Attack Krieg". [+] Spoiler here is finally complete sprites krieg sorry for the late Patty: Hey, kid! If he tried, he found that they would frequently fall apart thus ruining the attempt. Could be one of those mysterious caves. Don tries to get up as he won't accept to loose. It's easy to blow his brains out. Krieg is a walking arsenal and a veritable box of tricks. The Grand Line is the ocean current that is surrounded by the Calm Belts and follows an imaginary line that runs from north-west to south-east across the middle of the world and perpendicular to the Red Line. His flying slashes will cause quite a bit of wind, so I imagine every ship cut would also provide a fair gale. Chapter 52 is titled "The Oath". With Mayumi Tanaka, Akemi Okamura, Kazuya Nakai, Hiroaki Hirata. 1 Personality 2 Powers and Abilities 2.1 Physical and Mental Abilities 2.2 Weapons 3 Navigation Krieg … Consider this was also after his hellish ordeals in Grand Line; under normal circumstances Gin would … "Y-Y/n-chan" Sanji stutters, seeing my quick reflexes. Dragon is the leader of the world's revolutionaries. Usopp cried again. Chances are this time around they used the same tactics they did to repel the Sea Kings, only they were less successful, as it seems their damaged flagship was harmed by more than just slashes from Mihawk, likely Sea King attacks. Directed by Kônosuke Uda. You want to save this man, right, Sanji-san? It doesn’t seem hard, people have referenced coming and going out of the grand line countless times, but the make up of reverse mountain makes no sense to me and has always bugged me, Well it seems for people like Dragon and Garp, they have special ways of getting there since we’ve seen Garp in Shells Town and Fushia Village. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Edit: just remembered, I dont think he even made it to Baratie, because it was Fullbody that captured him. If you've just set sail with the Straw Hat Pirates, be wary of spoilers on this subreddit! I just figured he went through the calm belt with Mihawk sort of chasing them. but he said every one of his other ships was cut by Mihawk. 1 Cover Page 2 Short Summary 3 Long Summary 4 Quick Reference 4.1 Chapter Notes 4.2 Characters 5 Trivia 6 Site Navigation Color Spread: Eight headshots in two tiers, the top focusing on the Straw Hat Pirates—Nami, Zoro, Luffy, and Usopp—and the bottom on the Baratie principals—Krieg, Mihawk, Zeff, and Sanji. Ignoring the lack of wind, you either run into a Seaking or you do not. As for people like Krieg, like Shanks, even people like Crocoboy, we don’t know how they got there. Actually this has been one thing I don't understand as well. Only his made it out between Mihawk and the Sea Kings. I don't want to kill you." The most notable aspect of Krieg's appearance is his golden wootz steel armor, which is fur-lined like the rest of his attire. I assume that Krieg entered the Grand Line through the Calm Belt, using his numbers to his advantage or maybe he didn't make it there at all before Mihawk spotted him there. Don also mentions that Zeff has a logbook on the Grand Line. We never actually saw Don Kreig's Armada prior to the tattered appearance of the giant flagship, but even seeing this, we know he had some extensive military force behind it. And since Don Krieg was easily slaughtered by Mihawk, there's no way he made it all the way through the New World to the otherside of Reverse mountain and then exited. Don Krieg started his rise to infamy in the ranks of the Marines/Navy. Maybe the Sea Kings didn't attack because the ships were already fucked up? [citation needed] And since Don Krieg was easily slaughtered by Mihawk, there's no way he made it all the way through the New World to the otherside of Reverse mountain and then exited. Iirc, Krieg had fifty ships, where only his one made it to Baratie. Krieg is not above killing members of his own crew, as he sees no value in life other than his own. Rather, the Calm Belt seems more like a lottery. "That dark sea which sends weak men to their knees…I had the power! Please, leave the ship without a fight. Or simply escaping unharmed. If you've just set sail with the Straw Hat Pirates, be wary of spoilers on this subreddit! Krieg is a tall, muscular man, with short cut purple-gray hair and long sideburns (though his wanted poster indicates his hair was once long and wild). Sanji dive in to save him, and brought him back up to safety. Zeff didn't even flinch. So maybe they got slaughtered at the grandline, then taken by fullbody as he has a marine ship. Which is needed for his return to the Grand Line. Press J to jump to the feed. I mean, Rayleigh swam from Sabaody to Amazon Lily(which is in the calm belt). I guess it's really the same question. Arlong: krieg aye? Krieg prepared a plan of counter attack... and the rest is history. Luke: Hey! Zeff tells his crew, that they must leave, but Patty and the others refuse to leave the boat they call their very home. Germa have giant snail ships, they use those to scale the red line to go between the blues and thr grand line. The only way to get out with a ship is over the Calm belt or maybe to sail the whole way back to the entrance and use coup de burst or something like that. So how did he leave the Grandline? Krieg declared as he clenched his fist in front of him. It is revealed that Chef Zeff was a great pirate known as Red Leg Zeff. The Grand Line is so much fun!" He can easily find avenues to travel between places. Don Krieg had a crew of 5,000. Don Krieg: I'll pretend I... didn't hear that... brat. Ultimately Gin was captured by Fullbody but it took seven men to take him down. "I think you need to get the concept of 'danger' into your thick skull!" Welcome to r/OnePiece, the community for Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece. I don’t wanna tell you why I know what I know, but since this is an arson case; Don Krieg is the only one who is capable of this shit.” “Don Krieg, was the name?” “Listen, kiddo, I didn’t tell you about my suspicions so you’d get all out of your mind and so you’d try to bring down Krieg … Don Kreig is just soooo strong that's how, He barely made it out of the grand line via calm belt, remember that his whole flock of ships where utterly destroyed since he didn't know the reverse mountain, i think. Mihawk may have taken all of his other ships out, and he may not have been able to take on the Sea Kings, but let's not forget that Momonga was able to lie around in the Calm Belt for a very long time while waiting for Hancock. No one's kicking Poiseidon's ass except for me! How did him and Mihawk leave? If you want discussion, please sort the subreddit by New. I don’t really get it, How does anyone leave? Yewuh no match fuh Don Kweig! Obviously His flagship wasn't large enough to go on Reverse Mountain, So I imagine he originally entered the Grand Line through the Calm Belt, his Fleet utilizing the safety in numbers strategy to successfully overcome any Seakings they encountered. So far though he did not have the kind of control needed to do the same for his fingers. Luffy's crew could do it, I've got no doubt, but at that level, it was definitely a shit load of luck. it remains possible that a stream leads up that side of the mountain. Now obviously this ship has the seastone coating to make it invisible, but it does show it isn't a forest. "Tch. These two lines divide the rest of the Blue Sea into the Blues: North Blue, East Blue, West Blue, and South Blue. He is the captain of the Krieg Pirates and an infamous pirate of East Blue. Don Krieg is finally defeated after Luffy gave him a twirling kick as they were falling to the sea. Rayleigh, the vice captain of the crew Shanks was a part of, literally swam through the calm bet, too. With that in mind, I think Krieg just ran out of places to run, and ran into the Calm Belt hoping that Mihawk would not follow him in there.. only to eventually find he was still being pursued. Don Krieg, the crew's arrogant captain, used intimidation to force smaller East Blue crews to sail under his flag. I have been waiting a long time to actually show this fight. Welcome to r/OnePiece, the community for Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece. The fight with Mihawk was in draft before I even started Chapter 6 and was completely written before I had even decided how I was going to get into Chapter 7. Luffy fell into the ocean and couldn't move a muscle. On returning, It seems safe to assume they retreated back through barely holding themselves together, this was probably a combination of Mihawk as well as rushing through the Calm Belt as quickly as possible, and they could of been there for many days, possibly just stuck, as they all appear deprived of food and totally malnourished, on a ship that should have a bountiful amount of food. I think it might just be Mihawk who helped with this. And then there’s Mihawk. Zoro challenges him to a duel and, despite his best efforts, is defeated. Don Krieg is the main antagonist of the Baratie Arc of One Piece. Before he can though, you grab my dagger, with the sheathe still on sadly, but it is strong enough to block Don Krieg's punch. He tells them all to leave the ship before his crew revives, otherwise they'll all suffer the consequences. He took the revelation about Luffy being Rex's son and "Revolutionary" Dragon's nephew in stride, despite the surprise of those around hi… Krieg couldnt handle 7 days on the first half of the Grand Line. From your question how did Mihawk also escape the grand line? And its famous Head chef had a sail record of a journey to the Grand Line. Gin explains the catastrophe the fleet met in Grand Line when they encountered Hawk-Eyes Mihawk, and Krieg attempts to take control of the Baratie. Fishmen: YEA!!!!! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcThYu3Q8oHy5l2PXkFUqGnEDK-Tkx7O2F0_og9HHBdyQ8luxCDPWw. Here he eventually killed the commander of his unit and from that ship he began a pirate crew. PREPARE FOR COMBAT!!!!! "But my goal is now completely narrowed down to the Grand Line," Zoro said with his own grin, moving to rest against a table. After seven days in stormy weather Krieg's fleet came across the Shichibukai, Dracule Mihawk. Mihawk is possibly one of the mostly very serious characters; he rarely smiles, and he has only been seen laughing twice so far. Consisting of a chest plate… When he created an ice layer, he could leave the joints, such as his elbows and wrists uncovered, and this would allow a full range of movement. Like many other characters in the Japanese version, he has a unique laugh, unusually bearing two: "Wahhahhahha/Kukukuku." The Red Line is a vast continent that circles the globe from north-east to south-west. If you do, you run into certain death (assuming a fodder-level crew). Regardless... Krieg was a very lucky man to have survived it. Luffy laughed out loudly, remembering all of the adventures he'd had there in the past. They showed that during Whole Cake Island, and Sanji also mentioned during Jaya about snails climbing over the Red Line. 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how did don krieg leave the grand line
how did don krieg leave the grand line 2021