Though they do not appear in the film physically, nor are they directly mentioned, Luke Skywalker states to Rey that Ben had taken some apprendices with him and slaughtered the rest of his fellow Jedi students in Luke's Jedi temple, so one could imply that they later became the Knights of Ren. Tactical Droids Ben grazed Ap'lek's thigh before he was Force pushed into a chasm, falling to his death. Doctor Pershing | They aren't in the military in an official capacity, but Kylo Ren for example is able to give orders to military members due to his special relationship with the Supreme Leader. Commander Hask | The surviving warriors were either indoctrinated, persuaded, or tortured into joining. Miraj Scintel | Toro Calican | Darts D'nar | The Mandalorian: Din Djarin Grogu Greef Karga Cara Dune Kuiil Moff Gideon, Others from comics: Dok-Ondar Vi Moradi, Concept art of "Ren", the leader of the Knights of Ren, in. The battle starts when the Knights start beating Kylo, slightly scarring his face. Darth Plagueis | To prevent the emergence of a New Jedi Order (failed) Sy Snootles | K2-B4 | They were neither Jedi nor Sith, but members of a new generation of Force-sensitive adepts that emerged to fill the void left by the demise of the last Sith Lords. BB-9E | Separatist Council: Nute Gunray | Voe Atell | Kylo Ren is the only known member of the order. Dark Troopers Powers/Skills What Ren did not realize, however, is that the rank-and-file members of the Knights regarded Darth Sidious as their true master. Stormtroopers | Prevent the return of the new Jedi Order (failed).Serve Kylo Ren (abandoned after Ben Solo's redemption).Aid the First Order, Darth Sidious, and the Sith Eternal in their goals of conquering the galaxy (failed). Sometime after the hunt for Rey, Ap'lek and his fellow Knights of Ren were guarding the entrance to the Sith Citadel as the redeemed Ben Solo tried to gain entry to help Rey slay Palpatine. Azmorigan | The Knights of Ren are first seen accompanying Kylo Ren when he has his destroyed helmet repaired. Ben then effortlessly stabs Trudgen in the chest and jumps over Ushar, killing this last knight with a stab through the back. Moff Gideon | Rune Haako | Mar Tuuk | Nexu | Kylo is the master of the Knights of Ren, a mysterious group of elite warriors who work with the First Order. Video Games: Club Penguin Star Wars Takeover Star Wars Battlefront Star Wars: Tiny Death Star Star Wars: Attack Squadrons Star Wars: Assault Team Angry Birds Star Wars Angry Birds Star Wars II Star Wars: Scene Maker Star Wars: Commander Disney Infinity: 3.0 Edition Star Wars: Uprising Star Wars Rebels: Recon Missions Star Wars: Mobile App LEGO Star Wars:The Force Awakens Star Wars: Force Arena Star Wars Battlefront II Disney Magic Kingdoms Roblox Star Wars: Squadrons Kylo Ren (formerly)Ren Ap'lek Cardo Kuruk Trudgen Ushar Vicrul Passel Argente | Morley | Bossk | Son | Bounty Hunters Background information Reeks | Wooof | The Seventh Sister | Commerce Guild | Officers: Additionally, each Knight of Ren is a weapons specialist, and trained with their own unique and deadly weapon of choice. Taskmaster Grint RenSupreme Leader Kylo RenDarth Sidious 0-0-0 | Jabba the Hutt | They later went to Kijimi with Kylo to search for the fugitives. In the sequel trilogy, the Knights of Ren are the newest threat to the Republic and subordinates to the First Order. The Knights of Ren accept Ben Solo as their new leader after he killed "Ren". Emperor Palpatine | After Ben Solo killed their former leader Ren , they would fall under the service of Supreme Leader Snoke , be led by his apprentice, Kylo Ren , and become a sub-faction of the First Order . Type of Villains Commandant Aresko | TA-175 | Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren are not technically members of the First Order. Star Wars The Old Republic Villains. After touching theSkywalker's lightsaber, Rey has multiple visions, one being the Knights of Ren standing in the rain in an unknown location surrounded by numerous corpses on the ground, led by their master Kylo Ren who kills an unnamed man. Sanjay Rash | Before Solo could reach the Throne of the Sith, Cardo and the Knigh Original Trilogy: Leia Organa Han Solo Chewbacca Lando Calrissian Wilhuff Tarkin Admiral Ackbar Mon Mothma Wedge Antilles Wicket W. Warrick Owen Lars Beru Whitesun Lars Bib Fortuna Figran D'an and the Modal Nodes Emperor's Royal Guard Salacious Crumb TIE Pilots AT-AT drivers Rebel Pilots Nien Nunb Jabba the Hutt Wullf Yularen Boba Fett The Grand Inquisitor | Bib Fortuna | Despite this, he operates freely within the order, who tolerate his presence with some hesitation as his agenda does not strictly coincide with their own. Ziro the Hutt, Other These were the Knights of Ren, logic stated. Kithaba | Velken Tezeri | Minister Tua | Captain Phasma | Zam Wesell | His appearance is remarkably different from the other Knights, with deformed skin and little armor. Prequel Trilogy: Padm Amidala General Grievous Sebulba Clegg Holdfast Bail Organa Jar Jar Binks Jango Fett Dryden Vos Ben immediately kills Kuruk and Cardo before restraining Vicrul's scythe. Books: Star Wars Rebels: The Visual Guide Ultimate Sticker Collection: Star Wars Rebels Star Wars The Adventures of Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight Ahsoka Star Wars: Bloodline The Art of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Battlefront II: Inferno Squad Lost Stars Star Wars: The High Republic: Light of the Jedi Star Wars: The High Republic: Into the Dark Star Wars: The High Republic: A Test of Courage Death Troopers | The Knights of Ren first appearance during. In the script of Colin Trevorrow, they are killed by Rey. San Hill | They attack him, prompting Rey to give him Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber via the Force. Highsinger | Star Wars: Rian Johnson Explains Why He Didn't Explore the Knights of Ren in 'The Last Jedi',, The "Ren" surname is similar to the title of "Darth" used by the members of the Sith Order, however, unlike the, Director Rian Johnson stated that the Knights of Ren didn't appear in, Ironically, that is exactly their fate in, None of the Knights of Ren have any spoken dialogue in the films, save for a few grunts during the fight with Ben in, In some respects, the Knights of Ren are similar to the. General Hux | The Knights of Ren operated for many centuries before the Galactic Civil War. Vedain | They were stationed on Exegol when Kylo returned as Ben, having redeemed himself. Agents Feature films Nightbrothers, Sith and Other Dark Force-Users Grand Moff Tarkin | The Knights of Ren was an enclave of masked warriors who served Kylo Ren master of the Knights of Ren and Supreme Leader of the First Order during the New Republic Era. Other Officials and Operatives: COMPNOR | Unkar Plutt | General Tagge | TheKnights of Renare a major antagonistic faction inthe Star Wars sequel trilogy. 4-LOM | Purge Troopers | Star Wars Resistance: Kazuda Xiono Tam Ryvora Jarek Yeager Torra Doza Freya Fenris Griff Halloran Elrik Vonreg Imanuel Doza Tierny Neeku Vozo Unbeknownst to Luke, Ben did not actually massacre all his fellow Jedi, as most of them were killed by a lightning storm (possibly made by Darth Sidious). Goal Imperial Navy | The Knights of Ren are an organization that had existed centuries before the Battle of Endor, and has continued to exist in the years since the Sith were finally extinct. Despite this, he operates freely within the order, who tolerate his presence with some hesitation as his agenda does not strictly coincide with their own. Sub-groups: Wat Tambor | Cassie Cryar | Kylo Ren is a fictional character and a major antagonist in the Star Wars franchise. Pong Krell | Captain Canady | Merrin | Taron Malicos, Hutt Clan Bec Lawise | As a member of the Knights of Ren, Ben is not officially part of the hierarchy of the First Order. Tikkes | Ren Sheev Palpatine/Darth Sidious (secretly)Kylo Ren (formerly) Admiral Versio | Salacious B. Crumb | Ben then engages in a six-versus-one fight with the Knights of Ren and eventually manages to kill all of them. Ren's perceived charisma was a faux, however, as he was completely willing to kill those he was friendly to if he felt the urge to. Lightsaber proficiency (Ren and Kylo Ren)Mastery of the Force (all members)Various other weapons Jabba the Hutt | Military Leaders: Admiral Trench | Over many centuries, the group morphed into a fraternal organization with only ceremonial ties to its origin. Although it is later revealed that they were actually loyal to Darth Sidious. Honor to the shadow is paramount, and those who cannot touch the shadow cannot know Ren. Ponda Baba | Year. Barriss Offee | Member of the Knights of Ren. They first appear at the beginning accompanying Ren as he meets with the Supreme Council of the First Order, a council of high-ranking generals and military officers within First Order High Command, where they present the severed head of an enemy. IG-88 | Sequel Trilogy: Finn Poe Dameron Lor San Tekka Maz Kanata Supreme Leader Snoke General Hux First Order TIE Pilots Sidon Ithano Teedo Unkar Plutt Praetorian Guard Rose Tico Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo DJ Zorii Bliss Jannah Allegiant General Pryde Garnac | Allegiant General Pryde Leaders: Mother Talzin He Force pushes Ap'lek into a pit before cutting down Vicrul. Mirroring the "Ren" ideology, Ren had no remorse. Bo-Katan Kryze | Members Darth Vader We know that Kylo Ren is their master, and they all dress a gothic black with weapons on their possession, but thats about it. Star Wars franchise Zuckuss, Confederacy of Independent Systems Naare, First Order Knights of Ren The Knights of Ren: A heraldic, religious order of Knights, made up of 12 members, who are extremely devoted to the darkside and who will each be granted control of a territory of the galaxy in the new First Order. Asajj Ventress | Soldiers: Alias During the battle of Exegol, Kylo Ren, now the redeemed Ben Solo, entered the Citadel in an attempt to kill Sidious. Despite their alliance with the First Order, the Knights of Ren were not part of the formal hierarchy of the organization, as their agendas trumped that of the First Order's commanding officers. They are an order of undisclosed purpose introduced in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Morgan Elsbeth | Mandalorian Super Commandos | Star Wars: The Force AwakensStar Wars: The Last JediStar Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Television: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Star Wars Rebels/Videography Star Wars: Forces of Destiny Star Wars Resistance The Mandalorian Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett Star Wars: Andor Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi Star Wars: The Acolyte Star Wars: Ahsoka Star Wars: Lando Star Wars: Rangers of the New Republic Bala-Tik | Anthology Series: Jyn Erso Cassian Andor Bodhi Rook Krennic Chirrut mwe Baze Malbus Galen Erso Lyra Erso Imperial Hovertank Pilots Edrio Weeteef Cyubee Qi'ra Enfys Nest, Others from television Leaders: Saw Gerrera | Inquisitorius: Unknown Regions Whorm Loathsom Eventually finding the brothers under attack from forces of Sector Security, Vicrul and the Knights of Ren dealt wit Director Krennic | Mother Talzin | Source, Sheev Palpatine/Darth Sidious (secretly)Kylo Ren (formerly). Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Black Sun | However, as Darth Sidious created Snoke, and used him as a puppet, the Dark Lord of the Sith was secretly their true commander. Dead bodies lay all around her, with the one responsible for slaying them presumably standing before her: Kylo Ren, lightsaber drawn, and masked warriors surrounding him. Eventually, Kylo Ren is severely injured in a battle with Rey and called off by Supreme Leader Snoke to complete his training. During Ren's search for Rey, the Knights commonly follow him and act as his bodyguards. TV-94B | Agent Tierny | Greedo | Ochi | If the Knights of Ren emphasize a spiritual significance with weaponry, certainly anything that has been in the possession of a Skywalker or Vader would be important. Po Nudo | Grand Admiral Thrawn | Although the Visual Dictionaryonly mentions Ren without going into much detail, Marvel Comics' Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren#1 introduces him as the de facto leader of the Knights before Kylo took control. Robonino | Members: Admiral Ozzel | Razoo Qin-Fee | 4 Hell Fight The Knights Of Ren Finally, nearly four years on from their first appearance in a Star Wars movie, well get to see what the mysterious Knights of Ren are all about. Embo | 22. They are a cult of dark side warriors. Captain Sabrond | Droidekas | Ap'lekCardoKurukTrudgenUsharVicrul Asajj Ventress | Shu Mai | The Knights of Ren make their second and final appearance inThe Rise of Skywalker. Soldiers: Colonel Kaplan | 501st Legion | Vizam | IG-11 | Cornelius Evazan | Corporate Alliance, Galactic Empire The flurry of scenes is still difficult to decipher, but one in particular saw her splashed into the mud during a furious rainstorm. Before Solo could reach the Throne of the Sith, Ushar and the Knigh After Ben gives up the name Kylo Ren and goes to help Rey in defeating Darth Sidious, Ben is confronted by the Knights as they begin to brutally and savagely beat their former leader. Sun Fac | Admiral Konstantine | Ren | TX-20 | Disney Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Despite being a mass murderer and a user of the Dark Side, Ren was polite and friendly to those he crossed paths with.
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