EVs: 252 HP / 112 Def / 140 SpA / 4 SpD cosmic power The versatility is only limited by your desires. Note: Generation 1 and 2 refer to the 3DS Virtual Console titles, not the physical cartridges. You can boost your sp. Guide includes Pokemon's location, compatible moves, types and base stats. A good Contest Moveset for Clefable would have to be this for the Cute Contest best with Timid, Hasty, Jolly or Naive Nature: Attacks: Sing Rest Attract Encore. Ability: Magic Guard. - Flamethrower Damn this thing is versatile, here's mine: Item: Leftovers - Cosmic Power Suggested item: leftovers, Item: Leftovers It's really awesome how many people I've been able to troll with this Clefable, so how could I not post it? This move combination has the highest total DPS and is also the best moveset for PVP battles. Explore More Cards Then left my last Pokemon with 1/3 health!!! Magic Guard Prevents all damage except from direct attacks. Clefable evolves from Clefairy which costs 50 Candy. Protect makes you able to heal very reliably with Wish and it also helps with Toxi-stalling. Toxic is for stalling. Clefable has previously been Raid Boss in Tier 3 Raids. Clefable Cards Clefable 64 Vivid Voltage. If you have a good competitive moveset for Clefable, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Modest, LifeOrbs recoil is cancelled due to Magic Guard and Leftovers can give us that health we need, its up to you, Power or Health, Minimize: Use this first, opponent will struggle to get you Magic Guard doesn't let you get Drain Punch. It is known to take strolls on lakes on quiet, moonlit nights. - Moonblast, Clefable @ Power Herb Learn all there is to know about Clefable in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu / Eevee! ^_^. Best moveset for Cleffa The best moves for Cleffa are Pound and Grass Knot when attacking Pokémon in Gyms. See ya', Clefable @ Life Orb/Leftovers Top rated Clefable Sword/Shield movesets. Clefable movesets Sword/Shield are listed here. EVs: 128 HP / 108 Atk / 160 Def / 112 SDef. And a weakness policy may be good. Very nice wall, Psychic covers your weakness and Ice beam provides you coverage. Burn, Paralysis, Sleep, without taking residual damage. moonlight. Clefable moves by skipping lightly as if it were flying using its wings. nature-relaxed This thing can't be afflicted with status, it can't be simple swept, and it heals off damage, unless you crit, this thing will be around a while. - Cosmic power Cosmic-power is boosting defenses. The move rebalances in January and July 2019 gave Clefable two very good moves: Meteor Mash and Charm, respectively. ⦠Weakness(es) : INSOMNIACS !!!!!!!! Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk) Fling can also be used in this slot, as it will badly poison anything it hits, but only once. Clefable 51 Generations. VGC Clefable Competitive Movesets can be found here. What Clefable does differently is it takes no T-Orb damage with the Magic Guard ability, so it can't be affected by other status afflictions that would hinder it, i.e. It gets it from the Move Tutor in Gen III. Stealth Rock is a great support move, punishing switches and deterring Fire ⦠Soft-boil is for healing. Explanation: Start by setting up Calm Mind to boost your Special Attack. It is vulnerable to Steel and Poison moves. items, abilities, natures and EVs. - Stored Power Your bulky team support. You can see a Pokemon's type before you decide which path to take, so rally your friends and get ⦠This move combination has the highest total DPS and is also the best moveset for PVP battles. Fire Punch covers steel types that facade won't hurt. It knows these moves: Clefable or Sylveon for my new competitive? icebeam Moves: Mine is bold nature (+def - atk) But I thing using Toxic is good .Because it can use many times. Clefable @ Leftovers Clefable 71 XYâFurious Fists. ), Facade doesn't get STAB in 6th Gen & up because Clefable is Fairy type, I prefer softboiled. Aromatherapy/Toxic Toxic Orb + Facade is good on things like Swellow, or Staraptor, but Clefable gives it a new face. Thunder Wave spreads paralysis and helps Clefable's Encore cripple Pokemon later in the match much more easily. For Pokemon FireRed Version on the Game Boy Advance, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Clefable Moveset? Def stats. - Psychic IVs: 0 Atk Modest Nature Clefable is a Fairy type Pokémon, which makes it weak against Steel and Poison moves. - Flamethrower. I chose Wish instead of Moonlight since the weather could bother you. Best moveset for Clefable. Read on for tips on the best Nature, EV spreads, Movesets, and Held Items to use with Clefairy, as well as its strengths and weak points. Ability: Unaware Cosmic Power - The user absorbs a mystical power from space to raise its Defense and Sp. stored power Sun: They donât like to reveal themselves in front of people. So if you just want to stop the opposite gender of a Pokemon to stop lowering your health you have Cute Charm. This is the set I have been using: Clefable @ Toxic Orb. Clefable is one of the best Stealth Rock users, as it can get past most Rapid Spin and Defog users bar Tentacruel and Excadrill. Clefable 75 Rebel Clash. What Clefable does differently is it takes no T-Orb damage with the Magic Guard ability, so it can't be affected by other status afflictions that would hinder it, i.e. As I said, this ugly thing can be played a number of ways, I prefer to facade staller. I've found a perfect match for double battle. - Cosmic Power Softboiled is for recovery, and Cosmic Power makes the set by making Clefable nigh impossible to take down without a miraculous crit. Not the most useful team support (Audino, Alomomola, and Blissey get that honor) but still helpful. Its bouncy step lets it even walk on water. Meteor Mash. -Cosmic power Which of Chansey and Clefable should I use in Gen 5 OU? Clefable 40 Hidden Fates. Suggested ability: Magic Guard Edit by J98: Added sprite that actually shows up :P You will never be beaten! You start off by using sing, if it works the first time you then use cosmic power to boost up def and SpD, thus giving clefable more bulk and more time, then once your defenses are up you use work up to boost atk and SpA, then if everything goes right you should have used cosmic power and work up about 3 times each move and finally, you just use stored power. Clefable is an odd candidate for PvP, as a mono-Fairy type with decent bulk and a relatively slow moveset. - Psyshock Aromatherapy would be team support while Toxic is stalling. To defeat Clefable in Pokemon Go you must take advantage of its Type Weakness(es). re: Clefable moveset That sounds like it could work. Unaware: Improves Setup Potential The Unaware ability allows Clefable to ignore changes to the opponent's stats, which lets you set up with Calm Mind without worry. Emerald: A CLEFABLE uses its wings to skip lightly as if it were flying. Cosmic Power is for boosting your Defenses. I hope you have fun with this set :). with one minimize it evades some attacks but with only only two time it can evade a move like shadow ball(100 acc) 5 or 6 time on 8. - Stored Power item: sitrus berry Clefable has a terribly low 60 base Speed which means that most of the time, it will take hits before doing anything else. Steelix - Stats, Best Moveset & Max CP Glalie - Stats, Best Moveset & Max CP Learn all about the Max CP, Base Stats, Recommended move, Type Strength & Weakness, Rating and Climate Boost for Clefable in Pokemon GO! Clefable's strongest moveset is Charm & Meteor Mash and it has a Max CP of 2,437. You can find Clefable builds Sword/Shield. Okay, metronome is one of the worst competitive moves behind splash and memento. All counter Pokémon. Psyshock is for Poison Types, and can also hit special walls like Blissey. Catch Clefable in Dynamax Adventures! 3 years ago. Clefable can only learn these moves in previous generations. Clefable is a special attacker that makes use of support moves like Calm Mind and Moonlight. The best moves for Clefairy are Pound and Moonblast when attacking Pokémon in Gyms. You can use our Pokémon Go Evolution Calculator to calculate how much Combat Power (CP) your Pokémon will gain when it evolves.. Clefable Spawn Locations. It must be taught the moves in the appropriate game and then transferred to Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon. Want to know Clefable Spawn locations? However, since it doesn't get the best of type coverage, I also included Ice Beam to provide type coverage (mostly to deal with Dark types, I didn't use Flamethrower due to Houndoom and I didn't use Thunderbolt due to Krookodile.) Ability: Magic Guard Clefable 133 Unbroken Bonds. >Cosmic Power a great move to not get too much damage done (use sing first!!! Its bouncy step even lets it walk on water. What are the best movesets in Pokémon Go? IVs: 0 Atk - Round. [][1] Thunderbolt - A strong electric blast is loosed at the target. Ice-beam/Toxic. If not, then switch movesets, I feel that stored power already gets good damage with the minimize cosmic power, so ice beam doesn't make sense. EVs: 252 Defense, 252 S.Defense, 6 Hp, Soft boil Your only offensive move is psychic type so you may have to switch. - Stored Power That's it for now... The best moves for Clefable are Charm and Meteor Mash when attacking Pokémon in Gyms. The Clefable line is fairy type in gen 6 and above. Clefable moves by skipping lightly as if it were flying using its wings. Offense. ". question. I find Clefable to be an incredible wall. Unaware prevents it from being countered by other set up Pokemon. Haha, Miltank wanna be. - Fire Punch / Fling Mean look something that won't really hurt you (Probably something defensive like Bronzong), sleep it, and kill it while it can't get away. - Cosmic Power. The gimmick is that nobody expects Unaware and attempts to use setup moves to no avail. Ability: Magic guard Fire Blast allows Clefable to break through Steel- and Grass-types like Ferrothorn, Magearna, Mega Mawile, and Amoonguss. Main weaknesses are Toxic, Taunt, and Spectral Thief. -heal pulse: healing pkm while i've switch them or when they'll be low hp (need to anticipate) It is known to take strolls on lakes on quiet, moonlit nights. Charm. Toxic Orb + Facade is good on things like Swellow, or Staraptor, but Clefable gives it a new face. There has been many a time when I max out Cosmic Power and then proceed to sweep a team with 260 base damage Stored Power. Meteor Mash is a fun trick to pull out of his butt agaisn't Rock/Ground types, although you probably just want to switch out of those if they're at full, seeming as most have an incredible defense stat. Ability: Magic-guard Its bouncy step lets it even walk on water. All the moves that #36 Clefable can learn in Generation 3 (Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen, Emerald) Wish is for healing. Here are the best movesets for Clefable. This is a strategy guide for using Clefairy in competitive play for the games Pokemon Sword and Shield. This moveset actually let me sweep a whole team, they kept on setting up rocks and spikes, so I decided to use this setup and eventually sweep the whole team away. There are currently a total of 3 Pokémon in the Clefairy family. "Clefable moves by skipping lightly as if it were flying using its wings. Helping Hand can really help Clefable do something before it goes down. Item: Evolite It has Tanky stats, Tanky Moves, and 2 Tank Abilities. Cosmic-power Note: If you have Toxic-spikes up and want to support the team more try switching Toxic for Heal-bell. Cosmic Power. Pokedex Entry #036: Clefable is a Fairy Type Pokemon. EVs: 180 HP / 104 Def / 176 SAtk / 48 SDef Clefable 89 SMâGuardians Rising. Brick Break. Clefable is one of the Pokemon you can find and catch during your Dynamax Adventures in The Crown Tundra DLC.Catching Pokemon in the Max Lair has a 100% chance of success, no matter what Pokeball you use, and even for Legendary Pokemon!. There is a very low chance that you can get a shiny Clefable, which has the following appearance: Clefable is a Fairy Pokémon which evolves from Clefairy. Now then, Clefable will become pretty hard to take down once you've got Cosmic Power set up, and unlike most walls, you won't need to worry about residual damage thanks to Magic Guard (which also removes Life Orb recoil, allowing it to be more of an offensive wall like Ferrothorn). Ability: Magic Guard Its bouncy step lets it even walk on water. Ice-beam would be when you are Taunted, but if you chose Aromatherapy then you should use Toxic here and just switch when Taunted. Moon Brilliant, I hadn't thought to use one of the orbs. As a mono-Fairy, Clefable sports a unique set of resistances against common meta picks, which includes Altaria and Umbreon. -minimize: usualy used in first turn if the oppenent Pokemon aren't too dangerous. 1 How to Obtain 2 Evolution 3 Moves 3.1 Moves when caught 4 Type Effectiveness 5 Recolor Gallery Clefable can be obtained by evolving Clefairy. It is the final form of Cleffa and is also known as the 'Fairy Pokemon'. ! EVs: 216 HP / 44 Atk / 192 Def / 56 SDef What about dark types? - Moonlight Stored Power: Gets rid of Fighting type and now that 3 of Clefables stats are raised, this is going to have immense power CLEFABLE moves by skipping lightly as if it were flying using its wings. Its Unaware and Magic Guard abilities pair well with it and allow it to set up more easily. and use Moonlight if you want some quick,self-recovery, Not the best,but not bad either(I think)... Facade. It is known to take strolls on lakes on quiet, moonlit nights. While its bulk its solid with investment, Clefable's stats are average at best and it can get easily overwhelmed by threats such as Choice Specs Ash Greninja & Tapu Koko, Banded Hoopa-Unbound or Mega Medicam. The moves highlighted in green benefit from the Same Type Attack Bonus, and deal 20% more damage. ability-magic guard. Movesets for its pre-evolutions, if any, can also be shared on this thread. Clefable or Sylveon for sword in-game team? Here is the moveset I have on my Clefable: item-left overs Why work up when you have calm mind? Find various EV spreads, find the best nature for Clefable in Sword/Shield along with competitive movesets. Click here for more info ». Moveset guide for Clefable and Wigglytuff. Round is STAB which gets boosted when you have other teammates using it. - Softboiled Psychic: Cover its weakness and also may 10% to lower Special Defense. Stored Power is the main attacking move of this set, utilizing the boosts from Meteor Beam and Cosmic Power. What should the last move be for my Battle Tower Clefable? 38.5 dps. Clefable is a Fairy-type Pokemon introduced in Generation I. ), SO all of those moves and ability and the item make a great Pokemon! EVs: 56 SDef / 216 HP / 44 Atk / 192 Def. He has pretty nice defenses, So you can set up Belly Drum semi Safely if your opponent isn't super affective on you, Now you can use Softboiled to Gain Hp back, Drain Punch for some coverage and to slowly get some Hp in you. Thunderbolt gives Clefable a way to dent bulky Water-types like Toxapex and Tapu Fini and is its best way of hitting Heatran. Trait: Magic Guard Now after Cosmic Power, your Stored Power is going to be pretty powerful, especially with Life Orb. Burn, Paralysis, Sleep, without taking residual damage. Seismic Toss provides consistent damage to everything (excluding Ghost-types) and is the best attack Clefable has against walls like Registeel. Clefable (M) @ Toxic Orb (Flamethrower is there for Steel types.) Calm Nature This move combination has the highest total DPS and is also the best moveset for PVP battles. Clefable @ Life Orb It evolves from Clefairy. Clefable has a lot of sweep opportunities with tanky set up. Ability: Unaware Instead, minimize would work well, going with the whole tank aspect. Ability: Cute Charm All images and names owned and trademarked by Gamefreak, Nintendo, The Pokémon Company, and Niantic are property of their respective owners. The EVs maximize your walling ability. Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) Pokémon is Copyright Gamefreak, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company 2001-2020. - Moonblast >Thunderbolt good coverage Hi guys, Clefable really is a good Pokemon. (He took out 5 of my Pokemon!! Body Slam gives you some nice STAB, with a chance to Paralyze, giving this guy some sweeping capabilities. - Gravity Strength(s) : If pulled or right,you can escape with you HP full,while probably owning the opponent. Ability: Magic Guard I personally find it difficult to get the EVs in such a specific order, I'll have to tinker a bit in game. Sing - A soothing lullaby is sung in a calming voice that puts the target into a deep slumber. Its bouncy step lets it even walk on water. Impish Nature. - Calm Mind All the sets given so far have been really cool, and I'll try a couple for sure, this is just my two cents, hope it helps. Trait: Modest (+Satk, -Atk) - Blizzard It may also leave the target with paralysis. - Calm Mind To use with the item Life Orb since Magic guard protects you from taking damage from it and gives you very nice offensive power. Metronome - The user waggles a finger and stimulates its brain into randomly using nearly any move. Nature: Bold EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 16 SpD 16 dps. - Ice beam Pokémon GO players are reporting higher Clefable spawn rates near cemeteries, churches, landmarks and monuments. It can learn many type of moves you know. Otherwise if you want to stop Pokemon to stop lowering your stats Magic Guard. While we won't go into the best movesets for every single Pokémon - after all, even with the best moves, a Pidgey isn't getting you very far - we do have the best moves for all the Legendary and Mythical Pokémon, as well as the best ⦠>Sing to use cosmic power without being attacked & great for getting the job done quicker What is a good counter for Clefable/Clefairy? Why is Clefable in the S rank in Gen 8 OU. Uh...trachy, how does Clefable learn Softboiled? This guide lists the best Pokemon and best Movesets you should use in order to defeat Clefable as effectively and as efficiently as possible. Best Clefable Moveset? Flamethrower is for Steel Types. Access the full list of guidelines here. Clefable 1 Call of Legends. [Field Effect] If this Pokemon is in the lead spot, the rate of wild Pokemon of the opposite gender appearing increases to 66.7%. -follow me: draws attention of single target attack so my pkm with low def/s.def can attack without trouble. Items Attached: Pink Scarf. Ice Beam: Great Power and a move that no type is immune to. Being a Fairy Type, Clefable is vulnerable against Poison, Steel Type Moves. By the way I copied all of this from the GameFreak guy with the Clefable. This move combination has the highest total DPS and is also the best moveset for PVP battles. Okay,you start with Sing, then use Dream Eater, then Wake-up Slap(good with sing), So to resume with good def/s.def and a high health, this Pokemon is a machine that can tank many attacks and provide cover for high speed Pokemon that has no deffensive power at all. Facade is boosted by the stat affliction, and STAB, it is the main Offensive strategy. Gravity is amazing, allowing you to hit the Levitating and Flying foe with Earthquake or hitting them with an accurate Blizzard, as is the case here. Ability: Magic-guard What would make more sense is something that is good against dark types, because stored power has no effect on them. 250 Sp Attack is okay with high power and Life Orb. Wondering where to find Clefable while playing Pokémon GO? Moonlight: Heal Clefable's HP. Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. Thunder Wave: I know many people will ask me why I choose this move, because this move can make oppenent's speed low 50%, and it will stop 1 turn of move. Clefable @ Life Orb Copyright © 2016 - 2020 All Rights Reserved. So here is the basic idea. - Cosmic Power The eternal Metronome struggle: Clefable or Blissey? Cosmic-power boosts up those defenses to make you extremely bulky. - Wish The best moves for Clefable are Charm and Meteor Mash when attacking Pokémon in Gyms. Strategy Using Clefable >Metronome just a good move because anything could happen (1 hit K.O. EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD 252 HP, 112 Defense, and 4 Special Defense allow it to have more survivability, and 140 Special Attack and Modest are to make it a very hard hitting tank at +1. It is known to take strolls on lakes on quiet, moonlit nights.". IVs: 0 Atk [1]: http://sprites.pokecheck.org/i/035.gif, Clefable (M) @ Life Orb round is a normal type move while clefable is fairy type >.>, Sing is bad, if it can learn hypnosis, then use that. The 5 strongest Pokémon you can use to beat Clefable are: These moves are calculated using type advantages / disadvantages, and including STAB. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. -Sing Softboiled further increases your walling abilities. -moonblast in case of taunt or in case its my last pkm. Hope this helps! Modest Nature Gengar's Apprentice (Clefable) -Work Up Flamethrower: Because Psychic attack Steel Type Pokemon will not very effective, so I give Clefable learn Flamethrower. Meteor Beam is (usually) the move I start off with, to get it at +1 Special Attack and possibly get a KO. ), Also, sing is not very good because of 55 accuracy. Contest Moveset. EVs: 252 Defense, 252 S.Defense, 6 Hp or 252 Hp, 128 Defense, 128 S.Defense, This is the set I use most often, it has proven to be a very good wall but beware of Taunt. Def even more, and its not like you need atk. Clefable 82 XYâBREAKpoint. Clefable is vulnerable to steel wing though. -Stored power - Wish. other than that, great Moveset (btw, unaware works wells defensively for Swords dancers or calm minders, and offensively against tanks. Nature: Bold Works pretty well even against Primal Groudon, thanks to Moonlight. Moonblast is STAB. A Power Herb is for a one turn Meteor Beam. moves!!!) EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 HP / 4 SDef You will also get a boost from the Life Orb. ability: magic gard (provide good protection against many tactics. High HP and Special defense with decent enough defense for Defense curl, this means Rollout should be handy, for some super annoying Coverage. EVs are fairly simple, HP for bulk, Atk just to put it over 200, Facade hurts even with Atk low, and enough in each defense to equal them out at 230, 345 each after a single Cosmic Power. Wish is healing and you can even pass this healing, this is where you decide your EV spread, if you want it to heal your team more choose the spread with more HP. Clefable Pokédex and learnset for reference. - Meteor Beam And most smart defenders will put those Dragonites in gyms instead of ones with dragon breath. - Helping Hand Modest Nature Trait: Magic Guard Cute Charm If an opponent of the opposite gender directly attacks this Pokemon, there is a 30% chance that the opponent will become Attracted to this Pokemon. Its bouncy step lets it even walk on water. Really, Ice Beam is just the best move in terms of power and type coverage because no Pokemon are immune to it. Cosmic Power: Raise your defenses, now that you've used minimize, you can raise your defenses without getting hit Evs: 252 def , 252 s.def , 6 hp Wigglytuff can just be an annoying rascal. It is known to take strolls on lakes on quiet, moonlit nights. They live quietly in packs deep in the mountains. Clefable 98 Black & WhiteâPlasma Storm. Clefable moves by skipping lightly as if it were flying using its wings. Moves like Calm Mind and Moonlight a bit in game nice STAB, is! It and gives you very nice offensive Power not very effective, so of... A way to dent bulky Water-types like Toxapex and Tapu Fini and is also appreciated sun They! Sing is not very good because of 55 accuracy clefable best moveset on quiet moonlit! Tapu Fini and is also appreciated move be for my battle Tower?! Impossible to take strolls on lakes on quiet, moonlit nights. `` something that is good.Because can! 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