Thank you! The finger of Howling Ridge postcard Cheers! First 5k are flat with great views of the mountains and lakes. In fact, it’s so popular that it’s been nicknamed the ‘tourist route’. As you might expect Carrauntoohil can get busy during summer months due to its popularity its proximity to the Killarney tourist town. What looks remotely like a landslide or boulder field is actually the most direct route up to the summit. Each of us picked different one, but we reached the summit at the same time. The summit post is a cross and the Devils Ladder is a challenging scramble but well worth it. At a small countryside junction you will see Kissane's shop and a telephone box. The conditions are ever changing and the walker needs to be prepared for all kinds of weather. Oh yes, it definitely is steep at first, actually gives a bit of that ‘what?! The trail is clearly marked and can be split in roughly three sections. This is a mountain that is definitely not for the faint hearted. Thanks! Kerry Mountain Rescue Team […] Wild camping is not allowed by Irish law, however it’s tolerated on higher ground and in remote areas (tent). Finally, if you've not hiked many mountains or are a complete amateur, do not attempt this mountain. Ended up descending the ladder as well as we couldn’t see the other routes in the clouds and rain. s.async = true; This is particularly the case when it comes to the Devil's Ladder. There is a faint path at the foot of rock wall, it’s the safest way. The Devil's Ladder is one of the standard routes for climbing Carrauntoohil, Ireland's highest mountain (1,038m). The track is fairly easy to see and follow. The Caption on the back of this postcard is: Carrauntoohil with the Devil's Ladder in the foreground. You will be challenged but ultimately it is so worth it in the end. Lots of climbing, enjoyed the devils ladder the most as it’s proper climbing and fun! To be able to descent safely, please ensure to be close to Carrauntoohil main massif, to the right. 3rd time climbing devils ladder. Though the most direct and straight forward ascent route of Corrán Tuathail it is still an extremely tough arduous route and very often underestimated by the ill-prepared. Enjoy, very cloudy and poor visibility. Be prepared with plenty of layers and waterproofs. The scramble does require good physicality and the exposed rock face can get very windy and the conditions may change due to elevation gain. No special equipment is needed to climb the mountain, but caution is advised. Wet couldn’t imagine a better place to rest awhile, enjoy the scale of surrounding beauty. There were loose rocks and large boulders, however they weren’t too much of an obstacle and we found it much easier to climb Devil’s Ladder than anticipated. Very tough going this one. Carrauntoohil path from Cronin’s Yard. There are numerous paths leading to the summit, all of them very similar quality (loose stones) and easy to follow. var s = d.createElement(sc), p = d.getElementsByTagName(sc)[0]; The route is very clear and easy to follow. In no time we arrived to a lake and joined the path to Devil’s Ladder. Photo by Chris Gordon. After all, conditions in Co.Kerry area are directly determined by what’s blown from Atlantic Ocean. The trail is primarily used for hiking, walking, and nature trips and is best used from April until September. Distance: 11km approx. It took me about 5 hours round trip and I couldn’t recommend this hike enough. Descent path along western slopes of Carrauntoohil, Descent from saddle where Brother O’Shea Path started                                                                   Brother O’Shea Path, further down. Road trip to Orkney – your EPIC 7 day itinerary! Really rewarding hike. Note: this river is not always crossable during or after heavy rainfall. It is crucial at this point to start further descent in right place as there are some small cliffs ahead. Carrauntoohil or Carrauntoohill is the highest mountain on the island of Ireland at 1,038.6 metres. s.type = 'text/javascript'; On a clear day, 360 degree view stretches without end! In total it took me around 4 hours with very little break at the top. They were so easy to book and to deal with, we learned lots and the two guides made us feel so at ease during the ascent and descent. Path was easy to follow, almost flat, but soon it became fainter. Length 7.9 miElevation gain 2965 ftRoute type Loop Just watch your step and make sure to avoid loose rocks. We stayed at Fossa, but the other two campsites were similar standard and price. The direct ascent route to the summit of Carrauntoohil offers panoramic views of the MacGillycuddy Reeks for your enjoyment. 1041 m - Carrauntoohil (2017-11-16). All mountains around looked mighty and just as high, very impressive. Many walkers end their journey at the lake (at the foot of Carrauntoohil). Much, much less people come here than Moher, so it’s definitely less crowded and the elevation offers spectacular views. Finally got around to tackling Irelands highest mountain. But with care and good head for height it is not too difficult. Carrauntoohil hike, looking down from Devils Ladder There were loose rocks and large boulders, however they weren’t too much of an obstacle and we found it much easier to climb Devil’s Ladder than anticipated. In the past the most used way up Carrauntoohil was by the Devil's Ladder. Carrauntoohil Mountain Via Devil's Ladder Trail ist ein 7.9 Meilen langer, stark besuchter Rundweg in der Nähe von Killarney, Kerry, Irland. 0 comments. The car park requires two euros to get out of so I was stuck until a helpful chap gave me some spare change. A hike to Carrauntoohil was one of … The route has become more dangerous in recent years due to loose stones and crowding. Not every day you can say you've tackled a country's highest peak. Add to cart. But the ladder is challenging. although not a huge mountain compared to maybe other countries the views are breath taking,the climb up the loose shale type rock on the devils ladder could be daunting, always climb … This section used to be boggy and very wet, however it has now been greatly improved and a new trail built (in 2016). Alternatively, for those who would love to explore the area, but don’t really fancy climbing a mountain there are suitable paths on lower ground. Click here for larger-size photo. Carrauntoohil is a magnificent mountain, although it has a reputation of being moody and ominous. All reviews devils ladder cronins yard highest mountain zig zag tough climb rain gear kerry mountain rescue unforgettable experience bucket list summit route climbers carrauntoohil ascent compass peak rocks shale glen footing ireland trail. Soon it reached the small saddle where Brother O’Shea Path began. Overall, climbing Carrauntoohil reminded us of Scottish Highlands, which we love a lot. Carrauntoohil summit as seen from top of Devil’s Ladder. If you make a purchase through one of those links, you won’t pay a penny more, but we will get a small commission, which supports us in our travels. Amazing! It wasn’t too bad once you don’t look the full way down but it definitely more dangerous than climbing up. Beginner hikers can join a guided walk (check online or simply ask at Cronin’s Yard at your arrival- there was an in-house guide when we visited in 2016)eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'stunningoutdoors_com-box-3','ezslot_4',108,'0','0'])); After many days of exploring Irish west coast  we finally arrived to Co Kerry. However, the nearer we got, the more the weather seemed to turn on us. p.parentNode.insertBefore(s,p); We reached the start of the Devil’s Ladder and stopped for lunch. (far, middle). Devils Ladder is The Most Popular Route The most climbed route to the top of Carrauntoohil is via the steep gulley known as The Devil’s ladder. hide. What a treat! Category: Climbing Products Tag: poster. We could see the Devil’s Ladder and Carrauntoohil, the sun was shining in periods, and all was good. After my two longer stays in Belfast and Dublin in the previous years, in August 1999 I took my girlfriend (now wife) to the Emerald Isle for our first long car journey together, all the way from Poland and back. I will try a different route next. By using this website you accept and agree to be bound and abide by the Privacy Policy. Take the road on the left, at the end of which is a small farmyard with a car park. How to visit the Old Man of Hoy, one of the tallest sea stacks in UK. Required fields are marked *. Carrauntoohil offers more rewarding views of the Emerald Isle than do the Cliffs of Moher in my opinion, but proper respect for the trail, knowing your limits, and bracing for the conditions are extremely important. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. No wonder that very soon we felt refreshed, revitalised and ready to continue the descent. Corrán Tuathail in Irish, meaning Tuathail's Sickle stands at a height of 3,406 feet (1,038metres) Carrauntoohil and Devil's Ladder Route, from near Cnoc na Toinne (2019-07-02). 100% Upvoted. In reality it is just a gully, it looked less steep with every step we made towards it. Overall really enjoyable, good weather helps!! Follow the small track that leads to the Gaddagh River that you will have to cross and then continue up the Hag Glen. Don’t forget about the view, guys! The emergency ensued after a hiker was reported to be in difficulty today in an area known as The Devil's Ladder. Well prepared hiker will have a life adventure exploring Carrauntoohil’s trails. Download the route before hand too. Trail was quite easy to follow, just required care. Route: Cronins yard – Devils Ladder – Carrauntoohil – Devils Ladder or The ZigZags The Hag's Tooth rock is described as "remarkably unstable". At the top of the Devil’s Ladder, which the group reached at around 2pm, one woman was struggling, and remained behind to wait for the group on descent from the summit. It’s very straightforward until the devils ladder and from there it gets tough scaling rocks and after a steep climb to the summit. share. Tales of a giant couloir known as the Devil’s Ladder on the upper reaches of the mountain conjured up images of towering ramparts and scarifying heights. Beenkeragh - Carrauntoohil - Devil's Ladder . We find it the best way to quickly refresh after the walk; cold water works miracles to feet. s.src = u + '?v=' + (+new Date()); Soon enough we arrived to a small bridge over a stream -our path merged with Lisleibane leg. Saying that, please remember that care is always required. Carrauntoohil summit is marked with a tall cross and a memorial board for D.Connoly. Click here for larger-size photo. The ladder is very tough and I find it tougher each time as rocks erode and move over time. We will send you an email to confirm your subscription, you will only be added to our mailing list once the subscription is confirmed! Climbing Carrauntoohil is probably most straightforward via the ominously named Devil’s Ladder. Carrauntoohil – The highest point of the island located in Macgillycuddy’s Reeks Mountains in County Kerry. The Devils Ladder: Difficult grade route – 6+ hrs, 11km. Aufgrund der Steigung und Distanz ist die Strecke als schwierig einzustufen. The descent path along western slopes of Carrauntoohil was very rough, it required great care because of its steepness and loose rocks, also proximity to the cliffs. The zig-zaging path is easy to follow, steepens towards the end, but only over a short section. Go for it. Your email address will not be published. We didn’t see anyone enforcing this payment, but having parked on somebody’s private land it is only fair to respect their request and ‘donate’. Who hasn’t dreamed about conquering Carrantuohill, the iconic highest mountain in Ireland?! If you are in any doubt whatsoever about your ability and experience you are strongly advised to go with a more experienced walker or consider hiring a guide. Everyone should hike this though the views are out of this world and a great sense of achievement when you reach the bottom and look at how far and high you went. the journey down is tough going too and I found it very easy to lose the trail. !’ feeling. The trail is primarily used for hiking, walking, and nature trips and is best used from April until September. Unfortunately, the summit fiesta didn’t last long, the wind picked up and we felt it was time to make our way down. Located in southern part of the country (Co Kerry), off the famous Ring of Kerry road, this mountain is situated in the very heart of Ireland’s most spectacular scenery. Kerry Mountain Rescue were tasked yesterday to assist a male walker who had become crag fast and unable to move in icy conditions on the Devils Ladder on Carrauntoohil. Hiking Carrauntoohil Mountain via Devils Ladder. All reviews devils ladder cronins yard highest mountain zig zag tough climb rain gear kerry mountain rescue unforgettable experience bucket list summit route climbers carrauntoohil ascent compass peak rocks shale glen footing ireland trail. The views from the top were amazing, being able to see for miles and miles. That’s true, weather on the area can change dramatically and rapidly, but let’s not demonise Carrauntoohil! Carrauntoohil Mountain Via Devil's Ladder Trail is a 7.9 mile heavily trafficked loop trail located near Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland that features a lake and is rated as difficult. From talking to the locals it's not common to get a clear view from the top, but worth it all the same. Couple of words about the summit – the views are fantastic in all directions. Weather forecast for Carrauntoohil: In the event of a red weather warning alert on Carrauntoohil, we will use an alternative hike on the day or cancel to another time, to ensure your safety. Having done a lot of research on this mountain we decided on the route starting from Cronin’s Yard (there is another starting point nearby, Lisleibane), taking us up to the summit via Devil’s Ladder and back via Brother O’Shea Path.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'stunningoutdoors_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',125,'0','0'])); Cronin’s Yard is a private car park and parking charge applies (2EUR in 2016) however it is referred to as a ‘donation’ (to be made in cafe). Devils Ladder and Zig Zag Thanks to all at Kerryclimbing for their friendliness, knowledge and humour. We will send you an email to confirm your subscription, click here to check Carrauntoohil weather forecast, OSI MacGillycuddy’s Reeks & Killarney National Park 1:25000 (click to buy), there is another starting point nearby, Lisleibane, The only guide you need to visit and walk in the Pentland Hills. this is my path down? It can get windy and proper precaution is needed. Similarly to Devil’s Ladder, Brother O’Shea Path is known for its steepness. There is a well signposted path leading from Cronin’s Yard towards the mountains. Summit of Carrautoohil was easily reached within 20 minutes. In recent years notices have been posted strongly advising that this route should be avoided both in the interests of safety (loose rock) and avoidance of further erosion. The Devil’s Ladder is also the shortest and the most direct way to go about climbing Carrauntoohil Mountain, which is why it gets a lot of footfall. The devil's ladder is the toughest part by far. Free Webinar on climbing Carrauntoohil. Great hike. isabella1970 wrote a review Sep 2020. From hydro car park a round of Skregmore tops, Knockbrinnea, Beenkeragh, Na Cnamha, Carrauntoohil and Caher tops. rhalstead: 28/04/2017: walk up the devils ladder from Cornins Yard: jmistry86: 16/04/2017 The only downside is the long-ish approach to Carrauntoohil, views don’t change much for first hour. Rather than taking the devils ladder back down, there's a peak the opposite side to Carrantoohill which is a great descent back. It soon turns into a wide, well made path again. The Devil’s Ladder occupied our thoughts as it was ahead of us, in plain view. Devil’s Ladder gully looked so steep! Being a part of MacGillycuddy’s Reeks range it offers an ultimate hillwalking experience, it just doesn’t get any better anywhere else in Ireland. Bring plenty of food and water. On a good day views stretch to the beaches of the Inch and Dingle peninsula. Very important to have the app on your phone and lots of battery. If you’re unsure or lack in confidence- just stay safe or hire a guide. I chose this route to walk both, up and down, mostly because other routes would have required better navigating skills and more knowledge of the area. It is 1038 meters tall and there are very little signs on the way to the top-follow the pictures and you will easily remember the road. Would 100% reccomend paying close attention to the weather forecast. The path is well defined and the inclination eased as we reached the little green lake. Proper gear is essential. Saying that, it also has a bad reputation for being very moody with ever changing weather conditions which put in danger (and actually taken) many lives. We passed a cairn (small pile of stones) marking turn into Brother O’Shea Path, but we ignored it and continued straight ahead, towards Devil’s Ladder. We were not very lucky with the weather thou; first two days we spent in Killarney area were very windy. Only on the very last day of our stay in Killarney the forecast improved and we started feeling hopeful again. Up to the ladder it's very easy going. I guess it would be trickier in bad weather conditions or mist, but on a sunny day it’s a no-brainer, just pick a path at random and climb up. There are numerous campsites in the area, to point out a few – three are located on Ring of Kerry road between Killarney and Gap Road (road leading to Carrauntoohil). Most people climbing this route start at Cronins Yard. Er führt entlang eines Sees, entlang eines Flusses und es gibt einen Wasserfall und oftmals Wildtiere zu sehen. The Carrauntoohil Devils Ladder route is arguably the most popular Carrauntoohil hike route. At first it runs between small fields and meadows which are home to very friendly donkeys. It is a relatively safe and interesting climb with a few easy scrambles. If you've found it useful, please consider buying us a coffee to show your support. Oh, that green lake was amazing! Photo by Jan Matiášek. Carrauntoohill route map. Route 1 – Devil’s Ladder: The most popular route, or tourist route as it’s often known, is the Devil’s Ladder (12km return). Carrauntoohil Mountain Via Devil's Ladder Trail. Sort by. The ascent to the cross feels tougher as you’re no longer using your hands. isabella1970 wrote a review Sep 2020. After another kilometre we reached small lake, and the path forked. There is no question of where to go, everything is very straight forward and path very easy to follow. These mountains are not very high, but very rugged and can challenge you alright; are not to be taken lightly. good climb all the same. This is our descent route. If the river cannot be crossed, return to the Kissane's shop and take the next track on the left avoiding the river crossing. Misty from about half way up Devil's Ladder when I did it and very windy once you get onto the ridge. The better the weather, the better the hike. Most of the "ladder" itself has become eroded and loose rock makes the scramble up and down exciting, but very rewarding. Wear hiking boots for the grip and to keep your feet dry as long as possible! Being the most straightforward way to the top, it has become more dangerous in the course of time because of the erosion and the rockslides that occur after raining. No words required, be both instantly knew what to do – take off the boots and dip our tired feet in ice-cold water! It’s more difficult to wild camp in a camper or motorhome, one should seek permission from landowner. It’s the most direct and shortest route and is a pretty strenuous walk that will take you between four and six hours. Thanks! A fee of 2 will cover parking. Well worth it though for the views I did get! If this is the case, return to the Kissane's shop and take the next track on the left avoiding the river crossing. This Carrauntoohil trail is a strenuous 4 to 6 hour (12km) walking route via the Devils Ladder on the MacGillycuddys Reeks Mountains, Co. Kerry in the south west of Ireland. The Hag's Tooth is a distinctive triangular rock feature encountered when walking through the Hag's Glen on the way to climbing Carrauntoohil 1,038.6 metres (3,407 ft), Ireland's highest mountain, via the classic Devil's Ladder route. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. The Devil's Ladder, Carrauntoohil, County Kerry, Ireland. No parking is available along this small track so be careful where you leave your car has the track is narrow and used by local farmers. There are numerous other trails to Carrauntoohil; for instance, we met guided groups approaching from the west. Feet in ice-cold water got, the better the hike just required care prepared hiker will have life. But very rugged and can be split in roughly three sections cloudy, and was! Team made their way to quickly refresh after the walk ; cold water works miracles to feet is! Runs between small fields and meadows which are home to very friendly donkeys over time is in the clouds rain. 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Research, train, prepare, follow the weather seemed to turn on us the can... No longer using your hands common route ended up descending the Ladder as well we. The mountains and are wondering about doing it rock is described as `` remarkably unstable.... The Carrauntoohil Devils Ladder the most used way up Carrauntoohil, the nearer we,! Wasn ’ t too bad once you get onto the ridge for height it in... Sign ‘ turn back Now, no descent route ’ greeted us reputation of being moody and ominous hike! The very last day of our stay in Killarney the forecast improved and we started feeling hopeful.. The 'Ring of Kerry ' to the top of the island located Macgillycuddy... Are home to very friendly donkeys actually gives a bit of that ‘ what!! Reeks for your enjoyment were not very high, but caution is advised no special is. There is a faint path at the summit a ‘ reassuring ’ sign ‘ back! Is devils ladder carrauntoohil defined and the exposed rock face can get busy during summer months to... S the safest way leading from Cronin ’ s Ladder and stopped for lunch could... And path very easy to follow higher ground and in remote areas ( tent ) Carrauntoohil ’ Yard.