Kind of, except that in this case, God told you not to open them in the first place – and he saw you do it anyway. I was, for a reason known to God alone, much more calm than the situation dictated. The land's as pretty as any place God ever created but that doesn't make it worth a lot of dollars and cents. While Cynthia didn't explain her decision to fit God and church into their busy Sunday morning schedule, once again she dressed for church and Dean dutifully followed suit. No one would stand in the way of a White God, even an abusive, power-hungry father. He prayeth best, who loveth best All things both great and small; For the dear God who loveth us, He made and loveth all. “His body was all spring and torque, a bundle of fast-twitch muscles that exuded faint floral whiffs … Some faith leaders and religious followers still struggle to summarize how, exactly, they would describe God; additionally, explaining one's faith and the feelings that come along with it can be an equally difficult task. Good God, Jade, are you working with them? If you're going to go to work for the woman—and God knows she needs your help—she has to agree to the rules of engagement. You were trying to protect me too— God, why do men think we can't handle anything! The Black God's bedroom door was closed for the first time in a week. And God knows what lies Janet told the school to get her in! God is holy. 2. A look at Jonny sent the Black God back quickly as well. Isn't she a god? He was about to ask if she played, but she was already appreciating the ceiling. Find more ways to say god, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. He had a streak of honor that marked him the son of a White God as much as his golden eyes. It will happen this time, the Black God said. This Amy Tan one is one of the more unusual love sentences, but I’m including it because it perfectly captures how it feels when you find that special person. If god doesn't want us to have children, we won't – and not because some doctor said we can't. "Oh, god!" Jonny didn't seem to know her fate, which meant Xander hadn't told her secret, that she was intended to mate with the Grey God. 11. God, I can't even describe Howie... from mentioning it. The only Guardians in existence are now in the mortal realm, and you are now the White God. I pray to God Hannah doesn.t choose you as a mate! But if I had to summarize in one sentence what I believe about God, I would simply say that God loves us, in spite of our sin and rebellion—and the proof is that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to make it possible for us to become part of His family forever. God, he thought, as he laid back his aching head, get me through the next few hours and maybe they'll all be gone! "Thank God!" God knows, there are enough threats to our operation's survival without her coming on board. Allah! You toil not, neither do you spin, yet God takes care of you and your little ones. Graham, 97, responded that describing God in such a condensed way would likely be a difficult task, though he didn't shy away from trying. A word to the president: You don’t get to good governance by executive order. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Let me tell you something, my little brothers, my little sisters: You ought always to love God and praise Him. Darian found a summer cabin beside a lake in a small logging town near the Black God's hideout. God, I'm so glad I wasn't here to see it. How could God do this to them when all they wanted was to love each other and nurture their own children? The Black God bristled with contained power. What dismay she felt at Jonny's first killing a week ago had slid into understanding that the Black God was merely becoming what he was. There is no way on God's green earth I am going to influence that lovely woman to do your bidding! We're a house of cards in a windstorm, held together by God knows what. "She won poetry fans over," Utah poet laureate Paisley Rekdal said of Amanda Gorman’s poem. He was headed down his own path, that of the Grey God, a creature that never existed before him. She was constantly assessing him and had been since she discovered him as a prisoner of the Black God. Still, he harbored misgivings about casual sex, and god knows this was as casual as it could get. If God wants us to have children, it will happen. Email: Twitter: billyhallowell Facebook: He simply fell in love after he met her, while doing God's work. You're going to find out how to keep the Grey God from destroying our world. "God," he said at one point, "I used to think I was in pretty good shape when I was biking a lot. Tomorrow after dinner I shall take the Iberian icon of the Mother of God to the wounded in the Catherine Hospital where we will have some water blessed. Now ask your friends and family the same question. Can you describe yourself in one word? God, I knew all this would end someday but I never dreamed it would feel so empty. The Greek demon or snake Poseidon, god of sea and springs, was an earthquake god. God help me, I hope it's soon, Elise responded, stuffing the meds the doc placed on his desk into a tactical bag. "Commit ourselves to God," Natasha inwardly repeated. God, now I've gone and busted the Governor. (John 14:6). She'd be lucky to get any sleep with the vamps hovering over her and before facing one god no longer under her influence and another with a wild streak that might get them all killed. "He promised to take me to the immortal records when he finds the door to the immortal realm, the ones that will tell me about the Grey God," she read. "God is infinite, and we’ll never fully understand his greatness — not on this side of eternity.". A life with Claire would've been more hellish than a life with the Black God, he said with a smile. Consider what Daniel Hill, pastor of River City Community Church in Chicago, once wrote on his blog about this very issue. Thank God, I can sit and I can stand without the aid of a furniture warehouse. Then maybe, thank God, we'll have a bit of peace. God is revealed in Jesus He is loving, merciful and compassionate. Faith leaders' perspectives on the definition of God, of course, are pretty dependent upon the oft-times complex theology that underpins their divergent worldviews. I just hope God doesn't punish me by...taking my mother. Jenn held her ground when the Black God marched towards her. They walked past Darian, with the Black God hesitating before continuing on. Hawkins was suspended by the evangelical college and later left the school, with people on both sides of the theological debate weighing in. "Thank God, there is no more of that!" Billy Graham was recently asked by a reader to explain how he would respond if asked to "put the heart" of what he believes about God into one simple sentence. I don't know what the odds are, but I figure god is responsible for both - don't you think? Memories of a time when he'd been happy as the White God with his Oracle at his side. He'd changed again over the course of the two weeks she'd been assigned to the Black God. If she didn't make it out of here, she'd at least go down serving the Guardians and the White God. We had no right to play god any more than we were already doing. The White God hadn't said a word, until requesting a hostage of his own in exchange for sending his brother to live with the Black God. There are a few days I don't feel like a bucket of dog puke, but I'll tell you this—I thank God every morning I wake up and see Harry snoring beside me. "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" (1 Timothy 2:5). Sproul, he remarked that God's holiness is the only attribute/characteristic that is raised to the third degree (He is described as being holy, holy, holy). "God, I hate that man," she said as soon as he was gone. Is no part of this god forsaken state level or the roads straight? Darian asked, taking in the vamps outside the doorway of the Black God's fortress. Judge: It is good to know that the One who will judge me is my Abba. The people around her—the White God she was sworn to serve as a Guardian—needed her. Nobody can say with full confidence that they have the exact right words to summarize the mission of Jesus.". "No, Jenn," the Black God said with a shake of his head. Lelorgne d'Ideville smilingly interpreted this speech to Napoleon thus: "If a battle takes place within the next three days the French will win, but if later, God knows what will happen.". There's no Black God in the immortal world! Darian smiled, doubting the White God would remotely agree with the two women before him but proud of them nonetheless. I believe Damian has a Hunter among his men, but the White God refuses to speak to me anymore. God is sovereign. Volodymyr, Adobe Stock. "The Others are right here on my doorstep, Jenn, and I can't find them!" He probably got an early start on his own sisters down on God's little acre. God, and now we have a description and plate number! God, you ought to hear him moaning in his sleep! Her body felt like it had before her assignment to the Black God. I swear to God, I've had it with all this shit. Her emotions were twisted when it came to the Grey God. Sentences ... God, I can't even describe Howie... from mentioning it. And if anybody asks you, or if you ask yourself what God is, answer, "God is Love.". But if my jacket and trousers, my hat and shoes, are fit to worship God in, they will do; will they not? Her gaze flickered towards the other end of the orchard, where the White God's palace had been. When He sees His children serving Satan, He wants them back. I thank you for it, and pray that God will bless you. Damian had assigned her here to help Jonny root out the vamps who were working with Others in the Black God's ranks. The Others told me he was enslaved by a Black God. Every day I find how little I know, but I do not feel discouraged since God has given me an eternity in which to learn more. Sign up for the Look at John 4. Jenn waited until he disappeared as he Traveled to the White God's headquarters. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will construct the Deseret Peak Temple in Tooele, a seven-minute drive away from the previous site in Erda, Utah. 3 keys in the BYU Cougars’ 28-point win over the Portland Pilots. "God," whispered Cynthia, looking up to her husband. As a God, you are obligated to follow the few rules you barbarians have here. I am flexible. God willing, I die in battle sometime soon. "I need more heads for my collection," the Black God said with vehemence. God, he's probably never heard anyone doing that! When she entered, Darian stood in the middle of the foyer, surveying the vamps staring at him like the god he was. She had just under fourteen days left with the Black God until his bargain with her boss was up, and she could go home. The Black God was slipping out of her influence. The only criterion for my vindication is not based on "Bianca!" He smelled her before seeing her, God, how can a werewolf smell so damn good. The human world will fall to the Black God if you aren't there to protect it. he thought, covering up his head again. God, I must have been drunker than I thought I was! Response : Sure. Unlike you, a White God had some choice in who he took as a mate. I don't disagree and God knows I have no more idea what's causing these visions but they're ruling his life right now. 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The fury he'd felt since awakening from the dark place the Black God kept him started to fade. With all that in mind, Graham's caution about the difficultly in describing God in one sentence is a pertinent one. .” and proceed to enumerate God’s attributes. God is alone--but the devil, he is far from being alone; he sees a great deal of company; he is legion. "In some ways it’s not possible, of course, to put everything about God into one sentence," he wrote. Use the below list to find different terms pertaining to Jesus. The Black God's magic swirled around him in fury and agitation. Jonny was born a god-slayer, the only creature that could take the place of a Black God. As Grey God, he had access to magic Czerno didn't. Love your Heavenly Father with your whole heart and soul, love every child of God as much as ever you can, and remember that the possibilities of good are greater than the possibilities of evil; and you have the key to Heaven. 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