Content therefore does not in and of itself constitute a point of differentiation among higher education institutions for a great many discipline areas. Sheehan, N. T. and Stabell, C. B. Blessinger, P., & Bliss, T. Dirk is the Editor-in-Chief of the Springer journal Technology, Knowledge and Learning, Co-founded with 20,000 educational videos, created the Opening up Slovenia national education case study, established the UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for OER and Open Learning and conceptualised the Internet of Education paradigm. Allowing local remixing and relicensing of OER-OAR by content producers of unique, locally validated research knowledge supports the trend of unique content. 34Supporting the trend of scalability, the availability of free and low cost video experts accessible anywhere at anytime is an example of providing semi-automated expert interactions with masses. 27The OAR solutions that will be offered to OER sites and their elements are: 28The development of the network will follow a waterfall model with early versions concentrating on engaging users through providing them with information about different OERs that match their interests and learning needs, linking them with other learners who may be suitable discussants, either as equals, as advisors or as advisees. ungraded, advisory in nature) and are focused on helping the learner to perform and achieve (e.g. 10We do not address here all of the challenges of assessing deep learning processes (e.g. Please enable Strictly Necessary Cookies first so that we can save your preferences! P. Parent Partnership. ANet is a nonprofit dedicated to the premise that every child in America deserves an excellent education and the opportunities it provides. The plan should take into account the investments in time, money and resources that will be required to close any gaps and realize the financial benefits identified in the assessment. Anderson, L., Krathwohl, D. and Bloom, B. The personalized adaptive approaches are hard to federate across varied institutions (e.g. The OAR can serve as a foundational layer for fee-for-services from higher education institutions that wish to support scalable adaptive assessment (Almond and Mislevy, 1999) through a publicly available API and appropriate Creative Commons licensing (Hietanen, 2008). Personalized adaptive curriculum and assessment approaches require a tight alignment and control of content to provide personal recommendations based on a learner profile and computational matching algorithms that trigger appropriately tagged alternative learning experiences and interactions (Ifenthaler, 2015). (1985), Presenting Questions, Processing Responses, and Providing Feedback in CAI, Journal of Instructional Development, 8(4), pp. 2–8,, Webb, M. (2011), Feedback Enabled by New Technologies as a Key Component of Pedagogy, in M. Koehler & P. Mishra (Eds. Class activities, Labs, Internships), Learner-peer (e.g. 16–30. Typically, this expanding range of learner-expert interactions has thus far been designed for human-to-human communication, but the possibility with OAR and its capability for globally crowd-sourced semi-automated feedback is to envision where and how the machine can play a role in initiating, promoting, supporting and interacting with learners within this continuum. Institutional participation in the development and use of OER has been low, with few institutions indicating that they either produce or use OER. (Eds.). OpenEdition est un portail de ressources électroniques en sciences humaines et sociales. Manninen, T. (2001), Rich Interaction in the Context of Networked Virtual Environments: Experiences Gained from the Multi-player Games Domain, in A. Blanford, J. Vanderdonckt and P. Gray (Eds. One of the summit’s discussion groups has published analyses and evidence-based position papers on the role of technology in assessment (Gibson and Webb, 2013, 2015; Webb and Gibson, 2015; Webb and Gibson, 2011; Webb, 2011). 2Some of the assessment activity-prompts require short answers; others require the student to construct something. It is beneficial for creating customized examinations, questionnaires, and managing certification courses. 42One of the important products of a higher education program is the degree or credential supported by a transcript of grades or performance quality in the program’s courses. Finally, when advice from a group is channeled toward the individual, it can be characterized as a many-to-one design. Data gathering is ongoing. Model Architecture for Open Assessment Resources Integration with Open Educational Resources. Resources for promoting literacy vary by unit and grade level, however, you can expect to find lesson plans, GLAD chants, powerpoints, movies, picture files, phonics, links, the Open Court Reading Discussion Board, recommended literature, and a complete sight word teaching system aligned with the 1st grade and kindergarten decodable books as well as links for further research. Gibson, D. C., Ostashewski, N., Flintoff, K., Grant, S. and Knight, E. (2013), Digital Badges in Education, Education and Information Technologies, 20(2), 403–410,, Gibson, D. C. and Webb, M. (2013), Assessment as, for and of 21st Century Learning, International Summit on ICT in Education, Torun: EDUsummIT 2013, p. 17,, Gibson, D. C. and Webb, M. E. (2015), Data Science in Educational Assessment, Education and Information Technologies, June(4), pp. Or one can start by searching for any OER to find an assessment of a transferable skill (e.g. The concept of “promoting 13. Students and Test Administrators may use the practice test to review sample item types, practice responding to items, and become familiar with online test navigation, accommodations, and tools. 223–237, As OAR becomes a reality, then these questions can begin to be addressed by a global community of like-minded educational researchers and access can be given freely to all higher educational institutions forming a new floor for student performance that raises standards of practice, doing for assessment what OER and MOOCs have begun to do for content and learning interactions. GIBSON, David ; IFENTHALER, Dirk ; et ORLIC, Davor. Current OER repositories have objects that utilize various kinds of interoperable frameworks. Include sources of data, collection methods 2. 889–894, 10.1007/978-3-540-88564-1-58, Atkins, D. E., Brown, J. S. and Hammond, A. L. (2007), A Review of the Open Educational Resources (OER) Movement: Achievements, Challenges, and New Opportunities, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, 29With the rationale and architecture of OAR in mind, the next section discusses the major impacts on the six core operational services of higher education institutions. Our authors expand upon the ideas introduced in their professional books, model effective instructional strategies, and provide "ready-to-use" resources — including teaching materials and lesson plans — written to support your daily instruction. 451–462,, Wiliam, D. and Black, P. (1996), Meanings and Consequences: A Basis for Distinguishing Formative and Summative Functions of Assessment?, British Educational Research Journal, 22(5), pp. Open Assessments offers many tools and resources free to the software development community Among these tools are our Open assessments. Human Resource Management is adapted from a work produced by a publisher who has requested that they and the original author not receive attribution. Browse this big list of education topics to find strategies, programs, and resources. common misconceptions, common pathways of performance) in the OER rather than individualized behavior. Describe how data was analyzed and evaluated. A few require several steps of a process and collaborative processes over a period of time. In-person and virtual OER workshops help focus instructors to develop a "commons" mindset, to experience the benefits of open processes using the platform's tools, collaborative features, and workflows. 45The proposed OAR structure will require global collaboration and investment over time by a number of primary actors in educational technology. 33Content is inert until a learner comes into contact with it, so interaction is key to engagement and learning, as implied by psychological theory (Carson, 1969; Chamorro-Premuzic and Furnham, 2004). 380–389. Deloittehas assembled a process which organizations can use as a guideline for creating, selecting and … Tayebinik, M. and Puteh, M. (2012), Blended Learning or E-learning?, IMACST, 3(1), pp. TAO. Credentialing is also involved in articulation agreements, which support credit-transfer processes among institutions, as well as in recognition of prior learning (RPL). He is the creator of simSchool (, a classroom flight simulator for preparing educators, and eFolio (, an online performance-based assessment system, and he provides vision and sponsorship for Curtin University’s Challenge, a mobile, game-based learning platform (, Research focuses on the intersection of cognitive psychology, educational technology, learning science, data analytics, and computer science. Pappano, L. (2012), The Year of the MOOC, New York Times,, Pirnay-Dummer, P., Ifenthaler, D. and Spector, M. (2009), Highly Integrated Model Assessment Technology and Tools, Educational Technology Research and Development, 58(1), pp. Al-Diban, S. and Ifenthaler, D. (2011), Comparison of Two Analysis Approaches for Measuring Externalized Mental Models, Educational Technology & Society, 14(2), pp. 198–208,, Shermis, M. D. and Hamner, B. The OAR design, with its capability for immediate feedback supported by crowd-sourced intelligence, supports the evolution of digital game-based and shared story-telling approaches to learning integrated with data analytics and allows learner-to-content interactions to become embedded with appropriate assessments as well as reusable at scale. The goal of assessment, whether for an academic department or a program, is to provide: (a) a clear conceptualization of intended student learning outcomes, (b) a description of how these outcomes are assessed and measured, (c) a description of the results obtained from these measures, and (d) a description of how these results validate current practices or … assessment tasks can identify particular skills related to specific practices, evaluating students’ disposition to engage in these practices without prompting likely requires some form of direct observation or assessment of the products of more open-ended student projects. The architecture supports the inclusion of assessment materials linked to specific OER learning materials and provides a high level completed road map to instantiate, pilot and validate the system with large-scale providers of OER resources and services (Figure 1). 19 The project will run a series of pilot case studies that enable the measurement of the broader goals of delivering a useful and enjoyable educational experience to learners in different domains, at different levels and from different cultures. Gibson’s research focuses on games and simulations in education, learning analytics, complex systems analysis and the use of technology to personalize learning via cognitive modeling, design and implementation and he has over ninety publications on these topics. 103–110. With knowledge about Open Assessment Resources (OAR), a repository is visited that is linked to many sites... Background. See Architecture of OAR below for a detailed description of the instantiation of alignment, focus and agreement in the assessment outcomes. 403–416, New York: Springer. 43Learning support services in higher education include, among other things, career guidance and counselling, library services and academic study skills support. This is our vision of a globally networked formative open assessment resource network that can mine the social and intellectual creativity of the world’s front line of teaching, and can learn from instructors as well as their students. Six core operational services of higher education service delivery — content, interaction, assessment, credentialing, support and technology — are used as a foil for the discussion and analysis of the changes in brand differentiators in these services, which are emerging due to OER and can be enhanced with OAR. Anderson, T. and McGreal, R. (2012), Disruptive Pedagogies and Technologies in Universities: Unbundling of Educational Services, 15, pp. Keeping this cookie enabled helps us to improve our website. Finally, we will conclude by bringing the OAR model back into the larger context of higher education worldwide, with implications for various next steps in research and development. 31OAR adds value to OER’s openness and accessibility by assuring that the learner has acquired or can demonstrate capability with new knowledge. The higher-level deeper learning outcomes are valued by many, are broadly agreed upon as worthy aims of education and, if appropriately supported and scaffolded by the proposed OAR technology, can be shared and federated. 30A major impact of OER is that content is free and widely available. Automated interventions and help suggestions guide students to explore, think, create, interact, solve and respond, and based on what they do, the products they create and the resources they use, ongoing and final reports are emailed or channeled to them and their tutor. At the unique end of the continuum, and with the highest cost of production and data maintenance, is highly interactive content with embedded analytics. TAO Resources. Assessment is a constant cycle of improvement. Three examples of interactions supported by the OAR design follow: learner-expert, learner-content, and learner-peer. ), Toward a New Science of Educational Testing and Assessment, Albany: SUNY Press. Load Assessment By Url. collaborative problem-solving, creativity, self-regulation, metacognition) from specialized fields into broader contexts, which are to be distinguished from other objectives of assessment such as acquiring knowledge and applying it in a specific field of knowledge. This can include using Open Author for creating, remixing, and publishing shared curriculum. The infrastructure can also support the uniqueness of feedback needed to enable an adaptive curriculum by allowing for both private and public information layers to overlap and interact. The website links existing OER activities with open assessment resource activity-prompts for online student responses. as a “B” student, as a licensed practitioner). Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Cognia Responds to US K12 Testing Disruptions in … 111–121,, 1, Director of Learning Futures at Curtin University in Perth, Australia and Chair of the education arm of the Curtin Institute for Computation. Tutors, instructor-led discussions, feedback on assignments), Learner-content (e.g. PBL Assessment. These challenges are not insurmountable, but here we are focusing on the broad objective of the framework to create a globally relevant, emergent and continuously improving assessment activity item bank linked to specific OERs with integrated automated feedback and scoring tools. ), Gamification in Education and Business, pp. Formative feedback is “low stakes” and remains at a distance from certification and accreditation, which rely almost exclusively on “high stakes” summative judgements of academic achievements that result in a determination of status (Harlen and James, 1997). 81–97,, Ifenthaler, D. and Widanapathirana, C. (2014), Development and Validation of a Learning Analytics Framework: Two Case Studies Using Support Vector Machines, Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 19(1–2), pp. ASR = automatic speech recognition; MT = machine translation. In addition to learner-content interaction, experts such as instructors, mentors, researchers and tutors are typically part of a higher education class experience. Leaner-expert interactions have been typified along a continuum of one-to-many, and when combined with individual or small group exercises, then extending into one-to-one support, when peers act as experts. Gibson, D. C. and Jakl, P. (2015), Theoretical Considerations for Game-Based e-Learning Analytics, in T. Reiners and L. Wood (Eds. 9In contrast, OAR assessments with generalized formative feedback are aligned with a specific educative purpose expressed by some user of a specific OER towards the utility and expectations for using that OER to achieve an educational outcome. (2014), Community-aware User Profile Enrichment in Folksonomy, Neural Networks, 58, pp. This is perhaps one of the reasons research has shown the superiority of blended learning over either all online or all face-to-face (Bonk and Graham, 2006; Tayebinik and Puteh, 2012). 37The Internet provides learners with direct access to and interaction with content in a range, from read-only to highly interactive engagement. a global Open Assessment Resources (OAR) item bank with integrated automated feedback and scoring tools for Open Educational Resources (OER) that will support a wide range of assessment applications, from quizzes and tests to virtual performance assessments and game-based learning, focused on promoting deeper learning. Cross-assessment: technologies for cross-site assessment of the impact of OER materials on learning (e.g. Davor will be curator of the second UNESCO OER World Congress in 2017, Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International - CC BY 4.0. We envision these migrations of service delivery options occurring in two complementary trends as higher education institutions strive for global reach and to differentiate themselves from others: one aimed at scale supported by lower interaction costs and the other aimed at uniqueness and brand differentiation driven by a complex system of history, reputation, outcomes and impacts (Table 1). Case Study. Summative assessment purposes, in contrast, are high stakes (e.g. Health System Pharmacy Surge Toolkit. Table 1. The WY-ALT Practice Test Window is now open. COVID-19 Vaccine Information. 4Open Educational Resources according to the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation are: […] teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. 21In this section, we outline model architecture for the OAR framework. Copyright 2020 by Open Assessment Technologies. Gibson, David, et al.. “13. 1Imagine a tutor or sessional instructor anywhere in the world who wishes to know something about what students know and can do. The leading edges supporting uniqueness include learning experiences that utilize Game-based (Gibson and Jakl, 2015; Ifenthaler, Eseryel and Ge, 2012) and Transmedia Engagement methods (Jenkins, Purushotma, Clinton, Weigel and Robison, 2006). Freely available shared service models utilizing OAR might include APIs for licensed service groups and globally shared student services. An institution’s contributions to the world include advancing knowledge and helping to meet the global demand for accessible education, which ultimately demonstrates its considerable influence and power to improve living conditions and its social and economic impacts through sustainable development activities in all fields of knowledge (van Vught, 2008). What does a typical higher education institution have to offer in the way of paid content that cannot be freely accessed from the top universities in the world or directly from the primary source of the information? Vous allez être redirigé vers OpenEdition Search. OAR’s role in peer-based communication can support a social media market economy for education (e.g. in the sense of a group of providers agreeing upon standards of operation in a collective fashion, as in information science), especially as they are integrated into locally unique educative experiences as part of the value propositions of the higher education institution. 18In the next sections we present details of this broad outline. 70–91, 686, Bonk, C. J. and Graham, C. R. (2006), The Handbook of Blended Learning, Global Perspectives, Local Designs, 1, This chapter outlines the design concepts for the creation of a global Open Assessment Resources (OAR) item bank with integrated automated feedback and scoring tools for Open Educational Resources (OER) that will support a wide range of assessment applications, from quizzes and tests to virtual performance assessments and game-based learning, focused on promoting deeper learning. 1–88, We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Modification and adaptation of assessment modules. In addition, a number of research topics need to be investigated and can be supported by the data of the emerging system. 675–695, 10.1007/s10639-015-9413-5. Enter the web address of a QTI or EdX format assessment. The OAR framework supports scalability of assessment as instructors re-use the OER-OAR package with or without modifications. Semi-automated feedback approaches include humans and machines working together to make complex judgments, systems that remain open to human shaping and correction after initial machine learning training and gamification techniques where assessment feedback is embedded within the learning experience. (2013), Mining Data from Interactions with a Motivational-aware Tutoring System Using Data Visualization, Journal of Educational Data Mining, 5(1), pp. The stance taken here is that any area of authentic academic or professional performance can be appropriately documented and measured when there is professional agreement about what someone knows and can do when a level of performance is in evidence. The assessment purpose, task and feedback package is a specific kind of content uniquely tied to the OER resource for a specific context of use. Human-computer interactions in an assessment ecosystem. The scalability of OER provides a great opportunity for large numbers of training samples and human judgment to be combined at a global level. OER ideally extends that accessibility to many more fields of knowledge. 20Extending beyond writing and other basic issues of human learning and performance, an international group of researchers has been developing the technology and tools for a highly integrated model-based assessment platform for assessing the acquisition and development of complex cognitive skills (Al-Diban and Ifenthaler, 2011; Ifenthaler, 2010, 2014; Pirnay-Dummer, Ifenthaler, and Spector, 2010). collaboration, problem-solving, communication, creativity) and the feedback (e.g. Predictive analytics for construct level feedback based on earlier test items. Webb, M. and Gibson, D. C. (2011), Assessment to Move Education into the Digital Age: Brief Report from Thematic Working Group TWG 5 on Assessment, EDUsummIT 2011: Building a Global Community of Policy-Makers, Educators and Researchers to Move Education into the Digital Age, Paris: UNESCO. The Open Assessments are free assessment of basic Scrum knowledge and can be used as learning tools when preparing for any other Scrum assessments. Webb, M., Gibson, D. C. and Forkosh-Baruch, A. Wilson, T., Schuwer, R. and McAndrew, P. (2010), Collating Global Evidence of the Design, Use, Reuse and Redesign of Open Educational Content, Open Educational Resources, Paper presented at the 2010 OER10 Conference, 22–24 March 2010, Cambridge, UK. An all-inclusive online assessment software, Mercer Mettl is a cloud-based platform that help companies to create assessments throughout the employee lifecycle. 2016. In addition, a global workgroup co-founded by UNESCO and a collaboration of national technology in education entities — EDUsummIT — has devoted its biannual summits 2006 to a range of topics connected to assessment, deeper learning, and the use of emerging technologies to improve education throughout the world. Intervention strategies triggered during a formative assessment. ; BLISS, TJ (dir.). What OER does for content, OAR does for the assurance of what a student knows and can do. Adresse : 40 Devonshire Road CB1 2BL Cambridge United Kingdom. 39Authentic assessment is fundamental to providing formative feedback and determining the extent of what someone knows and can do in terms of appropriate, meaningful, significant and worthwhile forms of human accomplishment (Newmann and Archibald, 1992). While there might be some areas of unique content that are not yet in OER, increasing quantities of the general curriculum and a great many advanced courses are in the public domain in OER repositories (Robertson, 2010; Wilson, Schuwer, and McAndrew, 2010). The concept of “promoting deeper learning” captures the idea that authentic assessment is fundamental to educative activity and the concept of “item bank” captures the idea of reusability, modularity and automated assembly and presentation of assessment items. Each of the assessments in whatever form ( e.g visit this website you will need be! Guiding your professional growth scale and uniqueness predictive analytics for construct level feedback on. Us to improve our website the instructor and students cross-linked with the best experience on our website interacting. Are automatically stored, analyzed and visualized, and managing certification courses education! 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