The Committee on Admission will select the best combination of individual section scores when evaluating an application. Students are sensitive to messages communicated in informal discussions and in casual faculty remarks about personal decisions and value judgments. Fulfillment of the proficiency requirement by the examinations listed above does not confer course credit. E-mail: The University recognizes and uses electronic mail as an appropriate medium for official communication. Semester or full-year program based at one of the leading business schools in Europe. However, because the specific definitions of physical presence currently vary greatly from state-to-state, SARA has established its own uniform standards. If a student is unable to complete the coursework or other course of study for a semester due to medical reasons, the student may request a medical leave of absence. Average ACT: 32. Students who become aware of a violation of academic integrity by a fellow student should respond in one of the following ways: Students who have serious concern that a faculty member is not living up to his or her responsibility to safeguard and promote academic integrity should speak with the faculty member directly, or should bring their concern to the attention of the department chairperson or associate dean. Employees at other participating institutions should ask their respective Benefits Offices for information on requirements for FACHEX eligibility. For more detailed information about the Boston University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the general admissions process, please refer to the Graduate School Bulletin. Graduate certificate students have the opportunity to learn at a top-tier research facility from a faculty of accomplished academics and current industry practitioners. An award in honor of Brendan Connolly, S.J. The award is intended for a graduating senior who has been accepted by a medical school and who has been outstanding in character, loyalty, leadership, and scholarship at Boston College. BC summer courses taken abroad through the Office of International Programs (OIP) are factored into students' GPA as regular BC courses, and count for academic credit. Maloney Hall—Suite 448A For non-BC programs, students may transfer credit back to BC, as long as they earn the equivalent of a C- or higher. It is given each year to a graduating senior in recognition of outstanding achievement in the study of American history. The same policy applies to any student who does not complete the required loan exit interview. Direct contact by another student may be the best means of resolving the problem. BC in Barcelona: ESADE However, some require five. Programs are taught in English, with the exception of language courses. Degree are listed below. A diploma will not be dated before all work is completed. Course offerings from wide range of curricula taught in English with highlights in business, communication, and psychology. Graduation Requirements A. Saints and Sinners (3 credits), Tel Aviv, Israel An award offered by Dr. Helene Day, Consul of Monaco, and Dr. Paul William Garber and Dr. Philip C. Garber, Consuls of Chile in Boston, given to a senior who has excelled in French. Presented to a member of the senior class in honor of Father Donovan, founding Dean of the School. Graduate and professional students should consult their school or department for specific policies regarding cross-registration in this consortium. Service obligations are then three and a half years active duty or longer for aviation positions. Grades will be posted at ("Current Courses and Grades") at the close of each semester. Art and Patronage in Renaissance and Baroque Rome and Beyond (3 credits) Repeated demonstration of student concern for academic integrity will in the long run build a peer-regulated community. Faculty and students are drawn from nine member schools: Boston College, Boston University, Brandeis University, Harvard University, MIT, Northeastern, Simmons, Tufts, and UMass Boston. The decision of the Dean will be final. As a Jesuit, Catholic University, Boston College shares a 450-year old tradition of concern for the integration of the intellectual, moral, and religious development of its students. An award in memory of Rev. Students who are still registered at this point will receive a final grade for the semester. Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) Remil ilmi. The unit of credit at Boston College is the semester hour. To this end, Boston College has designated its Executive Director for Institutional Diversity to coordinate its efforts to prevent discrimination in accordance with this notice and applicable laws. Food, Power, and Politics (3 credits), Rome, Italy Fall semester students take a university early start program, while spring semester students take a mandatory Irish Studies course taught by the BC resident director. Semester or full-year program with a suburban, park land campus, and a wide range of course offerings for MCAS and CSOM students. Semester or full-year program for students in many disciplines at this private, Jesuit institution. BC in Parma: L'Istituto Dante Alighieri, Parma Inquiries concerning the application to Boston College of each of the statutes and implementing regulations outlined above may be referred to the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 5 Post Office Square, 8th Floor, Boston, MA 02109-3921 (617-289-0111). In the case of students who are dismissed for academic or disciplinary reasons, the Academic Dean will process the withdrawal. TOEFL Requirements for Boston University’s Graduate Schools If you’re an international student applying to BU for a master’s or PhD, you will have to prove your English language proficiency. Advance to candidacy by passing the Research Proposal Exam (RPE) within one year of passing the Comprehensive Exam. Students who meet this requirement will be exempt from General Biology 111 and 112 and will receive six (6) credits towards graduation. P.O. *Note: “BC in –” programs denote those options where there is a resident director or on-the ground support staff in addition to services offered by the host institution. All students have a responsibility to provide both local and permanent mailing addresses and to enter corrections at if the addresses are not accurate in University records. Applicants seeking to have online courses accepted in transfer by Boston College should submit a syllabus for each course, including information about contact hours and exam requirements. US colleges and universities TOEFL score requirements. Excellent opportunity for Islamic Studies and Arabic language students. Lancaster University Presented in honor of Father Moynihan, first chair of the Psychology Department and Professor of Psychology in Education for many years, to a student in the Applied Psychology and Human Development Program, who has shown superior scholarship, contributed creatively to the well-being of others, and has manifested dedication and commitment to the enhancement of the human development process. The Boston College Career Center and two pre-law student associations, the Bellarmine Law Society and the AHANA Pre-Law Student Association, present panels each year on different aspects of the legal profession and the law school admission process. A maximum of 60 credit hours will be allowed in transfer. At … Candidates will learn of the Admission Committee's decision by December 15. Among the list are TOEFL score requirements for admission into graduate and undergraduate programs. Matthew Copithorne Scholarship University of Bristol Full-year program offering courses across many disciplines including English, history, philosophy, theology, economics, and the sciences. Boston City Campus & Business College (Pty) Ltd reserves the right to alter any of the content due to changes in regulations, market requirements and other reasons. E. Paul Robsham Distinguished Service Award Collusion is distinct from collaborative learning, which may be a valuable component of students' scholarly development. Please refer to your school or department website for information about awards and honors. Students in the Film and Television Studies track will: Have a foundational comprehension of the industrial and creative histories of film and television—a comprehension that will allow them to analyze how these media continue to develop together and separately. A student, who fails the first attempt, MUST make their second attempt the next time the exam is offered. In order to be eligible for admission, students must be in good academic standing with a GPA of 3.0 or higher and have a clean disciplinary record. Semester or full-year program in Makhanda (formerly Grahamstown) with courses across the disciplines. Semester or full-year program in central London with specialist studies of Africa, Asia, and the Near and Middle East, including history, languages, politics, religion, and sociology. Achieve a Master’s passing score on the comprehensive exam, Pass three of the following graduate courses, Other Electives offered periodically by the department, A Master’s Thesis to be submitted to and approved by the Graduate Program Director (counts as two courses). Students seeking to return from leave should contact the appropriate Academic Dean prior to seeking readmission no later than four weeks prior to the desired admission date. As described below, appropriate documentation is required for a medical leave of absence. Homestays with local families. A major is a systematic concentration of at least 30 credits taken in a given academic discipline that enables a student to acquire a more specialized knowledge of the discipline, its history, its methodologies and research tools, its subfields, and the areas of concern in which the discipline is presently involved. Boston College School of Theology and Ministry Courses and Degree Requirements for Master’s Degrees Spring 2014 1) If “Degree Notes” are left blank, the course fulfills a requirement in the area under which it is listed in all master’s degrees 2) This is meant to be a … Students may not participate in extracurricular activities while on a leave of absence. I’m a college student in Boston, and I deserve affordable housing, too The city wants universities to make undergrads live in dorms, but that raises costs and … Under a program of cross registration, sophomores, juniors, and seniors may take one elective course during each fall and spring semester at Boston University, Brandeis University, Northeastern University, Pine Manor College, Regis College, or Tufts University if a similar course is not available at Boston College. Students are encouraged to finish one full year of studies before seeking admission-in-transfer. Students may forward their e-mail messages from their University e-mail accounts to non-university e-mail systems. Students desiring to return after three years should apply for readmission through the Dean’s Office in their desired program to determine if programs or program requirements have changed. Offering courses to individuals via distance education in ways that do not require students to gather physically in groups (with some exceptions); Advertising to students whether through print, billboard, direct mail, internet, radio, television, or other medium; Offering distance education courses on a military base or vessel if enrollment in such courses is limited to active and reserve military personnel, their dependents, and civilian employees of the installation; Maintaining a server, router, or similar electronic service device housed in a facility that otherwise would not constitute physical presence; Having faculty, adjunct faculty, mentors, tutors, recruiters, or other academic personnel residing in a member state and working from their homes or another private, non-institutional site, provided that such staff is not engaged in activities that would otherwise constitute physical presence as defined by SARA policies; Holding proctored exams on behalf of the institution in the host state; Having contractual arrangements in the home or host state, e.g., procurement contracts or course offerings through consortium agreements; Operating limited supervised field experiences or out-of-state learning placements; Using recruiters in a SARA member state. International students for whom English is not their primary native language are required to submit the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) results or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Susan E. Donelan Inclusive Community Award One of the Group of Eight schools located in the heart of the city. Princess Grace of Monaco Award A maximum of 30 credit hours for a first semester sophomore, 45 for a second semester sophomore and 60 semester hours of credit for an incoming junior will be allowed in transfer. Awarded to a senior who is recognized for exemplary accomplishment in the Carroll School community., Boston College Law School Students have a responsibility to maintain high standards of academic integrity in their own work, and thereby to maintain the integrity of their degree. As described by NC-SARA, SARA only applies to postsecondary distance education activities conducted across state lines; it does not apply to distance education activity inside the SARA-participating institution’s home state or to on-ground campuses. Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 Pre-Health website ( Students will not advance to Ph.D. candidacy without passing the RPE, and after two unsuccessful attempts will not receive additional TA support from the department. Cheating includes but is not limited to: Plagiarism is the act of taking the words, ideas, data, illustrations, or statements of another person or source, and presenting them as one's own. Other breaches of academic integrity include: Collusion is defined as assistance or an attempt to assist another student in an act of academic dishonesty. Most courses earn 3 semester hours of credit. The process for initiating the Leave is the same as that for a Medical Leave of Absence and will require official documentation of the student’s service obligation. Located in Boston, Massachusetts, Boston University is a large four year private college offering both undergrad and graduate programs. Graduate and professional students should consult their school or department for specific policies regarding foreign language requirements. It is available to the public, and students are responsible for consulting it. The page enumerates students rights under FERPA. Starting with the class of 2021, the cumulative average for degrees with honors will be as follows: Prior to the class of 2021: The summa cum laude was awarded to the top 4.5 percent of the graduating class, magna cum laude to the next 9.5 percent, and cum laude to the next 15 percent. If admitted to Boston College through Early Decision, candidates must immediately withdraw applications to other institutions and enroll at Boston College. Semester or full-year program with English courses available in the humanities and social sciences. Students in jeopardy of losing their status of good academic standing shall receive notification in writing, with a follow up meeting scheduled within one month. No more than 30 Advanced Placement units may be credited toward the degree. BC in Barcelona: Business and Culture Semester or full-year program with courses across the disciplines, including courses in the sciences for pre-medical students and in management for CSOM students. Spanish Art History: from Al-Andalus to Picasso (3 credits), Paris, France Achieving a Ph.D. level passing grade on the Comprehensive Exam (CE) before the end of the second year. The professor involved is free to decide whether a makeup will be allowed. Over 2,100 colleges and universities participate in SARA. Edward H. Finnegan, S.J., Award Eight-week, independent internship program offers students the opportunity to experience the local work culture first-hand. For cases that are reported in summer courses, the associate dean of the school in which the course is taught will decide the case. In order to earn a departmental minor, students must have at least 15 credits in the minor program that are not used to fulfill requirements for another major or minor. Doctoral candidates are required to register and pay for Doctoral Continuation (9999) during each semester of their candidacy or its equivalent. Phone: 617.552.8093 Explore CAS Majors CAS Website. The Hutchinson Memorial Award Those who do not pass the RPE on the first try must make a second attempt within six months of this time. Leave time for either a personal or medical leave of absence will normally be considered a portion of the total time limit for the degree unless the contrary is decided upon initially between the student and the Associate Dean. Incompletes are not to be granted to allow the student to complete a major portion of the course work after the end of the semester. University-wide academic regulations that pertain to all graduate and professional students are presented below. The U.S. Army offers Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) at Boston College as a partnership school in cooperation with Northeastern University. Brick, LL.D. College of Communication (COM) Become a skilled communicator in a global marketplace. ROTC courses display on the academic record but do not count towards the required number of credits for graduation or in the G.P.A. A degree audit is a computer-generated analysis that enables an undergraduate (except for Woods College of Advancing Studies) or law student and his or her advisor to assess the student's academic progress and unfulfilled requirements. Boston College’s most recent full review for accreditation occurred in March 2017. Application deadline: January 5th, 2021. If the faculty member decides to impose a grading penalty, a letter of notification describing the incident and the proposed grading penalty is to be sent to the associate dean of the school or college in which the course is taught. BC in Paris: L’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po)  Boston College recognizes the essential contribution a diverse community of students, faculty, and staff makes to the advancement of its goals and ideals in an atmosphere of respect for one another and for the University’s mission and heritage. Semester or full-year program in Spain's Basque country on campuses in San Sebastián and Bilbao. Certain personally identifiable information from a student's education record, designated by Boston College as directory information, may be released without the student's prior consent. John McCarthy, S.J., a most beloved scholar, faculty member, and Dean in the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences, for those whose Scholar of the College projects are deemed most distinguished in the Humanities, the Social Sciences, the Natural Sciences and in History. Academic integrity is violated by any dishonest act which is committed in an academic context including, but not restricted to the following: Cheating is the fraudulent or dishonest presentation of work. Professors may include, as part of the semester's grades, marks for the quality and quantity of the student's participation in class. OIP staff work with students to design the best possible internship based on student interests, majors, and previous work experience. In particular, deans' responsibilities include the following: In each school a Committee on Academic Integrity with both faculty and student members is to be constituted annually. BC in Paris: L'Institut Catholique de Paris (ICP) Parents may obtain directory information at the discretion of the institution. Notre Dame University Email: Most concentrations require four courses beyond the Core. The conditions will be specified at the time of leave, and students will be asked to acknowledge their acceptance of them. Albert A. Bennett Award Semester or full-year program with wide ranging course offerings in English in the culturally vibrant scene of Beirut and the Levant. For questions related to these procedures, students may contact their department/program office or the Office of Student Services, as well as Department of Education-related resources: Boston College Department/Program Office contacts—vary by student, degree, field, etc. Learn more about Boston College’s notice of nondiscrimination. The right to inspect and review the student's education record within 45 days of the day the University receives a request for access. Managerial Accounting (3 credits), Berlin, Germany BC in Parma: University of Parma  Recommended for students majoring in the sciences, business, and humanities. After six years, the graduation rate was 91.9% and by 2019 ,92.7% of this class had completed their degree. An award given in honor of the co-founder, long-term chair, and guiding spirit of the Music Department to an outstanding senior who has shown consistent excellence in the academic study of Music. BC in Paris: L’Institut de Langue et de Culture Française (ILCF) The David A. Karp Award University housing and homestay options in Tokyo. Classes are available in the humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences. For academic year 2019-20, the acceptance rate is 27.22% and yield is 23.73%. After consultation with the appropriate department (which may include, depending on the nature of the complaint, academic program personnel/faculty, Student Affairs, or the Office for Institutional Diversity), any student who has not achieved a satisfactory resolution of their complaint may submit a written complaint to the appropriate unit (for example, an academic grievance should be directed to the department chair or Dean of the student’s academic program for review, typically by an ad hoc grievance committee or academic standards committee). A faculty member may only assign a grade of J for a 2-semester course when the grade in the first semester is dependent on the grade issued at the end of the semester. Course evaluations are completed by the Office of Transfer Admission. In computing averages, the following numerical equivalents for the twelve (12) letter grades are used: All required work in any course must be completed by the date set for the course examination. Courses available in the arts, humanities, sciences, languages, and management. promoting an environment where academic integrity is a priority for both students and faculty, ensuring that students who are honest are not placed at an unfair disadvantage, and. While no particular major is preferred by law schools, it is suggested that students consider including some of the following courses in their programs of study: logic, mathematics, law, public speaking, English (especially intensive writing courses), history, sociology, and political science. An award presented in memory of John Henry Lawton, to the member of the senior class who has shown outstanding scholarship in the Department of Communication. The Boston Theological Interreligious Consortium (BTI), a consortium of theology faculty primarily in the Boston-Newton-Cambridge area, has as its constituent members the following institutions: This consortium offers complete cross-registration in several hundred courses, the use of library facilities in the nine schools, joint seminars and programs, and faculty exchange programs. And Reconciliation semester program in Barcelona: ESADE semester program based at the beginning of the student. College writing Supplement are available, examination Dates and list members of NC-SARA, with a study abroad outlined. Written consent of the senior class distinguished for the semester and accompanying if. Please visit for every undergraduate institution attended full-time by the Office transfer... 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