The 628th Tank Battalion was an armored battalion of the United States Army active during the Cold War, formed in 1946 and merged into the 103rd Armor Regiment in 1959. Fought to eliminate Bulge in January 1945. Officers on the … Combat History, HQ Company, Aug. 2-Dec. 7, 1944, Company Diary, A Company, Nov. 28, 1944-Jan. 25, 1945, Company Diary, C Company, Oct. 1-31, 1944, G. O. Unit History:  Established 15 December, 1941, from the 28th Infantry Division Antitank Battalion (Provisional), Indiantown Gap, PA. In that photo, seated center and center right are the two senior officers. The 628th Tank Destroyer Battalion was a tank destroyer battalion of the United States Army active during the Second World War. Charles A. Libby, (Web based United States tank destroyer forces information resource), This page was last edited on 26 February 2020, at 19:54. The battalion landed in Normandy on 30 July, equipped … • Millions of unique designs by independent artists. Fire mission the story of a journey 71st Armored F.A. R.J. Arendt. 6.) 1 to 30, 1945.............13 Pages (Includes casualties). In May 1946 it was reactivated and redesignated as the 628th Tank Battalion, under which title it saw service in Europe for three years during the 1950s. of history, enemy loss stats and HQ Staff section), Section 3.............Pages 78 to 110        (Staff cont. Miscellaneous Documents-from the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum and Boyhood Home, Abilene, Kansas, Combat History, HQ Company, Aug. 2-Dec. 7, 1944.....................7 Pages, Company Diary, A Company, Nov. 28, 1944-Jan. 25, 1945...........6 Pages, Company Diary, C Company, Oct. 1-31, 1944..............................1 Page, G-3 Periodic Reports, Feb-June, 1944..........................................6 Pages, Battle Experience Report, Sept. 30, 1944.....................................2 Pages, Effect of 90mm gun on Enemy Tanks...........................................1 Page, G. O. This book is illustrated with many rarely or never before published photographs . The 628th Tank Destroyer Battalion was a tank destroyer battalion of the United States Army active during the Second World War. 1.) Officers of the 628th Tank Destroyer Battalion - Photo taken Jan. 6, 1944, at Fort Dix, NJ. 25, to Sept. 14, 1944                                   Rhineland........................Sept. 15, 1944 to Mar. in training and combat. A divisional supply train was ambushed on the 16th, losing several vehicles; among them was a truck from the battalion, carrying the unit standard. On the 23rd, a Panzer V tank was knocked out, the fifty-sixth and final tank destroyed by the battalion. The 628th Tank Destroyer Battalion was a tank destroyer battalion of the United States Army active during the Second World War. The commanding officer, Lt. Col. Hernandez, was killed on 20 August whilst observing indirect fire, and succeeded by his executive officer, Major Gallagher; in the same action, two Panzer V tanks were destroyed for the loss of one M10, the first tank destroyer lost in action by the battalion. 100% (1/1) 103rd Armor 3–103rd Armor. This, however, was recaptured the next day. C and Recon. Crossed Roer River beginning 25 February and reached the Rhine on 10 March. During training, in 1943, the battalion provided a cadre to form the nucleus of the 648th Tank Destroyer Battalion. On the 13th, the division began to push against the Siegfried Line fortifications around Wallendorf, aiming to push through to Bitburg. It was redesignated the 628th Tank Battalion after the end of the war, and today exists as the 103rd Armor Regiment. The 808th Tank Destroyer Battalion was a tank destroyer battalion of the United States Army active during the Second World War.. On the 8th, plans were made to pull the battalion out of the line to prepare for a crossing of the Roer River, with companies B and C remaining in action for the time being. in training and combat, prepared by and for the men who saw action with the battalion in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland and Germany." All Rights Reserved. A full roster is provided at the top of the photo. Detailed History of the Unit - Official Unit History "Victory TD" done by the unit on June 7, 1945. Courtesy of Paul Stevens. The force moved south through Avranches and then southwest to Le Mans, before pushing north on 10 August to help close the Falaise Pocket. In order to counter this threat, the division moved west, leaving Combat Command A (with Company A) to cover the Elbe. It sailed for the United Kingdom later that year, and was deployed into the European theater in February 1945. Unit Journals-from the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum and Boyhood Home, Abilene, Kansas. The battalion was formed in early 1941 as the 28th Infantry Division Provisional Antitank Battalion, and on 15 December was redesignated as the 628th Tank Destroyer Battalion, in line with the reorganization of the anti-tank force. Unit History: Established 15 December, 1941, from the 28th Infantry Division Antitank Battalion (Provisional), Indiantown Gap, PA. 628TH Tank Destroyer Battalion 2.) After early training on self-propelled tank destroyers, it was converted to a towed battalion equipped with towed 3" anti-tank guns in March 1944. The battalion landed in Normandy on 30 July, equipped … • Millions of unique designs by independent artists. The 628th Tank Destroyer Battalion was a tank destroyer battalion of the United States Army active during the Second World War.It was redesignated the 628th Tank Battalion after the end of the war, and today exists as the 103rd Armor Regiment. Home 628-TDB – WW-2 – (2020) 628th tank destroyer battalion. On 23 February the attack began, with Company B crossing the Roer at Linnich on the 25th, and the remainder of the battalion following the next day. Charles A. Libby reviews a map with another soldier, familiarizing himself with the unit's position and the roads he would need to travel. The 628th Tank Destroyer Battalion was a tank destroyer battalion of the United States Army active during the Second World War.It was redesignated the 628th Tank Battalion after the end of the war, and today exists as the 103rd Armor Regiment.. • 630th Tank Destroyer Battalion - Unit history, after action reports, maps and photographs for the 630th. F. rom the Combined Arms Research Library of the Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. This published book, likely the first printing since the end of the war, is an outstanding addition to your personal library. Companies/Medical Detachment), Awards and Decorations.........7 Pages  (Originally part of Unit History), Commendations....................2 Pages  (Originally part of Unit History), Unit Roster..........................18 Pages  (Originally part of Unit History), Map of Travels in U.S.A..........1 Page  (Also included in Unit History), Map of Travels in Great Britain 1 Page  (Also included in Unit History), Map of Travels in Europe.........1 Page (Also included in Unit History). On 17 December, the scale of the German offensive in the Ardennes was becoming clear; the battalion was immediately ordered to provide anti-paratroop patrols along the divisional supply lines, and on the 19th was detached from the 5th Armored and attached to the 78th Infantry Division in XIX Corps, north of the main offensive area. After operating along the Seine for several days, the battalion withdrew southeast to rest on the 25th. The first elements of the battalion crossed onto German soil on the 13th, with the remainder of the battalion crossing on the 15th and establishing a command post six miles inside Germany. On 23 December, when it became apparent that the line north of the "bulge" was stable, the battalion was detached from the 78th Division and attached to 3rd Armored Division in VII Corps, deployed on the northern side of the German salient; it arrived in place in the early afternoon of the 24th, and took up defensive positions. VG+ Estate of lifelong collector and WW2 Veteran Jack DeShong - we will be listing thousands of very rare, first time to market, items over the next two weeks and much more over the coming months. The 628th remained in the United States until January 1944, when it was shipped to the United Kin… Copyright © 2020 - It was redesignated the 628th Tank Battalion after the end of the war, and today exists as the 103rd Armor Regiment. It deployed into Normandy on 19 September, equipped with towed 3" anti-tank guns.It first saw action six days later, on the 25th, when it was attached to the 80th Infantry Division. Capt. #59, Lt. Col. Hernandez DSC Award, Sept. 13, 1944............1 Page, History, 1944.........................................19 Pages (Includes casualties & awards), Various Documents, 1941-1945...............31 Pages (Includes awards). From 11 April to 5 July, it operated three marshaling camps in southern England, providing accommodation and administration for combat troops of the 1st and the 29th Divisions being prepared for the Normandy landings. B and C Companies), Section 5.............Pages 148 to 176      (Staff cont. The battalion moved eastwards into Germany, billeted near Kalterherberg, in late October; shortly thereafter, on 1 November, the battalion was re-equipped with new M36 tank destroyers. He transferred to the HQ Co. 6th TD Group (my father's unit) along with Capt. The 19th saw further intensification of the fighting, with artillery fire rising to the point where it was decided to withdraw all units back across the river into Luxembourg; the last element of the battalion left Germany at 5 am on the 20th. The 628th Tank Destroyer Battalion was a tank destroyer battalion of the United States Army active during the Second World War. 1 to 31, 1945.............10 Pages (Includes casualties, awards & reinforcements), Apr. After two weeks of mopping-up operations, the region was deemed clear, and the companies reverted to battalion command on 25 April; the following day, the battalion moved to take up occupation duties in the Peine region of Lower Saxony, where it was located at the end of the war. Books. Meet The Squander Bug. Detailed History of the Unit - Official Unit History "Victory TD" done by the unit on June 7, 1945. The 628th Tank Destroyer Battalion was a tank destroyer battalion of the United States Army active during the Second World War. Dec 44, WD GO 31-47, Co. C only                            Croix De Guerre (French or Belgium "Cross of War"), 1.) 21, 1945                                   Ardennes-Alsace..............Dec. 16, 1944 to Jan 25, 1945                                   Central Europe.................Mar. The battalion landed in Normandy on 30 July, equipped with M10 tank destroyers. From the 13th to the 29th, the battalion fired 1500 rounds of harassing fire at targets in the Ruhr, on the far bank. Victory TD: History Of The 628th Tank Destroyer Battalion 1941-1945 1945-06-07 "The history of the 628th Tank Destroyer Bn. • 634th Tank Destroyer Battalion - Brief history of the 634th along with unit rosters and After Action Reports for August 1944. The battalion participated in five major campaigns (Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland, Ardennes-Alsace, and Central Europe), primarily with the 1st Infantry Division. Early service. Crossed the Rhine on 31 March at Wesel. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for From The Command Car: Untold stories of the 628th Tank Destroyer Battalion witnessed first-hand and told by Charles A. Libby, TEC 5 Official Command Car Driver by Mr. Steve Hunter (2015-10-02) at Cocoran would end the war as a Lt. On 30 March the companies were assigned to combat commands in preparation for offensive operations, and crossed the river on the 31st, over a pontoon bridge at Wesel; the final breakout had begun. On January 3 1943, the Battalion furnished a complete officer and enlisted cadre of about 85 men who later formed the 648th Tank Destroyer Battalion. In order to co-operate more closely with the 5th Armored, the battalion was split up, with one company going to each of the division's Combat Commands. M10 Wolverine of 628th TDs in Dreux.jpg 723 × 492; 125 KB By the end of the war, the Battalion had accounted for 60 tanks and self-propelled guns, as well as 30 pieces of artillery and over a hundred other vehicles, with over 1200 enemy killed and 1500 prisoners taken. Seated just right of center is Battalion Commander, Lt. Col. William M. Hernandez. No content can be used unless consent has been given by 628th_Tank_Battalion_(United_States) - WikiMili, The Free Encyclopedia Thomas M. Cook, while they were stationed in southern England preparing for the D-Day invasion. On 2 April, the division bypassed Münster, arriving at the Wesser River shortly thereafter and pausing until 8 April, when the river was crossed at Hamelin. Find your thing. Find your thing. Author - Steve Hunter ( (.mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration{color:#555}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription span,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration span{border-bottom:1px dotted;cursor:help}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output code.cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#33aa33;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}ISBN 9780692512418), Units in italics were formed but later disbanded, redesignated, or did not see overseas service, 628th Tank Destroyer Battalion (United States),, Tank destroyer battalions of the United States Army, Military units and formations disestablished in 1945, Military units and formations established in 1941, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, From The Command Car : Untold stories of the 628th Tank Destroyer Battalion by TEC 5 Sgt. Took up occupation duties on 26 April near Peine. Although edited for clarity, the historical narrative reflects the origi… Used by permission. On 27 January the battalion was once again attached to its old partner, the 5th Armored Division, and joined them to rest and prepare for a crossing of the Roer River; Company A was detached to join the divisional artillery, and during the four weeks of preparations fired two thousand rounds of indirect fire. Seated just right of center is Battalion Commander, Lt. Col. Hernandez DSC Award, 13. Withdrew southeast to rest on the 11th a Tank Destroyer Battalion of the Command and General College... Passing to the Ardennes during the Second World War: 8/44 - M10 11/44... Arms Research Library of the 648th Tank Destroyer Battalion of the War, and today exists as the Armor! On 30 August 1944 center is Battalion Commander, Lt. Col. William M. Hernandez ( KIA 8/20/44 ) with! 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