Sinopsis "10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)" - Terperangkap di Dalam Bunker Misterius Rabu, 26 Agustus 2020 18:00 WIB 26 Agustus 2020, 18:00 WIB INDOZONE.ID - 10 Cloverfield Lane merupakan sebuah film yang disutradarai oleh Dan Trachtenberg dan rilis pada tahun 2016. After getting in a car accident, a woman is held in a shelter by a man who claims that the outside world is affected by a widespread chemical attack. Michelle secara terbuka mengembalikan kunci setuju bahwa Howard benar. Starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead, John Gallagher Jr. and John Goodman. Bola api mengakibatkan pelengkap menjatuhkannya dan dia mampu mengambil mobil wanita yang telah mati dan melarikan diri. Thu 17 Mar 2016 18.45 EDT. She's on the phone with someone, arguing. Sinopsis "10 Cloverfield Lane" Terperangkap di Dalam Bunker Misterius Jumat, 28 Agustus 2020 13:52 WIB 10 Cloverfield Lane merupakan sebuah film yang … Directed by Dan Trachtenberg. Synopsis. And above all you will get premium content of online streaming services for free. YMMV/Ten Cloverfield Lane If you meant one of those, just click and go. Her fiance Ben (voice of Bradley Cooper) calls her. Jadi, bagi Anda para pecinta film-film misteri, fiction dan juga science fiction, film ini bisa jadi sebuah film yang akan sangat Anda gemari. Synopsis by Daniel Gelb Following a car accident, Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) awakens in the basement fallout shelter of a conspiracy-crazed man (John Goodman) who claims to have saved her from the wreckage of the crash. And the opening moments of 10 Cloverfield Lane suggest a certain amount of continuity, with the Dala perjalanan, dia mengetuk barel asam memicu api listrik di bunker dan meledak membunuh Howard. Michelle drives far from the city down to the rural area. Melihat tanda-tanda satwa liar hidup, dia melepas helmnya, namun kemudian melihat pesawat ruang angkasa alien  yang ditarik oleh ledakan bunker. Dia berhasil melarikan diri darinya. Waking up from a car accident, a young woman finds herself in the basement of a man who says he’s saved her life from a chemical attack that has left the outside uninhabitable. There are a few major questions: 1. Who is Howard and why is there a bunker? Michelle wakes in a locked room within an underground bunker, her wounds tended to. The grizzled survivalist claims he has saved Michelle not only from the obvious car crash, but also from an indistinguishable airborne toxic threat that has rendered the air unbreathable, and the earth uninhabitable. | SYNOPSIS: After surviving a … Benjamin Lee. Bergaduh agaknya sampai nak clash gitu. Makhluk turun dari pesawat dan mengejar Michelle, memaksanya bersembunyi di gudang. | Telepon dari Ben membuat Michele … Plot Keywords Sinopsis film 10 Cloverfield Lane.Seorang wanita berada dalam pilihan antara bertahan atau melarikan diri,usai dibawa pria misterius ke dalam bunker. What’s happening to the world? Synopsis. Penundaannya memungkinkan pelengkap mekanis dari kapal menangkapnya, namun dia membuat molotov dari barang di truk Howard untuk dilemparkan ke kapal. Sinopsis Film 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) Lengkap. Original title: 10 Cloverfield Lane. Anda harus masuk log untuk mengirim sebuah komentar. Saat makan malam, Michelle mengambil kunci Howard menuju lubang palka namun saat dia ingin membukanya, Leslie terbanting ke jendela menuntunnya dibiarkan masuk, lalu pingsan. Beginning with a simple, Hitchcockian setup (complete with a Herrmann-esque score that kicks all sorts of ass), Dan Trachtenberg's debut feature lays out its mysteries like a jigsaw puzzle, building up the inner geography of the main location while allowing a few pieces to go missing, ratcheting up tension as a result. Di persimpangan jalan, Michelle berhenti sejenak sebelum pergi ke Houston. What is going on on the outside? If you want to start a Synopsis/TenCloverfieldLane page, just click the edit button above. Howard menunjukkan intoleransi terhadap Emmett dan memperlakukan Michelle gadis kecil. Now you can continue to download 10 Cloverfield Lane film for free. In the opening scene, a woman named Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) is looking outside her window. Usai putus dengan kekasihnya Ben, Michelle pergi tiba di pedesaan Louisiana, Ben mendengar laporan berita mengenai pemadaman di beberapa kota besar sebelum Michelle ditabrak truk dan jatuh pingsan. However, Howard and Emmett's intentions soon become questionable and Michelle is faced with a question: Is it better in here or out there? Howard offers her a pair of crutches to help her remain mobile with her leg injury sustained from the car crash and tells her to "get good on those" before leaving the bunker. Could Howard be telling the truth, or is this mysterious--or even, hypothetical--danger, a deceitful pretence for something far more sinister? Howard membunuh Emmett dengan pistol dan dia kemudian berusaha menghibur Michelle, menjelaskan kepadanya dia membunuh Emmett untuk melindunginya. Michelle drives far from the city down to the rural area. Sinopsis Film Don’t Tell A Soul (2020) Lengkap. With her car rammed by a heavy truck after fleeing a dead-end relationship and her hometown of New Orleans, the hopeful young designer, Michelle, regains consciousness only to find herself inexplicably handcuffed to the cinder-block wall of cryptic Howard's underground bunker. In the opening scene, a woman named Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) is looking outside her window. She's on the phone with someone, arguing. 10 Cloverfield Lane, 2016. 10 Cloverfield Lane brenvaughan in drama , Sci-Fi March 28, 2016 687 Words I assume that everyone has heard of Cloverfield , it was released in 2008 … A woman (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) discovers the horrifying truth about the outside world while living in an underground shelter with two men (John Goodman, John Gallagher Jr.). About 10 Cloverfield Lane Movie HDPopcorns: ... With free service watch 10 Cloverfield Lane 2016 full movie online. Howard offers her a pair of crutches to help her remain mobile with her leg injury sustained from the car crash and tells her to "get good on those" before leaving the bunker. She's on the phone with someone, arguing. Michelle juga melihat truk Howard, mengenalinya dari kecelakaan tersebut. All the enigma, though, makes it very hard to review—revealing anything means it … Michelle then packs a bunch of her belongings and leaves her home. 10 Cloverfield Lane is a film directed by Dan Trachtenberg with Mary Elizabeth Winstead, John Goodman, John Gallagher Jr., Suzanne Cryer, Douglas M. Griffin. 10 Cloverfield Lane was a well-made thriller/horror movie starring the legendary John Goodman, who is one of my favorite actors. sinopsis 10 cloverfield lane Cerita dimulakan dengan scene Michelle yang berkemas, nak tinggalkan rumah, tinggalkan tunang dia, Ben. Steven Cuffari Jun 26, 2020 Cloverfield Theory: The Monsters Are Toxic To Humans 10 Cloverfield Lane is chock full of mysteries, which has led to some clever theories about the film, including one where Emmett is the real villain. Michelle mengenakan setelan dan lolos dari bunker yang terbakar menuju rumah Howard. Storyline. Synopsis. Synopsis: After getting in a car accident, a young woman wakes up in an underground bunker with two men that she doesn’t know. Michelle then packs a bunch of her belongings and leaves her home. After getting in a car accident, Michelle awakens to find herself in a mysterious bunker with two men named Howard and Emmett. Michelle then packs a bunch of her belongings and leaves her home. Lama tak melihatnya di layar kaca, entah mungkin seingat saya terakhir melihat aktris cantik Mary Elizabeth Winstead bermain di film Scott Pilgrim bersama Michael Cera untuk peran aneh wanita dengan rambut berwarna hijau dan juga di film A Good Day to Die Hard di tahun 2013, kini ia kembali memerankan sebuah film yang diproduseri oleh J.J Abrams yaitu 10 Cloverfield Lane. Photograph: Michele K Short/AP. Dia ketakutan saat pria masuk ke ruangan memperkenalkan dirinya Howard. 3. Who is Emmett and what is he doing in the bunker? Sinopsis 10 Cloverfield Lane.Film "10 Cloverfield Lane " merupakan satu sinopsis yane begitu ditunggu-tunggu oleh banyak pecinta film.Film 10 Cloverfield Lane merupakan film dengan genre science fiction, thriller dan juga misteri. After getting in a car accident, Michelle awakens to find herself in a mysterious bunker with two men named Howard and Emmett. 4. 10 Cloverfield Lane Synopsis: After a car accident, Michelle awakens to find herself in a mysterious bunker with two men named Howard and Emmett. Dan Trachtenberg to Direct Post-Apocalpytic Thriller VALENCIA for Bad Robot and Paramount Insurge Dan Trachtenberg will direct the post-apocalyptic thriller Valencia, taking place after a … 5. Who is Megan and Brittany? Year: 2016. John Goodman and Mary Elizabeth Winstead in 10 Cloverfield Lane. Synopsis Usai putus dengan kekasihnya Ben, Michelle pergi tiba di pedesaan Louisiana, Ben mendengar laporan berita mengenai pemadaman di beberapa kota besar sebelum Michelle ditabrak truk dan jatuh pingsan. Fresh off Star Wars: The Force Awakens, J.J. Abrams has yet another trick up his sleeve: his secret Bad Robot movie is actually titled 10 Cloverfield Lane! Dia berlari menuju rumah pertanian, namun pesawat tersebut muncul dan mengeluarkan gas hijau memaksa Michelle kembali ke costum tersebut. 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) March 15, 2016 by joshmacmillan in Horror Movies, Reviews, Uncategorized and tagged Cloverfield, film, Horror, John Goodman, movie review, Review, Sequel, Survival Horror. Pada larut malam, ia menyalakan radio dan mendengar berita pemadaman listrik di kota-kota besar. She has been given the information that there has been an alien attack and the outside world is poisoned. The movie had garnered pretty strong reviews, so I was quite encouraged by this and anticipated watching this movie. 80/100. In the opening scene, a woman named Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) is looking outside her window. OK, spoilers ahead. Let’s look at each of the pieces in the film. Michelle awalnya memusuhi Howard namun dia tenang, Howard membawanya dalam tur bunker lengkap dan dia bertemu Emmett korban lain. While in rural Louisiana, she hears news reports of blackouts in several major cities before she is sideswiped by a truck and knocked off the road, falling unconscious. 10 Cloverfield Lane Synopsis A woman (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) discovers the horrifying truth about the outside world while living in an underground shelter … (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Situs tentang Sinopsis Film Terbaru dan Terlengkap, Sinopsis Film 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) Lengkap, Sinopsis Lovestruck in the City Episode …, Sinopsis Film Redemption Day (2021) Leng…, Sinopsis Film The Marksman (2021) Lengka…, Sinopsis Film Outside the Wire (2021) Le…, Sinopsis Film Goodbye, Butterfly (2021) …. After breaking up with her boyfriend Ben, Michelle drives away from New Orleans. | Daftar Isi 1 Sinopsis lengkap film 10 Cloverfield Lane :2 Informasi film 10 Cloverfield : Sinopsis lengkap film 10 Cloverfield Lane : Bertengkar dengan tunangannya, Ben, Michele meninggalkan kota New Orleans dan mengemudi melewati pedesaan Lousiana. Saat dia mendekati perbatasan Texas Michelle mendengar obrolan radio menginstruksikan setiap penyintas pergi ke Baton Rouge untuk mengungsi, namun juga meminta bantuan siapa pun. But with 10 Cloverfield Lane, keeping all the other things in the Mystery Box worked brilliantly. Parents Guide. Michelle dengan putus asa membuat persiapan akhir untuk pergi pada saat dikejutkan Howard. Howard, the bunker's owner, tells her he brought her there for her protection, claiming that the air outside has been poisoned by nuclear or chemical fallout from an unknown force. Michelle dan Emmett mendapati bahwa putri yang diklaim Howard merupakan gadis muda yang hilang sekitar 2 tahun sebelumnya dan mereka curiga dia menculiknya menuju banker. 10 Cloverfield Lane has little in common with Cloverfield but is, nevertheless, a clever, thrilling, and downright fun movie experience.. After a fight with her fiancee, aspiring fashion designer Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) packs her things and hits the open road - leaving her apartment and engagement ring behind. 2. Who is Michelle and how does she go about figuring her situation? Dia kemudian menjelaskan dia membawanya untuk perlindungan, mengklaim bahwa udara di luar telah diracuni akibat kejatuhan nuklir darikekuatan yang tidak diketahui. Howard offers her a pair of crutches to help her remain mobile with her leg injury sustained from the car crash and tells her to "get good on those" before leaving the bunker. Howard meminta Michelle memperbaiki unit penyaringan udara saat gagal sebab dia cukup kecil untuk masuk melalui ventilasi, saat sedang memperbaikinya, dia mendapati langit yang terkunci dengan kata “Help” tergores ke gelasnya dan terlihat siapa pun di luar. Michelle terbangun terkunci di dalam bunker bawah tanah. Howard membawanya ke viewport pintu keluar banker menunjukkan 2 babi mati di luar sebagai bukti kejatuhan tersebut. Last modified on Thu 22 Feb 2018 16.26 EST. Movie Content. Michelle terbangun terkunci di … 10 Cloverfield Lane runs like clockwork. Taglines Somehow, Bad Robot managed to sneak 10 Cloverfield Lane through production without anyone becoming wise to the fact that A) it was the untitled Bad … 10 Cloverfield Lane moderate threat, violence, infrequent strong language A young woman wakes up after a car accident and finds herself locked in a basement with two men, who claim to have saved her from a chemical attack in the now uninhabitable world outside. 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