Claudius may have wanted the throne, which is why he killed Hamlet's father. Gertrude is already feeling pangs of remorse over having married this man she had the affair with. If they don't hate each other from the start the Triang Relations version of the triangle is a special subset of #8 or #9. In effect, Gertrude does not know what she has married, and the gradual realization provides one way to chart her trajectory through the action of the play. Top subjects are Literature, Social Sciences, and Science. (Which also would explain why she married so soon after King Hamlet death) What do you guys think? If the former, it will turn into a case of Polyamory.If one of the siblings is the non-related party's official partner and there's cheating involved with the other sibling, it overlaps with A Family Affair.. Usually does not involve Brother–Sister Incest. Who married queen Gertrude in Hamlet? What makes you think this? Her name may derive from Gertrude of Bavaria, who was Queen of Denmark in the late 12th century. Claudius puts Gertrude third on his list of important things: Country, Crown, and Queen. How long after the funeral did Queen Gertrude marry Claudius, her brother-in-law? In my opinion, The queen Gertrude married Claudius Just because of family ownership, also, we in cluncool discuss hamlet mother, why she married to hamlet uncle, ms.body, explain us in family ownerships if someone body her husband died. Claudius was bound to marry someone. In Act II, Scene ii, when Claudius alerts her that Polonius is approaching and may have found the cause of Hamlet's mad behaviour, Gertrude says: His father's death and our o'er-hasty marriage. Gertrude would be in a difficult position after her husband died. In the famous closet scene (Act III, Scene iv) in which Hamlet confronts Gertrude, she, at first, doesn't acknowledge what she's done that could have possibly made him angry. A room in the castle. so she wouldn’t lose her position as queen Hamlet says he trust Rosencrantz and Guildenstern “as i will added fanged.” adders are … Gertrude reveals no guilt in her marriage with Claudius after the recent murder of her husband, and Hamlet begins to show signs of jealousy towards Claudius. There might be questions about possible cheating of Gertrude even before the death of Hamlet's father and the remarriage. Gertrude may have married Claudius because she fell for his lust. She might be an embarrassment to the new queen and be sent to live elsewhere. So far, she wasn't portrayed as an intelligent and wise woman. Just because of traditional way, and I do not think hamlet mother ( Gertrude Queen) have desire to married Claudius, I believed Gertrude get mat a lot and Hamlet. Act 5, Scene 1 is the famous “graveyard scene,” celebrated for its dark humor, philosophical depth, and melancholy. Get an answer to your question “Approximately how long does gertrude wait to marry claudius after king hamlet's death? Gertrude and Claudius married about a month after the funeral. In my personal opinion, gertrude did not marry claudius woth real love. In Act 1, scene 5, Hamlet learns of his father’s murder, from the ghost ~ in the guise of old Hamlet. 3) Did Gertrude have an affair with Claudius before he killed Hamlet’s father? Claudius may have wanted the throne, which is why he killed Hamlet's father. Hamlet is the Prince of Denmark. a)2 b)0 c)1 d)3 513. Gertrude is a weak woman that needs a man around her (ie. Her inner thoughts would be useful to know when trying to figure out her rational, but I think you did a good job highlighting as much of her reasoning which is available to the reader. It is also possible that Claudius might have manipulated her into marrying him. All Gentlemen,--HORATIO Good my lord, be quiet. Claudius classified his marriage to Gertrude as an "equal scale weighing delight and dole" (1.2.12). Perhaps the time between Hamlet Sr.’s death and her marriage to Claudius, Gertrude felt she was unable to live on her own. For instance, the inciting incident of William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” happens when the lovers meet and fall in love at first sight at a ball. I think there are more ambitious things going on in gertrude's mind such as family ownership or other benefit from the marriage. I want to view Gertrude's marriage case as two perspective: stabilizing the nation or lust. There is other conjecture that Claudius and Gertrude have been a thing for a long time and that’s why they get married … Hamlet’s disgust springs from the religious belief that the marriage of such close relatives as Gertrude and Claudius is wrong and incestuous. It’s apparent that Gertrude has no sense of self without a husband. “Mother, you have my father much offended …You are the queen, your husband’s wife …” (3.4.10-15) By marrying her former husband’s… Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. I think she married Claudius because of pressure and because of her duty to the country. We can’t know for sure if Gertrude was sleeping with Claudius while still married to Hamlet’s father, though Hamlet and the Ghost imply that she was. King Hamlet died a little less than two months ago. Perhaps for the wealth and the glory that the role of a queen brings. There was maybe cheating going on that time because in that time period it was really famous to cheat. Claudius. King Hamlet’s death and Gertrude’s wedding to Claudius happen immediately prior to the opening of the play. However, seeing from what I have read, I think she married because she didn't know what else to do. What are you smiling about? Why does Hamlet tell Ophelia to go "to a nunnery," and what does he give as his reason? based on her conversations with Hamlet and what you know of her so far, why do you think Gertrude married Claudius after Hamlet Sr. died? ACT 3, SCENE 1. I am not sure if Gertrude married with those smart reasons. What is the importance of the gravedigger scene in the story of. I don't think Gertrude would have married Claudius due to stability for her nation. Top subjects are Literature, History, and Social Sciences. His musings are interrupted by the entrance of Claudius, Gertrude, Laertes, and a whole host of attendants. Even though he does not know the new king is the murderer, Hamlet is explicitly against the marriage for some reason, and he keeps accusing his mother of lust until she regrets her decision. Her chances of marrying anyone other than Claudius at her age and without any wealth or political power or connections would be virtually nil. KING CLAUDIUS Pluck them asunder. Top subjects are Literature, Social Sciences, and History. Why do you think in this pivotal moment he acts quickly, without the hesitation that has otherwise plagued him? Her father Polonius would be overjoyed at the prospect, and poor Ophelia would do whatever King and father commanded. I lean more toward a political union, but the father's Ghost does she was seduced by Claudius, which does indicate love or lust. If so, what does that say about his famous advice to Laertes? We shall, my lord. With Solution Essays, you can get high-quality essays at a lower price. 174 Likes, 12 Comments - KatherineAnn (@rin_in_nature) on Instagram: “ESF class of 2020 I just graduated from SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry with a…” her quick marriage to Claudius). You can easily recognize it because it introduces the major conflict between protagonist and antagonist. Maybe Gertrude just married Hamlet's uncle just because she loves Claudius more than Hamlet's father. I think Gertrude did what is best for the country, and I don't think they had a sexual relationship with each other. I think Gertrude is such an important piece in this whole puzzle, and with her decision to marry Claudius, in turn eventually leads to the downfall of Hamlet. a. There is a great fictional book called Gertrude and Claudius by John Updike which explores the possibilities. “ A bloody deed – almost as bad, good mother/ As kill a king and marry with his brother ” – Hamlet to Gertrude. Whatever the reason is, her decision made Hamlet and the citizens mad. Claudius actually did try to have Hamlet killed by sending him to England with a bellerophonic letter requesting the English to chop his head off. All Acts and Scenes are listed on the original Hamlet text page, or linked to from the bottom of this page. Without a King, nation is exposed to outside threats and internal chaos. Gertrude and Claudius marry each other while Hamlet is still grieving the death of his father. Perhaps … If she was really marrying for stability of her country, then I think it would have been better to wait a few more months, then start looking for suitors and courting them for a while rather than marrying right away. Wars often were waged to settle the dispute. Then again, maybe that is what SHE needed. Claudius’s speech is compared to poison being poured in the ear—the method he used to murder Hamlet’s father. In order to keep her position as Queen she had to marry someone who could be her King. Claudius might decide to simplify the question of succession by executing Hamlet on some pretext or having him murdered or even doing the job himself, as he did with Hamlet's father and as he intended to do. We keep questioning her morality throughout the story because her thoughts and beliefs are never explicitly stated. Why does Laertes warn Ophelia not to expect to marry Hamlet? Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. How old was she? If Gertrude were an adulteress, she would have been almost certainly been involved in Claudius' plot of murder, and therefore she would be the play's villainess and not its child-like victim. At some point you acquire The Book of Fate, which lays out all the different endings you can achieve (which include shuffling off Queen Gertrude so that you can marry Claudius, joining the crew of a pirate queen, and running off to have adventures and canoodle with a gender-swapped Guildenstern). The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark: Why did Gertrude Marry Claudius? QUEEN GERTRUDE Hamlet, Hamlet! Claudius isn't stupid to just tell Gertrude to marry … If she stalled, there's a chance that a rebellion would grow and cause panic all over Denmark, and that's not a good thing to happen when relations with another country turn bad. The Attendants part them, and they come out of the grave. Instead, Claudius would have to somehow please Gertrude and make her fall for him. Gertrude likely distrusts Hamlet because Hamlet's acting insane (and not even Claudius or Polonius see through his act). We would think that Gertrude is a strong responsible figure that wanted to keep her country safe and under the protection of a King. Or it may have been that she was also involved in the murder of Hamlet's father. Start your 48-hour free trial and unlock all the summaries, Q&A, and analyses you need to get better grades now. Furthermore, if Claudius married a young woman he would have the intention of producing children who would all have precedence over Hamlet in succeeding to the throne, regardless of whether the children were males or females. Gertrude, despite the interpretations of the men surrounding her, is an independent character who is capable of making her own decisions. In the end, her character comes out of passivity and in a sacrificial stint contributes towards the play’s tragic pinnacle. Gertrude cries out at the murder, to which Hamlet answers that it is no greater sin than marrying the brother of the dead king. ... anger with Claudius and Gertrude. I think the reason that Gertrude married Claudius is to keep the stability of the country. It is a fun exercise to consider character motivation, simply by considering the events of the play in general, but it is also important to look at the exact references that a character makes to a question. Both Hamlet and the Ghost call Claudius … Hamlet can overtake the power of the king if she didn't married Claudius. The Journal of English and Germanic Philology. Instead of marrying Claudius because of her lack of self-control, I would argue that Gertrude is in fact protecting her son from … CLAUDIUS. A marriage of mutual self-interest: Claudius wanted to become king; Gertrude wanted to remain queen. It’s Ophelia’s funeral. I think Gertrude is a pretty weak woman who listens to the superior male in the room and even with Hamlet, she sort of cries out for respect. Likewise, both Queen Karnilla and the Grey Gargoyle appear to die near the end of the first season of The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes!, but are revealed alive in the tie-in comic. Polonius hatches a new plan: he’ll make sure Hamlet and his mother have some alone time after the play, and he’ll spy on them to see if Gertrude can … It seems that Gertrude does not trust her own son. -Yoshiyuki Tomino. I am struck by how quickly her loyalties seem to change after that conversation with Hamlet--when her husband asks her how Hamlet is, she continues the farce of madness, despite his revelation that he is not mad at all. And what's a king without a Queen? She would have just denied it right then. Whenever a marriage happens very quickly after a death of a husband or wife, there are usually a lot of questions asked about the intent of the person remarried. I think Gertrude just married Claudius in order to keep her and maybe Hamlet's position. After Hamlet departs, Claudius and Polonius reenter, newly suspicious that Hamlet’s madness isn’t lovesickness after all. Claudius kills Old Hamlet the former king, then marries Gertrude (Old Hamlet's wife) so Claudius is now the King of Denmark. Hamlet believed Claudius was behind the arras (see line 32). I believe that Gertrude married Claudius is because she fell in for lust. HAMLET I loved Ophelia: forty thousand brothers Claudius may have lied straight up to Gertrude to get her to fall for him. There is even a possibility that Claudius might have married the beautiful young Ophelia. Technically, Claudius and Gertrude are only related by marriage in Hamlet.Old Hamlet--Hamlet's biological father--marries Gertrude, and the couple has Hamlet. So Gertrude is not a character, but just a convenience for the plot. Please Login or Register. Why did 'Poetry Quarterly' cease publication in 1953? after his, then woman or wife she should marry his husband brother after death. Is Hamlet only acting mad, or has he truly lost his sanity at some point? Læs nyheder fra Om DR her Marrying Claudius would solve the problem with less damage caused to the kingdom. The Spoken Play in Hamlet William Witherle Lawrence. It seems pretty clear that Shakespeare left this a hazy issue, since Gertrude, even when she is being berated by Hamlet in the closet scene, does not ever say why. John Milton was 34 when he married Mary Powell. Why did Gertrude marry Claudius? With all my heart, and it doth much content me To hear him so inclin'd. Sweet Gertrude, leave us … In this case, what does Gertrude herself say about her reasons for marrying Claudius? Gertrude seems to be driven only by lust and sexual desire, this is proven by the fact that she mourns very little for Old King Hamlet and does not hesitate to marry Claudius afterwards. The reasons why Gertrude married Claudius are unclear and we can never fully know about her. And Claudius has indeed, according to the Ghost, contaminated his precious Gertrude, but this does not mean that Claudius did so before Hamlet's father died. This page contains the original text of Hamlet Act 3, Scene 1.Shakespeare’s original Hamlet text is extremely long, so we’ve split the text into one Scene per page. Gertrude may have married Claudius because she fell for his lust. I really think it is just convenience for the plot. There is evidence, in Gertrude’s behaviour, and her words, that she did not know that Old Hamlet had been murdered by her new husband, Claudius. 2. after his, then woman or wife she should marry his husband brother after death. ©2021, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Hamlet begins heatedly comparing the two brothers. It is quite vague about Gertrude's perspective. Claudius isn't stupid to just tell Gertrude to marry him because he killed Hamlet's father. She actually asks him why he is sad! Claudius TOOK Gertrude, just as he took his brother's life, to gain the power to kill more people to acquire more dirt. With witchcraft of his wit, with traitorous gifts,-- O wicked wit and gifts, that have the power So to seduce!--won to his shameful lust The will of my most seeming-virtuous queen: (I.v), Top subjects are Literature and Social Sciences. 9. To begin with, there is the fact of Claudius’ role in her former husband’s demise. | Eng4-2016 Gertrude and Claudius are the “villains” of Hamlet: he the killer of Hamlet’s father and usurper of the Danish throne; she his lusty consort, who marries Claudius before her late husband’s body is cold. a. Claudius may have wanted the throne, which is why he killed Hamlet's father. Because some people in these days also have marriage foe their own benefit although there's no real love. Gertrude would be in a difficult position after her husband died. Claudius isn't stupid to just tell Gertrude to marry him because he killed Hamlet's father. Clearly his is greatly different from her own perspective. Gertrude doesn't have many lines (so far) so she is kind of bland, and all we know of her is through Hamlet's accusations, which may not be true. If Claudius proposed marriage to her, it would be an offer she could hardly refuse, especially if he employs seduction. While Claudius spins it that “our sometimes sister, now our wife” has married him to prevent chaos and Fortinbras from overwhelming Denmark, we are certainly left to wonder at Gertrude’s comments to her son. Like the main reason why Hamlet is all angry at the beginning is because her mother married his brother. Maybe she married so she can protect the nation and she just wasn't portrayed as if she would because this is Hamelt's perspective and this story is sexist. QUEEN GERTRUDE O my son, what theme? A prince cannot marry for love. Welcome Guest. 12). ; In the comic adaptation of the film Babes in Toyland, Barnaby is forced into a cage and imprisoned at the end of his duel with Tom.In the actual film, Tom stabs him and he falls to his presumed death. Log in here. It is possibile for Gertrude to marry Claudius to take responsibility to protect and stabilize the nation as a queen because without a king, the nation will go through political chaos. Claudius did not love or care about Gertrude Answers may vary. She's the queen and because she was a woman on the throne who had to do what was best for her nation. Hamlet is not matured enough to take over throne and he was still grieving even after two months of his dad's death. Claudius may have lied straight up to Gertrude to get her to fall for him. He would probably make a union with the daughter of some foreign ruler for political purposes. I hope she married because she wanted to protect the nation and other wise reasons, that would make her a very likeable character. ...” in English if there is no answer or all answers are wrong, use a search bar and try to find the answer among similar questions. However, there also is a possibility that Gertrude was taking the responsibility to protect and stabilize the nation as a queen. He made decisions, especially those regarding hamlet, without considering Gertrude's feelings in the matter, Married … Gertrude would then lose her status and power and be in the position of a poor relation for the rest of her life. Finally, she concedes: So, whatever the reason she has married her former brother-in-law, she is shocked to see it from Hamlet's perspective. Inciting incident starts the action of a story, and sets the main question readers want to know. While we can speculate about Gertrude's motives (maybe she wanted to stay queen, Claudius was a distraction from her grief, Claudius was able to manipulate her into marrying him), a good work to read to gain insight--and an interesting perspective--into this issue is John Updike's Gertrude and Claudius. A high literary value cannot be assigned to the 'Murder of Gonzago,' but it appears to be a fair specimen of the drama of the 'Cambises' variety, which must have fallen upon the ears of Shakespeare's audience as stilted and artificial. They have come to help the Queen redecorate in a manner suitable to Claudius b. I also think she married Claudius because she felt the pressure to marry him or she'll might fall in danger. These two events are the cause of Hamlet’s distress and disgust in Act 1, and form the basis of the revenge plot.However, Shakespeare deliberately leaves the extent of Gertrude’s historic involvement with Claudius (as both his lover and potential accomplice in murder) unclear. In the end, I've come to this conclusion: if we really don't know or haven't any real clue, we may not have searched the text enough. It was not right and hard for them to accept the fact. Hard for them to accept the fact n't portrayed as an “ equal scale weighing and... 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