He first reconquered the Galilee to cut the Romans off from the sea. Sabotage is a possibility, as is an accidental fire, though Christian historians of the time ascribed it to divine intervention. [a] – per Cassius Dio[3] [citation needed]. Unlike the revolt of 66 CE, the historical sources on the Bar Kochba Revolt are scanty at best. Sort by: Related Topics. Reverse: COL[ONIA] AEL[IA] CAPIT[OLINA] COND[ITA] ('The founding of Colonia Aelia Capitolina'). Shortly after the eruption of the revolt, Bar Kokhba's rebels inflicted heavy casualties to Legio X Fretensis, based in Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem). There are few sources about Bar-Kokhba. All told, Bar Kokhba ruled in Jerusalem for two and a half years, with minted coins commemorating his rule. The reference to a malevolent Samaritan is, however, a familiar device of Jewish literature. The Jewish leaders carefully planned the second revolt to avoid numerous mistakes that had plagued the first Great Jewish Revolt sixty years earlier. Legio II Traiana Fortis, previously stationed in Egypt, may have also arrived in Judea in this stage. The scholarly debate over ‘The Bar Kokhba revolt and its consequences’ has intensified in recent decades. [68] The Sages endeavoured to halt Jewish dispersal, and even banned emigration from Palestine, branding those who settled outside its borders as idolaters.[68]. However, Hadrian himself is widely viewed as the one who instigated the final war. [9], Historians have suggested multiple reasons for the sparking of the Bar Kokhba revolt, long-term and proximate. In 438 CE, when the Empress Eudocia removed the ban on Jews' praying at the Temple site, the heads of the Community in Galilee issued a call "to the great and mighty people of the Jews" which began: "Know that the end of the exile of our people has come!" Bar Kokhba There are some hints in Rabbinical sources concerning the characteristics and personality of Bar Kokhba who was the military leader of the Jewish Revolt against the Roman Empire. Alas, Josephus was dead at the time of the second revolt led by Bar Kosiba. Bar-Kokhba united his army in Judea and led the Jews in battle. Similarly, under the argument to ensure the prosperity of the newly founded Roman colonia of Aelia Capitolina, Jews were forbidden to enter, except on the day of Tisha B'Av.[66]. vii.13. [8] The proximate reasons seem to centre around the construction of a new city, Aelia Capitolina, over the ruins of Jerusalem and the erection of a temple to Jupiter on the Temple mount. The Bar Kochba Revolt: A Disaster Celebrated by Zionists on Lag Ba'Omer . Inside one of the caves, burned wood was found which was dated to the time of the revolt. The Israel Antiques Authority's archaeologists Moran Hagbi and Dr. Joe Uziel speculated that "It is possible that a Roman soldier from the Tenth Legion found the coin during one of the battles across the country and brought it to their camp in Jerusalem as a souvenir. Shimon Bar-Kokhba was the leader of the Jewish revolt against Rome between 132 and 135 C.E. Factors Leading to the Maccabean Revolt (Part 1) Early in his reign, Antiochus IV Epiphanes was involved in a dispute over the high priesthood in Jerusalem. The war is also briefly mentioned by the Church father Jerome. When in A.D. - Simeon Bar Kochba and his army were finally defeated at the city of Beitar. Tensions continued to build up in the wake of the Kitos War, the second large-scale Jewish insurrection in the Eastern Mediterranean during 115–117, the final stages of which saw fighting in Judea. At that point, Legio VI Ferrata was sent to reinforce the Roman position from Legio base in Yizrael Valley, fielding altogether some 20,000 Roman troops, but was unable to subdue the rebels, who nearly conquered Jerusalem. [51] Additional finds at Tel Shalem, including a bust of Emperor Hadrian, specifically link the site to the period. [40] Were the claim true it has been conjectured that Hadrian, as a Hellenist, would have viewed circumcision as an undesirable form of mutilation. [53] The horrendous scene after the city's capture could be best described as a massacre. By that time the number of Roman troops in Judea stood at nearly 80,000 - a number still inferior to rebel forces, who were also better familiar with the terrain and occupied strong fortifications. [73][74], During the 5th and the 6th centuries, a series of Samaritan revolts broke out across the Palaestina Prima province. [82], Over the years, two schools formed in the analysis of the Revolt. - Eventually, the Roman army took back Jerusalem from the Jews. [75] It is likely that the Samaritan revolt of 556 was joined by the Jewish community, which had also suffered brutal suppression of their religion under Emperor Justinian.[76][77][78]. The Roman army was made up of six full legions with auxiliaries and elements from up to six additional legions, which finally managed to crush the revolt. [79] However, their autonomy was brief: the Jewish leader was shortly assassinated during a Christian revolt and, though Jerusalem was reconquered by Persians and Jews within 3 weeks, it fell into anarchy. '"[63] Some argue that the exceptional number of preserved Roman veteran diplomas from the late 150s and 160 CE indicate an unprecedented conscription across the Roman Empire to replenish heavy losses within military legions and auxiliary units between 133 and 135, corresponding to the revolt. [14] The Jewish communities of Judea were devastated to an extent which some scholars describe as a genocide. [3] A rabbinic version of this story claims that Hadrian planned on rebuilding the Temple, but that a malevolent Samaritan convinced him not to. [59] On the other hand, Cotton considered Dio's figures highly plausible, in light of accurate Roman census declarations. ... Maccabean revolt. Vol. [41] The claim is often considered suspect.[42][43]. [44] In 132, the revolt, led by Simon bar Kokhba and Elasar, quickly spread from Modi'in across the country, cutting off the Roman garrison in Jerusalem. He took the title of provincial governor and initiated a massive campaign to systematically subdue Judean rebel forces. Several elements are believed to have contributed to the rebellion; changes in administrative law, the diffuse presence of Romans, alterations in agricultural practice with a shift from landowning to sharecropping, the impact of a possible period of economic decline, and an upsurge of nationalism, the latter influenced by similar revolts among the Jewish communities in Egypt, Cyrenaica and Mesopotamia during the reign of Trajan in the Kitos War. A man by the name of Simon bar Kokhba. [1] Previously it had generally been accepted that the Ninth disappeared around 108 CE, possibly suffering its demise in Britain, according to Mommsen; but archaeological findings in 2015 from Nijmegen, dated to 121 CE, contained the known inscriptions of two senior officers who were deputy commanders of the Ninth in 120 CE, and lived on for several decades to lead distinguished public careers. Following the Fall of Betar, the Roman forces went on a rampage of systematic killing, eliminating all remaining Jewish villages in the region and seeking out the refugees. [70] The failure to rebuild the Temple has mostly been ascribed to the dramatic Galilee earthquake of 363, and traditionally also to the Jews' ambivalence about the project. According to some historians, Bar Kokhba's army mostly practiced guerrilla warfare, inflicting heavy casualties. [60] In addition, many Judean war captives were sold into slavery.[14]. Gargilius Antiques may have preceded Rufus during the 120s. [47] The era of the redemption of Israel was announced, contracts were signed and a large quantity of Bar Kokhba Revolt coinage was struck over foreign coins. [54] The Jerusalem Talmud relates that the number of dead in Betar was enormous, that the Romans "went on killing until their horses were submerged in blood to their nostrils."[55]. The revolt was led by the Judean Pharisees, with other Jewish and non-Jewish factions also playing a role. Jewish leaders carefully planned the second revolt to avoid the numerous mistakes that had plagued the first First Jewish–Roman War sixty years earlier. Some historians also refer to it as the Second Revolt[6] of Judea, not counting the Kitos War (115–117 CE), which had only marginally been fought in Judea. [13] According to Cassius Dio, 580,000 Jews perished in the war and many more died of hunger and disease. Given the continuing inability of Legio X and Legio VI to subdue the rebels, additional reinforcements were dispatched from neighbouring provinces. Hadrian renamed the region Syria Palaestina (Palestine today) in an attempt to dissuade future generations of Jews from reclaiming it. The 10th legion had to evacuate its fortress at Jerusalem. Bar Kokhba Judaea’s Leaderless Revolt Against Rome The Second Temple was destroyed in the course of the Judaean Revolt (66–73 C.E.) The war had no chronicler such as Josephus Flavius, at least none whose work has survived. [84], Until 1951, Bar Kokhba Revolt coinage was the sole archaeological evidence for dating the revolt. The cave systems were often interconnected and used not only as hideouts for the rebels but also for storage and refuge for their families. As a result of the revolt the Jewish community in Judea was eliminated, the Roman province of Judea became the province of … “Immediately after the Bar-Kokhba revolt, the Romans decided to abolish the province of Judea and to obliterate any mention of its name,” Yasur-Landau and Gambash explain. Despite the reference to Jerusalem, as of early 2000s, archaeological finds, and the lack of revolt coinage found in Jerusalem, supported the view that the revolt did not capture Jerusalem. [2], After the suppression of the revolt, Hadrian's proclamations sought to root out Jewish nationalism in Judea,[8] which he saw as the cause of the repeated rebellions. Works on Aelia Capitolina, as Jerusalem was to be called, commenced in 131 CE. Judaea was almost completely devastated, and Jewish life shifted from Judaea to the Galilee. He prohibited Torah law and the Hebrew calendar, and executed Judaic scholars. The Bar Kokhba revolt (Hebrew: מֶרֶד בַּר כּוֹכְבָא ‎; Mered Bar Kokhba) was a rebellion of the Jews of the Roman province of Judea, led by Simon bar Kokhba, against the Roman Empire.Fought circa 132–136 CE, it was the last of three major Jewish–Roman wars, so it is also known as The Third Jewish–Roman War or The Third Jewish Revolt. Onias III … The Jerusalem Talmud contains descriptions of the results of the rebellion, including the Roman executions of Judean leaders. The 2013 discovery of the military camp of Legio VI Ferrata near Tel Megiddo,[89] and ongoing excavations there may shed light to extension of the rebellion to the northern valleys. In 363, not long before Julian left Antioch to launch his campaign against Sassanian Persia, he ordered the Jewish Temple rebuilt in his effort to foster religions other than Christianity. Killing more than half a million Jews and destroying almost a thousand villages, the Bar Kochba Revolt (132-35) was a major event in Jewish history and a blotch on the reputation of the good emperor Hadrian.The revolt was named for a man called Shimon, on coins, Bar Kosibah, on papyrus, Bar Kozibah, on rabbinic literature, and Bar Kokhba, in Christian writing. At this Temple, he installed two statues, one of Jupiter, another of himself. The revolt erupted as a result of religious and political tensions in Judea following on the failed First Revolt in 66–73 CE. The story of Bar-Kokhba was a legend in Jewish history - some actually believed he wasn't a real person. This revolt began as small, spontaneous clashes between Jews and Roman forces. Lindsay Powell's book, The Bar Kokhba War AD 132–135 tells the story of the last Jewish revolt over the Roman Empire. The slogans on the Bar Kokhba coins proclaimed the ‘Freedom of Israel’ and ‘For the Freedom of Jerusalem’. The Romans lost as many as two legions. He was known as a man of tremendous physical strength with the ability to uproot a tree while riding a horse or haul back the stone thrown by a Roman catapult. All (10) Videos (3) Events (2) Book (1) 10 results. Rome also took control of the appointment of Jewish High Priests.Previous bloody conflicts between the Romans and the Jews, such as the Great Jewish Revolt of … Cassius Dio also wrote: "Many Romans, moreover, perished in this war. Shalev-Hurvitz, V. Oxford University Press 2015. p235, "Ancient Inscription Identifies Gargilius Antiques as Roman Ruler on Eve of Bar Kochva Revolt", A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, "Roman provincial coin of Hadrian [image]", "The Bar Kochba Revolt: A Disaster Celebrated by Zionists on Lag Ba'Omer", "Julian the Apostate and the Holy Temple", Evans, J.A.S. The discovery of the Cave of Letters in the Dead Sea area, dubbed as "Bar Kokhba archive",[91] which contained letters actually written by Bar Kokhba and his followers, has added much new primary source data, indicating among other things that either a pronounced part of the Jewish population spoke only Greek or there was a foreign contingent among Bar Kokhba's forces, accounted for by the fact that his military correspondence was, in part, conducted in Greek. city. There were several differences though between this fight and the first war. The Roman victory, however, was won at great cost.The last decade has seen some stunning developments in research on the Bar Kokhba War. But more importantly, this movement had a leader. According to a Rabbinic midrash, the Romans executed eight leading members of the Sanhedrin (The list of Ten Martyrs include two earlier Rabbis): R. Akiva; R. Hanania ben Teradion; the interpreter of the Sanhedrin, R. Huspith; R. Eliezer ben Shamua; R. Hanina ben Hakinai; R. Jeshbab the Scribe; R. Yehuda ben Dama; and R. Yehuda ben Baba. The theory for a major battle in Tel Shalem implies a significant extension of the area of the rebellion - while some historians confine the conflict to Judea proper, the location of Tel Shalem suggests that the war encompassed the northern Jordan Valley as well, some 50 km north of the war's minimal boundaries. Some of the Judean survivors resettled in Galilee, with some rabbinical families gathering in Sepphoris. Therefore, Hadrian, in writing to the Senate, did not employ the opening phrase commonly affected by the emperors: 'If you and your children are in health, it is well; I and the army are in health. [52] According to Jewish tradition, the fortress was breached and destroyed on the fast of Tisha B'av, the ninth day of the lunar month Av, a day of mourning for the destruction of the First and the Second Jewish Temple. [83], A 2015 archaeological survey in Samaria identified some 40 hideout cave systems from the period, some containing Bar Kokhba's minted coins, suggesting that the war raged in Samaria at high intensity.[49]. From open warfare to rebel defensive tactics, Later relations between the Jews and the Roman Empire, Jerusalem inscription dedicated to Hadrian (129/30 CE), David Goodblatt, 'The political and social history of the Jewish community in the Land of Israel,' in William David Davies, Louis Finkelstein, Steven T. Katz (eds. Historians disagree on the duration of the Roman campaign following the fall of Betar. Bar Kokhba Revolt (132-135) - The Bar Kokhba revolt was the conclusion of the wars between the Romans and the Jews. "[87], Among those findings are the rebel hideout systems in the Galilee, which greatly resemble the Bar Kokhba hideouts in Judea, and though are less numerous, are nevertheless important. [64], As noted above, XXII Deiotariana was disbanded after serious losses. Jewish messianism was abstracted and spiritualized, and rabbinical political thought became deeply cautious and conservative. Bar Kokhba Revolt (132-135) - The Bar Kokhba revolt was the conclusion of the wars between the Romans and the Jews. And disdain turned to outrage when Hadrian, a well known Hellenist, outlawed circumcision the following year in 131, which he viewed as mutilation. The stage was set for another confrontation. The fortress was besieged by the Romans in late 134 and was taken by the end of the year or early in 135. With the subsequent withdrawal of Persian forces, Jews surrendered to the Byzantines in 625 CE or 628 CE, but were massacred by Christians in 629 CE, with the survivors fleeing to Egypt. [67] Rabbinic Judaism had already become a portable religion, centered on synagogues. This thesis will explore the immediate causes of the Bar Kokhba revolt and compare them to other provincial revolts in the Roman Empire. This view is largely supported by Cassius Dio, who wrote that the revolt began with covert attacks in line with preparation of hideout systems, though after taking over the fortresses Bar Kokhba turned to direct engagement due to his superiority in numbers. The rebels incorporated combined tactics to fight the Roman Army. [19][20][21] Imagine the incredible excitement of those involved in the discovery of the caves when they learned they had finally uncovered the final resting place of Bar-Kokhba and others who were with him. The Jews of the Parthian Empire fought side by side with their Persian allies and embarked on a series of behind-the -lines guerrilla actions. Byzantine control of the region was finally lost to Muslim Arab armies in 637 CE, when Umar ibn al-Khattab completed the conquest of Akko. Legio V Macedonica and Legio XI Claudia are said to have taken part in the siege. [33][34][35], A disputed tradition, based on the single source of the Historia Augusta, regarded[by whom?] iv.6,§2; Orosius "Hist." 2, "Greek Papyri", edited by Naphtali Lewis; "Aramaic and Nabatean Signatures and Subscriptions", edited by. Simon bar Kokhba declared Herodium as his secondary headquarters. The causes of the Bar Kokhba revolt have long been debated. However, bar Kokhba obviously was not the messiah because things didn't turn out any better for the Jews in this war than in the first. cx; Eusebius "Hist. Modern historians view the Bar Kokhba Revolt as having decisive historic importance. He expressed sympathy for the plight of the Jews and made a promise to rebuild their temple. [13] They note that, unlike the aftermath of the First Jewish–Roman War chronicled by Josephus, the Jewish population of Judea was devastated after the Bar Kokhba Revolt,[13] being killed, exiled, or sold into slavery, and Jewish religious and political authority was suppressed far more brutally than before. Hadrian wasted little time though in transferring his best general, Sextus Julius Severus, from Britain to Judea, along with twelve legions (about three times as many as were sent during the first revolt). 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