Other types of theology are supernatururalistic in patches. Reformed theology teaches that God rules with absolute control over all creation. Currently there are at least nine existing denominations, including (between brackets the Dutch abbreviation): According to the census of 2001, more than 3.2 million people recorded themselves as Reformed. Hallmarks of reformed theology are covenantal theology, amillenial or post-millenial eschatology, Calvinistic soteriology, congregational or presyterian govt structure, seeing the church as the Israel of … Within this broad category there are many different types of Baptists who hold various views on soteriology (doctrine of salvation) and ecclesiology (church structure and governance). ii, xxv, xxxv & xlvii <, Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Liberated), Old-Reformed Congregations in the Netherlands, Reformed Congregations in the Netherlands, Reformed Congregations in the Netherlands (unconnected), Continued Reformed Churches in the Netherlands, Korean Reformed Church in the Netherlands, Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Restored), Covenant of Free Evangelical Congregations in the Netherlands, Indonesian Christian Church in the Netherlands, Evangelical Reformed Church (Westminster Confession), Reformed Church in Hungary, Transylvania and southern Slovakia, Reformed Presbyterian Church of Central and Eastern Europe, Károlyi Gáspár Institute of Theology and Missions, Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches, United Reformed Churches in North America, Evangelical Reformed Church in Bavaria and Northwestern Germany, Evangelical Old-Reformed Church in Lower Saxony, Union of Evangelical Reformed Churches in Germany, Protestant Reformed Church of Alsace and Lorraine, National Union of Protestant Reformed Evangelical Churches of France (the name of the denomination was changed in 2009), Union of Free Evangelical Churches in France, Evangelical Fellowship of Congregational Churches, Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches, Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales, Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Non-subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland, https://www.internationalcongregationalfellowship.org/our-regions/, Protestant Reformed Christian Church in Croatia, Evangelical Reformed Baptist Churches in Italy, Union of Evangelical Reformed Churches in Ukraine, Evangelical Reformed Church in Transcarpathia, Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ukraine, Protestant Reformed Christian Church in Serbia, Confederation of Reformed Evangelical Churches in Poland, Union of Evangelical Congregational Churches in Bulgaria, Synod of the Evangelical Reformed Church in Lithuania, Church of the Brethren in the Czech Republic, Evangelical Brethren Church in the Czech Republic, Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Portugal, Christian Presbyterian Church in Portugal, Union of Evangelical Congregational Churches in Portugal, Union of Evangelical Reformed Churches in Russia, Union of Evangelical Congregational Churches in Macedonia, List of Presbyterian Denominations in Australia, Reformed Presbyterian Church of Australia, Reformed Presbyterian Church (denominational group), Westminster Presbyterian Church of Australia, Congregational Christian Church in American Samoa, Protestant Reformed Church in French Polynesia, United Church of Christ-Congregational in the Marshall Islands, Evangelical Church in New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands, Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand, Fellowship of Reformed Baptist Churches in New Zealand, List of Reformed denominations in North America, American Presbyterian Church (founded 1979), Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America, Christian Reformed Church in North America, Covenanting Association of Reformed and Presbyterian Churches, Congregational Christian Churches in Canada, Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America, ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians, Evangelical Assembly of Presbyterian Churches in America, Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals, Free Presbyterian Church of North America, Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregations, Reformed Presbyterian Church in the United States, Reformed Presbyterian Church - Hanover Presbytery, Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, Westminster Presbyterian Church in the United States, Smyrna House of Prayer Church in Bangladesh, Evangelical Reformed Presbyterian Church in Bangladesh, Evangelical Presbyterian Church of East Timor, Japan Presbytery - Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Japan Presbytery - Reformed Presbyterian Church in North America, Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea, Presbyterian Church in Korea (HapDongChongShin), Presbyterian Church in Korea (HapDongChunTong), Presbyterian Church in Korea (HapDongBoSu), Presbyterian Church in Korea (HapDongBoSu I. Mexican Communion of Reformed and Presbyterian Churches, Iglesia Cristiana Evangélica Reformada Húngara (, Iglesia Evangelica Presbiteriana Coreana (, Iglesia Evangelica Suiza en la Argentina (, Iglesia Evangélica Valdense en Argentina (, Iglesia Evangelica Presbiteriana en Bolivia-Cochabamba (Korean Mission), Iglesia Presbiteriana en Bolivia (Bolivian initiative), Independent Presbyterian Church of Bolivia (Brazilian Mission) (Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil), Aliança das Igrejas Evangélicas Congregacionais Brasileiras, Igreja Kalleyana - Igreja Puritana Reformada no Brasil, Igrejas que militam na Obra da Restauração de Tudo - OPIMOBRART, Iglesia Reformada Presbiteriana del Ecuador (, This page was last edited on 21 January 2021, at 16:43. The Thirty-Nine Articles. Just as the Reformers protested the corrupt teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, so today evangelicalism itself is in need of a modern reformation. In Reformed theology, the new covenant is the fulfillment of the types and shadows but it is not the only administration of the covenant of grace. When it comes to evangelical Christianity, its roots are found in the soil of the sixteenth-century Protestant Reformation. Today they are members of the Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches. Transylvania was part of Hungary until 1920. Reformed seminaries prepare graduates to serve churches in the Presbyterian or Reformed tradition. ), Presbyterian Church in Korea (HapDongBoSu II. reformata, semper reformanda secundum verbum Dei, that is, “The church reformed, always to be reformed according to the Word of God” in the power of the Spirit. The … We must use logic to communicate … in all its fullness to as many people as possible. However, the ascendency of William Laud to the archbishopric saw a periodic suppression of pro-Calvinist clergymen under Charles I, and the Oxford Movement of the 19th century sought to further distance the Church of England from its Calvinistic ties. Currently there are at least nine existing denominations, including (between brackets the Dutch abbreviation): Since the Reformation the Netherlands, as one of the few countries in the world, could be characterised as a mainly Calvinist state. Until the first half of the 20th century, a majority of the Dutch (about 55%) were Reformed and a large minority (35-40%) were Catholic. London: Hodder & Stoughton. In Slovakia, 110,000 Calvinists were recorded.[3]. Many of these historic splits have been resolved. Several forms of … Many students become pastors, missionaries, or church educators and … War field said, covenant theology is “architectonic” for Reformed theology… The Reformed churches are a group of Protestant Christian denominations connected by a common Calvinist or Lutheran system of doctrine. The past decades show a rapid decline in this proportion, coming from 46% in 1970. Freedom of religion came with the French Revolution. This date is the founding date of the Reformed Diocese of Transylvania. C. ONFESSIONS AS . Thus, a stance is a preferable way of characterizing Reformed theology. There are diaconal institutions and conference centres. Of that number, about 600,000 are considered active members, in 1,249 congregations. The Reformed Church in Romania consist of 2 dioceses. He has... Salvation by grace. This church was started by missionaries of the Presbyterian Church in America and has 12 congregations and missions with 11 ordained national pastors; it maintains a Reformed seminary in Kiev. The Hungarian Reformed Church adopted the Heidelberg Catechism and the Second Helvetic Confession as a definition of their teaching, together the Ecumenical creeds of the Christian Church: Athanasian Creed, Nicene Creed, Chalcedon, and the common creed ("Apostles' Creed"). Reformed theology … ), Presbyterian Church in Korea (HapDongChinShin II. ), Presbyterian Church in Korea (TongHapBoSu), Presbyterian Church in Korea (DaeHanShinChuk), Presbyterian Church in Korea (HapDongYeChong I), Presbyterian Church in Korea (HapDongSeongHoe), Presbyterian Church in Korea (GaeHyukHapDong I), Presbyterian Church in Korea (GaeHyukHapDong II), Presbyterian Church in Korea (HapDongGaeHyuk), Presbyterian Church in Korea (HapDongJangShin), Presbyterian Church in Korea (DaeShin II), Presbyterian Church in Korea (ChongHoe II), Presbyterian Church in Korea (ChongHoe I), Presbyterian Church in Korea (GaeHyukHapDong III), Presbyterian Church in Korea (DokNoHoe II), Presbyterian Church in Korea (BoSuJeongTong), Presbyterian Church in Korea (HapDongYeSun), Independent Reformed Presbyterian Church in Korea, Conservative Reformed Presbyterian Church in Korea, Women Pastors Presbyterian Church in Korea, Fundamentalist Presbyterian General Assembly in Korea, The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China, Reformed Baptist Church, Vinukonda, Guntur Dt., Andhra Pradesh, The Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar, Reformed Presbyterian Church North East India, Presbyterian Free Church of Central India, United Church of Northern India - Presbyterian Synod, Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Sikkim, Christian Evangelical Church in Halmahera, Christian Communion of Indonesia Church in Nias, Protestant Congregations Church in Indonesia, Gereja Kristen Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan, Evangelical Christian Church in West Papua, Javanese Christian Church of Northern Central Java, Gereja Masehi Injili di Bolaang Mongondow, Christian Evangelical Church in Bolaang Mongondow, Evangelical Christian Church in Halmahera, Christian Evangelical Church in Sangihe-Talaud, Gereja Protestan di Indonesia Bagian Barat, Gereja Protestan Indonesia di Buol Toli-Toli, Indonesian Protestant Church in Buol Toli-Toli, Indonesian Protestant Church in Gorontalo, Indonesian Protestant Church in Irian Jaya, Gereja Reformed Injili Indonesia (Indonesian Reformed Evangelical Church), Gereja-Gereja Kristen Indonesia Sumatera Utara, Indonesian Christian Church of North Sumatera, Communion of Protestant Christian Church of Nias, Evangelical Reformed Church in Kazakhstan, National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon, Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East, Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Myanmar, Independent Presbyterian Church in Myanmar, Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in Pakistan, Bastion of Truth Reformed Churches in the Philippines, Christian Reformed Church in the Philippines, United Church of Christ in the Philippines, Federation of Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines, Bethany Independent-Presbyterian Church Singapore, The General Assembly of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Evangelical Congregational Church in Angola, Independent Presbyterian Church in Angola, United Congregational Church of Southern Africa, Reformed Evangelical Church of Burkina Faso, Association of Evangelical Churches in Burkina Faso, Reformed Presbyterian Community in Africa, Evangelical Church of Egypt (Synod of the Nile), Reformed Presbyterian Church of Equatorial Guinea, Mehrete Yesus Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus, Canaan Christian Community Church in Gambia, Grace Reformed Baptist Church, Haatso Ecomog, Accra, Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ivory Coast, Church of Central Africa Presbyterian - Livingstonia Synod, Church of Central Africa Presbyterian - Nkhoma Synod, Church of Central Africa Presbyterian - Blantyre Synod, Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Malawi, Protestant Church of Ambohimazala-Firaisiana, Evangelical Indigenous Mission in Madagascar, Reformed Church of Mozambique (Mphatso Synod), Evangelical Church of Christ in Mozambique, Renewed Presbyterian Church in Mozambique, United Congregational Church in Southern Africa, Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa, United Congregational Church of Southern Africa, Namibia Synod, Evangelical Church of the Republic of Niger, Union of Evangelical Protestant Churches in Niger, Church of Christ in the Sudan among the Tiv, Christian Reformed Church in South Africa, Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa, Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa - NG Church, Nederduitsch Reformed Church in Africa - NH Church, Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa, Christian Reformed Church in Sierra Leone, Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Uganda, Christian Reformed Church in Eastern Africa, Reformed Presbyterian Church in Africa (Uganda), Reformed Presbyterian Church in Africa (Rwanda), Church of Central Africa Presbyterian - Synod of Zambia, Church of Central Africa Presbyterian - Harare Synod, Dutch Reformed Church - Synod Central Africa, African Free Presbyterian Church of Zimbabwe, Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland in Zimbabwe, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Bermuda, Costa Rican Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Evangelical and Reformed Church in El Salvador, National Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Guatemala, Independent Fundamental Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Synod of Southwest Guatemala, Saint John Apostle Evangelical Church in Guatemala, Christian Reformed Church of the Dominican Republic, Evangelical and Reformed Church in Honduras, United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church of Mexico, Christian Congregational Churches in Mexico, Independent Presbyterian Church in Mexico, National Conservative Presbyterian Church in Mexico, Presbyterian Church in Trinidad and Tobago, Reformed Bible Churches in Trinidad and Tobago, Hungarian Christian Evangelical Reformed Church, Iglesia Evangélica Congregacional Argentina, Evangelical Congregational Church in Argentina, Evangelical Waldensian Church of Argentina, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church (denomination), Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Bolivia, Iglesia Evangélica Presbiteriana en Bolivia, Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil, Igreja Presbiteriana Independente do Brasil, Conservative Presbyterian Church in Brazil, Igreja Presbiteriana Conservadora do Brasil, Fundamentalist Presbyterian Church in Brazil, Igreja Presbiteriana Fundamentalista do Brasil, Traditional Presbyterian Church in Brazil, Igreja Presbiteriana Tradicional do Brasil, Christian Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Brazil, Evangelical Congregational Church in Brazil, Igrejas Evangelicas Congregacionnais do Brasil, Union of Evangelical Congregational Churches in Brazil, Uniao das Igrejas Evangelicas Congregaciais do Brasil, Biblical Fundamentalist Presbyterian Church in Chile, Presbyterian Church of Colombia (Reformed Synod), Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia (Sinodo Reformado), Presbyterian Church of Colombia (Presbyterian Synod), Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia (Synodo Presbiteriano), Eglise Evangelique de la Guyane francaise, Taiwanese Presbyterian Church in Asuncion, Iglesia Presbiteriana Taiwanesa en Asuncion, Evangelical Congregational Churches in Paraguay, Evangelical Presbyterian and Reformed Church in Peru, Iglesia Evangelica Reformada Uruguayo-Hungara, Iglesia Evangelica Valdense de Rio de la Plata, National Evangelical Church Union of Lebanon, List of Christian denominations#Reformed Churches, International Conference of Reformed Churches, "ERKWB Schweiz - Homepage der Evangelisch-reformierten Kirche Westminster Bekenntnisses in der Schweiz", "Lausanne Free Church English Speaking Switzerland", "Welcome to Reformed Presbyterian Church of Central and Eastern Europe - Reformed Presbyterian Church of Central and Eastern Europe", "Közép- és Kelet Európai Református Presbiteriánus Egyház", "Királyhágómelléki Református Egyházkerület", https://history.hanover.edu/texts/engref/er78.html, "Kisha e Reformuar Ungjillore Durres – Të njohim Krishtin & Ta bëjmë Krishtin të njohur", "Fellowship of Reformed Baptist Churches in New Zealand", "해외한인장로회 총회 - The Korean Presbyterian Church Abroad", "International Reformed Baptist Church Directory, Bangladesh", "Vinukonda Missionary & Medical Fellowship", "Gereja Kristen Indonesia – Situs Arsip – Situs Arsip Untuk Gereja Kristen Indonesia", "Address data base of Reformed churches and institutions", "Church Information - Reformed Baptist Churches Malaysia", "Cubao Reformed Baptist Church - Reformation Philippines", "massage erotique rodez maisons closes espagne - internationalchurchcolombo.info", "Pilgrim Covenant - Reformed Church in Singapore", "QUYỀN NĂNG CAO CẢ CỦA ĐỨC CHÚA TRỜI Ở VIỆT NAM (Ê-phê 1:4-5)", "Authorities Arrest 80-Member Presbyterian Congregation - WWRN - World-wide Religious News", "Reformed Churches » Religion in Zimbabwe", "Reformed Presbyterian Church in Haiti - Église Presbytérienne Réformée d'Haiti", "Inicio - Iglesia Bíblica del Señor Jesucristo", "Igreja Presbiteriana Chinesa de Curitiba", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_Reformed_denominations&oldid=1001840771, Articles with dead external links from December 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2009, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, a notable Calvinist group within the PKN is the, Administration-United - in these churches, each parish is either Lutheran, Reformed or united Protestant, and so is the congregation and the Pastor, but all share the same administration, Consensus-United - there is no difference even at the parish level, Several hundred Congregational churches opted to remain outside the initial 1972 union, forming the, There are also other churches with smaller flocks, notably in, Trinity Community Christian Fellowship in Larnaca, Cyprus, Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches in Eurasia. 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