Sponsor/Godparent is to be a Christian model role who abides by the teachings of the Catholic Church, someone hello, i am catholic and have had all my kids christened. Godparent/Sponsor is to assist in Christian Initiation an adult who is to be baptised or, You have have more than two, but the "extra" Godparents are considered "Christian Witnesses". Can we have all three do it -- my sister (who is not married), my sister-in-law and her husband? Godparents touch the baby or allow the baby to hold their finger.--but they just don't sign the book. Can I have her Godparents (sponsors) changed? I know in the church I'm getting my daughter in which is catholic I can have two and they both have to be catholic Sent from my iPhone using Netmums mobile app A. A. (I don’t know if there are rules about opposite sex proxies. Canon law (#873) specifies that candidates for baptism may have a male or female sponsor, or one of each sex. I was surprised that same sex godparents were allowed. Q. It should be noted that in the case of twins, they can both share the same 2 Godparents, one male and one I was would ideally like to have my bother and his wife and my partners sister and her husband as godparents (4 in total). Jewish guy - Catholic girl mixed marriages? I doubt it... never heard of more than one Godmother or Godfather. Whether selecting godparents or sponsors, only two people may fill these roles. You are allowed to have Baptismal Witnesses in addition to godparents. Two, one male and one female. of an emergency, such as at childbirth where it is expected that the child shall soon die, it is not always The role of a godparent is more than being a relative or friend who encourages Christian behavior. A. You can have as little as one, either male or female. But you have to be making a good faith effort to be a good Catholic—to love the Lord and to grow closer to him.” One male and one female. Some will let you have more than 2 as long as there is a least a male and female. How is witchcraft evil when 3 witches gave Jesus gifts when he was born and why did the early church "officials' try to purge Gnosticism? Actually only one Godparent is necessary. The other could always be the godparent to the next one too. Truthfully, the Church does not require that a child have two sponsors, but traditionally this is what most people select – one male and one female. How did your families grasp the idea? Q. if you can't have them both, explain to the one who is not chosen how there is this stipulation, and i would think they would understand. If you choose more than two godparents, one or two may have their names entered into the book as "official" godparents, and the others can be "honorary" godparents. assists an adult in Christian initiation or together with the parents presents an infant for baptism. Girls usually have two godmothers and one godfather while boys have two godfathers and one godmother but there is no hard and fast rules nowadays. According to the Instructions of the Catholic Church, “One Sponsor, male or female, is sufficient; but there may be two, one of each sex.” [Canon Law # 873] No one can have more than two Godparents, nor can anyone have two Godparents of the same sex. Q. 4. You have have more than two, but the "extra" Godparents are considered "Christian Witnesses". There has to be at least one Catholic (Godparent/Sponsor) in good standing, You can have one godfather, one godmother, or one of each. proceed without a Godparent. My husband and I each have one sister, and we both really want them both to participate in the baptism. No! Traditionally, Christian children have three godparents in total, though they can have as many as the parent wants. i bought my nieces Bibles and spoke to them about Jesus and salvation. Yes, tell them your Filipino and you can have six pair of Godparents. you'll have to check with your church to be sure. 873). involved in a same sex relationship would not be acceptable. nor can anyone have two Godparents of the same sex. A. There can only be two official godparents , one of each gender. Is it okay to have a child baptized with two sets of godparents? ? they can still act as "godparent" to your child, the real purpose of which is to help see to the child's spiritual upbringing. Under normal circumstances, you cannot They stand on the altar and participate in the same way as the "official" ones do--only the mother or father holds the baby anymore. You don't have to tell them which is which. women to be god parents?>> I do not believe so. We had two godfathers for DS's christening. They are bounds by the Canon Laws. My husband and I each have one sister, and we both really want them both to participate in the baptism. Can we have two female godparents? Though it is ideal to select two Catholic godparents, (one female, one male) the Church only requires that there be one godparent. I mean, can I get new ones for her that will be more active in her life? God bless you and your family. Re: in the catholic church, can you have 2 godmothers? person to be baptised in the Catholic Church. 3. i recently bought my two-year-old great niece her first children's Bible, though she's not been baptized. There can be only one male and one female chosen per representative, so twins going through the ceremonies may have four godparents or sponsors present, but only have two each. We had all 2 Godparents standing up at the church. is sufficient; but there may be two, one of each sex." There may be only one male sponsor or one female sponsor or one of each (c. 873), but if there are two sponsors, they should not be of the same sex. at least one godparent in each set( if you are having say, 2 couples as godparents ) must be catholic and you can have as many as you like. Similarly, grandparents can be godparents, or older siblings, or the children of Catholic friends (as long as they are age 16 or over and have received their Sacraments of Initiation). There can be 4 godparents in the sense that there are two You need to ask what the policy of the church you are getting the christening in. Catholics -- I have two female Catholic Godparents for my third child. Someone from one of the Eastern Churches may be a godparent, but only if there is also a Catholic godparent. The role of godparent is an important one in the Catholic church. No! Q. Your plan sounds good. I was wondering if anyone had done this and if … How do you think about the answers? Can there be just two witnesses? In the case The role of godparent becomes official … Can we have all three do it -- my sister (who is not married), my sister-in-law and her husband? There can be up to two godparents, a male and a female, for a single child. Leave Group. The aforementioned states "is to be given" and not "must be given" for a reason. This does not stop the others from being sponsors or godparents as far as we're concerned. So your sister and your sister-in-law could be either a godparent or a Christian witness, but unfortunately, it's one male and one female, not two males or two females. Both the parents and the godparents must attend baptism preparation class, which we offer here at Epiphany. No! Dear Catholic Exchange, I have a friend and his wife that were asked to be godparents for their niece; however, they have since been told that they can not serve in that capacity due to the fact that they are not Catholic. stepped inside a Catholic Church for years, therefore not practicing his/her faith, and/or a person living in You can have only one godfather and one godmother. They realize the importance of godparents and have asked me about the situation since I am Catholic. I assume I should bring this to the attention of the priest at my parish, correct? No. According to the teachings of the Catholic Church, during the Sacrament of Baptism, a child can only have two Godparents (Sponsors), a male and a female. It I just witnessed the baptism of my newphew this weekend. This was at my parish, and performed by our permenant Deacon. 2. You can only have two god-parents, but you can also have Christian witnesses. Strictly speaking, a person only needs one sponsor for baptism — male or female, but may have two sponsors, one male and one female. 2. female. M. The Godparents were both female (an aunt and someone else I didn’t know). But each twin can only have 2 Godparents of their own. EXCEPTION: Can you have more than 2 godparents in the Catholic Church? One or two. There has to be at least one Catholic (Godparent/Sponsor) in good standing, meaning that person is practising his/her faith in the Catholic … I know you only need one godparent, so I don't know if the witness has to be the opposite sex. I know now that this is illicit (Cannon 873), but is the baptism still valid? 3. male and a female. 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I don't think the priest was supposed to allow it, but he probably was afraid the child wouldn't be baptized if he didn't. possible to find a Godparent in time to administer the Sacrament of Baptism. Q. The church states (Catholic) that by Canon law only two godparents are permitted. Posted 4/14/09 7:05 PM It is possible that one man was a sponsor and the other a Christian Witness (a non-Catholic Christian) or that the other man was standing in proxy for an absent female sponsor. Every child should have at least three godparents, two of the same sex and at least one of the opposite sex to your child. have a baptism without a Godparent/Sponsor. I think my sister will be really hurt if she is left out. If there are two sponsors, one must be Catholic. If a person is involved in a same sex marriage, can he/she be a Godparent? If not, my sister-in-law's husband can be a godparent, but that leaves my sister out. i know when my nieces were baptized in the Lutheran church, both me and my sister's sister-in-law were allowed to be godparents. A. In consideration of Canon Law # 872 mentioned above, the requirement of the How many Godparents can there be during the Sacrament of Baptism? There can only be a godmother and godfather. Can the person to be baptized have two Godparents and two Sponsors? Canon Law # 872 states: "Insofar as possible, a person to be baptized is to be given a sponsor who A. If you want two females to be the child's godparents, be sure to talk to the priest about this first. No! [Canon Law # 873] No one can have more than two Godparents, Now, unofficially, I have heard that some Latinos have two "official" godparents but have several "non official" ones. Then, when you have a second child, ask your husband's sister and husband to be godparents. No! It’s important to realize that sponsors are people striving for holiness in their own lives. The Church likes you to have a couple, or a man and a woman to teach the child about the faith from each perspective and to teach the child about each sex's role in the church. You may attend a class at another Catholic parish (please provide a certificate of completion with the baptism name and date of baptism, clearly printed). Hi all,Was wondering if you are allowed to have 2 godparents that are female for your child or does it need to be 1 male, ... Home > Community > Birth Month > May 2019 Babies > Catholic Church- 2 godparents. must be made clear which Godparent is for which twin. My brother has two of each. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. You know, the rule is one male and one female, but many years ago, my mother was one of two godmothers to my cousin. The Church likes you to have a couple, or a man and a woman to teach the child about the faith from each perspective and to teach the child about each sex's role in the church. The Catholic institution of godparenthood survived the Reformation largely unchanged. ? Finally they must be willing to submit all the completed paperwork, prior to the ceremony. A sponsor Ask your priest. Since then, I have spoken to my parish’s priest who says that this is not allowed. Because the Godparents have to sign as What if God speaks through some people, like women? Building the Family of God Being a godparent is an important duty in the Catholic Church. Join this group For full access & updates! at least one godparent in each set(if you are having say, 2 couples as godparents) must be catholic and you can have as many as you like. was Jesus God, or was Jesus the son of God? The Sanctifying Role of the Church (Code of Canon Law, c. 842, 849; Catechism of the Catholic Church 1213, 1263, 1265, 1267-1270) I have a feeling that even if it's OK with the Church, some priests won't go for it. also helps the baptized person to lead a Christian life in keeping with baptism and to fulfill faithfully the Can there be just two witnesses? “The Catholic Church does not require you to have a halo. Here the Code of Canon Law wants to eliminate the practice of having numerous sponsors, as has occurred in some cultures (No. Last week, my friend hosted a dinner and invited the witnesses, the priest, and the 2 female godparents. A. 1. As long as the Godparents are Catholics in Good Standing. They must be firm Catholic believers, able and ready to help the newly … application of the Catholic Church Canon Laws. This is where things get slightly discretionary and some priests and parishes differ. 1. Bishops and priests do not have the authority to change the You can have one be the godparent and one a witness, I think. Hi, I have been invited to witness my friend’s son’s upcoming March baptism. If you have two Godparents, then one must be male and the other female. Q. If not, my sister-in-law's husband can be a godparent, but that leaves my sister out. I'm Catholic and my husband's not, so when my sister's daughter was baptized, I stood up as the recognized-by-the-Church Godmother, and no one stood for Godfather. Like the previous poster wrote they just need to have one main one on record. The priest said that most parishes do not allow this, but his does. These are the official witnesses that the child was baptized. They can also … Need to ask your priest. Yes, you can have two female Godparents. my nieces know if they have a spiritual question, Aunt Kim is the one to come to and though i was named 'godparent' i would have done these spiritual things for them anyway. so if i pray to jesus and ask him to forgive my sins on my deathbed does that mean i can sin all the way until deathbed and go to heaven? you could always do something special for the one not chosen and explain that you wanted them to be a godparent. Why? Yes and No! I think my sister will be really hurt if she is left out. Therefore, Catholics can only have one godfather, one godmother, or one of each. 180K Members 54.4K Discussions. And did it ‘take effect’? Still have questions? Canon law provides that one godparent is sufficient but that there may be two, so long as there is one of each sex (can… Answer: No. < I do know! Husband is considered her godfather, one of each to eliminate the practice having! 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